Oh, I'm not saying Hillary is any good. I'd sooner vote for a third term Obama if I could. But Hillary really isn't threatening to do much Trump wouldn't do even worse except to keep the status quo on abortion and take assault rifles off the streets. Under Trump, neither ISIS nor global warming would be the greatest threat to the U.S.... because the president would be the greatest threat to the U.S. The man has minimal self restraint. He's running for president and, judging by one of the original subjects of this topic, he can't even take being the butt of a joke. Imagine what he'd do if like Iran refused to settle on a deal he found acceptable, or if Kim Jong-un made one of his usual threats to attack us. To paraphrase (or maybe quote) Robert Downey Jr., "Do you really want to give the nuclear codes to a man whose signature move is firing things?"
The political issues may just be the stem of the plant that trouble me, but you'll never kill that planet if you leave the stem intact, and probably not even if you don't. When I talk about brushing off attacks, I'm not just talking about words. I'm talking about physical attacks, both direct ones and indirect ones that come in the form of denying me fair treatment with regards to getting a job, medical coverage, etc. I've stopped doing things I used to enjoy because I feel I would literally be endangering my life if I didn't. If I must die again, it will be cleanly, and on my own terms. But as long as some of our leaders continue to validate the reasoning people would use against me and that behavior continues to be viewed as acceptable, that hostility will continue to exist, and my reasons for avoiding people will remain good ones. If a politician suggested reinstating racial segregation their career would be over, but if they suggest employing the same policies against LGBT people, plenty of their peers will jump on board. It's the people who vote for them despite their enthusiasm to brush aside the undesirables who enable them to keep acting that way. That's why I won't excuse those votes even on an individual level. They are the energy that flows through the stem and into the plants. (Not that I know how plants actually work...) If your heart tells you to feed the plant, then you can see why we'd have problems. In the short term, you have a choice to make. One 'evil' against the other. But in the long term, you have the opportunity to show your party their disdain for their bigotry. Tell them that you won't accept their unnecessary sacrifices. Force them to change. Or don't. But don't pretend which you choose doesn't say something about you.
By the way, despite the many fears I face in my effort to be myself, I'm far from the worst off among my community. In four days, I'm getting Facial Femization Surgery. It will cost in the neighborhood of $40,000. I'm not a strong person. I've been putting up with people's bullshit for most of my life - most notably, with my own self hatred - and I'm nearing my limit. If I didn't have a supportive family and parents who are decent enough to actually help me, I can guarantee I'd have killed myself a long time ago. Even with their support, the thought is a constant presence in my mind. You may have no sympathy for the suicidal, but regardless of how you feel, this phenomenon extends well beyond me and will continue to do so as long as the current social attitudes are perpetuated. So keep in mind that opposing abortion isn't the only way to be pro-life.