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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Heyo, felt nice and just recently figured out how to do it for my own, so... figure I might as well do a batch...
  2. I have taken it upon myself to don the hat... and yet, I regret nothing.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      You make it sound like your taking on the Black... geez XD.

    2. Mikzal


      If you break your hat vows you'll lose your head and won't be able to wear hats again

    3. Sutoratosu


      And so my hattening begins. XD

  3. Eh, why_not? This seems like a bit of fun. Come hat me, bro! EDIT: on second, never mind bro! I noticed that nice little tutorial Pocky made and hatted myself
  4. I know what to do with Exodus now. The meteorite was always the more plausible explanation for why the Generation Arks were launched...

  5. TFW you figure out an easy and relatively simple way to get android apps installed on a chromebook and actually function.

  6. Such badassery as his might never again grace this place

  7. Fuck it... that will do for now. It should hold until I can get the original content of the About Me section back together.

  8. I'm so damn tempted to make an Outside thread...not like there are any that exist on here already.

    1. Felicity


      I'll make an inside thread in response

  9. So...I guess the Ricktator is in charge now, by default more or less...

    1. Sutoratosu


      And his first order of business... should be to shut up the kid who thinks It's a good idea to call out and try to ask his mom a question while they're marching through a crowd of walkers...

  10. The only issue I ever had with the wasteland was that the spike recently was so ridiculous that I was completely certain there were some people who were straight up abusing the situation and actively farming shitpost after shitpost there just for the sake of getting easy $R, which is kinda scummy in my opinion. Anyways, regardless, I'm glad to hear this news about the economic cut off. now I can go back to not giving any damns as to what goes on in that toxic hell hole. Moving on from that though, congrats to Jericho and Rose. Especially Rose. I know you'll be great at the new job.
  11. "Look, I get it. My dad killed your dad...but there's something you need to know. Your dad...was an asshole."

    1. KingRyan


      assholery should never be tolerated. Even if you're my brother, mother, father, or elder. If you're an asshole, you deserve nothing.

  12. Tempted, Jedi Master Morgan seems...struggling with the dark side of the force once more, I believe he is...

  13. The original Team Aqua and Magma- confirmed to be the dumbest and most naive villainous pokemon teams ever...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jacobliterator
    3. Sutoratosu


      In flares defense, the beam, even though it failed, didn't destroy the whole earth.

      Magma and Aqua's plans though, had they not been stopped, would've done exactly that and killed everyone and everything except for a select few kinds of pokemon

    4. Sutoratosu


      As a kid, I was willing to let this slide, but now, I just cringe at it.

      I mean, really... these two groups ARE technically Eco Terrorist organizations of sorts... they should really be more versed in how the fucking climate of the planet works, enough to know that neverending sun or rain is a BAD idea to unleash.

  14. Sheriff Podunk and the legend of the West Hill Bar Fight

  15. hmmmmmm.... well, I suppose I could help out... I mean, I have shit ton of stuff already, but... hell, over half the RPs I once occupied myself with are either dead or asleep currently... Tell ya what, give me a basic gist of what the story is gonna be about (Like, specific details, ya know? just saying it's about pokemon ain't nearly enough), and I'll tell ya whether or not I can help after seeing just what it is I'd be getting into if I say yes. I kinda have to screen certain things now after a certain... series of events a while ago with another user I tried to help ((Cause I am REALLY not down for a repeat of all that mess))
  16. MFW I'm sitting here questioning why the fuck I ever saw fit to give Maya a damn Spinda as a starter...

    1. Sutoratosu


      And don't none of you even bring up Superpower+Contrary... already heard that argument

      I must've been on hard drugs or something...

    2. Etesian


      *generic drunk Spinda joke*

    3. Sutoratosu


      yeah... unfortunately, I kinda have to exploit that whole Drunk joke whenever it comes down to writing fights for the damn thing...

      such a terrible mon to have to work with man...

      I know I was going for something that was supposed to be a lesson in "Power isn't everything" and all, but damn... think I took it a bit too far with that decision, now that I have the benefit of hindsight.

  17. "I've always had more of a taste for Fairies. But Dragons are cool too." Snickering. Snickering was all Maya heard around her after the boy's retort to the professor; people sat with their hands over the mouths, trying hard not to draw attention, only for it all to be in vain as the subtle quakes of their bodies gave it all away. She simply sighed and shook her head as the quiet banter showed no sign settling down, resting her cheek on one knuckle and tapping the seat's arm rest with the fingers of the other. Well, that's the Class Smart Ass confirmed then, I guess... Hell though, she had to admit that she herself might have found that last response a bit funny too... or at least, she would've if this joker here wasn't holding up the entire damn presentation and wasting more and more of their time with this stick.
  18. "They kill them, they skin them, drain their blood and harvest the heart, use their very life stuff to preform their heinous little rituals. Man, woman, or child; Clergy or Mage; King or Emperor; Nobleman or Common Born... no one is safe from their machinations. They have no fear of the laws of mortal men, and the laws of the accords? They laugh as they wipe their sadistic arses with it... they raze the world and leave nothing in their wake, all for the sake of their experiments... God cl...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      than any ambition the gods can muster or any plan of conquest they've yet to wrought.

      But if you step beyond that damn door way, on this night, right now... You will face that darkness.

      You will face it and you will be destroyed by it. This isn't your fight. Go home, boy... or else I will break your legs, if it means saving you from your own foolishness.

    3. Sutoratosu
    4. Hexagoen


      why all these big posts in status bars ;A;

  19. This whole shitposting thing is honestly a new low, even for a place as desolate and lifelessly fucked up as the Wasteland...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      You just don't get it ma, 2derp4u

    3. Odybld


      The acidity levels are rising fast.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I don't really get why auth isn't acting, maybe because it's 'only' the wasteland

  20. I have the notes. Now is the time to put them into practice. Let us construct a core...

  21. I was supposed to be taking down notes on the basics of battling... instead I have spent past hour and a half writing a lengthy ass post explaining the basics of "Show Don't Tell"...

  22. I don't usually do this, but... since I am observing this thing and all, I think I kinda have an excuse for this intervention. like everything that Commander and Dobby and Murdoc have already said- there's a pretty glaring issue here with the post and content quality. And it doesn't matter what type of forum RP it is, free for all, fantasy, sci-fi, Magickal Kawai Girl, Supernatural Beast hunter, etc, there is one fact that is constant throughout all of them: Forum RPs live and die based on whether or not the Host adheres to and exercises at least some kind of writing quality. There are many other factors that go into determining whether they live or die as well, but this is the biggest because it's always the first one to come into play. Right off the bat, you should be coming out swining with your opening posts- as these are easily the most crucial to a young RP. If you do a crap job setting up the world and setting and premise of the story with that first post, chances are you are going to hit rough waters not long after and end up capsizing into a cold and merciless ocean. That sounds harsh, yeah, but it's true. Let's put into even simpler terms than Commander's cake analogy- in an RP, the host is like the director and set crew of a movie, and the Players are the actors in said film. Now, any good movie needs, first and foremost, a director who is capable of giving good...well, direction- it's in the very name -to the actors. It is the job of the director to ensure things go smoothly and the final product is of acceptable quality, which, as said before, can only be done if the director is competent enough to give the actors a solid premise for each scene. Which brings us to the point I'm trying to make- If the director does not give solid direction, then what happens to the film? It fails and falters. The actors get frustrated and tensions grow, things become an utter mess because the one who is supposed to be leading the production won't do his job properly. Things result in mediocrity, and some rather dreary stuff begins, careers are destroyed, people are made into laughing stocks within the industry, etc... Alright, got all this? What we're trying to warn you is that you're uh...you're definitely gonna need to step up the quality if you want this thing to stay alive. Just because this is a "free-for-all" type of RP is no excuse for one liners with barely any details or set-up; not in the least bit, no sir. Even if the atmosphere here is supposed to be alot more relaxed and whimsical than any other currently existing RPs on here, you're not gonna get away with half-assing something for long. The player base will eventually get frustrated with the issues that crop up because of it, and well... look, it's obvious where I'm going with this. TL;DR- This shit is gonna deteriorate fast if some basic improvements aren't made immediately. Now, I am not the type of man to just come on stage, vehemently shout to the heavens all the things that are wrong with something, and then leave without even giving an attempt to provide a solution for what's wrong... so... There is a very important concept in the field of fiction writing. Coupled with creativity and individual style, this is where all other things more or less build from, IMO (And many other fiction writers Opinions as well, mind you). This concept is three simple yet powerful words... So, show don't tell. Good stuff right? now... question is, how and where can you as the host start showing instead of just telling, and expand both on the quality and length of the post in the RP? Well...let's look at the first post of the IC as an example. Alright... so what we have is alot of telling, and virutally no showing... except for the "Smoking Door" part (Given that Adjectives are more or less inherently helpful for showing things and adding greater depth, but again, subject matter for another time). The players and readers alike have little to no context or detail to help them build their own pictures- you have just told them verbatim what to think and see about the scene; the only real conclusion they can draw is from the smoking door part- which is just because of human logic: What produces smoke, generally speaking? Fire. Ergo, there must be a fire somewhere behind the door, or at least something capable of producing smoke such as an explosive, short circuit... point is, you ain't given people a whole lot to go off of. Now then... how can we rewrite this to be a far better post? well, something a bit like this. Now then... did I add some details not in the original? Yes... but that was because of just how friggin bare bones it was, I had no choice but to add certain details that had no real indication in the original, just to even get the redone version of it to a decent enough size. This is just one of many possible examples of how the post could be spruced up and made far more better. Are there still issues here though? Hell yes. I didn't describe the place she was in [the setting] or any other context about the scene, but... the point here is pretty clear, that stuff can all come afterwards once there's some actual depth to the content. Right now the biggest issue is the lack of Showing and excess of telling, coupled with general lack of content even on the Telling side. The world building is also a heavy problem since it seems like... there really is none aside from "21st century earth"... Anyways, I got soooooooo much more I could talk about and address, but I don't usually do these types of things, going into the threads all heavy handed and such... so... think I'll end my words here for now. TLDR; The key to Show. Don't Tell is to be more specific. In the end though, it's really all up to you. You can go ahead and take everything I've said with a serious grain of salt if you want to, just ignore it all and keep going like how you are if you really want to, but... well, like I said, this thing ain't gonna live long if some serious improvements aren't made ASAP. That's just from general experience and what I've seen over time over the course of numerous RPs. Quality tends to be king. EDIT: real quick, forgot to mention it, but notice how I formatted the redone section? Using quotation marks to designate where pieces of dialogue start and stop? NOT using asterisk to mark basic actions? This makes things a bit more easier to read and understand if they're probably formatted with definite start and stopping points in the flow of the text and ideas ((IE, such as the indented paragraphs)) But proper technical formatting is a whole 'nother beast entirely, so I'll just leave this post dedicated to Show, Don't Tell for the time being.
  23. actually... no, I think i know what to do with this... I'll see him at the mountain top, sure enough... but I'll have a surprise in store... many surprises...

    1. Odybld


      It's always cozier to climb up with some companions.

    2. Sutoratosu


      Indeed it is... but for now though, it's time for me to learn how to actually climb. Someday though...

  24. TFW you figure out that you can have a dayjob in whatever career field you damn well please and still write fiction just by using a pen name...and luckily, I got one...

    1. Sutoratosu


      Actually, hell, I have several... all I need to do is steal the names of my own characters XD

  25. You know, it's been a long while since I've read an RP post and just cringed at the way it's written and formatted...yeah, think I'll just... stay away.

    1. Commander


      It's okay, I cringe at my own writing too. (Just kidding as I have a pretty good idea what you're talking about).

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