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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I swallowed my pride. It tasted bitter. And it burned on the way down... like fire. Hell fire.

    1. Red_Chaos
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      You could've had a V8

    3. Maelstrom


      That's why you chase it with something, scrub.

  2. Given I'm personally not a fan of nigh lawlessness and anarchy, I don't think I'll be immediately joining in this one just yet. I'll be keeping an eye on it though, just to see how it all plays out. Still, Hope you guys all have fun. Like Lexi said though... the rules in most of the RPs here have legit reasons behind them, and shit occasionally still tends to get very messy in certain cases even then; hence why I wanna kinda just stay back as an observer for the time being... but yeah, have fun you all. And please... try not to wreck the place
  3. on second thought, Thomas, disregard that last status... In the past few minutes, I have come to fully accept the fact that I have lost whatever experience I had and no longer know what the fuck I'm doing...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red_Chaos
    3. Sutoratosu


      Seriously, you had a point...

      and at this point, I need all the help I can get to get back to fighting condition...

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Either hop on the server or shoot me a PM then whichever you prefer :)

  4. I truly do tire of this bullshit as of late. Truly, you had all better start pulling more weight on the killing field, or else Pax the Clefairy shall be the only member here who survives the lay off.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      not everyone can be a hardcore battler...

      and i've already explained in past statuses why I chose certain moves that I run.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Ah well, as you wish.

    4. Sutoratosu


      And do keep in mind, I haven't really done any fighting since the Nations thing/ Zero Alliance... I'm still rusty as hell...

  5. yup, you are indeed a red head, as my google search for comparison and references has confirmed. Perhaps a bit on the lighter end of the spectrum for it, but still classifiable as red head nonetheless.
  6. I fear this is the beginning of the end for us...

    1. zimvader42


      That sounds like a good movie quote. Or a book quote. Or a good quote in general.

    2. Hypa


      or its a song lyric

    3. zimvader42


      Which can also be a quote

  7. Seyt, your time is now...

  8. Hey, I got a quick question about Dept. Store stickers: Basically, In my main save file I went around and already got most of them while I was progressing throughout the story across episodes 10-13/14 or so (Or whenever they got reset, I don't know) And when they got reset... yeah, I was kinda pretty much at the end of the current plot by the time they were reset. So my question is- since in that save file, I'm stopped at the end of the current episode release, have I completely and u...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vinny


      The lack of complaints about this leads me to believe that yes, you can backtrack and trigger the events again.

    3. Odybld


      In the older version before the reset, what floor could you reach, and what floor can you reach in E15?

    4. Sutoratosu


      I don't know exactly, I haven't actually tried to enter yet. I just happened to check the membership card on day and it got me thinking...

      Anyways, guess I should probably go investigate a bit more... if I can't access the floors I used to, and I can't get the new sticker events to trigger, I'll just start a new run... and use my wizardry to transfer over my favorite team members in their basic evo forms.

  9. edited my about me page... fucking again.

    1. Sutoratosu


      But I'm not going back and fucking putting anything again... I'm still far too utterly disgusted by the glitch that killed the entire passage the first time.

  10. "What's EXP? It's an acronym. It stands for 'Execution Points'. A way of quantifying the pain you have inflicted on others."

    1. Felicity


      inb4 someone complains about spoilers

    2. Shamitako
  11. Again, the soundbreaker sighed as they watched their supposed 'co-workers', this time with an air of genuine annoyance. It may have been amusing at first, but now it was getting to the point that they could feel brain cells beginning to die. They turned their attention back to the Kihara's panel on the screen, crossing their arms as they leaned back into the couch. "While these two... explore their adolescent perversions, mind explaining a bit about just why you suddenly want a few clan members dead? I know you kiharas generally give no damns about anything aside from your research projects, but still... most of you aren't psychotic enough to just go commissioning hit jobs without a reason." Makoto paused and contemplated that last part for a second. "Actually, forget the 'most' part; that's probably giving out far too much credit. Point is: just what is it exactly that these targets of yours have done?" They usually were a bit more mindful when it came to dealing with the clientele than this; then again though, they also usually weren't kidnapped and- presumably -locked into a small room without an easy means of escape in order to coerce compliance...
  12. Come on brotha, if you think I'm unstable, but I'll take you down like Cain did to Abel~

  13. *Drops something on the ground and leaves...*

    1. Vinny


      wow, that's... that's pretty awesome, damn

  14. perhaps... I have been thinking too main stream about his ability... maybe I need to turn to the less well known spectrums for ideas...

  15. *Sees that a post containing a mere selfie of himself that isn't even that good of a shot has gathered over 8 upvotes, yet various previous, well articulated and thought out posts he's made in the past have garnered little to nothing...* Yup... I have more confirmation than ever- it's a pointless system...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chevaleresse


      Yeah, I've had the same experience.

    3. zimvader42


      I mean I'm not saying it isn't a let down when a well-thought post gets nothing, but there are threads whose rep "rules" are kinda different.

    4. Shamitako


      ^^^Yeah, some threads have different concepts of what's rep-worthy and what isn't

      In WDYLL everything has to be liked or you're saying you don't like how someone looks and that's mean owo

  16. Anonymous has officially declared war on ISIS! I repeat, Anonymous has declared war on ISIS!

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Again? I remember this same angle happening last year around this time, too...

    2. Cyaloom


      Anonymous are civilians and as far as they know they only want to attack ISIS' website profiles. Is that going to change much?

  17. Just. Fuck. This. Shit. I'm not doing this, no, fuck it, I'm not filling all of that out again. The damn thing can just stay blank, I don't care anymore... try to do something, and the system fucks up... typical of my experience.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flux


      I guess I'd suggest keeping a copy somewhere if you ever do fill it out again. Though I don't know why it would just delete things... Technology can be weird sometimes... :c

    3. Sutoratosu


      Oh no, but flux, the worst part?

      I fucking did try that- I went and had the forsight to install the Laxorus Text recovery tool months ago...

      ya know what happened? Didn't fucking work. Logged in, and it wasn't there.

    4. Sutoratosu


      ((for context, Laxorus is a tool that is supposed to save data for various text forms you fill out and then backthem up so that you can log in at a later time and recover them should the need arise))

  18. Whoa, whoa... wait a fucking minute here... what the hell happened to my about me page? All that shit I had written was fine when I last edited it, checked, and moved on- so... text, where u at?

    1. Sutoratosu


      I mean literally, every last thing I wrote for it is fucking gone... can't help but be a bit pissed off...

    2. Shamitako


      thus why I have a browser addon that saves things I have typed in case they derp away for one reason or another

    3. KingRyan


      ya done goofed.

  19. Huh.... I guess what got me started was Pokemon Ruby. My grandad had gotten me my first Gameboy ((Which I still have by the way, a good ten damn years later, and it still works just fine)) that Christmas, and all I had for a while was a spongebob game that I can barely remember now- until my dad ordered a ruby cart off ebay or amazon or somewhere. Needless to say, that game kept me occupied for hours on end, eventually I branched out to trying the other pokemon games like both Fire Red, leaf green, Sapphire and Emerald, and even Yellow Version. I upgraded to a NDS a few years later and moved on to even more stuff like the Drawn to Life Series, Pokemon diamond, pearl, platinum, soul silver, BW and BW2... Then I moved up to computers for games like Reborn and Insurgence as well as to my current go-to Console, the PSP, and started to get into games for that like Tactics Ogre (which is probably my favorite game of all time) and even into stuff like GBA emulators... basically, my life as a gamer started the moment I picked up pokemon, and over time it simply expanded out from that point as I explored different genres and games and play-styles... It's kinda weird right now though... the past few years, I've kinda begun to drop most of my gaming in exchange for writing ((and the planning and background work nessacary for writting)) during most of my free time... but I'm not really that sad about it- My gaming career had a good run; plus it came around full circle anyway- it started with me playing GBA games on a GBA, and ended with me playing the same games years later on a virtual emulation of the hardware... kinda poetic.
  20. "Reborn's Resident Wizard" Yes...yes, I think that's a far more appropriate title...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      ^^^See, I'm so fed up with it that I can't even keep from fucking up in my sentences and putting 'Or' where I meant to say 'Of'

    3. Felicity


      woah, calm down man, I didn't mean anything by it. Seeing as your Avi looks to be Dresden and he's a wizard I figured that's what was up

    4. Sutoratosu



      really though, I've been studying the stuff for a few years at least... hell, I probably started all the research before I even found reborn and joined up

  21. eh, anyone got around 100 rupees they're willing to spare?

    1. Sutoratosu


      I kinda wanna fix this Old Member title I've had for months now...plus I have something I think will be better to replace it with

    2. Chim
    3. Sutoratosu


      Eh, thanks bro, preciate it

  22. Yeah, that's the same thing the Optician said when I chose my latest pair of glasses that you see in the photo... couple the specs style usually favored by older males with the beard, and a decent hieght, and like you say, I can probably pass to look around my early to mid twenties or so, if not more... It's kinda nice though. I don;t usually notice to many people staring whenever I'm out alone, so, that's a plus ; being able to avoid the usual suspicion establishments have towards solitary teens on the premises who are neither employed there nor the target demographic.
  23. eh, it's been a long while since I did this, so... Lighting is Shite and the shadow is too heavy around the face thanks to the library's set up though... and yes, Stratos Valgiri is a black man.
  24. ...man... I never did finish that backstory for Vero... been a long ass time now. I should probably get on that again. Maybe I can use all the free time around the holidays...

    1. Sutoratosu


      Though it looks like I've lost the G-docs for all the planning and what was already written... well, not like I haven't had to start over from scratch before.

  25. *Rubs his temples and curses silently under his breath*

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