Solace: N-none!?
Hypa: I relate with the characters and themes in Code Geass more and was more emotionally touched by the songs and situations in Code Geass. CG also has like the best ending ever. That said, I also liked Guilty Crown.
1. Things have been so-so lately. Feeling a bit less depressed, though I still get rather down on occasion. Anxious about a lot of things.
2. Well, my parents are still together, though they like to argue, so that's a bit surprising. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. We have three dogs, all of which are cute but annoying. =p
1. That's hard... probably chocolate, though. XD
2. Lugia
3. Mew
4. Ever, in my life? Probably the original Super Mario Bros... I was 4 at the time, so not 100% sure.
5. Okay! ^.^
Lament: Favorite type is probably psychic, though I like dark a lot too. I don't play Pokemon competitively very much, so I suppose my favorite build is sweeper - most of the Pokemon I raise end up as sweepers! XD