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About bretrecra

  • Birthday 10/02/1993

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  1. Hey man, I beat it with a level 50 Kricktune with destiny bond and a quick claw. Took like 7 resets (and a lot of dialogue lol) but I finally beat the Arceus. Also the exp. you gain is minimal at the level your Pokemon are at. I only gained about 2700 on my Charizard, and that was the total seeing as how my Kricketune, and Gallade fainted the two turns before. It sucks leveling up a Kricketune but it's a for sure way to beat it. I honestly don't know why you're getting so much crap and being told that you suck at Pokemon games. I think I'm a good trainer but I was NOT prepared for that threat. Had my face like http://www.troll.me/images/internet-grandma-surprise/internet-grandma-surprise.jpg
  2. Yeah I did catch that...I wonder who she is..Ah well probably gonna have to wait until the next episode to find out. Oh. And what really spooked me and had my eyes like O.O, was just the fact that...this guy...has been trapped...for about ten years. Ten years. And this thing/girl/Celebi is just like "hehe that was fun, let's play again sometime soon, ok?" Like woah there random creepy text, that was someone's life you just time warped.
  3. Anyone have any ideas/thoughts on who that was? Freaked me the F out...
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