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Everything posted by Eviora
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Oh, yes, Fali is correct about the N1 kill. I forgot that detail. xD However, he is wrong about something else. I'm not a cultist. There is no cult. Our party works similarly, but only certain people can be recruited, and we can win with town. Do you remember Aldo's babbling about odd and even way back on Day 1? My ability as cook involved odd and even nights. That's why I could be recruited. basically, there are a few people with abilities like that, and we all need to unite before the end of the game then survive. I want you guys to lynch Fali then Amine so that we can all win. Aaaanyway, Fali and Amine are now confirmed mafia. It's up to you guys to choose what to do. -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
I like how the mafia voted together to lynch me before the second of them realized I'd lumped them together as mafia. -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Fali, you said you were gonna protect me, but now you wanna lynch me! If that's how it is, FINE! Time to tell everyone the truth! At the beginning of the game, the members of mafia were me, Fali, Eric, and Amine. I was the cook. On odd nights I had to give someone poisoned food and on even nights I had to give someone food that did nothing. Fali is the doctor. As you guys already know, Eric could switch people's targets. Amine is the parrot. He can only be lynched when all town vote to lynch him. On night one, Eric was going to perform the mafia kill, but the Pirate targeted him and killed him. I know because he mentioned it in chat. He also mentioned that his options were to backpedal and the other two things Fali said he could do in a previous post. I chose to poison Hypurr. I had no special reason for choosing him; I just needed a target. Eric ended up dying to the pirate so the mafia kill failed. On day two, Amine claimed to have killed Eric on a whim. After that, he had to stick with that claim, but it was a lie. On night two, Fali healed Hypurr so the doctor wouldn't appear suspicious. I saw no value in visiting someone and giving them food that did nothing, so I decided to carry out the mafia kill; Amine was under suspicion for his bogus claim. However, before I could do that, I was recruited to a third party, so the kill failed. By the way, you can lynch me if you like, but it will do you little good; I have no special role now. On day three, Newt turned up dead. I have no idea who killed him, but it wasn't the mafia. We were counting on you guys to lynch him as a result of his false claim against Bok. Notice both Fali and I made posts saying the mafia wouldn't kill Newt. We had already agreed to that. On night three, I was roleblocked, but I didn't have a role so it didn't matter. If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask! As for me, I'm gonna vote to lynch Mr. Liarface Falirion! Vote with me, please - when he flips mafia it will be proof that I'm telling the truth~ [Eliminate] Falirion -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
I'm not inclined to let the dice choose for me. Let's discuss all the ways we know killing can happen at night. There's the mafia kill, of course. Newt may have fallen victim to that. Then there's the poisoner, who I don't think has successfully killed anyone yet, although notably no one has claimed to be poisoned this day phase. Amine claimed to have a one time use gun, but I think that was a lie - you see, the flavor text on Eric's death mentioned hi trying to "outrun a gun" - could that be a reference to choosing "backpedal"? I believe Eric was killed by the "pirate", so either Amine is the pirate or there was no truth to what he said. As far as other deaths go, if Newt wasn't killed by the mafia (which I doubt he was for the reasons I mentioned in a previous post) then that means either the pirate can target multiple people (both Lykos and Newt?) or Lykos was lying about being targeted by the pirate, who we didn't know existed (That seems unlikely.) or there's yet another killing role out there and Newt was killed by someone else entirely. Either way, that leaves a lot of unknowns, and I would like to clear some of those up, so until he provides an explanation that satisfies me... [Eliminate] Amine -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
So the "Pirate" role can target two people to play rock paper scissors with on the same night? Lykos said he was targeted, but Newt was killed. That could have been done by the mutineers, of course, but it would be a rather silly move because Newt was a likely lynch target as a result of offering his false claim against Bok. -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
One death after another! Things are getting really, reaaalllly scary! But, Lykos, you had to play rock paper scissors? Do pirates decide who lives and dies the same way kids decide who has to be "it" in tag? Heehee! I wonder, anyone, is there a common mafia role that makes people play rock paper scissors? I don't really know that much about mafia archetypes. xD -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Since we need to vote soon... [Eliminate] Bok That's subject to change if he says something to defend himself. -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
How did you discover that? -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Eek, this is so scary! I've never been around a murder before! And Mr. Amine is the culprit? I.... Just remember, my family has money, but you won't get any if I die! -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Aldo's behavior is strange. Unless he really is just trolling, I think it's highly likely he's somehow affiliated with a third party. He seems to be looking for another member. Perhaps there are two third party players who must unite...? Placeholder vote: [abstain] -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
I would be most grateful for your protection, good sir! Though I do hope none of you seek to exploit the presence of a lady of my standing. I've never been taken hostage before, but I am more than prepared for that possibility. Before coming aboard, I made the magnitude and reach of my family's wrath abundantly clear to Captain Aliface. So I do hope no one is foolish enough to behave unbecomingly toward me, whether they be a loyalist or a mutineer. All I seek from this little voyage is a taste of adventure, after all! -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Well, it seems I've chosen an absolutely dreadful time to take a ride on a pirate ship, though I suppose this little killing game will add to the thrill. -
Mafia of the Caribbean [D5 - TP WIN]
Eviora replied to Alistair's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
'Pirate' really doesn't match my aesthetic, but I'll join this little voyage anyway, -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
It's impossible to cult Miyo, but perfectly possible to lie about being Miyo. -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
The host never said Fali was Miyo. I'm not revealing which role I got to protect Rika. -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
I'm not certain whether I had a chance of being culted during the last night phase; I suppose you'd have to ask Amine. I'm assuming all night actions occur at once, but I don't know for sure. I also have no means of proving I'm not cult. I'm not 100% on Fali being Miyo, either - he could be one of the other two cult members aside from Irie and covering for Miyo. But I see no reason at all for Aldo to contradict Fali's claim of Irie (with proof) *unless* he's cult, and Fali is being strangely defensive of him. I wonder if my switch would have bounced if Fali was culted-mafia. It's possible they're both cult and trying to eliminate the last people they need to grasp a decisive victory. Out of all the possibilities, that makes the most sense to me based on everyone's actions. -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
As town, I can't aim at anyone I think might be the cult leader because if they die, mafia pretty much instantly win unless 2+ of them were culted. If there's a chance there are only 4 cult, we can risk lynching Falirion and bank on there being only 4 cult left, but if we do that we have to play perfectly. I'll say this for the last time. If you actually want a chance at your lynch going through, Fali, you need to shift your vote to someone who started as mafia but who you suspect is now cult. That is your only path. -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Oh, someone died and was culted at once, yet were not reported as cult? In that case, cult may have one fewer member. But insanity led others to being culted? ...At this point I'm just confused about the rules of the game. @Falirion The thing about lynching someone who may be cult and may be town is that only mafia has a good reason to do it. Cult obviously wouldn't want to lynch one of their own, and if they all are actually active and place votes, they don't even have to hide their identities at this point; we still wouldn't know which is the leader. If I vote with cult, which I fully intend to do unless you give me a good reason not to, then they're very likely to win. At this point, your best bet is to offer up a confirmed cult member from your own faction then hope you kill the cult leader at night. That's the only way your lynch is likely to go through. ...By the way, if Aldo is culted, does he still count as mafia for the mafia win condition? -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Also said he was Irie and that he would use his Queen Booster on me. At around the same time, I got a Discord message saying Irie used the Queen Booster on me, -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Oh, um... looks like you're right. What Rika and Hanyuu are immune to is insanity, not being culted. I admit, this definitely makes me look like a liar... though actually I just wasn't paying enough attention. xD Anyway, you guys should all just assume I was lying and distrust me, I suppose. The question, then, is what I would gain by falsely claiming Rika couldn't be culted. I'd be amused to hear your theories. =p -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
All of this is a bit confusing to me. Fali, when I asked who you thought was mafia you listed exactly the four people I already expected were mafia. Judging by your last post, you're now implying mimi isn't mafia, but that could be trickery. Regardless, what I'm certain of is that you're mafia, not culted, and not Irie. I can't be sure you're Miyo - my reason for suspecting as much was Aldo's behavior, but since he's Irie he wouldn't know who Miyo is - but that doesn't really matter, because if there are 5 cult like there ought to be and you aren't one you them, you lose immediately if we lynch anyone who isn't cult. And you chose.... Anti? Because you don't like that his behavior is deviating from the norm? That seems a bit reckless. I think there's a much more obvious target - Aldo. You had admitted you were mafia, so I can't think of any reason why he would call you out for lying unless he's culted. I understand that he's one of your members, but if you're looking for a lynch that allows mafia to live and that might actually go through, I think someone who is a known threat to both town and mafia is your best bet. You have no reason to believe me, but I'll let you know that I'm not a member of the cult. As Rika, I couldn't become a member, but perhaps I could have inherited the status by switching. Part of me wonders what would happen if I tried to switch with cult. Does cult status count as part of the role? Would I become cult? Or would "being a cult member" stay with the person? I know Rika can't be culted, but can cult be Rika'd? xD If that happened, would it "cleanse" Rika's cult status, or would we have a culted Rika anyway? I have no idea. Maybe I would be randomized to switch with someone else - which would have made my accusation that you were mafia unfounded. xD Forgive me for rambling. As a townie, I feel pretty screwed either way, and if I'm being honest I'd rather cult win than mafia. I just figured I'd ask for your thoughts. -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Hmmm.... why Anti-loser in particular? -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Your members could be part of the cult. Statistically, it's likely that at least one of them is. Perhaps Jiro's insanity will help us. -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Actually, I now see that the queen booster was, in fact, used on me. Only one queen booster was handed out. Aldo is absolutely Irie and Fali is lying. -
When The Cicadas Cry Mafia [Mafia Wins!]
Eviora replied to Anime's topic in Reborn Mafia Club's General Mafia
Well, that's proof that Fali or Aldo are lying. I'd put my money on Fali being Miyo. Lynch him for me, won't you?