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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I feel my sins crawling on my back...this is not a strategy honorable men use...

  2. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ounomega-297433583 What can I say... he made the weapons... I just turned them against him.
    1. Sutoratosu


      and for those wondering why I switched to Rotom W, it was because I saw no mold breaker message... and wanted that sick burn.

  3. I'm fairly certain he means in-game via wifi battles and such, given that he mentioned IV Breeding which is.... kinda pointless on a sim since everything comes standard with perfect genes...
  4. The RNG gave me the finger recently... the amount of sheer animosity it just showed me, the raw hatred... truly, it was astonishing...though, perhaps this is my punishment for being such a dick earlier to the last guy I BRELOOM PUUUUUNCHED!

  5. I can't help but feel like a bit of a dick for how condescending I was... that finisher though... I think I'm gonna make BRELOOM PUUUUUNCH! an official fatality phrase from this point on. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ounomega-297271063

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      I know, I know... but I was feeling cruel and wanted to draw that shit out... so I went the long way with Erce instead of just U-turning...

    3. Sutoratosu


      And I think I was a bit vindictive about messing up with Pax earlier...

    4. zimvader42


      That was quite dickish imo, yep. If it was me, ignore opponent all the way, that's for sure.

      Still, was a good battle, tbh. Breloom is a monster.

  6. how sinister....
    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Isn't the ghostly guy with the yellow hat from an old Gorillaz video? I want to say "Clint Eastwood" but I am not sure...

    2. Sutoratosu


      well, what do ya know... he is

  7. There... I have officially fought using the Spinda Assist Gimmick Team... I can now cross it off my bucket list and proudly and resolutely say "Never Again. NEVER...."

  8. "Asriel" is a fusion of Asgore and Toriel. *Blows minds*

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Think about it though, what if everyone used that method to name their children, just taking the names of the mother and father and combining them in some way... it's strangely symbolic actually...

    3. Combat


      Isn't that how shipping Fan Fictions are made? Combining the two stars to create a story?

    4. Sutoratosu


      I meant in real life >.>

      There has to be atleast one culture out there that actually uses this naming practice...

  9. "The next time we meet, I will show you the true horrors of hell. And Then I shall show you the even greater horrors awaiting beyond the Pearly Gates. Remember that, boy. Until then..."

    1. Sutoratosu


      -Lucifer, Iconoclasm Excerpt

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      My professor at uni told me almost the same words after I rejected my score for his exam and decided to try again.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Jesus christ man... Dayum XD.

      What was the score the second time around though? Did he write "Next Time..." at the top of the page in flowing red ink?

  10. Yes, yes my team, that is right... we are growing stronger. Yes, you are all far better than your predecessors, for those who were replaced...all thanks to Thomas' help. We may well stand a chance in the league yet.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Can't wait to see you in Redemption :D

    2. Sutoratosu


      oh you know you will :^)

  11. So... this happened... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ounomega-296705215 I have no idea what the hell he was talking about with that exit commentary though...if it's some type of juvenile joke, I'm not really getting it...
  12. I amaze myself sometimes. I know that I'm playing with fire, I know what I'm doing is dangerous and sure to lead to my own destruction from my own arrogance someday...but yet, I keep up this deadly little cycle...continue to juggle this little flame, knowing that someday, I'm going to fuck up and it's going to be the end of everything for me... and yet, I don't stop. for some reason, all I can ever do is foolishly reassure myself that today is apparently not that day...

    1. Sutoratosu


      It seems as though I've been the luckiest damn fool in the world to get this far... but how much longer will all my lucky saves last?

    2. KingRyan


      Who cares how long you will last? Enjoy the ride for every second it's worth. You're one of the very few who get to :)

  13. Maya sat towards the back of the hall,arms crossed as she listeed to the first few parts of the Headmaster's speech. An empty seat sat to either side of her in the amphitheater, the fellow freshman also seated nearby area having steered clear of it once they caught a passing glance of that lingering, peircing glare in her eyes, though it was nothing more than a mere trace compared to what Folie had gotten earlier. Actually... speaking of the little mental patient, she still had to register him. She took out her student ID and Folie's capsule while the others murmured on about information being provided upstage, sliding the piece of identification ito the reader before immediately swiping over to the team data tab. Her fingers halted over the onscreen keyboard and text-field after she had entered the name however. She really wasn't in the mood to go entering all his information... it would only annoy her all over again. Actually, wait... hadn't Caid told her something a long time ago... Her fingers moved away from the text field, instead searching the rest of the screen for anything that might indicate the option she was looking for. "found it." She thought after a few more seconds. She tapped the prompt button she'd been looking for with a single swipe, holding up Folie's ball in front of the device. Not even a moment later, his full status came up on the screen, ability and moves and all, writing itself into the memory. "well, it works..." Without a word, she put both devices away, turning her attention back to the paused presentation as some rather portly lad stood up and asked a question in the distance. Hearing the actual content of the inquiry though, she honestly couldn't tell whether he was genuinely curious, bored beyond wits, or just trying to become the class smart-ass before anyone else could... ((And yes, the whole pokeball scanning thing is possible. Paul once did it in the anime on the pokeball of a Stantler he had just caught...))
  14. I have to stop this cycle. I have to stop being so overly critical, have to stop hating everything I'm make... people keep telling me that I'm good at what I do, why can't I see it myself when I look at it? I have to stop this mess... I have to accept that I have the talent and the potential... and I need to start using that talent and potential to pay for college...

    1. Cepheus


      ok... when I read the last part I was like:

      "yeah, sou need to start using your talent and potential for evil, and conquering the world... wait college?"

      what does that say about me? xD

    2. Sutoratosu


      Oh, you're not wrong- I'm still gonna conquer the world and all that jazz... it's just that nowadays, even the perfect villain needs a college education to get anywhere with their nefarious deeds XD

      No, but in all seriousness though, I really am my own worse critic...

  15. And yea, though I wander through the valley of the fuck up, I shall fear no failure, for you art my lord Procrastination.

  16. Ya'll don fucked up tonight.

  17. Eh, murdoc, just submitted my character sheet in the PM. let me know if anything needs work or something. Oh yeah...forgot to mention... I'm kinda coming back to this.
  18. *Stratos was filled with DETERMINATION. The Reincarnation was...complete.*

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      You could say you were REBORN

  19. <---- Does THIS look like the face of mercy to you?

  20. I don't have one. When you're almost always broke, you find it quite hard to afford the higher end gaming consoles and such... Plus, even if I did, I wouldn't know about the term anyway given I'm more of a solo player type...
  21. I'm sorry, but can someone explain dafuq all this DPS you guys keep going on about actually stands for?
  22. Listen to is and weep!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Funny thing is, I listened to this earlier today, and was listening to the original while reading that...

    3. zimvader42


      The attempt to hold the tears feels you with DETERMINATION

    4. Combat


      The sounds of the appropriate theme for Goat Dad...

      [insert Determination Joke Here]

  23. You can't see us; our time is now.

  24. He was little more than a lazy scientist... but when it came down to it, he tried to be hero... tried to vanquish the little hitler.

    1. Guzam


      Guess you could say he... HAD A BAD TIME! Hyuk Yuk Yuk Yuk Yuk

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