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Sylvan Nephilim

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Everything posted by Sylvan Nephilim

  1. What time is it? Time to TEXTURE PAINT! :-D

  2. test status please ignore

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako


      Ignore, got it, it's like you don't even exist

    3. anethia


      not ignoring

    4. HolyKnight


      sorry can´t do.

  3. RWBY is a very good anime, here's the trailer for their new character Coal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-SBZ86wwxQ
  4. Shulk stole Reyn's quote in the trailer. "Now it's Shulk time." Who do you think you are, Shulk?
  5. Stength dealing extra Rock damage and Cut dealing extra Grass damage,is this inspired by SacredGold?

    1. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      Speaking of terrain effects, there should be a Misty Field made by the move Mist that can be transformed to Corrosive Mist field.

    2. Amethyst


      I like it. I'll write that down for E14

    3. Maelstrom


      Mist + smog/poison gas/toxic

  6. So a combination of 375 cs and 4 minutes 15 seconds of poisoned enemy champions will give Cassio 30% increased AP, 30% CDR and healing on her E permanantly. Not bad.
  7. How fast do her passive stacks expire?
  8. They might give Dominion a VU like they gave 3v3 a VU. They changed the setting of 3v3 to the Shadow Isles, an area they were expanding the lore of. Now they're giving Shurima's lore a lot of attention: Nasus VU, Sivir VU, changing Cassio's lore, adding Shurima items to the game, making Azir, making the Ascension game mode so a Dominion Shurima VU might be coming.
  9. Azir Jungle clear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpBV_dmZrB0 With the way his Sand Soldiers work, AD and Hybrid pen are completely worthless on Azir. Red Buff also isn't applied by Azir unless he has no Sand Soldiers nearby. Also because his soldiers don't apply on-hits, Nashor is only good for the stats.
  10. Dominion VU coming? It's going to look like Shurima?
  11. He's an emperor that reconstructs allied towers and takes over enemy towers. He raises sand soldiers to fight for him instead of fighting himself. He looks like the Age of Mythology Son of Osiris Pharoah unit. Just his theme is awesome. And it looks like he has a Zed-level skillcap.
  12. Wow, now this is a tactician. Swain, you're demoted. He's weird though. He's a mage that looks like a bruiser. None of his skills are magey. His passive that gives him Attack Speed for CDR means we'll be seeing a lot of Nashor's Tooth on him.
  13. I'm magically illiterate. I can't spell.

  14. That feeling when you go to sleep at 9PM and wake up at 1AM after only sleeping 5 hours the night before.
  15. Where is "the feels"? Because a lot of people seem to be getting hit there.

    1. Shamitako


      In the words of Link InPark: "Ow, my --groin-- feels!"

  16. I am now a male Dalish Elf Grey Warden who likes to stab people with two Longswords at once and doesn't know shit about sneaking around.
  17. Are we Pokemon Masters yet?

    1. Shamitako


      No, none of us are stupid enough

    2. Kaiser the great

      Kaiser the great

      Or are we dancers?

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