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Everything posted by HahnSolo

  1. Thats... actually true. Huh. I figured they would want the exact ones. Regardless, jigglypuff doesn't have a repeatable event, so ill still need one of those
  2. Hi! I'm trying to complete the quest from the Grand Hall, but I must've released, traded, or simply lost Loundred, Jigglypuff, and Vanillite at some point since getting them from the 7th street quest. If anyone has an older save (or simply doesn't want to complete the quest) id really appreciate the help. I can breed any of the mon's listed below to trade in exchange. Thanks!
  3. After beating E17 gyms, an npc can be found to the bottom right of the Grand Hall whos quest gets you a mega ring. Z-ring isn't in E17 to my knowledge
  4. Found it. I guess it replaces the Oshawott event. Thanks! That would've been the last place I wouldve looked. Thanks!
  5. You can cheese Titania like you wouldn't believe. 1. Buy 99 revives with your infinite cash from E16 grand hall grinding 2. One shot her A-sandslash with any fighting move, since its immune to hail 3. Use splash for 3 turns while she sets up on you 4. Revive a mon every turn while she attempts to sweep you while her mons take hail damage 5. ??? 6. Profit
  6. My ampharos with power gem is way back in the PC... FeelsBadMan
  7. You spoke too soon then. Check the obtainable list
  8. Phione is objectively the worst legendary stat-wise (Maybe with the exception of cosmog), but it is certainly still viable. The list is also not completed yet for E17, and in the vanilla games Phione can only be acquired from breeding a Manaphy, meaning Manaphy could be obtainable soon. This theory gets further re-enforced since it is acquirable through a repeatable event, meaning it won't be an egg given by an npc or some such. Phione or Manaphy could not even be the legendary Ame talks about either, since we are nearing the end-game with some brutal upcoming gyms. What do you guys think?
  9. An eeveelution could do your team some good and meet your requirements. Leafeon and Umbreon are both decent physical attackers with a lot of physical and/or special bulk potential, depending on how you spread the EVs and natures. I'm personally bias with Umbreon because Foul Play allows for more flexibility with the EVs, but if you need a grass time (which should help in the upcoming desert region), than Leafeon is a good alternative.
  10. Re-giving Sceptile gems each battle seems tedious. Its already second fastest on my team with 270 speed. Ill keep it in mind though. Thx! I already have a Scrafty in another one of my boxes. I didn't add it to the list though because of its awful Ivs and super low level. Getting one to that specification would take an exorbitant amount of work. If i hit a wall in one of the upcoming gyms ill probably consider breeding and training one. Thx +2
  11. Ironically I had both of those on my team up to like E13-14ish. Unfortunately, they both suffered from not enough bulk and not enough speed. Donphan had full defense ev's but still gets obliterated from any special water, ice, grass, etc moves which every other mon has. If i ever hard switch into it, even with sturdy i'd be lucky to get off 1 move before its toast. Machamp can learn bullet punch, but only from breeding, and it didn't seem worth the effort to fully level and ev train another Machamp for that small of a change. Thx! That's actually a really solid idea. I hadn't considered that. I could move the leftovers onto Sceptile and experiment around with alternative move-sets for it. Thanks! Maybe. Before I put together this team the game was always brutally difficult for me. E16 was a breeze compared to almost everything up to that point. Could try to relive some of that fun changing things up a bit. I appreciate the suggestion!
  12. I started this play-through back in 2013. Rock and dragon were the only leaders i remember were left. I guess I could always change to heat wave if the need arose. I don't think we'll get Reborn City access cut off again (Hopefully).
  13. I guess it really comes down to whether or not there are some difficult double battles coming up. I'm not versed in the Lore or up to date on the rumor mill. What do you think the chances of the rock or dragon leaders having doubles?
  14. I considered that, but isn't Heat Wave like 80 accuracy tho? 80% accuracy always feels like 30% to me. Plus Fiery Dance has a chance for a special attack boost.
  15. Edit: As of now, (and probably until E17) this is my current team. If you're interested, changes are as follows: -Crowbat switched out with a higher IV variant. Slightly less HP with a 20 point boost to both Atk and Spd. Everything else is the same -Wide lens given to Volcarona and Fiery Dance switched with Heat Wave -Scope lens given to Sceptile with acrobatics switched to night slash for extra coverage and increased crit chance. -Ground plate switched to some Leftovers on Excadrill -Kingdra switched with Milotic. Stats are as follows: Ability/Nature: Marvel Scale; Modest Item: Leftovers Evs: 252 HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 6 Sp Def Moves: Surf, Dragon Pulse, Toxic, Recover Kingdra's speed was decent but not enough to out-speed everything. It would usually take 2 turns to set up a focus energy to get it to full potential and it would be dead or close to it by then. Milotic seemed like a good, much bulkier substitute with only a slight speed drop. Thanks again to everyone for the useful suggestions! If you have anymore don't hesitate to post them! Original: With the E17 progress bar edging closer to completion, I thought i'd do some team optimizing. I'm not much for competitive battling, which some of reborn's 'bosses' seem to be optimized for, so I thought I could get some feedback from the community for some potential changes. Crobat (Crowbar) Ability/Nature: Infiltrator; Naive Item: N/A Evs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp Moves: Acrobatics, Fly, Toxic, Cross Poison Umbreon (Bast) Ability/Nature: Synchronize; Careful Item: Leftovers Evs: 252 HP, 252 Sp Def, 6 Def Moves: Foul Play, Quick Attack, Toxic, Moonlight Kingdra (Seabiscuit) Ability/Nature: Sniper; Mild Item: Scope lens Evs: 252 Sp Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp Moves: Surf, Agility, Dragon Pulse, Focus Energy Excadrill (6.02x10^23) Ability/Nature: Mold Breaker; Adamant Item: Ground Plate Evs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Def Moves: Swords Dance, Strength, Iron Head, Earthquake Volcarona (Uber) Ability/Nature: Swarm; Modest Item: Leftovers Evs: 252 Sp Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Sp Def Moves: Fiery Dance, Bug Buzz, Quiver Dance, Morning Sun Sceptile (Gluten) Ability/Nature: Overgrow; Adamant Item: N/A Evs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp Moves: Leaf Blade, Acrobatics, Hone Claws, Detect I added a picture of previous team members and what I thought could be potential stand-ins. Any and all suggestions or feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
  16. I never played past the 5th generation of games. How do z-moves work exactly? Do they boost existing moves that require the crystals or do they add moves that can only be used with the crystal? Also mega evolutions are a likely possibility with Ep17 as there are already plenty of npcs that use them and a plethora of mega stones already in game. I didn't know that was a possibility. I'm not very experienced with breeding for moves, but a quick google search tells me breed with Hitmonchan or Pangoro right? Since i have to basically overhaul the Haxorus anyways it might be good to just breed for better ivs and bullet punch. That could be a real game changer for machamp.
  17. I don't think stone edge or rock slide are available as of Ep16 as TMs. That set also doesn't solve the problem of machamp getting KO'd before he can get off a retaliation attack. I could max out sp. def but that would only make the already trash speed even worse.
  18. I was looking to do some team optimizing before the new episode. I was thinking of switching out Machamp, as he lacks speed, any priority moves, and simply isn't bulky enough to really tank any serious hits even with the assault vest. Haxorus seemed to be a good alternative, since it has greater speed and attack. With the fairy gym out of the way, it seems like having a dragon would only benefit my team. What do you guys think? The photos included are for reference to their iv's. Ill optimize the natures and evs if I were to train Haxorus.
  19. What were the shiny mons you mentioned you had?
  20. Still looking for that male Poliwag?
  21. Looking for Flygon or any of its evolution line. Everything in my box 11 is open to trade. About half are fully EV trained at lvls 70-80. Their IV's vary. None are shiny, unfortunately. I've gotten what I was looking for, but if anything interests you, please don't hesitate to offer. Thanks!
  22. I wonder traded off my Munna for a Goomy to some MVP. I was psyched because I had chosen to build the railnet instead of the slums.
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