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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Given the time gap, and the fact that she made sure to walk a good distance out of the way to avoid it, and given that the docks are kinda filled with cargo and shit someone could easily duck behind and dash inbetween... I've more or less just decided to let the walk back be successful So yeah, Johanna's on the boat. She just managed to get by because she wasn't... you know, walking down the boarding ramp with her hands up and actively surrendering... she took a route a far enough distance away to not be easily noticed...and the SWAT were all paying attention to Nikki anyway
  2. *Tries to test out the Redemption Team in Doubles after succeeding moderately well in singles. Realizes there is no OU No Mega Doubles... sits with a scowl on his face as he's just barely defeated 2-0 against a foe who used both a mega and a fucking legendary...*

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    2. AuthorReborn


      Yeah that's my only problem with my team atm. It works quite well in singles, but it looks like it'll be rather poor in doubles and triples because I haven't been able to test it fully since Megas and Legendaries rules everything. At least OU No Mega has a decreased number of legends running around sicne people have different mons doing their roles to mix it up.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Yeah bro, I feels...

      though, I made sure to take into account a doubles and triples aspect when I was building it and made sure to include moves that can hit the opposition but leave allies alone...

      still though... it sucks having to overcome so much additional opposition just for the sake of seeing if the team can hold up. The results you get aren't even accurate because to my knowledge, the Gym leaders won't use megas and probably will try to avoid legends too....

    4. Sutoratosu


      so basically, if you wanna test out double and triple, too damn bad- you're gonna have to go fucking overkill... not that I don't appreciate a good challenge mind you, but when I'm just looking to do a basic analysis about what I need to do to get the team up to par against threats and circumstances I know for CERTAIN they'll be likely facing, I just wanna get the fucking job done and make the changes already... not have to cut through a sea of red tape.

  3. Aside from Niki being accosted by the SWAT's standard "Aggress and Suppress" tactic and Khan getting ready to head to the bridge and haul ass out of there, the only other thing else there is in this scene is left up to player choice more or less. I still have the captain, the mystery trainer, and the still conscious but paralyzed Mr.HellChicken though... and the two mons Khan deployed... anyway, I guess the only thing I can tell ya is the same thing me and Dobby suggested to Hukuna. There's likely no avoiding the akwardness of a time gap at this point, so it's best to just suck it up and YOLO it and accept whatever clunkiness occurs. You can make up for it later. Hell, even something as simple as just doing something like having Felix witness Nikki's situation and decide there's no way in hell he's following her example and that he's staying his ass on the ship would be enough, if that's what you chose to do
  4. OH shit... I forgot about the blaziken... hmmmmm.... well, his trainer is dead, and his teammates have all gotten their asses kicked, so...huh... guess he's a POW now

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    1. Felicity


      can Nikki have him?

  5. They're meaningless, son. Basically, Don't worry too much about them. it's honestly a system with no real reward other than feeling a little good about yourself whenever you see your count. Generally speaking, a person's actual reputation in this community is worth alot more than just whatever number and title happens to sit to the right hand side of your profile page, highlighted in bright green.
  6. Eeeeh look at ma boy Arkhi getting promoted! Congrats man
  7. So...been nearly three months just about. are we officially dead in the water here, or just on a very long hiatus or something?
  8. Coincidentally though, it still offers far more of a potential diversity than a mono type would. anyway I personally would likely go with HP, for the same reason others have already said- dat bulk... I'd probably give it a twist though- rather than having a cut off of about one hundred or so, I would likely be willing to train mons whose Stat was as low as 80 and just have them EV trained to be as bulky as possible. That way, I could still use my favorite threats in the field such as Porygon's line, Empoleon, Scizor, etc.
  9. If I were to subjugate myself to pure torture and rewatch the pokemon anime all the way from gen one up to kalos... how long would it take to finish?

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    2. zimvader42


      And, you'd also have to count all the movies and specials.

    3. CURIE


      Don't forget specials. I dunno about how many specials are actually cannon to the show, but I know some of them are. Like the Mega Evolution specials.

      Oh, and movies.

      ...so at least you'll be rewarded by the final 96 episodes actually being good for once? Nah, just skip straight to Kalos

    4. SnowGlaceon


      TBH, you'll get bored real quick. And annoyed. and probably rage quit bc Ash is...ugh

  10. Yeah, I know a thing or two about strange pushes... especially right about now... this was not exactly planned, mind you... I was hoping to not have to demonstrate how much the SWAT tactics have changed since the war... or, at least, I was hoping to reveal that in Anthologies first...
  11. this. At this point man, you might just have to YOLO it. There will be plenty of time to make up for awkwardness later...
  12. Swat Van Booth tightened his already bone white grip on the LRAD's microphone, eyes as cold and dead as steel locking onto the lone figure making her way onto the docks, his thin lips set into a pursed cross of suspicion and disdain towards the would be criminal. A few years ago, just starting out as Chief he would never have considered accompanying his officers to a scene, let alone ride shotgun with SWAT Team itself... but... this wasn't the time for him to be sitting at his desk; that fiasco with the kid back when he was first named had been proof enough that his efforts hadn't been enough- that he could not lead from behind. It proved... That the department was still too weak. too pathetic. too unmotivated and flacid... that he still had quite the mess to clean up... And it proved that he would have to grip the wheel of leadership tighter... harsher. "Deploy." He ordered just before he depressed the trigger on the mike yet again, nodding at the driver... who then gave a single, silent signal into the side view mirror... and then Booth repeated the same command over the comm frequency. The roaring hum of motors and splashing of waves filled the van's cabin as a simple "Affirmative" came in over the air. Nikita There was silence for a moment as Niki stood there in surrender. Contrary to Khan's words, it looked like she would not be dining on concrete today... or being assailed by a glorified blast of hyper voice... or... so it seemed. The noise came all at once. Pure silence fading into a screeching cacophany of men and women shouting at her fanning out from their places behind the van, kneeling behind the cover of the police cruisers with SRAs held at the ready and trained on her center mass as a dizzying display of red sights danced across the surface of her attire. A single shot was all it would take... so much Spectra, concentrated into a single area... Among the disorienting noise and crossed commands though, there were but two things Nikki could make out repeatedly through the overwhelming wave of verbal force... "HALT!" "HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD; STOMACH TO THE GROUND!" It seemed Khan was right about the General SWAT behaviour assessment Ondeck Khan said absolutely nothing as he watched the very scene he had just finished predicting unfold. He only shook his head, turning to the others. "I've never been one to use 'I told you so', but... I do believe this is a better illustration of precisely what I warned of than anything I could've said." With that, the mysteriouso walked towards the ship's super structure, but not before he gave one final call over the shoulder. "Do what thou wilt. Don't expect any help against the officers if you happen to change your mind though. I estimate we will be up and running within... three to four minutes at most. Make a decision, if your going to."
  13. And so someone has decided to ride the railroad west instead of north... let us see where the train makes it's stop then...
  14. Two very valid points here. He's right, Reborn has no dice feature, and chances are, it likely won't ever... and people's time zones and varying schedules is definitely a considerable beast to contest with- ask anyone who has spent enough time roleplaying. We can tell it to ya straight how complicated and virtually unrealistic it can be to try to actively coordinate things that require people all being online simultaneously. Now, that said though, it's not impossible... you could probably try to get something set up on showdown, like you buy a private room for this and set things up on your end, post a sign up...somewhere, I don't really know which sub forum would be most appropriate ((Probably gaming central though again, I could be wrong)) and have people log onto the server and report to your particular room when it's time to start... hell, you could even run it like Rose does with the whole Game Night thing on the server and have a chat thread of sorts where you set days to meet up and everything. then's there also skype like you mentioned... but I know next to nothing about skype since I've never used it. another solution is to try to turn it into a full fledged forum RP... though making one takes quite a bit of work and is by no means easy, so... not something to look at unless you're willing to buckle down and put some serious time and energy behind it. and keep up that time and energy even after if it gets off the ground. Now, mind you, I'm not trying to kill dreams on this front or anyone, I'm just telling you how it really is and what type of personal effort it takes, so that there won't be any surprise if you decide to try that route. This way however, you could, theoretically, take care of all the dice rolls that are needed yourself off site or something... and the issue of coordinating schedules would be mute since folks would be able to just post whenever they have time to. Those are really the only ways I can think of this ever working here, either via a series of showdown sessions/ skyping or the roleplaying forums... which, while I'd usually offer a hand or two to help new hosts, I'm wouldn't be much help to you given... I know jack shit about the subject of DnD and my brain probably isn't wired the correct way to understand any of it even if I tried to... Like dobbs said already though, chances are that Hukuna will swoop in here and drop a massive text wall for you, so...yeah. these have just been my thoughts on how it could be potentially structured and executed given what resources and capabilities you have available via the site. I'm basically just spitballing. Yeah, I recall that as well. I'm almost certain that it just ended up fading into the background before it ever was able to get off the ground though... I never really heard or saw anything come out of it.
  15. Ash Ketchum- survived lord Voldemort... twice

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    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


      Fucking god phone.

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Ash may be a terrible trainer, but is a godly anime character.

    4. Shing


      Honestly, that's the power of a main character. They will survive no matter what.

  16. Yup... I knew this was gonna be a hard fight for us the moment I saw that team line up... and just like I thought, came pretty damn close to the wire... once again though, Clefable steps in and pulls out a win for us. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ounomega-290420545
  17. "There's a fork in the road in front of me, at the crossroads of identity. The devil is standing to the left. He says 'Either way, they both lead to death.'"

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    2. laggless01


      Just get the cloak of invisibility...

    3. Arkhi


      "And the high road's heading steep,

      And the low road's easy and deep.

      Guess I'll follow, follow, follow my feet."

    4. Sutoratosu


      see, ma boy arkhi here knows the song.

  18. I got quite a few choices, but if I had to choose one You may defeat me... but at what cost? Will you be able to look at yourself afterwards? Will my fall really give you the answers you seek? Or will you be left just as empty and hollow as before? No matter what, I'll always win in the end. So you might as well...just join the family.
  19. "I don't usually bring out the choice banded Tyranitar, but when I do... so far most of my recent opponents have just forfeited."

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    2. Sutoratosu


      Because I want to keep the Pain Train going longer without having to make stops for a refuel.

      Plus, Brick Break gets rid of Reflect and Light Screen... and it's worked just fine as a substitute for me

    3. Sutoratosu


      I just really don't like the drop in atk and def S-power causes... I wanna wreck shit man. He's godzilla, he's supposed to go on rampages, not just come in, dropkick something into oblivion, then run away to do it again some other time...

      but that's just me.

    4. Etesian


      Well, I think -1 Superpower does as much as regular BB does, so it's not unspammable (thought 3 turns is probably the limit). Though I really see Def drops getting in the way of something with that speed.

      Then again, breaking screens is sweet. And it's your team, whatever works out for ya :]

  20. "Oh Please, I never forget... I'm simply checking to see if I'll have to kill someone else too after this is done..." "Tch...Fine." They responded flatly. The question of payment and circumstance was satisfied... at least momentarily. Makoto passed glance at the other faces on the screen's display. Both looked to barely be out of middle school, but they knew from far too much experience it was best to reserve judgement until an ability was revealed. Whoever the kids were, they'd likely have at least something to possibly contribute... even if they probably did lack a good bit in maturity. "Are we working together? I bet that'd be super fun. Oh, I'm Kita Haruki, by the way, since Boring Scientist-san didn't say who everyone was. I think your names are nice, too. I wonder why you got them? My name is kind of a mystery, but I think..." Makoto held off with their second question as the boy spoke... and then just droned on and on about nothing. Out of everything else- being chloroformed, abducted, and then presented with a hit job- and names were the one thing the kid was focused on. The older Esper merely let out a slight chuckle under their breath and shook their head. "Amazing...this is apparently what I'll have to work with here. I'm probably not too far off with the age estimation..."
  21. NOTE: The police in SoA aren't very nice when shit's going down... especially the SWAT team

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  22. Yuuki and Yuzuki ((And pretty much everyone else at this point too)) "You heard that earlier? well, I'm quite impressed then." Khan called back to the scholar. "And if you don't trust me... well there's really nothing I can do about that. You're free to hop off this vessel and go have a nice chat with the police when they arrive though; I guarantee the experience won't be pleasant. True, they'll hear your story, but we on the other hand won't be sticking around here... and without any tangible proof to actually back up what you're saying, it'll be a long and hard interrogation session. If someone like I were to stop and chat with them though, it would be in serious conflict with the mission... given the fact that my orders are to avoid garnering as much attention as possible. Almost as if to confirm the man a booming, authorative call tore through the air as the first few vehicles began to pull up to the Docks, all of the them stopping just before the concrete and asphalt of the shipping yards gave way to the wharf's numerous extensions into the sea beyond. Among them was a sizeable, black van bearing the words 'SWAT' on it's side in gold, a large dishlike object sitting perched upon it's roof, all black and reminiscent of a pancake given it's flat surface. Khan simply stared at Yuuki with a blank expression, as well as at the others. "Do what thou wilt, anyone who wishes to disembark and talk. Just keep in mind that getting hit by an LRAD's blast hurts just as much as a Hyper Voice grating against your eardrums. And that SWAT officers, regardless of jurisdiction, don't play around. I've little idea how Asphalt and Concrete taste, but I imagine it's not savory in the least bit. Don't expect them to act nice; in this situation, They'll treat any of you as active threats first, and suspects or witnesses second."
  23. So... seeing as how the current scene seems to be going absolutely nowhere thus far, except for Hiss's conversation, I figure I'm just going to... get us the hell out of dodge already and just move this thing along, cause honestly, it would just begin to get ridiculous if I keep stalling and holding out the VCPD's response time to such a local and close area more than I already have... Though, not exactly like the Vermillion Police Force holds a sterling track record anyway, but still...
  24. "Do so if you wish to, girl." Was what she got in response. Khan was staring at the unknown woman as she lowered the giant on his side onto the deck, the stranger herself giving him a unreadable look in return."It is of little consequence now either way; You all wanted an adventure, afterall... and It's much too late to have a change of heart."
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