The soldier felt the tang of blood surge in his mouth just as he came to, a sputtering, drawn out cough echoing from his lips and out into the darkness. He was blind. The only thing that painted the canvas of his black world was the swirling dust motes dancing within the single beam of early morning sun, trickling down from above. He gave a grunt of pain as he attempted to shift his weight, only to find the searing pain of a thousand splendid suns blooming throughout his right side. He looked at his shoulder, and in the light... he could the gleam of silver jutting out among bloodied and broken flesh, the slight taint of darkness still radiating from the foul weapon, though within the sun's rays, it quickly began to die.
"" Jackson muttered weakly. The pain was still too much to even think of moving... but he could feel it beginning to ebb along with the malice of the aura. "That little witch...she couldn't have been human... no one's capable of pulling that type of-" He forced himself up to his knees as he spoke, grinding his teeth against the second wave a searing fire igniting every last nerve ending he had. It was enough to send him blacking out the next second, feeling as his body tumbled back down and hit something hard and smooth. Hard and smooth... and moving. Jackson's eyes again fluttered open at the shrill, guttural hum of a full grown steel type. Cold, cobalt eyes lit up the darkness beside him, staring down with startled recognition. A tell-tale silver and grey light burned not too far beneath them as the soldier moved his hand to pat the monster, seemingly reacting to the rainbow hue adorning his own limb. There was no doubt about it...
"Aaaaaaag..." the Aggron whispered with a wheez.
"You got... caught in here too..."
Recci pulled his hand away- the glow of both the mega and the key stone dying as he did so. He held gazes with his oldest partner there in the darkness... illuminated by only a single shaft of sun. The last thing he could recall was ordering... something... something to kill that damn tyranitar- no, not a tyranitar, a god damn demon- there was... light, flash cannon? Then... then another light just like it... and a scream- a woman's scream. And then everything had faded, just like that. He had felt a tugging, a pulling, and ripping; something slicing into his flesh like an industrial meat packer and severing whatever sensory connection he had to the world before tossing him like a rag doll as if he'd pissed off a machamp... and then... nothing. And after nothing- here. Again Recci forced himself up- this time managing to maintain consciousness.
"Bird Christ, Galahad... we're getting... too old for this... shiiiiit."
"Galahad?" The beast was transfixed on something above. Something had blocked out the light. Then... the light not only returned... but expanded, expanded as two phantasmal fist grabbed hunks of the inky black material and forced the hole's berth wider and wider, bit by bit, fighting some type of unknown resistance as the beefy arms of whatever sinister god had seen fit to send them strained to continue it's progress. With Galahad's help Recci pulled himself to his feet, gazing at the spectacle as the face and body of a dusknoir he'd seen too many times before peeked down into his personal little abyss. The phantom met his gaze from on high. And within an instant, arms formed of the shadows themselves materialized around the hole, stretching it even further as the wraith carried out it's orders and a single, pitch black arm, impossibly long and impossibly huge by any corporeal standards extended it's
merry way down into the hell hole.
Recci did not move. He did not breath. He only laughed. shaking with the sheer amusement
"Son of bitch...Leave it to him, of course... that crazy, annoying bastard, here he comes to save me... again..." the laughter stopped as subtly as it had begun. Jackson's face darkened.
"Why can't you just let me die already?"
The female gengar could only grin with glee as she watched the scene unfolding down below, sheltered from the sight of mortals high above. There was just something so... amusing about this human child. Hecate had seen many things... many wars, many deaths, and through it all, it never ceased to amaze her just how poorly humans were capable of treating each other. And it never ceased to get her laughing either- like a comedy sketch almost- look at them, these hairless Primeapes prancing around with their superiority, their supposed "Chosen Nature", and yet what do they do with their power?
They kill one another, of course! Kill and destroy, murder and mayhem! It was what humans do... they take and take and take and...
"Gen..." She sighed to herself. There was no point trying to stall anylonger, as much as she was enjoying the little fiasco. Khan had told her to take care of the police, afterall... and, here they were. And for a human, Khan... he wasn't someone she thought of crossing lightly. It was best to get the shitstorm started...
May the mayhem... begin.
The sound of cuff's being unlatched sounded the minute she hit the floor. Two SWAT officers dashed over as the other's kept their weapons trained on the girl, each of them locking her eyes with a cold, callous stare... heartless to the brutality of the situation. The two were nearly to her side before something...bright flashed in the area. Something bright and colorful. It flashed again...and again... and again... the SWAT followed it with their eyes, heads swiveling to one side, then back to the other, as if they were canines mesmorized by a laser pointer. Then all at once, every one of the black armors there started to stumble over their own feet as they struggled to keep balance, dropping their weapons and teetering as if they were in stupors; but teeters was not a strong enough word to describe their hangovers... a drunk man would've had better coordination than their pitiful, pitiful state. One of them (Thankfully neither of those near Nikki...) even went so far as to double over and vomit from the sheer disorientation, splattering the concrete beneath them with a foul, pungent mess as they struggled to support themselves.
And yet... Nikki herself felt no effects. Whatever the attack was, it had to be the mark of a master- to be able to focus the effect to such a degree as to pinpoint the exact targets of a move supposedly capable of striking indiscriminately... it would've taken practice, effort, skill. And atop a shipping crate in the distance, Nikki could just make out a vaguely humanoid blob hovering against the pale grey sky... A Cheshire grin stretching it's twisted maw as it whacked a finger in the same monotonous, dizzying motion the light traveled in.
On deck
Khan paid no attention to the phenomena occurring just out on the docks... only smirked as he kept walking away.
Yuzuki ((and more or less anyone else in earshot))
"I think that's already taken care of..." Said the strange woman Yuuki had seen before, this time approaching the railing beside her. The girl could see little of her face- most of it hidden by a hood as white as the frigid slush coating the docks, a matching white long coat not too different in design from Khan's, fully buttoned down her torso and hugging her figure with pants just as pure in color. Her voice lacked the burden of age however... she was probably not much older than Yuuki herself, from the ring of it. She did not make eye contact, only stared at the lightshow- which, Yuuki would notice, seemed to lack an effect on those onboard despite clearly messing with the SWAT...
"That's Khan for you..." The woman sighed. She had to admit... he had her going there for a mintue- half torn between either walking over there and slapping some damn sense back into his sorry skull, or just outright searing him to the bone... "Always the thinker, always has a plan..."