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Sylvan Nephilim

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Everything posted by Sylvan Nephilim

  1. Your fantasies can't ever be quenched, can they? When will you fricken fricks ever learn that your actions have consequences?

  2. Elizabeth is the female lead in Bioshock, but she isn't a protagonist. Booker is the protagonist. Booker has the super power of shooting people with guns though, which is pretty great. Jedi Exile is the best. Because she can cast Terrify + Master Speed + Master Flurry to hit you 6 times in one round with 2 lightsabers while you whimper in fear. Also the entire Star Wars universe tried to assassinate her over the course of a game and failed. Shes as tenacious as a wolverine. Also the persuade skill is broken. If she ever gets you in a conversation she can basically make you agree to anything.
  3. Why is this track not used in a Pokemon fan game?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jan


      Err I think it came out in Europe, too... but still..

    3. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      free keyboard, lol. ...I just want it to be in a Pokemon fan game so that shofu can react to it, really.

    4. VoxelHeart
  4. Pokemon Insurgence's Mega Eevee Eevee can't evolve knowing those moves, so you still can't get Jolteon with Hydro Pump.
  5. Yeah I saw an idea on the forums that maybe Veigars stun should originate at Veigar and slowly expand outwards.
  6. Panda Annie mid versus Sweetheart Annie top She was actually a sweetheart in all chat, though she broke Aatrox's heart. You know those games where you should have won judging from the dragon and baron count, but you just didn't? The games that go on for 50 minutes because for some reason your team can't pull it together? This is one of them.
  7. "They fight for their friends without any thought about danger to themselves. One can carry a car while flying." Braviary fights for its friends.

    1. Sutoratosu
    2. Shanco


      You'll get no sympathy from braviary.

    3. AeroWraith


      Murica, FUCK YEAH

  8. A mudkip named Kipper that I played with on my Nintendo DS back in 2005. :]
  9. AD carries + Yorick and Olaf vs Supports and Eve and TF in Nemesis Mode We can't take any of them out before their thornmails kill us. Yorick and Kalista afk, Olaf takes out 3 inhibs while the supports try to push. Then Winions that they can't clear destroy their nexus. Kalista and Yorick won't be getting the Nemesis draft icon now. :[
  10. Music for Space Jam fans: Quad City DJ's - Space Jam

  11. Is it possible to do a no-healing run in Pokemon? No using Pokemon Centers or items, and no blacking out. The spirit of this run would be impossible in OR/AS though, considering how often people say "Let me heal your Pokemon!"

    1. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      just catch 50 million mons and treat fainting nuzlocke style to win, and if an NPC heals you treat it like a second chance

    2. Arkhi


      How about unlimited Max Elixrs, but no healing items?

    3. Maelstrom


      You might be a masochist if...

  12. The goal is to get Ledian into Anything Goes. Anything less is unacceptable.
  13. Mega Umbreon can't curse up though. Gotta do it before you mega evolve.
  14. How I would do Mega Ledian Ledian has 4 arms and 2 feet. Mega Ledian gets a new ability called Deva's Wrath. Every move Mega Ledian makes hits 6 times. First attack at 100% power. Then at 83.3%, 66.6%, 50%, 33.3% and sixth attack at 16.6% power. So Ledian's attack and special attack are increased 350%. Assuming a modest boost of 20 points to Ledian's attack and special attack, Medga Ledian's attack and special attack effectively changes from base 55 and 75 to base 225 and base 300, respectively.
  15. Oak: Are you a boy or a girl? Adrienn: No.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jan


      Nope, because Japan doesn't acknowledge non-binary, and transgendered people.

    3. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Yeah, maybe give it a good ten years, I'm sure with how times are changing, this won't be a problem by then. Well. I hope anyway.

    4. Zephyrus the Priestess
  16. If time is money, are you wasting your money working?

    1. zimvader42


      Working is time, therefore money.

      That does not mean, however, that you can't waste the money you make by working for a long time.

  17. The scary thing about life is that I'll never know if I'm lucky.

    1. GotWala


      Definitely; In fact, I wish there was some kind of way to measure my luck, haha.

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