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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Tobias was a complete and utter ass pull to make Ash lose when for the first time, he had a legit chance at making the goal, and we all know it.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Shad_


      I couldn't agree more. I'd like Ash to win a f*ckin regular League.



      Then they could leave the scene open for another character, maybe more interesting and not as dumb as Ash hopefully.

      Also, Greninja "Ash" Form. I mean, what the heck is that

    3. Exalted


      that i can agree with ash needs to go win a league and allow for a new trainer to take over the adventures manga still dose it and its till this day quite fantastic as how many fun personalities they give to playable characters that had none anime makers do that or just adapt the adventures manga in to anime

    4. Chim


      Ah. I made this rant quite a few times. Ash should've won Sinnoh adn they should've given him an open ending and start Unova with a new MC. And they could keep Ash. They only had to make him the MC in the Mega Evolution special because he has a freaking powerful Charizard already...

  2. Scizor. I fucking love scizor, but it's light puke green shiny? fuck that shiny. I'm also not a fan of Magmortars and Electiviries, that pink looks hideous to me and would've gone far better with Black or orange or perhaps a deep blue or ominous white, IMO, to nod towards how the heat of flames affects their colors... And electivire... the literally like just changed the eye color and prong color and maybe changed the furs brightness slightly... over than that, it looks pretty lazy to me.
  3. You know, there's a reason why large scale communism has had a history of failure when put into practice...

    1. Marcello


      Because people are shit? Or at least enough people are.

    2. Sutoratosu


      more or less, yeah, that's about right.

    3. NickCrash


      Mainly due to lack of regulation and the creation of a concrete fiscal system that's not changed every once in a while.

  4. I'm pretty sure we're using the system similar to how the games format it; IE, the exp doesn't reset, it just takes more and more to hit the next level. So for example, you're level ten and have 50 points from previous battles. You would need eight more points to reach level 11, bringing you to 58. 8 more points to get to lvl12, setting you at 64 points... and so on and so forth. I could be wrong though, so don't quote me till jory can confirm.
  5. Cubone... can apparently somehow learn Play Rough through breeding *In Theory* what the actual fuck... how did I never notice before?

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Still doesn't beat the absurdity of a Wooper getting Ice Punch or some nice HSOWA.

    2. Sparky


      Actually it can't learn Play Rough through breeding. )I know you meant in theory, but this is what I found)

  6. XD God... You know though, we really should probably just drop this whole punching joke. I'm starting to feel a bit of temptation... and you don't wanna get decked in the face by some of the things wondering those woods at night...
  7. VVV So.... uh, anyone care to explain what the fuck all this crap below is about? VVV

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Oh bird jesus... well, eh, that's the status bar for you. Not really like you actually intended to cause this mess.

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      no but i am incredibly proud of myself

    4. Sutoratosu


      >.> well... at least one of us is.

  8. Loved it. Just wished you would've actually connected with that punch. anyways, now, i do believe the only one still in dreamland at the moment... is Johanna.
  9. Oh fuck it, can't keep up the lie anymore...obvious the charade was doomed to fail. Yes, it was none other than Aurora Sting, in the Castle Waterways, with the venomous bite! well... there it is... there's your confession... let's go on and finish this up.
  10. Aurora, Lord Cyllis. Early Morning, The 1st day of the 1st month of the year of rebirth. Of...course. It was back to the missing man and Ajax. It was obvious that Cyllis had been the one controlling this conversation, controlling it for a good while now, in fact... and here she'd been, too preoccupied trying to answer his questions to even realize who he was reeling things right back to where they started. "Ajax, of all the people to slip like this... to be this sloppy...but..." "Well, I suppose there's no real point keeping it up denial at this point," She sighed. "it probably won't do much to help... Aye, Ajax, I know him. He comes here on occasion when he's down here, I found him back after the war ended and invaders gave up and fled. He always said that the water and the darkness were reminders of something to him..." She paused, for just a moment. She knew what he was likely suspecting; that Ajax was probably behind the disappearance and she had either assisted him or had knowledge of the act sometime either before or after the fact... If the illithid took the fall for this- and... knowing him, he probably would try to if actually confronted for it -who knows of the possible repercussions? For all she honestly knew, it could well spell his death, or some other unsightly punishment for the deed. But then there was still the girl... what she had suspected earlier would probably still hold, they'd question the poor thing, have some investigation, tie it up in bureaucracy. But then again...the squid was just as much a friend to the Lycan as he was to her... If she let him take the blame and go down, however he might go down, just to protect her from that... how would that go down, the next they meet, after Ajax is possibly dead or disgraced or in irons for something he didn't do, and suffered a fate she could've prevented now just by talking? How would the girl regard her then? As friend? Or a traitor? "Quite the predicament... forgive me for this, little one, but I'm afraid... it's best to just go ahead and rub salt in the wound in order save our foolish squid, rather than go down the road that will end up tearing us all apart...I'm sorry." She took a breath, a silent inhale barely noticeable in the dark. The di was cast... "He is not the one behind the disappearance however." She finally continued. Whatever uncertainty, whatever doubt or ponderance had been left over in those twin pools of emerald from before, were gone... "He had nothing to do with it, infact... the fact that both he and your missing man happen to frequent here is little more than coincidence in this matter. There's no point keeping up the charade- I killed your missing soldier, but I had good reason for what I've done. Your missing man? He attempted himself upon a servant girl who works in the kitchens, tore her dress and almost succeeded in the deed, until she screamed for help and he fled out of fear of being discovered... this particular servant girl, she's on her own, you see; and she's meeker than a mouse to boot. Ajax and Myself are probably the only ones she really has to turn to... she came here right after it happened, franticly terrified and in tears, and she told me...everything. Seeing her like that... knowing someone had dared done that to her...She's such a dear thing, so shy, so sweet... she'd never done anything to deserve that experience... and I...I... I couldn't merely stand by. No, I wouldn't stand by... I started searching for the bastard who had done it, and who did I find trying to hide in these passages, than the exact man she described in so much detail to me, Trying to seek shelter near the darkness and the water, still paranoid that someone on the surface had heard or seen and was investigating?" She turned her gaze away from the General, eyes flaring with as if lit by flame in the darkness and practically snarlin at this point. "I... I pounced on him... the very moment I spotted him in the darkness... and he ran like a coward through these tunnels, and he didn't stop running... and I didn't stop pursuing him... not until I'd finally caught him again." There. There it was... it was done. The di was cast... whatever happened now... well, fear was forbidden in her.
  11. Oh trust me, I know you weren't whining or anything, but chances are that there will be more overlaps in the future and if the last time is any gauge, there will be someone who whines about it so I figure might as well just dig up that old speech to have it at the ready when they annoy me with it...It's alot easier to just have the exact gist of the past argument in this thread already than to have to pack a day bag and go traipsing through the ruins to find the old OOC and copy and paste it and haul it back later... that was more for the folks who I know will whine eventually.
  12. Know what's the real irony here though? in the first encounter they ever had, Faust was originally the one who told her to find cover instead of just standing out in the open and who thought the kid as being highly likely to die an early death from doing something stupid like riding a giant bear-boar thingy... just to be killed a week or so later by the very same person he had warned... yup, irony... XD
  13. I would go and dig up the same exact speech and crap I preached over and over again in the original RP about how people need to get over it if they happen to have a species in common because of how easy it is to differentiate two pokemon of the same line just by doing something like making the 2 different genders, having one be shiny and the other normally colored, or hell, having one be a bit larger than the average member of it's species- which I kinda intend to do with Ariel... to better match up with the connection to her own backstory and how her own mother's altaria was big un... And then there is the most obvious differences of personality of the mon... and... well sadly as Commander said... how much impact and meaning there is behind the trainer having that pokemon as one of their partners; how much it adds to there character... because to be entirely honest, he's right- I remembered what Paradox was like a hell of a lot better than what Jacob's Togetic was like. SO I mean yeah... I honestly don't have any issue because I already know how this is supposed to add to Maya as a character and how much it's supposed to actually mean when paired with everything in her backstory and her personality, etc... Altaria isn't just a dragon or some member to be used as type coverage for this character; it's a symbol of her past- the symbol of a legacy and a person she's lost, just as much as Icarus is.
  14. don't fuck with jim sterling...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Felicity


      Tbf, it's just the one group who has the hard on for screwing with him. Everyone else is sane.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Yes dobby, and that one group makes things a hell of a lot funnier when he strikes back like he's the empire and fucking wrecks their asses with a glorious counter for everyone to see.

    4. Hiss13


      I mean, I have no respect for Jim Sterling but I am also pretty damn apathetic when it comes to people I have zero respect for so I just don't even go near them...

  15. whatever, the post is made, the di is cast, and all of rome burns with a new emperor who plays a lyre as he laughs gleefully at the carnage. Maybe I'll change it, maybe I won't... but even if it's 'officially' considered a dragon... the logic behind putting it in other isn't entirely incorrect given the actual typing of the basic stage... But yeah the decision to have an Altaria as a major member of the team has been set in stone for a while now, just like it was set in stone that she would dual specialize in Fairy and Normal types (Though to be fair, that one and it's reasons are alluded very briefly to in the backstory). I withheld virtually all detailed or specific information about her parents and her life before their murders the accident for a reason... so yeah, Swablu it is.
  16. Well, like I said, it was a rant and you can just ignore it since... you know, fanboy stuff. But yeah, I guess I can forgive it pretty easily if you were just using that scene to demonstrate how much of a foil Rosie is to Citrine and Vica-versa... But Oh my friend you have seen nothing yet... huehuehuehuehuehue... that position belongs to none other... than Jarradel, the mighty Snorlax munchlax... and oh how Folie will lose his shit when that fateful encounter in the woods comes sometime down the line... But luckily, Folie has no power over who joins the team...since Maya already has a clear cut idea of the types she'll be using...to be fair though... in his defense, he did spend several years being the only one who had any access to their berry supplies, aside from Maya herself... so when all these newbs come in, and start draining the stash faster than he's ever seen after each battle... well, Folie don't like it. Don't like it at all....what if there are none left for him when he needs them, eh? They were his first, damnit... Gonna have to start his own private cache at this point, hide it under Maya's bed or something
  17. No. It was not Azery. Twas another still. But you are getting closer to uncovering their identity.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Odybld


      It was Keyser Söze!

    3. Red_Chaos
    4. Chim


      I want to say a name but that would be rude AF.

  18. They completely discarded the Extended Universe canon and instead are going to flesh out a new one of their own, Murdoc... you may proceed to rage a bit, just like I did upon finding this out the first time. Also...
  19. so yeah, I just went ahead and put Swablu under the "Other" category because, even though they'll probably be a species present at the facility regardless, given what they evolve into... well still gotta account for dem specific technicalities...
  20. "Huh?" Folie glanced over as Maya looked at the screen. It looked like almost everyone else he could see in the distance was busy doing the same... what, had someone sent some type of viral email out over the web? Some Chain letter? Perhaps a skitty video... oh dear god... what if... what if... no, please, no wailords... god no... that would be terrible- twisted, even...what type of individual would even consider sending something so- "What pokemon do you desire to obtain?" oh... um...nevermind then. Nothing to worry about, he guessed... Still, he was curious, was that really what whatever this viral thing said? Seemed like a kinda odd deal for a hacker to put that in a message... "Spin!" He shouted, leaping up like a rabbit after the girl read the gist of the message aloud... in no time at all he had managed to somehow smuggle himself into her arms, face popping up between the girl and the screen as he read for himself... "Whoa, hey!" She glared at the panda, just catching herself from going off balance out of startlement. "really, just... really, folie?" "Mmmmm....Spinda spin." Just as quickly as he'd hopped up and scrambled into her arms, he jumped back to the ground, waving off what he'd just read with a dismissive hand. It had to be from the faculty, obviously, not some hacker... that was the only thing that made sense to him at least, given the contents and how little time had passed since that speech they had to sit through. Eh, whatever... he already knew what was gonna pick... just like he had known what was gonna happen the moment maya had headed for the steel type table last month. "You know, this is exactly what I was talking about earlier, and yet you stood there and put up a fuss, as if you're totally innocent and I was the badguy..." with a slightly agitated sigh, maya returned her attention to the screen. It certainly wasn't a hard question; she'd definitely taken some time to think about it during the past month... and her decision had been pretty obvious from the start. All those years ago when Caid had asked her to pick a type, she had answered "Normal" for a reason... and when she had selected Titania of that table just the other month, she had done it for that same reason... the same reason she'd use to make this decision now. Even though it wasn't exactly a strict normal or fairy type, it certainly came close enough, didn't it? After all, it's basic stage was a normal and flying type... and even more, after it evolved, it not only was the only Dragon capable of naturally learning a fairy type move, or learning such a move through any method for that matter... but it's mega form even became a fairy type... And there were more than a few fond memories of old Icarus from when she and firon were growing up... well, back when they were little kids and before everything fell apart that night. Hell, he had been her mom's ace after all... "It's done..." She said, typing one species, and one species alone in the text field by the Dragon option: Swablu.The dex went away immediately after she confirmed the choice. Folie could tell by the look on her face he'd been exactly right- as much time as she had spent in the Villa's garden trying to interact with that huge, bulky behemoth of a male altaria, just trying to get it him to wake up or move or... do anything really, besides perch atop that marble memorial all day long and sleep... well, he wasn't surprised. There was obviously something about that giant fluffy drake that had made her care enough to keep trying, right up until even the very day they had to leave... even though it was obviously pointless... so go figure. He did know one thing however. That other newb who would be joining up in a few days... they had better damn well work for their keep if they were gonna cut even further into his Berry Stash... god damn, Titania was bad enough to have to share with, the fairy type literally had two- count em, TWO, not just one, but one more, which equals TWO- freaking mouths for crying out loud...
  21. I'm just saying though, everything has it's uses... well, most everything... just felt that outright calling the thing worthless was a bit overly harsh, especially given that it even said that Spinarak could be salvageable- obviously implied by the fact that it had an evolution that could at least potentially make up for it's basic stage if used correctly... just felt it abit unfair that that type of logic be present, and yet onix's own redeemable evo be completely ignored. but eh, like you said... it's a fan boy rant, ignore it if you want, it doesn't really matter. I just felt the evaluation was a bit one sided and unfair... it's just my two cents on the matter.
  22. Onix... called absolutely worthless. absolutely...worthless. I'm sorry, excuse me, but... This... evolves into this... And this... has 2 immunities, 8 resistances, and the second strongest god damn defense of any non legendary, non mega pokemon, right behind it's old pal Shuckle... Pfft... "Spinarak...That one could be salvageable from this almost worthless duo. The second one...had to be a joke...Of course she WOULD pick something like an Onix...It really seemed she was only going to waste potential slots on some super worthless Pokemon like that..." My Ass... alright, fine, admittedly, Onix can be pretty shitty, but you know what? It makes up for it; it's redeemable... this is almost exactly like a Magikarp/Feebas situation... you just gotta persevere, tough out the early stages to get to the good part. Worthless... why I'd never... Anyways, that ends this particular fanboy rant
  23. Eh...Confuse Ray AND W-wisp together might be a bit much at this point... even though in the old run, C-ray became pretty useless on it's intended purpose of actually confusing enemies because well... we all treated it as a sight based move that was as simple to avoid as closing your eyes before it got you ((Basically, it was a distraction that could buy you a moment or two since it forced the opponent to decide to either try to attack or avoid it by closing their eyes... but yeah, other than that, it was hard to confuse with it)) But W-wisp and C-ray TOGETHER... yeah... that's a different story... you can hide C-ray within W-wisp flames and potentially get both a burn and confuse at the same time... really nasty combination... but that's just my opinion...
  24. Perhaps he does realize it. I'm a bit surprised...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Lols though, everyone thinks I'm talking about them today XD

    3. Felicity


      It's Azery isn't it

    4. Azeria


      what did i do now LMAO XD

  25. Again I wonder, does the fool realize that I'm testing him right now?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Best not be callin' me a fool~

    3. Sutoratosu


      oh no, hukuna, don't worry. I speak of another... someone far less... respectable than yourself, given his myriad of actions in the past.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie
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