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Everything posted by Eviora

  1. Depression... ugh.

    1. Hect


      Hunger... ugh.

    2. Eviora


      Do you like follow me around trying to be rude or something?

  2. It's so lovely to be reminded of how much fun it can be to write an unusual perspective!

    1. Hect


      I prefer to blow up stuff, but maybe that's just personal preference.

  3. Today I went to the airport. Now I hate everyone. Is this normal?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hect


      At this point, I'm not even sure if that's sarcasm or not. Enlighten me. :P I think I'm pretty real. Would be pretty weird if I wasn't.

    3. Eviora


      Silly! It's sarcasm. I know you're real. Probably. From a logical standpoint, I can't refute the opposite...

    4. Hect


      "Probably"..? :P Now I'm worrying.

  4. I think I've taken too many of these pills.... perhaps I will be sleepy forever.

    1. Cepheus


      Being sleepy forever is bad... I know because I'm always sleepy and tired... sleeping forever on the other hand makes others sad :(

  5. I can't remember the last time I felt so weak...

  6. I just want it to stop...

  7. Another failure... but this was one I can learn from.

    1. Ironbound


      Learning implies living. Good to see you back.

  8. Life is the worst...

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Eviora


      Some people are nice. Others are mean. (Like me!) Neither group can dispel death where it has already coalesced, and even the gentlest hands are too harsh to to protect the tiny spark of life that is left. That's why there must be a shield to protect it from cruel logic and careless people.

      Yes, I'm really emo, and I'll OWN that. =p

    3. 5hift


      Wow to think I actually thought you were depressed and had genuine issues with life that could be addressed.

      Turns out I was wrong, so wrong.

      We're all suckers now.

    4. Eviora


      What? Other than perhaps the "could be addressed" part, you were right. But I like to talk about things figuratively - I've been dealing with all this too long not to think of it that way at times - and people will accuse me of being melodramatic because I do that. Well, I don't care if I get accused of that. Corny though I may be, this is who I am, and I'm not going to apologize for it.

  9. I never knew I had so many hearthstone friends who loved me enough to give me 80 gold!

  10. Is it bad that one of the villains of my book is the character I relate to most?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shamitako


      Nah, genocide is less angsty than murder. It's less personal and is mostly just a plot device to display how evil a villain is

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      There's a villain (kind of?) character I relate to because he's so absent-minded and forgetful that he's done things like trying to eat a sandwich with his ear and literally forgetting how to breathe.

    4. Felicity


      How relatable a character is is dependent purely on representation. You can relate to any character if they're seen to be in a similar situation to you at some point. A lot of people tend to feel misunderstood and so gravitate towards "Villains", especially when the work had post-modern influences that mess with just what makes a villain.

  11. tfw things you usually enjoy doing make you depressed instead

  12. Allll alone again!

    1. Maelstrom


      And whose fault is that?

  13. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think copyrights to these franchises need to last significantly less time to prevent companies like Nintendo from bullying innovation out of existence. Worried about competition? Make something better, then, and stop ruining fun fan game. I don't find "did it for money" a good justification for these things - and, incidentally, Reborn is the only fangame I've ever played.
  14. The whole question is a red herring. If we don't have free will, then the murderer is not at fault for what he does... but the ones who punish him can't help doing that, either. Ironically,disbelief in free will would grant you the perception of ultimate moral freedom. Do whatever you want and it's not really your fault. However, that answer isn't going to be very satisfying to people since they are frequently faced with choices that seem very important to them. And most of us are concerned about what the consequences of our actions will be. Therefore, just to function on a daily basis, we assume that we have free will. The assumption is necessary to give meaning to anything in our lives, and humans desperately seek purpose. So my ultimate answer is that you should just behave as though you have free will, and if you're wrong... well, there was nothing you could do about it. =p
  15. I'd rather be alone than deal with fake friends for one moment longer

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eviora


      They're not misunderstandings. They're refusals to accept that actions have consequences.

    3. Noir


      Regardless, no man is an island. Finding a genuine friend can start and at times be rough seas, but there are people there for you in the end. You just have to dig a bit deeper instead of cursing the darkness when you can light a candle.

    4. Eviora


      Cursing the darkness? You have it backwards! Eternal darkness would be lovely. The thoughtless lights that burn me are what I want rid of.

  16. Even "safe" places aren't *really* safe.

    1. Honchy


      Then they wouldn't be called safe places. They're called places. May

      want to fix that typo

    2. Eviora


      Well, they certainly claim to be safe.

    3. Shamitako


      Of course not, nothing is ever completely safe. A safe space is not somewhere for reality to stop existing, it's somewhere to go to work out how to cope with reality

  17. I'm so sick of everything.

    1. Hect


      You still are..? Perhaps you should stop complaining about it and actually address the issue. That way, people can help you. Or at least try to do it.. if I were to complain about my every problem, I'd probably have to buy my own forum at some point.

    2. Eviora


      Alternatively, I think I'll both complain about it and address the issue. Do you know what my problems are? No, and I wouldn't share with someone who speaks to me that way. So feel free to skip over my statuses and move on with your life.

    3. Hect


      Well, truth to be told, I already offered you that I would listen once.

      And I also didn't mean to offend you or anything. I just tried to imply that there's certainly people that would be more than happy to listen.. I don't know if you actively try to talk to others, but if you don't, you should give it a try.

  18. ...I want to die.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Shamitako


      If you really think you need to die, then die. But don't keep trying to fool yourself into thinking it will actually help anything

    3. Shamitako


      Also stop treating this like a logical debate, you're a human struggling with your emotions overwhelming you, there isn't any logic behind anything you say right now

    4. Eviora


      There's plenty of logic. You're right that I'm not entirely sold on the matter, though. It's mostly a matter of fear of failure; I'm a coward twice over.

  19. Another day of wishing I'd never been born

    1. Hect



    2. Eviora


      All sorts of reasons.

    3. Hect


      I see.. If you need someone to talk, just say the word.

  20. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21085&page=2 My first post on that page contains my response. It looks like I edited it the same day I made the post, so it's possible I temporarily missed you and fixed it later. I feel like we spoke before in some draft topic and didn't particularly get along. I could be thinking of someone else, though. Either way, I'm totally open to having more friends. ^.^
  21. Well, to put it not-so-lightly, I think "drumpf" is human refuse. =) I didn't realize I ignored you in that other topic - and I do remember you calling me a lolicon. =p Sorry if I did! Edit: Wait a minute! I did reply to you in that topic. My answer was that "What I Think Each Member's Avatar's Secret Is" would be your "What I Think" topic.
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