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  1. No worries, wasn't any inconvenience at all! Thanks again
  2. Great! I'll message you about it Update: Ah right, well if you have one spare I'd be happy to have it
  3. If you'd be able to breed one more that'd be awesome!
  4. Ah right I'll take that out then, cheers! Thanks a lot man! Message me when you're ready
  5. Hey! I'm looking for these mons: Gastly Bagon Honedge Shroomish Pawniard Froakie I don't have much to offer in return and so I'm not bothered about ivs and natrues etc, would be great if someone could help a brother out
  6. In my main playthrough it's my power house of a Infernape no surprises there. But in what I've played in my dark mono it's actually my Mightyena. The D O double G has managed to sweep Cory at level 24 when I had nothing else to hit him with.
  7. harbour key

    1. ArmoredGuardian


      ...lol the victim of the false search bar ;)

    2. Yash



  8. Are you able to battle the trainers in the grand hall? Then change the clock so you get the different trainers on different days
  9. You always get a clean 1800 and something from the Bouffalant and with Unown you only get more than that if the Unown you encounter is level 75+ so I usually go for the first. In other news I can't seem to go back any further dates in my calender for the grand hall trainers. I haven't battled them before on that day and they say what they say when you beat them?
  10. TheGreninja


    OH MY GOSH this never happens But thanks all the same
  11. TheGreninja


    Which area are we talking about here? :)
  12. Lin. Cus Hydreigon. No other reason needed. Plus I'd annihilate anything in my way but Hydreigon is my baby.
  13. So should I teach my Helioptile the move or naht? This is such a crisis..
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