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Everything posted by Eviora

  1. I've never even tried it! XD I have caught a few shinies over the years, but the thing about those is you can try over and over and over. I can only attempt to get my zombie horse once per week per character (I have 5 characters able to do it) and it takes 30-40 minutes for me to do an entire attempt. (I need to clear the entire place of bosses.)
  2. I see! I need to find more names I like. =3 The drop rate is 1%. v.v
  3. I haven't even considered a middle name... they don't seem to matter as much. I'll have to start thinking about it! And thanks... I'll need the luck. So far my zombie horse has failed to drop 86 times. v.v
  4. A C-name, huh? I dunno... I don't think many of the name I've used have started with a C. As for my siblings, hopefully they aren't assholes. I don't really think they will be, though I'm sure they'll be weirded out. Also, I see you're the goddess of luck. So bless me with some! I'll be doing a lot of my low drop rate runs in WoW today and tomorrow. =p
  5. The meaning of Sophia is one of the reasons I'm not sure I like it for myself... it feels arrogant or something. And I'm pretty smart, but I don't think I'm very wise, so that makes me self conscious. =p I definitely relate to the concept of having the bulk of your existence devoted to compensating for a single flaw. I've kind of been doing that forever, consciously or not. I get to come out to my siblings in a few weeks, so that will be... fun... I think their minds might be blown because I am pretty good at faking stuff. >.< Also, I relate to a lot of fictional characters in a lot of different ways. For example, my avatar here, C.C. from Code Geass. =p
  6. Blasterman4: Sure! But not mine. I'm sure some of the other people who posted here would be happy to give you their souls. Helia: It's pretty nonexistent.
  7. In my family everyone knows I won't squish the scary bugs. I make my dad do it all the time. =p I wasn't aware that Sophia was so popular. O.o I haven't met that many people named Sophia before. Maybe I should go to your topic for this, but what is Cecilia like and which story/game/whatever is she from? =p
  8. Yeah, I am terrified of most bugs. XD As for names, I haven't decided on one for real life... thinking about Sophia. I have tons of internet names. =p
  9. Oris: 1. That's another name I made up for a character and stole. =p 2. SWEET! 3. Night 4. This one is really hard.... gonna go with summer, though, even though more scary bugs show up. >.<
  10. When I'm in the Arathi Basin battleground in WoW and I'm on my mage, I can rarely resist the temptation of jumping off the cliff overlooking the mine and slowfalling, even when attacking from above doesn't give me even close to enough advantage to make up for the guards posted around the flag. That said, a couple of times I have managed to polymorph the lone guard then ninja the flag after jumping like that. =p
  11. I'm gonna have to go with the cool guy in your avatar, TC. =p
  12. I recently finished watching Toradora!, and I loved it! Can anyone recommend me something similar? =)
  13. Dobby: I... don't dislike you? But we've only ever exchanged a few words before, if even that. XD Kosher: Yeah, it's frustrating, but there isn't much I can do about it. It could be a lot worse, I guess.
  14. Solace: Uhmmm.... none. O.o And, yeah, my parent don't work it through. It's the same nonsense every time. v.v
  15. Solace: N-none!? Hypa: I relate with the characters and themes in Code Geass more and was more emotionally touched by the songs and situations in Code Geass. CG also has like the best ending ever. That said, I also liked Guilty Crown. KosherKitten: 1. Things have been so-so lately. Feeling a bit less depressed, though I still get rather down on occasion. Anxious about a lot of things. 2. Well, my parents are still together, though they like to argue, so that's a bit surprising. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. We have three dogs, all of which are cute but annoying. =p Oris: 1. That's hard... probably chocolate, though. XD 2. Lugia 3. Mew 4. Ever, in my life? Probably the original Super Mario Bros... I was 4 at the time, so not 100% sure. 5. Okay! ^.^ Lament: Favorite type is probably psychic, though I like dark a lot too. I don't play Pokemon competitively very much, so I suppose my favorite build is sweeper - most of the Pokemon I raise end up as sweepers! XD
  16. My forum name is Eviora... it's a name I made of for a character in a story I was building, but I really liked it, so I took it for myself. =p Also, I have a big stuffed Bowser. Koopas, turtles... same thing! =p
  17. ShingSt: 1. It was okay, I guess... I made an intro topic and some people welcomed me. I don't remember it being especially eventful, though. 2. Derp! Favorite move... aeroblast. 'Cause I do like Lugia. =p 3. My custom trainer in Pokemon X. =p If that doesn't count, I'll go with the female trainer from FR/LG... not that I know her name! 4. Yes! BBD: 1. I love Code Geass! It's still my favorite anime. 2. Favorite game... that's a hard one! If I have to choose just one, it's Tales of Symphonia I guess.
  18. What are your favorite non-Pokemon games? Can I have cookies?
  19. Thanks for the suggestion! Aaaaand.... done. =p
  20. Hello everyone! This thread is for feedback on the prologue of my story Harbinger that I posted in another thread. (The thread will expand to cover more of the story later if/when it is posted.) I would really appreciate any constructive criticism, comments, or general feelings about what you have read. Thanks for reading and... enjoy! Link to story: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13492
  21. I was actually scared for a second. XD ....Pure evil. =p
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