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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. TFW christmas break was warm as hell, yet this week is so fucking cold that your options are either to A: Drive your own ass to school, or B: Freeze to death waiting at the bus stop...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hiss13


      Same thing here in NYC.

    3. Sutoratosu


      I'm in virginia. Usually, our winters are a bit more sensible than this current one- moderately cold but not overboard in either extremes... this year though, I don't know what the fuck is happening. Christmas week had a solid high temp of around 60-70 degrees infact, IIRC

    4. Sutoratosu


      And now it's below freezing and just a few degrees above the single digits

  2. Yeah, I know the feels. Unfortunately most people seem to completely forget about their sheets after a while unless they constantly get poked and prodded to take care of em, like they should already be taking the initiative to go ahead and do without someone having to watch over their shoulder and babysit them twenty-four seven... I always hated having to sometimes often do that, back in the day when I still bothered to do such hostly things... well, not really, that's actually a bull faced lie. I was actually a bit fond of Character Sheet maintenance, found it kinda fun because I could just reformat it and make it all neat and pretty and conforming to my OCD whenever there were new details to be added. Anyways, you have the hyperlink right to my sheet already. Since I easily did the most overall maintenance on my profile out of anyone in the old run, and I'm probably going to be making a shit ton of changes as I reveal more and more details about the girl, that should save you a good bit of trouble from my end at least, since you can just connect the link right to the Character sheet name in your post and be done with it. I can't speak for anyone else though. People seemed to be more hit or miss on keeping their shit up to date than anything else, back in the old run...
  3. Lols, What are you talking about? XD It's not at all unfair unless you actually go and abuse your power to do that... and if even if in some crazy, parallel dimension where shit is upside down and you weren't the excellent and upstanding mod that you are and you did do that, there would be far more pressing concerns about such a situation than the mere fairness of it...
  4. Fuck this shit, I'm tired of never getting anything actually accomplished. I can sit here and come up with ideas and flesh them out all fucking day, but yet they never fucking go anywhere when the time comes to put text to the editor (IE, words to the page). We ain't having this shit no more... I'm fucking done, son. We gonna have us a fucking story that's complete, one way, or another...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      No, I mean independant works.

      I mean it, chim. I have never had one fucking project which I've ever seen through to completion; roleplay or single story, it doesn't matter... you just get tired of failing after a while.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Again, I know the feeling all too well. Why don't we co-write or co-host a project one of these days? Maybe our respective disgust for our respective failures will help keep each other in line...

    4. Chim


      Aha I also know that feeling very well. It's part of the reason why I didn't want to give up on Ymora.

      And recently I've been tempted to create something new but I already know I probably won't finish it. So I'm debating if I should start it or not...

  5. It did. The gap between the time the OOCs for either went up though was only about a little over a week or two apart though, Given Surge Story was up and running on march 29 2014, and Graterras on April 7 2014 Also, holy shit, i didn't even realize it's been that long already... two years I've spent in this place. Damn, how time flies...
  6. Everybody got choices...
  7. hmmm... well...look at that... I have a sneaking feeling that this little ticklefest going on right now, It's going to have a very...shocking outcome. (Also note to self: have maya stay as far away as possible from Techie at all times... or at least have Folie nearby...)
  8. Well, this explains... literally everything about him then... Might I ask though, what was Henry originally intended to be like then? Before you uh... made that shift towards Typhoon, and he became well... henry.
  9. There are somedays I wonder... whether I do some of the things I do simply because they are the right thing to do... or because I just have a shit ton of ulterior motives that I hide so well that even I myself forget they exist alot of the time...

  10. honestly, I vote in veto of the Primers... this thing is just dripping with freaking awesomeness, not gonna lie, and the sooner we can get started and jump into things, the better- no point in needlessly delaying that, IMO. That said though, I think I have a very simple solution- instead of coming up with individual abilities to show what the idea of the power levels in each teir are and what the abilities therein should be capable of, I think you should take the far more frank road and just straight up give us references for how strong an individual would be at the stage where they can actually tap into that tier level. I mean, I'm sorry, but in my eyes, it just seems like it would be alot easier to just do that instead of having to figure out from the details of the individual scattered abilities how strong the teir is. That, and the latter also opens up the door to certain... interpretations of things, let's just say. Interpretations that may or may not be far off base to what is actually meant to be presented in the power level. TLDR: I vote no to primers, I think it's just a better idea if you give us direct reference points for each tier. It'll take far less work than you and other people having to wrack your heads for ideas for individual abilities. Plus, it's already been made blunt that we are all just average joes in this (multiple times infact), hoping to maybe someday rise to greatness somehow, or accomplish some grand individual goal or life scheme... hence I think we can all also handle being bluntly told what we can and can not reasonably do at the various points in the developments of ourselves and our PCs skillsets. So yeah... my vote is to just forego waiting on abilities to be made and just slap up a description of the limits and capabilities of each of the tiers and just get this show on the road. If people still want to make up abilities for each tier and pm them to you over the course of things, then eh, more power to em... but yeah, still... EDIT: and my TLDR is greater in length than what I meant to summarize... how ironic. Strike through a-go-go!!
  11. Alright, fine, fair enough... I honestly just wanted to know whether or not it was actually allowed if the pokemon in question didn't start out with a more supportive format for the moveset and had a standard one instead.
  12. I have reached my conclusion... Eric Cartman... is a fucking sociopath.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Like literally the reason I can;t watch that show... because I don't know why anyone would want to be around that dude. Like he's jsut an asshole with 0 redeeming qualities. Then again... pretty much all the characters are. Dunno South Park jsut feels like cheap shock value humour which... doesn't really do much for me. Just not soemthing I find that funny. *shrugs*

    3. Neo


      You don't say?

  13. yeah. yeah, I already know the whole argument about it's not the weapon, just how you use it... And I'm not trying to find the "perfect" set- I know damn well that the very concept is an impossibility and fallacy in and of itself. And I'm no stranger to getting clever with shit, trust me... I think I more than proved it in the old days. But therein lies my very point though- to me, it would be a lot better to go with an even split of move categories instead of focusing mainly on attacks, since a Spinda's movepool has a crap ton more versatility on the supportive side than it does for offense- that and the fact that it honestly makes more sense for the character in question to be set up that way. I know exactly what I'm doing with this request I'm making to alter one of the moves, rest assured... just like I knew exactly what I was doing when I made Titania's starting set. I'm not one to go tossing or adding moves without seriously weighing the consequences of such actions- and right now, as far as I can see from how much I have weighed it all at this point... going with a split set over a standard one is what I think to be the best course of action in the long run of development for this particular team member.
  14. The issue wasn't the crazy midget panda... it was with how I was trying to use the crazy midget panda...

  15. Soooooo... I've been going some things again lately, and I know this is probably a bit late to go asking this at this point, but... would it be alright if I reconfigured Folie's moveset from the standard 4 offense 2 support to a split 3-3 ratio? I was thinking of either replacing Rapid Spin or Icy Wind with something like either Psych Up or Encore... ((Since both Dizzy Punch and Fake Out have already been directly mentioned and used by Folie thus far, so, can't really remove those without creating a continuity issue... but no such mention or even foreshadowing of his knowing Icy Wind or R-spin has been made yet...)) The reason I ask only now being that, well... I've gone through all the strategies I can think of, and I've done the analysis...I've been doing it over and over and over again for a while now, trying to find some angle, some silver lining, and... well, screw it, there is none. I mean, I've worked with some pretty fucking sparse stuff before, thought I could handle the challenge, but... there's really no Diamond in the rough here waiting to be found. the fact of the matter that I've come to give up and accept is that... this thing just won't work if I'm gonna try to use it in the same ways I was accustomed to using any of Mareek's team members back in the original; so trying to develop it along that type of pathway throughout the course of this is honestly just going to be a huge waste of time cause it's doomed to fail that way- it's got shabby stats and a rather shabby and quite redundant offensive movepool to match, and the only real way He'll be able to have any real standing once we even get past the early stages of things is if I try to salvage what I can now and set him down a different dev course- I gotta stick to what strengths it has... which definitely don't lie in the offensive side of things.
  16. Went to see Star Wars Ep VII today... gotta say, I can really see what everyone was going on about. That whole thing about the fate of EU being dropped from the canon verse though... kinda made me a bit sad when I heard about it. The film was good and all, but... I'm still gonna fucking miss all that material that was virtually thrown out the window to make room in the canon for it, more or less.

    1. Shamitako


      My thoughts exactly

      TBH I just choose to see it as two different canons with different sets of rules, relationships, and characters that happen to share six movies

    2. Swampellow


      I went to see it today as well, and I agree with you on all of the now non-canon material. Some of the new movie does somewhat parallel the EU at first glance.

  17. wtf? When did I break 10,000 profile views? God Dayum...

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      profile view 10001 ayyy

    2. Sutoratosu


      I mean, really... I'm a freaking introvert who only ever haunts the writing sections... not like I go doing interesting things or putting myself out there...

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Goes to say how many people haunt the writing forums, to be honest. And you're quite frequently on there, so I'm actually surprised you haven't got more already.

  18. Well, look at that... I know we haven't really talked much in a long time now, flux... but eh, Happy birthday.
  19. Maya v James: Full Recap and Conclusion ((Full Recap)) ((Conclusion)) "Yeah, same to you..." Maya responded. Folie smirked where he sat. That had all gone perfectly well, 10 out of 10 for ol' Maya here- would definitely spectate again. He'd definitely seen enough of how the absol's handler fought; twas all but a mere matter of time and preparation now... Meanwhile, the aura around Titania died as she watch the boy begin to treat the beaten and battered ghost. So it was over... hmmmm... that wasn't too bad, to be entirely honest. There were a few times there where she'd been at a lost for what the girl was thinking or trying to do, but... well, obviously her instincts had pulled them through somehow. She turned and walked away from James and Gaster, a lingering smirk on her otherwise docile face as she headed towards her own trainer. This human, Maya, wasn't that what the panda introduced her as? Anyways, she seemed to be good enough... "Maw..." She said earnestly, holding up a hand to shake. Both the panda and the girl looked at her a bit hesitantly. "Mawile!" She repeated, looking the girl square in the eyes. For a human, the kid seemed to have a pretty good head on her shoulders out there. Titania had seen enough; any doubts she might've had about calling this girl her trainer were gone. They were partners now, and to her understanding... partners were supposed to 'Shake on it'. Maya still looked a bit confused for a moment, staring down at the steel type. One look into those twin orbs of crimson and fire though, on look into the blazes of determination mingling with respect... and it started to click finally. She reached down and accepted the Gesture. "Alright then..." She said. "I guess you've...made up your mind?" Titania nodded. So she'd been right... the Fairy really was trying to test her earlier. Even if she passed with flying colors and the Fae was ready to accept her now though, there still remained the fact of the damage she'd taken. Maya reached into her pocket, pulling out two Oran berries before proffering the fruit to Titania. She didn't need an explaination to understand what they were, simply took both the azure spheres and wolfed them down, body beginning to heal near instantly as she did... "Spin!!!" Folie called in outrage, springing up from the soft earth where he sat. This ho Fairy type did not just eat his damn berries, did she? "Don't even start." Maya said pointedly, shooting him a glare not too much unlike the one he'd gotten just yesterday. Folie shuttered just a little, slinking back a few steps. "We've got more than enough to go around, and besides, it's not just you anymore, Folie. you're part of a team now; you can't just go hogging the resources for yourself, not when there are others working just as hard too." "Spiiiiiin..." The panda groaned in defeat, folding his arms. Gah, fine, whatevs... guess Maya had a point about that...
  20. Aaaaaand there it is. Game set and match. I Guess I'll go ahead and make our recap and summary post for the battle in the IC now, using the same formating Dobbs and Chim did for the Winter Cup in the original... or I might do it after I go get something to eat, whichever one comes first. EDIT: On second thought, I'll go ahead and do it when I get back- food comes first bro; I'm fucking starving. EDIT 2: Tis done!
  21. Eh well, it honestly lasted about the same length as the (single) battles from day 2 of the original run did, IIRC, most of the rounds involving the two new partners up against each other didn't really last that long... it was really the brawls between the originals that padded out the overall combat time and post numbers. plus, a good 10 post for a fight isn't that short... it's a bit decent, I would say.
  22. Maya v James "Just as I thought you'd do... that's right... time for the trump card" "Titania, now!" Called Maya as soon as the phantom countered the Fae embued winds. This was the moment she'd been building towards, the trap she'd laid... even if they didn't even know they'd just walked right into it. From the minute those two had wasted Disable on Titania's Astonish, all to way to right now. Not even a full second passed before the girl gave the order and the Steel type reacted, the gentle, subtle glow around her suddenly erupted into a full force aura of metallic silver, resonating with streaks of white as she took a single step and then surged forward like a bullet, letting the very power surrounding her push her forward as she flew across the field. Yet again, whatever mysterious power the Fairy held within her seemed to become active, the aura burning with even greater intensity and sending her even farther, faster, harder; like a star fallen from the heavens- a mere blurred, silver streak arcing across the field... and heading right for the paranormal entity named Gaster as it tried to regroup it's befouled, vile winds...
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