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Everything posted by Eviora

  1. Are you saying you voted for Bean despite thinking he wasn't mafia? Also, what does "1 - 4" mean?
  2. That doesn't quite work. If Yahy kills Alistair, he'll just become Mechamaru. Instead, we should lynch Alistair, and, if he flips spotless, have Yahy kill L'Belle. Just in case neither are mafia, we can have Caimie use Mikan's ability to protect Yahy from the trap L'Belle might set on himself out of spite.
  3. But it makes a lot more sense for them to have attacked you instead of Nagito on that night if Kazuichi was one of them. There were no other defenses left to you, and you were possibly the greatest threat of all. If they chose to attack someone else instead, I can only imagine it's because they thought killing you would cost them one of their own.
  4. I'd like to believe L'Belle is the blackened. However, there's a problem with that. On N1, Mikan was dead, Akane's ability was on cooldown, and Yahy's role was revealed to all, yet they didn't die. @Yahy You didn't buy the item to protect yourself, did you? If not, the only reason I can think of for your survival is that the mafia thought there would be a trap on you... which would make Kazuichi not mafia. In that case, my primary suspect becomes Alistair.
  5. @Alistair However, we only need to kill you once if we do it by lynching.
  6. ...Actually, if what Ame said before is to be trusted, this check is nonsense. Cass died despite being infected by hope by Ame on the same night. And, if people are being informed of the hope infection, everyone who was truly infected and is still alive should be able to tell us. So far, we have Caimie and Alistair, I think. Any others? If so, please tell us when you were infected. Note that being infected with hope does not give me any reason to suspect you or want to eliminate you. I don't care whether Ame wins.
  7. But L'Belle never did confirm he'd place the trap on you, did he, Yahy? And, come to think of it, Akne's power was on cooldown last night. So the only explanation I can think of for Alistair's survival are 1. He used the item on himself. or 2. He transformed to Mechamaru without any notification. @Bok Choi Would there be some notification if Nekomaru transformed?
  8. @Alistair Did you buy that item? If so, why? If not, do you have any other idea about why you survived? Were you restrained?
  9. My reasoning is that the Bean vs Amber vote was a very close thing, so I'm guessing the other mafia voted to lynch Bean. (The exception would be if Bean himself is the other mafia, but if that's true, Nicki is town, so why would she lie to defend him?) Aside from that, the only person who voted Amber who could still conceivably be mafia is Astra. The rest of us have good alibis. If we exclude the people who voted Amber, we get just Alistair, Nicki, and L'Belle left as suspects. If Nicki is mafia, it seems strange that should would defend Bean when she could have stayed silent. In fact, it's strange that she would use the item to reveal role and alignment at all, because she'd already know all that. Of course, we don't have proof she really used it, and all of this could be an elaborate lie to throw us off track. Regardless, it does seem to absolve Bean... Of the three remaining, I find L'Belle most suspicious. He refused to guarantee Yahy protection via trapping and seem quite willing to change his vote from Amber to Bean, almost as if the initial vote for Amber was just posturing to hide his true identity. However... @Caimie If you protected Yahy, how did Alistair survive Yahy's kill attempt without transforming?
  10. If I decide to trust you, that would bring me down to just two suspects... @Alistair and @L'Belle. Can you provide any concrete evidence that you're town?
  11. @Astra125 The only reason I suspect you is because you haven't yet been proven innocent. I suspect everyone else who hasn't been proven innocent, too. @Alistair I'm not sure if that's wise. There may exist a transformed ability that can take advantage of us if they know who we play to visit. The risk doesn't seem worth it for an extra hope shard. @Yahy @DigitalAmber I don't believe Ame is privy to any special information. It seems inevitable that either Bean or Amber will be lynched. I'm simply saying her role incentivizes her to vote for the player she thinks is less likely to be mafia.
  12. Let's do a little Logic Dive, shall we? Suppose Ame is lying when she says she doesn't care if she wins. In other words, let's say she'd like to win. That seems like a reasonable assumption. How does Ame win? By drawing out the game. What would stop her from doing that? If one side lost. Which side is closest to losing? Mafia. What should Ame do to prevent the end of the game? Protect mafia. ...Just saying.
  13. I see... in that case, you've given your hope thingy to Lykos and one other person so far, correct? Mind telling us the other? Could it be... Bean?
  14. Oh, your win condition involves drawing the game out? I don't think we knew that before. Mind filling us in?
  15. I'd prefer to lynch Bean today, as his account only further damns him. But if he survives somehow, I'd say Lykos is the best target for extra shards. If the mafia attack him there's a 70% chance they'll fail, and you gave me a good reason to believe Lykos is town. Astra, on the other hand, remains a suspect.
  16. Bean is possibly lying about his N1 and N2 actions because he gave extra shards to a mafia ally. -_-
  17. @Yahy I checked the rules and you're correct. That means Bean tried to collect shards from Ame a second time despite failing the first and despite the multitude of other targets. In other words, he's saying his actions aren't verifiable. Not convincing at all.
  18. @Amethyst Did you receive double hope shards on N0 and N2? @Chickenborn You forgot what you did on N1? Nonsense. Check your DMs with Bok. I bet he'd even tell you what you did.
  19. @Chickenborn Now that we've revealed you're Hiyoko, tell us who you danced for. That may give us more reason to trust you.
  20. Voting for Bean, of course. That's what I've been pushing for, and his earlier remarks were suspicious, Now that I think on them. He said even if he was mafia, he wasn't a worth killing yet - implying that he knows who the other mafia is and they're a bigger threat. By the way, you didn't answer my question about the previous traps you placed.
  21. That's not a good reason for anything. If Amber dies and flips spotless, I'll suspect you that much more. By the way, who did you trap during the previous nights? Also, I forgot to do this earlier. [Unreveal] Gundham [Reveal] Byakuya
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