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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I won't say who, but we've already accepted 4 out of thos 5 applicants, and the last one pending has yet to be seen by Jory at this time, but it looks pretty solid to me... so... but like Jory said To answer though, at this time, technically no because he hasn't passed his approval on the latest profile...
  2. And that makes 5 applicants... I gotta say though, out of all of you, only one female in the entire group of potential PCs...
  3. Hot damn, 4 applications sent in already... I'm kinda surprised...
  4. Mother of Bird Christ almighty... SoA actually got an update.

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    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Man I pulled a Rip Van Winkle slumber with a matching beard waiting for that. (Although I am sorry for not postin something)

  5. Dear god, I finally got the update out... must be the end of days. and I know what's gonna happen here now. I'm not giving up on this. Not without a fight.
  6. On Deck... The gengar tipped forward as the Serpent unleashed his roar, eyes wide in shock as she tumbled forward through the air, arms wailing at her side as she tried to stop herself. But alas, her fate was ensured, as she descended like a stone, landing face first on the charred wood of the deck. They often said that Gengars float like butterfrees, sting like beedrills; obviously though, the former part of that seemed to not be the case here. Valeria suppressed a satisfied, coy laugh as she watched the ghost's literal fall from her lofty perch. Hecate's eyes burned as she gradually lifted herself, arms straining under the weight until she finally remembered the fact that she was not bound by the laws of the mortal world. Within mere moments the ghost was high above them all once more. There was no sneer from this time though, only a scowl. A Scowl so deep, so profound, that it could've well melted the scales off a dragon with it's intensity. A Scowl directed at Ishamael... and Ishamael alone. "ha, nice one!" Said Valeria, the amusement on her face not even hidden anymore as she glanced Joey's way. Hecates eyes only grew more contemptuous as she did. At the Stairs... ((Darvan... don't think you ever made a decision to go up or down, but you're here now, so...)) The other figures in the darkness seemed to make their choice. They had already descended towards the crack of light in the depths by the time Felix heard any of the ruckus outside. First there was a roar, a deep, guttural surge of fury, indignation... determination. And then there was a thud. A Loud one. If Felix looked up, he may have seen a purple, amorphous blur descend from through the air suddenly, crashing into the ground outside, just at the top of the stairs, easily visible in the daylight beyond. And he may have also seen it slowly levitate back into the air... The Righteous Side of Hell Beyond the heavy vault like door not too unlike the one in the conference area lay a quaint hall, easily narrower than the corridors he had just left behind. And far more cave like infact- all four sides of the space made up of pitch dark, glossed stone that bore a reminiscence of obsidian. Yuuki could see that the light he'd noticed was produced by the series of strange, near crystalline fixtures in the craggy, coal black rocks forming the ceiling overhead, each one of them blazing a soft, iridescent yellow that pained his eyes if he looked directly at them. In the walls, he could see a nigh perfect reflection of him and the Gallade as they stood there in the entry way. Yuuki could spot that the strange hall led straight, then took a bend just a bit ahead. The music emanated from further within, louder now that he was closer. And down here, he could pick something he hadn't before- a voice, singing along to the lyrics... in near perfect pitch and synchronization.
  7. You have a point there actually... but hey, look at this! http://thousandroads.net/misc/metronome Ain't Bing Lord Google great?
  8. Am I the only one...who thinks that Rock should resist Rock?

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    1. Komodojoe


      Yeah. To me, that makes as much sense as Ghost being weak to Ghost (I mean, seriously... How do ghosts haunt other ghosts?) ANYWAYS... To answer your question, no. You're not the only one that thinks that.

    2. Komodojoe


      Uh, whoops... I meant to say that Rock being neutral to Rock makes no sense... My bad.

    3. Felicity


      You ever seen multiple Ghosts gather together of their own free will? Tey can't come together without confirming that they are indeed ghosts and confronting their deaths

  9. I'm 99.99999% certain Hukuna is going to set the scene sometime around when the gates are being reopened/ have already been reopened. The whole deal with how a character found their way to the castle and the gates closing and all that was long before the present... there's a reason he required mention of it somewhere in everyone's backstories. of course, even with that said, there's nothing to stop you from doing a flashback or something during your PCs intro post.
  10. That very moment you enter the red, the tone starts droning on and on, this music plays, and you just know... that the Devil is coming to get his due.
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    1. Sutoratosu


      And you just know with absolute certainty... that if you White Out here, you're gonna have a BAD TIME.

  11. Hmmm. I vowed I would never go back do it again, that I would retire, forget about it all and move on with my life... but the temptation to return... damn it. so torn.

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  12. I forgot the mall had wifi... that is fucking excellent.

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  13. Aw shiiiiiiiit! I can't believe I missed this. Really sorry bout that, sensai. There's honestly too many dates for me to remember on top of everything else sometimes. Damn. Anyways, uh... happy belated birthday I guess. Hope you enjoyed it. I know there's nothing I can ever really do to thank you for all you taught me back when I was a rookie, or how much you helped me out when I was either too blind or too green horned to realize the things right in front of me, but... a belated happy birthday is the very least I can do. (just wished I'd noticed sooner and it wasn't belated...) I'm pretty damn sure that if I had never met you (and a few others, though your influence was by far the most impactful and important in the end), I never would've changed or become who I am now Keep on being on awesome, you glorious bastard; because even if you occasionally don't want to admit it, you are. End of story.
  14. So, yeah, SoA may have to be put oncomplete hold at this rate. Apparently I have been recruited without my prior knowledge to help some relative I neither know nor have ever even seen before move this weekend. Don't ya just love it when you have a plan- a simple plan, a solid plan, and someone comes along, and just throws a fucking monkey wrench into it? And then add the fact that I'm probably gonna start having alot less time to spend on here, and... that may be the nail in the coffin

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  15. Sorry to triple post, but, since I'm host and it's my own damn thread and what not... anyways, you guys know how I said I was gonna be busy job hunting this weekend? yeah, funny thing happened: apparently I'm now also going to be helping some relative I don't even know move... which with my luck, is probably gonna take all fucking day and either tire me out like a fucking dog or finish too late and have to postpone the searching, because trust me, in the past, whenever something has come up, such as someone needing help with home repairs, car troubles that need to be looked at, etc. shit tends to always have some other problem that's lying hidden beneath it that needs fixing too... and a task that was supposed to take only an hour or two ends up keeping us away from home from that morning until later that damn night. In either case, an update for this is probably going to be the furthest thing from my radar at that point. And I can't exactly put off this job thing for very much longer either, not with college and other expenses coming up down the road. TL;DR- it uh... it might be a long time before I can get back to this. I have to see how all this turns out. If I get a job though, my freetime is definitely going to shrink, and combine that with the fact that classes always pick up towards the middle of the year, and well... at this point though, I have no idea what may happen to this RP
  16. I am going to resume work on Surge of Vermillion

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    1. Raindrop Valkyrie
    2. Sutoratosu



      The compilation project I'm doing for Sins of Avalon to give some more perspective, lore, and backstory on the world than you'll be getting through the events of the RP alone.

      Surge of Vermillion is just one of the many stories planed and currently the one with the highest priority towards advancing and finishing... cause let's be honest, surge is just fucking awesome.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ah I see I see. No issue. I jsut didn't know you started it. Also that's pretty funny seeing as I kinda jsut statred one that's a bit of a primer on Heartless Souls in some ways. So that's certainly interesting.

  17. Aight, I'm getting tired of seeing this chick's face every time I check in. Time for a new avatar.

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  18. ... Mages... banish me to limbo? Lols... you must not've read the member title. Banish me to limbo. Fool, please, I have journeyed through the nine circle of hell before. Limbo is nothin' ta meh; It would be a literal step up by comparison in fact. Anyways, I'll try to get something for Makoto in the next few days.
  19. *Thinks it's just some dialect of Foreignese at first glance* ... *Looks a bit harder the second time the same string of letters shows up.* Music Animation Game Event School What the hell is the significance of anagraming these words into the post? EDIT: Nevermind. Lord Google has shown me the answer.
  20. I... I can't fucking do it. I can't nail down the fucking plot; it's like my brain wants to wander off and go build up more of the world until we have ourselves a giant freaking snadbox filled with unnecessary and extra locations and tid bits and history and shit, and the rest of me just wants to get a fucking move on and get this actual fucking story started...

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red_Chaos


      the worlds largest sandbox filled game?

    3. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      SoA? Feel like we've been blowing it off if so.

    4. Cyaloom


      Same problem here... I started thinking about a world, but now that it would be time to create some characters and think of a plot, I keep tweaking and expanding the world. .-.

  21. http://prntscr.com/9mzo9k This is type of shit I make when I get bored... damn, I need more pipe cleaners now.
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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sheep


      I spy a Heracross and a Mawile. You have done well.

    3. Shamitako


      Those are legit awesome

  22. Going to the mall this weekend to job hunt. Before I enter hell, just wanna know: To all of you who work in retail, on a scale of 1 to 10 with one being the least, how bad is it?

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Malls tend to have smaller customer bases and you end up working with a bit leeeess of the assholes. At least that was my experience. I worked at a Gamestop for the Holidays and I worked the day after Christmas ((a.k.a one of the shittest days in retail.)) and honestly we only had a few customers who were complete jerk-offs. Overall, just treat people like people and it shouldn't be too bad.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Well I can be humane pretty easy enough, no problem there.

      What I really meant by question though was on the whole management treatment and levels of bullshit to be had from the operation side of things.

    4. starkidcosmo


      I worked at target and... it was probably about a 6 or 7. I (and a lot of other people) got blamed for things like not taking a lunch break-- because closing took two hours and our shifts weren't supposed to be more than five hours. also my knee gave out when I was working on thanksgiving so that probably... tainted my experience a little bit.

  23. I'll get an update for this out by the end of this weekend. I plan to go to the mall and do some job hunting though cause I'm fucing tired of being broke all the time. Times are tough for a brotha Tired of having a giant void in my wallet that constanrtly greets me with disheartening blackness each and every time I dare open it to view the contents
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