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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Arya said nothing as she listened to the first hand account from Kalisto. A lost Elder God, mentions of Eden, sororicide... deities falling from grace. the story was certainly a lot to take in- a bit complicated even -but honestly, as shattered as her world view had already become today, hell in just the past hour or so no less... it all seemed legit. That last part though... if the children's souls all had the exact same traits as the goddesses and would've been virtually the same as basic copies anyway, just lacking the actual powers and memories... did it really matter that they were replaced then? If they would've virtually become the same person and made the same types of decision and had the same personalities anyway- "Of coarse it still would've mattered," She scolded her wondering quandary, eyes filling with shame for just a moment while she turned her gaze down to the floor. "A person would still be a person, even if they did happen to just be a copy of someone. It still would've mattered even if they were just like them; Why would I even start thinking something so... awful like that?" she knew exactly why though. In the deepest parts of her mind, she knew. In the darkest corners of her heart, she knew. Even if she still didn't want to admit it to herself. "Alright, looks like story time is over. If any of you wish to leave you may, if you don't then go over to Layla, it seems Alexus has made some progress." "Alexus?" Arya lifted her gaze back to where she had been during that earlier... outburst of hers. She froze from what she saw there, eyes wide as she watched one of the other girls surrounded in some strange, otherwordly light swirling around her, body clad in some type of literal battle-dress, with the goddess standing nearby, both of them apparently excited by whatever was going on... "So, um, I'm guessing those must be the... powers someone mentioned earlier." She finally said out loud, to no one in particular.
  2. I already have everything written out... I just wonder whether or not we'll ever even get to Avalon so I can really get things started...
  3. Oh yeah... guess I kinda forgot all about this... alright, well... I'll get something up soon. EDIT: on second thought, let me read up on a few things first- it's been a good while...
  4. Well, being chloroformed and forced into a hit job really wasn't how xe wanted to start xyr day/ spend xyr night or whatever the hell time it is in the story right now...so there's that; Kita's talkativeness right now really just happens to be exacerbating that already underlying bit of annoyance... But yeah, it's kinda nice to experiment and explore new tropes and such. Spread one's wings and what not, investigate new territory and characterization that one's never tried before. writing Xe/They constantly will take some getting used to though, but eh...
  5. So yeah, something occured to me recently that I probably should've done from the start, but I didn't think of it, so... better late than never. Anyway, I'm gonna start switching up the pronouns I use for Makoto depending on the pitch of voice they're using and how they're intending to portray themselves in that particular scene. So basically, when their explicitly using a more feminine voice to pass themself off as female ((Which is rather easy given their appearance and the fact that 'Makoto' is technically a gender neutral name... and the fact that they already get mistaken for one quite a bit anyway and have for pretty much their entire life...)), I'll swap over to using 'She' and the like. When he's explicitly using a masculine voice, it'll be vica-versa. Most of the time when they aren't trying to pass off as either though, I'll probably be using the singular 'They', their, them, etc for the sake of simplicity, since their natural pitch is more in a neutral territory where it's hard to discern as either explicitly masculine or femine, and the fact that Makoto has honestly stopped really caring what people refer to them as. EDIT: after going back through my previous IC posts and replacing the pronouns though...I can honestly see why many people have begun favoring the use of 'Xe/Ze' the like over the singular 'They'... sounds less redundant, works better with grammar agreements too... anyways though, that's kinda besides the overall point of the matter...
  6. "And I thought I was the only one who had the power to literally talk people to death..." This... was not funny anymore. This brat on the other side of the screen was starting to Piss Makoto off just a little with these constant little tirades; the kid was- for all intents and purposes -a genuine annoyance. Hell though, from a professional stand-point, this entire situation they were in right now was- for all intents and purposes -a genuine annoyance; Kidnapped, chloroformed, locked up, forced to work alongside two juveniles... They focused for a moment, analyzing the variables of the child's voice before finally negating their specific vibrations through the speaker. Though the kid was still talking on the other end of the screen, and everyone else would still hear and suffer through his grating little voice, All Makoto heard was the Discriminate Silence they had self-imposed with their Aim Field and the soft ticking of the analog over the doorway. They glared at Kihara's side of the screen , mouth set into a thin line of agitation. "Just hurry up and give us the name's and profiles already. The sooner I can get out of here and shred the target's lungs into pulp, the less babysitting I'll have to do..." Despite their words however, they had no intention of looking after either of the two juveniles at all. They may be forced to work with them, but that by no means meant they were about to go acting all 'Older-Sibling' and the like...especially given the circumstances of how they wound up in this situation in the first place. This was the darkside afterall... If you fell from the path of the light and ended up here, even if you were a kid, you had best either find yourself an organization to sell your soul to, or be able to survive without a big sister or brother constantly looking over your shoulder and watching your back for you...
  7. What the fuck is going on here? Guys, it's a nice gesture to Rose for her recital right now and all, but I don't think that's how the internet works...

  8. Well, we're starting to brush off some of the rust, I'll give us that...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      anyways, I'm guessing that you're going to ditch the corpses of the bunnies then?

    3. Odybld


      The bunnies won't really work. They need Mega Lola Bunny, while the birds work without the Bugbird and the Dragonbird (M Pinsir and M Mence).

    4. Sutoratosu


      Yeah, well, regardless, enjoy your glory days, Upstart.

      Someday I'll surpass even my prime... and become something far greater than I once was.

      It might not be today, might not next week, or next month... but someday.

      Garry was good, there was no doubt about it, and he was always one step ahead the entire journey...

      But even he fell in the end.

  9. NAME: Aurora Sting RACE: Arachni [Arachnoid] AGE: 232 (29 in Arachni Years) APPEARANCE: PERSONALITY: CLASS: Arachni Acolyte [Cleric, Warrior] LESSER ABILITIES: Tier 1- Spear Specialist, Spider Silk, Heart of the Mother Tier 2- Mother's Frenzy SIGNATURE ABILITIES: "Venomplay" BACKGROUND: INVENTORY:
  10. Figured I would go ahead and finally try my hand at an RP run by Sensei... I'll get a sheet up later on once the finer points like the exact unique class and skills are hammered out and I've had a few things cleared up. for now though, I've already PMed you with my question regarding Mind Flayers.
  11. Alright, Coco... I gave you a challenge, and you rose to it... I'll give ya that, you crafty little...

    1. Sutoratosu


      So that's...

      Strat 1/ Dog 1

      But it doesn't matter... pops is bringing home a new collar anyway in a few minutes... I still win, dog.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      You never win with Dogs man. They are smarter than you think. I would know, I've had many a dog XD.

  12. Oh yeah... She's a smart pooch, I'll give her that... managing to chew threw her collar in just the right way that it would break while we were walking, then acting all nonchalant to hide the fact that something's off...

    1. Sutoratosu


      But sorry, Coco... I'm afraid your wits are no match for old stratos here...

      Now... how about you chew your way through that duct tape and old lanyard I used to McGuiber the temporary repairs?

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Trust me, where there's a will, there's a way. Especially when it comes to dogs.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Yeah well, she's in the cage now, so she's lost this battle...

      and even if she chews through the repairs, I got more old fabric lying around... and a shit ton of ductape to boot.

      I can keep this up just as long as she does.

      Ironic thing though, technically she's not even mine... My family's just watching her while ma aunts having surgery...

  13. Shit... I know if I hadn't spent that year getting rusty, I would probably be able to take you down right now... ah well though. Being an underdog... all It does is fill one with DETERMINATION.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Just you wait, bucko... one a these days...

    3. Odybld


      You're going to cut me into little pieces?!

    4. Sutoratosu


      Well, now that you mention it...

  14. Google tis the almighty lord god of the internet. Kneel before his mighty algorithms, and you shall find the information you seek...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Yea, my good man, tis because the Chinese Regime does not wish for it's people to know of the power of Lord Google, for they fear his teachings may well help to bring about the end of their reign over the land.

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      My safe search is off

    4. AuthorReborn


      ...Then turn it on? I'm not sure what the problem here is.

  15. Nice history lesson bro, I was wondering about alot of this stuff for a while now. Thanks for sharing And BTW, I found +Infinitas, encase anyone else would be interested in seeing the comic EDIT: and I suggest you guys check it out... It's actually pretty damn funny, IMO.
  16. The flashes of the abused dragons and the rubble strewn battlegrounds on the screen were finally enough to stop the snickering, whispered remarks still going on all around her section. Most of those who only moments ago had still been going on about the portly kid's banter either cringed or shuffled back further into their seats, meek as mice. Abusive trainers and the dragons who had been their victims finally breaking from the stress and retaliating against them.Yeah...things weren't so funny anymore, now were they? Maya didn't find the story surprising. It wasn't that much different from the ones Caid had always told her when she was younger. All those stories about the things he had seen and about trainers who only cared about power and would stop at nothing to get it, even if it meant pushing their partners to the brink and then punishing them when they inevitably failed from the ruthless pressure and stress. All those stories he told in order to try to teach her the very same lesson that giving her Folie was supposed to. "Just one of the many reasons why you shouldn't treat your partners like they're tools..." She muttered, cheek still resting on her knuckle. "at least there was some Karmic Justice to it in the end though... but it would've been better if none of it ever happened to begin with." After the last bit of information on the evaluations it seemed the speech was over. As usual, there came the time for questions, and lo and behold, three more students channeled up the courage to speak. At least these ones were actually legitimate questions however; one Class Smartass was enough already.
  17. Lols... this anime club...so laid back and crazy. It feels like I'm stepping into a Offline version of the Reborn Community every thursday...

    1. Sutoratosu


      Also, I now know with absolute certainty that I am a man who prefers Subs over Dubs... sometimes, those english VAs just fucking make the whole thing grating for me...

  18. If I do poetry... ya know, I don't really like poetry that much... I've always gravitated more towards outright stories told in the traditional narrative style.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Poetry has always struck me as something that says a quick message in a backwards way. It's something that's jsut not readily apparent and is the usage of words to say something profound in a strange way. It's really palying with words in the greatest sense of it. I only do it when I'm looking for a strange way to more or less say soemthing but not jsut say it. To show it, to give it life and meaning.

    3. Sutoratosu


      yeah, see, that's kinda my issue with it... I'm not exactly the type to beat around the bush... I just want to get right to business without any backwards phrasing or strange symbolism... I pretty much prefer something that can be straight forward in the message, but yet still have incredibly deep meaning when you dig deeper beyond the surface... rather than something that has deep meaning, but only through being cryptic and difficult to decipher or even understand in a straight manner.

    4. Sutoratosu


      Not that I'm incapable of dechipering most of them eventually, mind you, I just don't really want to have to go through hoops just to understand what the hell an Author is getting at.

      but anyway...I'm sleep deprived enough as it is...

  19. I'm 95% certain that at least one of the meanings of this poem has something to do with ANKL. The poem overall sounds like something that would come from Kalisto, given the events of the past that apparently led up to the current conflict of the RP's timeline. Especially the final stanzas... definitely sounds like a direct reference to her well-intentioned sins. As for the second meaning, I beleive it lies in how you set up the rhyming itself. Each of the Lines seems to have particular wording that relates directly to an aspect/ element directly tied to one of the Goddesses- for example: (A) Burning flame, the first act. ( Hope to open a heart so cold. ( To be together and grow old. © Love is such a strong emotion. (A) Searing pain, an agonizing fact. (D) ‘Twas not hope but aimless luck. (D) Could not save us when tragedy struck. © Hope is such a pointless notion. (A) Smoldering loss, the soul’s contract. ((IE, as in, Control...)) (E) Ashes of perfection gone forever. (E) Lost unto my heart’s endeavor © Emptiness is such a cold ocean Anyways... I could go into greater detail with tearing this apart to uncover and lay bare the full meanings, such as actually listing how all the mentioned things in red relate to the individual goddesses, etc. but... it's past midnight here. I have to drive places in the morning... sleep deprivation and getting behind the wheel of a 2 ton missile don't really mix, so... I'm just leave this here for now. Tell me if I got anything right.
  20. Yeah, you know what? Just fuck it... I'm not doing HS, I'm not doing CJ, not becoming a political scientist... I've seen enough over all this time. I know I want nothing to do with this system. fuck it, I'll become a librarian instead... I have no issue with a salary of around 57K a year, definitely seems livable enough for a bachelor.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity


      It has always seemed to me that politics have done more harm than good.

    3. Sutoratosu


      @ Lexi, well eh, might not be a librarian exactly, but I know it'll certainly be a career in something involving literature... I might as well do what I actually enjoy for a living, if I'm gonna give up on the original plan...

      @Dobby- Ditto...that's why I've decided to nope the fuck out of my current path while I still can...

    4. ZEL


      Librarian, hmm? I actually considered that option before settling on teaching, good luck to you! It's a very interesting field.

  21. You know, after a certain point a while ago... I honestly just stopped caring whenever I see this shit on the news. It's the same fucking thing every time, someone does it, there's outcry, debate on whether or not to ban the damn things altogether... a circular argument ensues ((Which is full of logical fallacies and fails to address the real cause, BTW)), and ultimately... nothing happens in the end and eventually it all just fades from memory, only for the fucking cycle to repeat ag...

  22. Yeah...think I'll go with something that has either softboiled or wish,,,

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I take it the Moonlight idea didn't work out for you in the end? I guess Wish works too...

    2. Sutoratosu


      what? oh... no, I'm still running M-light on Pax, I meant the story just now and the whole awkwardness with the milkdrink...

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Oh ok, nvm then.

  23. *Actuall realizes how awkward it would be to have a Character's Milktank serve as the healer of the team... ಠ_ಠ*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That... would make it weirder imo.

    3. Sutoratosu


      No, Zim, I mean...literally. The mechanics for how Milk Drink work show that Milktank literally has the health sucked right out of it's own stamina in order to use the move...

      anyways, I'm gonna go back to searching for clerics and what not, so...

    4. zimvader42


      Oh, well it does get 20% of HP out of miltank everytime it gets used....I had forgotten about it lol.

      What about.....uh.... blissey then? the nurse pokemon? softboiled and enough HP to heal for days.

  24. I think I finally know why I took such a liking to Sans... because I realized that he and I were incredibly alike. We're both lazy bastards and master procrastinators who need something either serious or interesting enough to motivate us to get up and do something.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. zimvader42


      The more I read you Stratos, the more I can't help but think how much alike you and hukuna are, at least in the humor and way of writting.

    3. Felicity


      If you like snarkiness, watch some british stand up. Jack Dee would be your shit.

  25. what? not like I'm breaking my sacred vow or anything... they said it didn't HAVE to be a santa hat, afterall.

    1. Sutoratosu


      plus, c'moooooon. You know this is stylish as hell.

    2. Sutoratosu


      And besides... I'm the type of guy who's really far more likely to wear a Fedora to Christmas shindigs than a santa hat... given I already own several of them, but not a single st.nick cap.

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