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Everything posted by Eviora

  1. Fine, kill all my friends! You can't touch me! THROW EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT AT ME! I AM ETERNAL!
  2. @purplecicada Mafia cannot win. Alistair, a member of the mafia, can, together with Jace, with your help. The entirety of the town could also win with your help.
  3. Hahaha! Well, that's despairful. Sorry, teammates; guess you're toast. But Evi will endure and witness this depravity until it reaches its inevitable conclusion!
  4. It's fine if I lose, but Evi! Survives! Of course, the fact that you saw the need to make an announcement is proof that you overlooked this possibility. Otherwise, Jace would be able to read his existing role description and figure out he had nothing to fear. I'll consider forcing you to amend the rules to be a victory of its own~
  5. @Jace Stormkirk By the way, Jace, here's food for thought. I don't know your exact win condition, but if it strictly requires *only* you and Alistair to be alive, you can't win via it because I am immortal. Who knows what would happen if it were just the three of us left at the end, all unable to kill each other without losing? Siding with town is really your safest bet.
  6. Upon further thought, this is more complicated than I realized. Two players have key choices to make. For this post, I will assume Jace is town and purple is C'thulhu. If I'm wrong about that, town will unite against Alistair and experience a straightforward victory. @Jace Stormkirk If you're town, congratulations. You win the game. The question is who you win with: town or Alistair. If you vote with town, we will enjoy a straightforward victory. But I have a feeling you're considering going for that epic victory where just you and Alistair remain standing. If you do that, the outcome of this game rests with... @purplecicada By process of elimination, if Jace is not C'thulhu, you are. In that case, my condolences, but you lose the game. You can vote with us to lynch Alistair and you will lose but live. Or, you can vote with Alistair (and Jace, if he chooses betrayal) and kill one of the townies. If that happens, then at night Alistair will kill the other townie, then the next day he and Jace will lynch you. You lose and die. So the choice you now must make is town vs Alistair. Life vs death. Do recall that Alistair is the one who exposed you. If it weren't for him, you might have won. Time to take revenge~ Live on with us and continue your slow maddening of the world! (Reminder: I am excluded from all analyses because I can't vote. There are effectively 5 players left.)
  7. That went oddly well. The path forward seems clear. Sorry, love. [The third eye falls upon] Alistair
  8. You guys can nominate me if you want, but if I win, I might decline. Or I may roll with it but troll you if you ask questions I don't wanna answer. Depends on my mood.
  9. @Lord Drakyle ...Oh. I was wondering why there were so few people speaking in gibberish.... Well, in that case, we don't even have to worry about C'thulhu. Geez, I'm such a noob at this game.
  10. Er, the second last line of my previous post should read " I'll put my faith in Jace and in my hunch that Alistair was previously trying to trick us into thinking Venus was town." xD
  11. Time for some counting, then... Right now, I assume we have 3-4 town who can vote, 1-2 town who can't vote, 1 C'thulhu, 1-2 mafia who can vote, and 0-1 mafia who can't vote. I'll take Alistair's word that there aren't 3 mafia left, 'cause if there are, we're pretty screwed. So, here are our options: 1. Lynch Alistair today. As far as I'm concerned, Alistair is now guaranteed mafia. The only other option is he could be C'thulhu, but if that's the case, I feel like he just has too many abilities. In fact, I already think he's claiming too many. Two private chats and lawyer? That seems like a lot. There a chance Jace is actually Alistair's mafia ally. If that's the situation, things actually become a bit easier for us, even though they may not be bonded by love. So, for now, let's assume Jace is telling the truth. If we lynch Alistair and Jace also dies, there will be 2-3 town who can vote, 1-2 town who can't vote, 1 C'thulhu, 0-1 mafia who can vote, and 0-1 mafia who can vote. Then, if the mafia kills a townie and C'thulhu disables another townie, we'd have 0-1 town who can vote... which means we pretty much lose. Of course, there's a chance C'thulhu and the mafia will choose the same target, or one of them will fail. It's in C'thulhu's interest to not let town lose tonight because, if we do, they'll be killed by mafia. The exception is if Jace is C'thulhu and has an alternate win condition with Alistair. 2. Lynch purple today. If we do that, we're 100% trusting Alistair, which doesn't sit well with me. If purple is town and mafia murders another town at night, we'll have 0-1 town who can vote... again, a loss. 3. Lynch Venus today. Once again, this requires us to put our trust in Alistair. If we lynch Venus and he's town, we're pretty screwed. If we lynch him and he's mafia, then the mafia kills a town and C'thulhu disables another, we'll be left with 2 town who can vote, 2 town who can't vote, 1 C'thulhu, and 1 mafia who can vote. This is pretty dicey. At that point, we could lynch the second mafia, but if C'thulhu cults one of us, they'll win. We could lynch C'thulhu, and the mafia would probably kill another town voter... but killing C'thulhu would release some townies from their disability and we would win. Option 3 seems best to me, after some consideration. I'll put my faith in Jace and in my hunch that Alistair was previously trying to trick us into thinking Venus was mafia. [The third eye falls upon] Venus
  12. @Mafioso Divergent Actually, Dive, I'd like to ask a few more questions. 1. If C'thulhu is left with 2 or more townies none of whom can vote does C'thulhu lose? If we just follow your last post, the answer is yes. 2. Are you confirming the existence of C'thulhu in this game?
  13. @Mafioso Divergent Please answer Roswell's question ASAP; it is extremely important to the outcome of this game. Everyone, I request that you not take everything Alistair said at face value. It would only take one wrong move on our part for the mafia to win. For example, if purple isn't C'thulhu and we kill her, and the mafia gets a kill off at night, we'll basically lose on the spot. (Actually, even if purple *is* C'thulhu we lose if we lynch her today...)
  14. Don’t assume Ali is telling the truth yet. This all seems too convenient. The only other mafia member is the person who can’t deny it? I have lots of thoughts to share when I can. @Mafioso Divergent If there is a c’thulhu this game, please tell us anything you’re willing to about it, particularly whether it can outlive the cult and its win conditions. @purplecicada If you wish to deny being c’thulhu, now is the time.
  15. Oh, um, well..... that's a lot to take in. xD I have to go for a while, so I'll leave it to the others to discuss how to best proceed.
  16. @Alistair Soso had information that said at least one player on a list of them wasn't town. You and Roswell are the only survivors of that list, and everyone else was town. Therefore, if you're also town, you know Ros isn't. The fact that you continue not to acknowledge this information strengthens my suspicion that you and Ros are mafia together. You have no reason to overlook him if you're town. He could be the C'thulhu you're so worried about. I see Jace has gone from 100% town down to "i don't suspect him." That's worth noting, too. I want to know more about your role; I don't think you're getting out of this alive without a roleclaim - one that includes the Reborn member name associated with the role.
  17. Oh, um, whoops! It looks like I completely forgot to account for the dead cult members! I guess most of my last post was nonsense, then! ^.^; So, this opens three dead players up for consideration: Bazaro, Nickcrash, and Seal. I feel Bazaro may have been mafia, but can't be sure. Townlean for Nick. If Alistair is to be believed, Seal was town. Do you guys know what C'Thulhu's win condition is? I checked epic mafia and it says they only win with the cult, which kind of just died. Regardless, soso claimed at least one of Roswell or Alistair weren't town, and since soso was town, I believe him. We should lynch one of those two. @Alistair I still suspect you for a number of reasons. Firstly, given what soso said, why isn't your vote for Roswell? If you're town you should know Ros isn't. Secondly, how did you get the info that Jace and Seal are town? You seem to know a lot. Thirdly, why did you assume Venus is town? @Jace Stormkirk Is it true that you're bonded with Alistair?
  18. To repeat Dive, here are our remaining players: 5. Roswell as ??? 7. Venus as ??? 8. Jace Stormkirk as ??? 13. Alistair as ??? 17. Lord Drakyle as ??? 18. Eviora as Candy, the Red Roses' Treestump 19. Quinn -> Amine as ??? 25. Purplecicada as ??? Based on the large number of players in this game, I believe the mafia started with 5 players. 2 are dead, so 3 are left. Neither I nor Venus can currently vote; that means 6 voters are left. If 3 of those are mafia, we practically lost already. Therefore, I am going to assume Venus is mafia. That's the only way we win. Lord Drakyle is confirmed town. Based on the argument between Quinn and Alisae, I am all but certain they were not on the same faction, and Alisae was mafia, so I'm confident Quinn -> Amine is not. I also doubt Quinn was C'thulu, because she bandwagoned against herself to prove Alisae wrong, so I am going to assume Amine is town. That leaves Roswell, Jace, Alistair, and Purplecicada. Soso claimed at least one of Roswell and Alistair were not town. I have been suspicious of Roswell all game, but Alistair's last post, where he suggests Amine might be mafia despite all that has happened, is incredibly suspicious. I'm not fairly convinced Alistair is mafia - and Roswell may be, too. They may be playing us against each other to try to divide our vote. But, so far, Roswell has voted for Alistair. If that vote changes I will view it as tantamount to a confession. Alistair claims Jace is town, but I don't trust Alistair. @Jace Stormkirk I would like to hear your input. @purplecicada We've heard so little from you, you're hard to assess. At this point in the game, the mafia knows practically everything. Convince me that you're town with all the information you have. @Alistair Let's say you're telling the truth. Then you, Jace, Drakyle, and I are all town. That means the other four can't be town; they must be the 3 mafia and C'thulu. However, you counted Venus' vote as a town vote. That's impossible. Congratulations; you're in contradiction! I wonder if you even care to try to talk your way out of this one.
  19. I'm not entirely satisfied with the way this is going. Right now, my suspicion is most strongly on Roswell and Soso, but I have a feeling we still have several twists in store for us. Nevertheless, for now I'll endorse the vote on Soso since he is so reluctant to say anything we can take seriously.
  20. Drakyle is now a confirmed town villager as per the rules of my old mimic ability.
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