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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Eviora

  1. My Combustken missed out on double kick cause he hit 16 the time I lost to Julia, and as a result he didn't evolve then. Are there any heart scales I can get early on so I can get that back? I'm at the beginning of the 2nd gym.
  2. Shinies may not be that rare in Reborn, but I'm still happy when I get one!

    1. Kamina


      how unrare are they

  3. I have a level 60 Wizard..... forget what my Paragon level is, might be like 20? I enjoyed the game despite its failure to live up to Diablo 2.
  4. That feel when you keep worrying about something, and feel irresponsible if you try to stop because that's just avoiding the issue.
  5. Wellll, so far I've watched the new episode of Valvrave and played some Reborn today.... I'm just starting, so I just beat Julia and then Victoria. Later I will be going to Friday Night Magic to get my nooby ass handed to me! ^.^;
  6. Omg! The new episode of Valvrave//// x.x

  7. Okay, I'll find that Trubbish! Thanks for the tips, everyone. =)
  8. Cool! Is the Pokémon that the guy at the very beginning of the game wants to sell me a Magikarp? Also, is there an Exp Share early on? I really appreciate the help. =)
  9. Hi everyone! I'm new to this, and apparently not the best at Pokémon, cause I started to find it very hard very fast. >.> I chose Torchic as my starter and later obtained an Ekans, Rattata, and Pari.... electric squirrel. Those three aren't exactly long term team member material in such a hard game, so could anyone give me some tips to help me find some Pokémon who are? Thanks a ton!
  10. Thanks for the info.... I am quickly learning that I'm terrible at this game. >.>
  11. Thanks everyone! I've already learned the hard way that this game is really tough.... I just lost to the first two trainers. ^.^; Oh, MAJOR question. Exempting starters and other "choice" areas (like the gen 1 fossils) does this game have "missable" stuff?
  12. Woah! I just got the game and it only opens in this little window. Is that normal?
  13. Hi! Thanks for being so welcoming, everyone. The whole league thing is no big deal... I have plenty of stuff to do for the moment. I'll just have to do my league challenge once it's all fixed up! Wouldn't mind Pokebank, though. >.>
  14. Zomg! Hi Tomas. I saw your status thingy on the side of the website earlier and could not stop laughing - is that bad? Code Geass is my #1 favorite anime. I'm pretty picky and haven't watched too many of those! Thanks for the heads up about the league. =x
  15. Code Geass is awesome! Don't worry about this little Moltres here. I have weird typing that makes me immune to fire. How does the Reborn league work? Does it use Pokémon I train ingame? I can't stand IV breeding, so I don't have great ones. =o
  16. Wellllll hi everyone! I've seen some Let's Plays of this game on Youtube and it looks absolutely amazing. I plan on trying it out, so I thought I'd join you all here. =) I'm Sophie! I like lots of nerdy stuff, especially stuff with really good stories that can make me feel lots of emotions. I'm almost a little bit terrible at introductions, so, uh.... hi?!
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