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Everything posted by Eviora

  1. Okay, everyone. If we look back at the previous behavior of Venus and Drakyle, we may be able to discern who they were trying to protect and, therefore, who their allies are. I encourage you to look to previous posts.
  2. With Lykos proven innocent and Jace dead, I don't think there's much left to debate. [Eliminate] Venus
  3. My role, which I posted above, in no way benefits from dying. And, for the record, I'm town, though, of course, I would say that regardless of my actual alignment. I mostly voted for Venus to spice up D1 and draw out information. Of course, I never intended on voting for myself, because if most everyone does so, we could quite easily have one player execute whomever they want at the last minute. Of course, I could have waited until the end of D1 to vote, but that would have made me look even more like mafia than voting well in advance does. Frankly speaking, if you townies decide to execute me, I can't say I'll be particularly bothered. I sort of expected that. The game is so new that I'm not yet invested in it. But you will be shooting yourselves in the foot.
  4. In honor of my role, I guess I'll just tell you guys everything I know. My role is Paul25 (Agent). I'm allowed to send a message to the player of any specific role each night with Dive's help. I have no idea how good that role actually is, but I was told Paul is an honest player who gives the town info even when it puts himself in danger, so I guess I'll stay true to that. Now that I've roleclaimed, I wonder if Venus is willing to do the same.
  5. Well, it seems that the tides are turning against me. Should I perish today, I'm trusting you to give me an execution worthy of the Ultimate Antagonist, @Myrmidon Divergent.
  6. You may have forgotten, but I know how to win games as mafia. It's certainly not by participating in little scenes like this. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm merely a townie who'd rather condemn you than herself.
  7. No, as you'll see if you lynch me, that's the behavior of a townie. Let me remind you that it was you who broke the idealistic dream of a 23-way tie by voting for someone other than yourself. All I'm doing is not voting for the one person I know is innocent. It's strange that so many of you aren't willing to do the same, really.
  8. Oh, I voted for you because you were the first to vote for someone other than yourself. In the Star Wars game we played together, you completely trolled your own team, and someone has to die on D1 anyway. That said, if you'd like that person to be me, go right ahead and vote for me. I don't mind. If I do get lynched, though, and you see that I'm just a townie, I wonder what will happen next. I guess there's only one way to find out.
  9. Digital is supposing Lykos pretty heavily. If Lykos ends up being mafia, I'll suspect Digital a lot.
  10. @Venus What's so unusual about it? I have no intention of voting for myself because that would make it easier for someone else to get me lynched at the last moment. And voting for you has already drawn out some information that I didn't have before. The move seems perfectly fine to me.
  11. @Megagun Why does being suspected as mafia pain you? Alignments are distributed at random, so it's not like people are commenting on your character or anything.
  12. That logic is so bad it's almost insulting. Even if you were mafia you could just do nothing on N2 and we'd get the same result. Your suggestion would prove nothing. Forget about my gut... [Eliminate] LykosHand
  13. I'm also increasingly convinced that Lykos is telling the truth. In this game where no roles are revealed upon death, there's really any number of ways things could have occurred, so I'm going to refrain from overthinking and go with my very fallible gut. [Eliminate] Venus
  14. I agree that Evi2 could easily be the leader of a mafia faction, since that's basically what I was in the SW mafia game. Other than that, I don't have much to say yet, since there's little evidence of really anything and too many potential roles to speculate about.
  15. Oh, wait. What I just said about Hooligan makes no sense whatsoever. xD Sorry about that; Evi has been a bit out of sorts these past days. That said, if @Anti_Hero were to reveal the priority chain, which seems to me to be a fundamental part of the game's rules, matters would be far clearer. I stand by my vote on Lykos for the other reasons in my last post.
  16. I am now almost certain Lykos is lying. If they received an antidote, I see no excuse for them not to have told us on D1. Further, it's absolutely clear that neither Dive nor Hooligan were the pharmacist, because Jace, who we have determined to be innocent, was poisoned on N1, prior to Dive's death, and Hooligan was shown to be a townie upon his. Therefore, the only thing that makes sense is to... [Eliminate] LykosHand
  17. From a pure logic standpoint, if both of them are lying then certainly one of them is lying. I'm more interested in whether there might exist a role that could allow both of them to simultaneously believe they're telling the truth.
  18. Venus and Lykos are now contesting each other for the "role" of who received the N0 antidote. It seems to me one of them must be lying; is there some other possibility I'm not seeing?
  19. I suppose that's possible. However, in that case, I wonder what information he had for us. The only think he could have learned from his role at that time was that his N0 target had not been attacked by anyone. I guess we'll have to wait and see if anyone cures Jace...
  20. Paul claimed to have blocked me last night, so in practice, he's saying he's either the ICU or Mafia. Further, Dive could not have been the ICU because two people were blocked on N1, with Dive dead. Therefore, if no one challenges Paul's claim as ICU, I think we can trust that's his role.
  21. @Lord Drakyle To put it simply, I think Paul expected to die and wanted there to be some sort of meaning in his death, so he listed his suspects and tried to get us targeted next. If Paul had died like he expected, though, and it had been revealed that he was mafia, then his list of suspects wouldn't be treated as credible at all. If I'm going to be blunt, I think Paul just chose a few people he'd like to have revenge on and listed them as suspects to be considered after he was killed and revealed as a townie. I don't think there are any clues to be found here.
  22. After some consideration, I have reached the following conclusion. On N0, the Quack doctor poisoned a random target. However, to their surprise, no one claimed to be poisoned on D1. The mafia then inferred the reason that no one claimed they were poisoned - because the poisoned party was themself the pharmacist. In response, the mafia outright killed our silent pharmacist - Snowy - on N1. This theory is consistent with the lack of deaths by poison on N1 and also with the fact that Snowy claimed to have some information but hesitated to share it. The other possibility is that the Quack doctor was blocked on N0, making them either Jace or Alistair. If Paul can be trusted, which I have no reason to doubt yet, since he uncontestedly claimed ICU, then Paul blocked Alistair and Jace was blocked by the mafia. That leaves Alistair as a suspect for Quack Doctor. However, I believe he's unlikely to be our culprit, because, by targeting Jace, he would be eliminating the other person with whom he shares suspicion and therefore endangering himself. That said, @Alistair, what is your stance on the matter?
  23. There's no need to apologize. I asked for protection, and you gave it to me. So, thanks.
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