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Lynxiechan last won the day on June 16 2014

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About Lynxiechan

  • Birthday 04/28/1998

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  • Alias
    Manly Glameow/Pixel
  • Gender
  • Location
    Um, In bath. Somewhere. (: Well its rather obvs where I am, You can see it for miles :I
  • Interests
    Cats, Serperiors, Sylveons, Cats, Fire, Cats, Books, Guys(uh, duh), Cats, Cats, Dragalges.
    Did I also mention cats?

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    Roonmeisterz (I'll accept if I know you)

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  1. By technicality it just means original. A lot of the fan games so far are based loosely or entirely on the reborn story line/has elements of it.
  2. English Freakin' Coursework.

  3. Oh god please no, that would make it virtually impossible to defeat; off topic but, never ever say 'hopefully' in front of anyone who makes a RPGMXP game; look what happened everytime someone said hopefully in front of ame. ;-;
  4. you know, once you actually get used to running all the way, you kind of just end up doing it as a force of habit. That's probably why Ame took so long to open the gates regardless. lel
  5. Lynxiechan


    I had a regular pokeball, I stack like 50 of those at a time anyway. I didn't get it.
  6. Calm down. Like TimTim said, the event isn't finished (Because Ame relishes in not giving us OP pokemanz, look how long it took for us to get mienshao and weavile), so we don't get it for a while at least. Dunno if it's coming up in ep 16, but I don't particularly care since I got my magi from my ep 9 file, and then never used it, which is ironic.
  7. keep in mind the trainer you battle changes by day. I'd tell you the old rota from like ep 11/12, but I've no idea whether or not Ame has changed it, as I didn't bother using the trainers before/after shade again anyway.
  8. nah you can get quite a few in a short amount of time. It only took me 3 soft resets to get shiny rotom, for example, so ye. (I myself have like... 20? maybe a little less but yeah)
  9. I should probably just name myself manly glameow. That'd be more noticable than in my info box.

    1. zimvader42


      Glameow is manly as fuck already (I mean, dat beast it evolves into tho).

    2. TimTim


      Purrloin fan says nothing~

    3. Lynxiechan
  10. Help, history, y u do dis help me pls y y y y y y y y y y y y y - continues on a tangent -

  11. Well, I'm sure the people who are veterans/familiars will probably know who I am, but to the newbies: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. The name's lynxiechan ( my irl nickname is Cam, I don't mind if people call me that tbh), I've been here for two years (too long), and yee, I had this huge hiatus where I didn't have a computer that was working properly and then mine broke and then work caught up, I only just got back into it like, a week or two ago? so this might be a bit late, but hey, I'm always fashionably late~ SOOOO YE HI, you may know me as lynxie, cam, or, as omega raider puts it, the one who showcases all his teams in his siggy. C:
  12. If you want to take an alternate route, you could find even slower pokes than what radomus has and abuse his trick room initially. I did that with a dusclops and a cofagrigus lel ._. For suggestions: if you want to take the risk, you COULD use shuckle. Be HYPER aware of the chess field though. Shuckle's bug typing aint gonna do favours for you here. I second the Malamar suggestion; contrary is a very good ability to have (for me, I swept his team with krookodile (moxie) and Serperior (contrary) physical/special sweep duo lel), plus malamar's dark typing means you aint ever getting hit by psychic like ever. I think one of his pokes does have a bug type move though, I might be wrong on that part. Drapion is also a VERY good pokemon, alongside skunktank, because of the fact it blocks psychic and resists fairy type moves, meaning you wall basically half the team with it. It's decent attack plus Hone Claws and C.Poison/Knock Off combo means you'd deal a super hard punch. Keep in mind though that Drapion DOES have relatively mediocre Sp.Def so you'd have a hard time if anyone used something like ancientpower (x1.5 on Radomus' field, if you haven't fought him already). Plus in trick room Drapion is like a brick. It sits there and gets worn out. From the pokemon you have on hand, Scraggy, Yanma, Shellos and Pancham are decent, the first and latter pokes good even in trick room (Yanma/mega is USELESS in trick room, ESPECIALLY against Psychic/Ancientpower). Keep in mind though that although the fighting/dark types are decent tanks, they will fall prey to Gardevoir's moonblast completely (unless you want to use a focus sash - I really wouldnt tbh). Shellos as a Gastrodon has decent HP and decent-ish defenses (Physical defense is quite mediocre). Thus it could sponge SOME attacks, plus it's ground typing would do well against rock type attacks, which I can tell you now are quite prevalent on this field. It's slow speed would also be a bonus if Trick room is used on the field. Get ahold of Body Slam and Recover; I used it once and found that the two as a combo tends to be pretty decent in playing games with a team (dat paralyze doe). A top tip:
  13. Lynxiechan


    On the pretense that you're like me and you've decided that the guide doesn't update as fast as Ame trolls (2 years of observing has made me too aware of her trolling antics now ;-; ) or you're just lazy, yes, you can get ralts. but it requires a long winded event and I'm too adrenalin-drained and too busy to type it now, so ye, you're gonna have to check the guide anyway. Oh well~
  14. His Team stays the same. The field however switches from: EDIT: *Snaps Adrienne's neck* I don't care how cute cain thinks xe is, I'll break xyr neck if xe even CONSIDERS doing this. I swear to every lord helix, goomy, dittoceus and arceus above. Yes, I know I blasphemed four times over, but my true calling are my fairy mistresses florges, togekiss, clefable, gardevoir and sylveon pls Off topic... BUUUUT: G.Gardevoir is more interested in Radomus getting with the main character, or did you forget the little interlude with her suggestive words when radomus asked to speak to us alone? lel
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