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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Eviora

  1. Well, I don't have it anymore. >.> Guess I'm in a really bad place...
  2. C-can I not return to get rain dance if I'm in Episode 13? >.<
  3. Uh-oh. I don't seem to have Rain Dance.
  4. I have a Luxray, Gardevoir, Scrafty, Gyarados, Golem, and Crobat. I could try to put rain dance on Gyarados (or another Pokemon, if any of those can use it), but either way I think I need to level a lot. My team is low 60s most, with a couple in the high 50s. If Typhlosion is still obtainable at this point in the game I might pick one up. =o
  5. I don't know how to even begin dealing with Charlotte. I only have a team of six leveled Pokemon, not a huge variety to choose from. And even those may be underleveled; can anyone remind me what the pre-Charlotte level cap is? I think I'll just have to grind; is route 4 the best place for that?
  6. Luna was pretty hard for me, but my team was like mid 50s and one of my members was in my computer. She ended up killing her last Pokémon, Umbreon, by using struggle...
  7. I just spoke to people at random until it worked. Thanks for all the help!
  8. But.... I've done all that stuff. I've spoken with everyone, I think. =3
  9. So now that I've learned my Blaziken has really bad IVs, I thought I might replace him with something good for my team.... and I think the right electric or grass type would be just the thing. My current team consists of a Gardevoir, a Gyarados, a Scrafty, a Golem, and a Crobat. With that in kind, do you guys have any suggestions? I would really appreciate some!
  10. Uhhhhh..... I feel like I'm having more trouble than I ought to be, but where on 7th street is Bennett? I can't find him anywhere. v.v
  11. I can't find out how to get in. ._. I joined team Aqua, and another thread said I needed to talk to the leader there, but he just tells me we'll raid the Magma base tonight. v.v
  12. Being sick is so awful...

  13. I may try this out.... it may be a good way for me to get to know some of you? I haven't been very active here...
  14. That feel when you get overwhelmed by doubt...
  15. That feeling when you realize you'll never play many of your games again, but don't want to sell them because they're so good. That said, I had Pandora's Tower, and, um, did sell that one back. >.> It wasn't bad, but I didn't really find it exceptional either. A bit glitchy.
  16. That feeling when you keep having to remind yourself to say 2014 instead of 2013.
  17. Hi everyone! I'm looking for fun suggestions for an ingame Soul Silver run! I'm not looking for a team that will be especially challenging to run with, and I'd prefer a team that I can fully evolve without trading or anything. I also need Surf, Strength, and Fly users. My starter was Chikorita. Share your ideas! <3
  18. Nobody expects a newcomer! I expect Flux, though.
  19. 7/10 He's not being aggressive enough!
  20. That feeling when you need someone to get back to you asap and they take forever.
  21. He has been pretty much steamrolling my team... I have no clue what to do about that Metagross. My Pokémon are Golem, Blaziken, Crobat, Gardevoir, Scrafty, and Gyarados, all from level 51 to 53. I know I could grind those up a little (is there a fast place for that?) but other than that I have no idea what to do. v.v Are any of his Pokémon relatively safe for Gardevoir to set up against? Edit: Pointless topic of pointlessness! I beat him by having Gradevoir set up DT and CM against Alakazam. I just kept trying until he missed me enough for me to succeed at setting up. =D I used Shadow Ball on Gradevoir, too, of course. Anyone else willing to offer advice for others can do so here!
  22. If you liked Code Geass, try Valvrave! It's ongoing, but it may or may not be done next week. I'd also like to second the notion that FMA Brotherhood is much better than FMA. One of my favorites is Gosick, but not everyone is a huge fan of that... it's not super actiony like some anime are.
  23. The latest Valvrave left me soooo psyched!

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