Hullo, Reborn. Several of you may already strongly dislike me. If so, and you clicked this thread anyway for some reason, you may be in for a relief. I have no intention of debating here. In fact, if you try to argue with me about anything I don't feel is especially relevant, I probably won't even respond.
What you'll find instead of a debate is me doing something I always strive to do and so rarely can. (At least, I'll try.) I'm going to completely drop my defensive shields. So be warned: this is a really egocentric thread.
Lying is a habit that became natural to me a long time ago. For those of you who don't know, I'm trans. For a very long time, I've known that something was different about me. In an ideal world, I would try to understand it and be my best self. But this is not an ideal world. I'm something of a coward, and I was terrified of rejection from everyone. I did my research on the internet, and I let hateful people convince me that if I acted on my feelings, it would make me less than human, So, instead, I crushed them. As a child, I suffocated myself to death. Since then, a lot has changed, and I've made steps toward recovering. But they're only partial steps. You don't murder yourself at such a young age and come out of it unscathed. So, now, I am left with this empty feeling that a huge part of my life was all but erased, and that I never will be whole.
But since I've come to accept who I am, I have tried not to tell that sort of lie. And, again, I've failed. Lying, it seems, is a fundamental part of human interaction. The internet, where I live most of my life, makes doing it even easier. So I act strong and calm when I'm scared and on the verge of tears, I'm verbally aggressive, sometimes even cruel, because if I reject you, it lessens the blow I feel when I perceive you rejecting me. People sometimes accuse me of black and white thinking. They're not wrong. That is a symptom of one of the personality disorders my experiences have embedded in me. But it's also more than that. For better or worse, it's part of who I am now. Part of what makes me me. And I won't turn my back on it and condemn it. I've had enough of that for one lifetime.
So... what does Evi want? What is her heart's truest desire? Justice and equal treatment for everyone? No, I don't think so. I stand up for the rights of others because I understand that they may feel similarly to me, and I know that if we all support each other, we're more likely to make the progress that is necessary. But what I really want is way simpler than that. I just want to be treated like a girl, by everyone, all the time. Some transgender people take pride in their struggle, in what they have to go through to be who they are and the strength that fosters within them. More power to them, but I am not one of them. I would like to be treated as just some girl, not specifically a transgender girl. Personally, I would rather not have the fact that I got screwed over in the womb be one of the defining factors of who I am.
But that's how many people would think of me. Consider Caitlyn Jenner. When you think of her, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Perhaps you, personally, are not like other people, but I would wager for most of them the first thought is transgender. Not her athletic achievements. Not her obnoxious reality TV dynasty. In the eyes of the masses, the things she has done are completely overshadowed by the way she was born.
And then we come to recent events. The fact that Donald Trump (and, for me, even worse, Mike Pence) were elected into the White House. Congress, the Supreme Court, everything is now controlled by people with a track record of reducing people to the way they were born. And around half the voters in this country wanted that. The implications, in my eyes, are undeniable. I'm not welcome here. I, as a person, don't matter. People will tell me otherwise, but, again, it's human nature to lie. It's also the nature of most people to want to comfort those who are in pain. But those comforting words are not reflected in reality. Many of the people who assure me that I deserve to be treated as a person voted for me not to be all the same.
In light of all that, my eyes turn back to my greatest obsession. Death. Based on what evidence we have, I believe killing myself a second time - this time in a way that ensures I won't come back - will bring an end to my pain. People will say that there's a chance that isn't the case, and I acknowledge that I could be wrong, but I'm not afraid of taking that gamble. With every passing day, I become more certain that it's the kindest thing I could do for myself. There's a handful of people who would be truly hurt if I did so, of course. But I'm not a good enough person to damn myself to decades of suffering just to protect them. The only reasons I haven't offed myself already are 1. because I don't really want to die, I just think it's better than the alternative and 2. because the halfhearted nature of my resolve has made my previous attempts really weak and unreliable. Yes, I have tried it before, more than once, and I wish I had succeeded. Judge me for that if you want. I'm so used to being judged.
Anyway, I didn't most all this to garner your pity. Many of you may be in situations similar to my own. I guess I just did it so people would understand. Maybe just to help me come to terms with my current situation. I've always found organization helpful.
Now, to especially unkind of you out there, attack me if you must. My flame shields are always at the ready.