Valeria, shepard of fire!!!!
Valeria didn't miss a beat, flexing her fingers in preparation. Her eyes fixed intensely on Yuzuki, reaching out a hand towards the green crest of the psychic's head "Alright. Let's go then." "Are you ready?"
"Just do it. The sooner we end this charade, the better."
Without a single word more, she placed her palm against the crest, giving the fairy the most comforting smile she could as whatever she was doing started. At first, for just a few miliseconds, there was nothing. Then it came. Like a storm of winter. White embers, bright emebers, warm emebers, yet not burning embers. Circulating in the air around her fingers, churning with a greater and greater intensity until finally, they merged into a silent inferno around the woman... and Natsuki. White Fire, bright fire, warm fire, yet not burning fire. No... rather than burning, all the gardevoir felt was a strange force flowing through, around her. A power beyond what normally existed in this world, a power greater than she'd ever experienced. A Power that if it wanted to, in a fury could melt entire mountain ranges, vaporize whole oceans, set the sky itself ablaze... but yet power that was just as gentle as it was formidable. So gentle, that with the same instance in which it could unleash such unbridled wrath and destroy entire continents, it could at the same time operate... with such grand precision and care that it could also heal entire armies and burn away the epidemic outbreaks of whole nations.
And Natsuki could tell... that this woman before her was not the source of her power. She may appear to be the one conjuring the flames, but there was another there, where she was... another who occupied the same space at her, and yet somehow at the same time, did not occupy the same space. And that someone... no, that something... was something worth fearing. Something higher than mortals. Something of a whole nother magnitude of order above the realm of the living and the dead alike. And yet, for some reason, she did not sense this prescence trying to dominate the woman's soul... it was as if...
as if they were instead working in tandem. It was strange... almost like... pokemon and trainer when a true bond exists. But it wasn't. This... whatever this was, it was far more profound. far more binding... wait... binding...
"And that's it..." Valeria finally spoke up. The gardevoir looked surprised when it was finally over... Valeria paid it no mind, only turning to the trainer. The veyr fires which she had just used for... what could be described as a miracle- there were no known powers in this world, whether pokemon move or otherwise, which could take the destructive nature of the element of fire... and juxtapose and subvert it to such a point that it healed rather than destroyed- now began to slowly flicker and fade as they died down once again.
"It took a bit more than I expected, Exon must've done upped his training since he..." She paused, the friendly smile she wore fading into something darker, sadder. "um... nevermind. Anyways, your friend here is the best possible condition she can be, I guarantee it."
"Don't blame yourself. The boy made his decision when he deserted and left with her. If Khan hadn't struck first, you would've had to do it yourself someday... and seeing his corpse on that day would have only been a thousand times harder than it is now."
"Oh please, he didn't do this for me or anyone else." Valeria muttered to herself aloud, though it was barely enough to be audible to anyone but to who precisely the line was directed at though, was entirely uncertain. "He enjoyed every moment he was killing him."
"...what had to be done, had to be done. I am sorry."