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Sylvan Nephilim

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sylvan Nephilim

  1. Wow. I just got the weirdest feeling of jamais vu.

  2. Google search "Doublade" first result is Aegislash. Thanks, Google.

  3. I can make my eyelids tired by blinking fast.

    1. Bluewolf


      I can fit into a small locker. :D

  4. This is the thread where you fight me. I send out my first Pokémon, Honedge.
  5. If you don't want to reset for Huge Power, you can use the Daycare Center to breed new Marills.
  6. Can't remember what an octagon is? This should help:

    1. Wendel


      Octa is Greek for... 8? If I'm right it has 8 edges like a square has 4

    2. Tenshine


      It's actually a dragon made out of octopi

    3. Shamitako


      Octagon is the seven eyed dragon, right?

  7. Jordan Stole The Precious Slam

  8. April Fools? More like "Don't Go On The Internet Day".
  9. The average human has less than two legs. Are you an abnormal human?

  10. What? Your CHIMECHO is evolving! Congratulations! Your CHIMECHO evoled into CHIMECHA!

    1. Maelstrom


      The hell is that?

    2. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      It's a Chimecho Mecha.

    3. Vinny


      Chi - Mecha... dang it...

  11. Amoongus show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey, but very few Pokémon are fooled by this. Does this mean that Amoongus real prey is humans?

    1. Vinny


      Well... i don't see why pokemons would be attracted by a pokeball (Cuz it's shiny, maybe?)... So... yeah, i think it is .-.

    2. Arkhi


      Foongus's entries read that "it releases poison spores". That's a scary thought for humans

  12. Drapion: Not a Bug-type.™

    1. Tenshine


      Screws me up so bad. ..

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      > Aaron of the E4

      > Bug type user

      > Strongest poke Poison/Dark

      Exactly what I think right now.

  13. Ladies, gentlemen and unaffiliated: let me present to you... Mega Ditto.

  14. Actually, Growlithe. Growlithe is a friendly and loyal Pokémon that will fearlessly defend its Trainer and territory from harm, even against larger, stronger enemies.
  15. Here's one Pokemon you forgot existed: Igglybuff.

    1. Shamitako


      I would never forget my cute little ball of fluffy love! <3

    2. Neo


      Nope, one of my favorite.

  16. What about a Pokemon game where any Pokemon that reaches -100% health dies?

    1. Maelstrom


      True death to wild bidoofs!

    2. Maelstrom


      But I feel bad about that overkill against sturdy geodudes and shit.

    3. Sutoratosu


      That would actually... add a lot to the game's difficulty. Why not make it faint instead of dies, then if it faints a certain number of times, then it dies. I wonder... Would ame consider doing this in reborn ._., no, no, that's just to terrible a thought.

  17. Volcarona's learnset is absolutely idiotic. It learns 14 moves at level 1.

    1. Chevaleresse


      But unless you tutor/relearner it, the one you get at level 35 gets nothing until like level 60.

  18. What do you mean there's no move named Afro Smash?

  19. Wrrrooooooaaaar! Peeko!

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      The only Pokémon with a nickname that affected the storyline in a real Pokémon game.

  20. This is an interesting opinion, but it probably isn't correct. Having a little bit of everything doesn't make you broken. It makes you a jack of all trades. And jack of all trades are always the least desired archetype of character in RPGs because while they have a little bit of everything, they do everything worse than their specialized counterparts. Irelia can heal, but not enough to stop someone from killing her. Irelia can stun, but only if she's about to die. Irelia can dash, but it makes her surrounded by enemies with no escape. Irelia can deal true damage, but not enough to wear down a tank. The only thing truly amazing about her is the tenacity that lets her shrug off any CC like a honey badger, but it follows Riot's design philosophy where kits give you more defense if you charge into more enemies. Rengar's Battle Cry and Wukong's Stoneskin, for example. That's a really obvious thing to say. A Lee Sin or Irelia that isn't fed or farmed is garbage too. Being "full tank" needs a LOT of gold.
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