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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. then god forgive the sin I committed... and may humanity forgive the crime I committed. My first character... was for my first serious short story- if anyone actually pays attention to the Author Index thread, you should know what that was. the year... was 2011- people had momentarily regained faith in Obama thanks to the slaying of Bin Laden 2 days prior, I have no idea what the price of a tank of gas was, and the starwars third trilogy was nothing but a dream in the minds of certain fanboys... It was the seventh grade... I had no choice but to write something if I wanted that grade, and I had to operate under a page limit and a time crunch. And so, when I needed inspiration to get writing, what did I turn to? Starwars, folks. I turned to starwars, specifically, I turned to this video And yes, it is important that I include that here, so don't bite me over it. It's important because in a way, I more or less took the basic premise of the video and more or less ripped it off. The product of this unholy union of mind and youtube video was none other than the Man I named "Steven Mountegry" Steven was, for lack of a better word, a freaking jedi in the real world. Like I said... I ripped off the video's theme and went with it. The story started out with Steven working as an underappreicated, under paid special effects artist at lucas film in early 1983 working on the set of "The Return of the Jedi". To settle his grievances, Steven pulled together what little resources and cash he had, and somehow... I don't fucking even know how, he managed to construct a fully functional, legitimate lightsaber over the course of five whole years during his time employed in Lucas Film. And then once his labor was complete, what did steven do? He marched into George's office and held the thing to his throat and demanded a change in his situation. Goerge though, I don't know whether it was because I imagined the guy having balls of steel or simply because I needed a reason for Steven to run away, refused to meet Steven's demands. Steven gets pissed off, runs out as George calls out for him to wait a minute ((Probably because he wants to figure out how the ever loving fuck steven made a god damn lightsaber)), and a set extra inadvertently gets in Steve's way as he flees... a swing upward, a scream, and lo and behold, turns out the lighthsaber actually works just like in the movies. And then, we have ourselves a cover up being preformed by Lucas Arts...Steven goes into hiding, his blue prints are hidden away, just like in the video's exposition... fast forward twenty years, and some nutjob has bought the blue prints off ebay and plans to take out the us government ((I'm not shitting you, I fucking wrote this plot at age 12)). Steven finds him, confronts him, the guy manages to escape towards DC and steven peels out in pursuit of him. The story comes to it's climax when the two encounter each other at the washington monument where steven founds the nut has massacred a bunch of tourist and secruity guards as "Practice", steven gets pissed off, the two exchange words and wipe up their lightsabers- steven has blue and his opponent red -an then... they proceed to clash. Some shitty naration from 12 year old me later, and the fight has dragged on for a quite a bit and Steven ultimately manages to outlast Nick in terms of stamina and goes in for the kill. But wait folks, Steven gets worse... what I do next with him in the story breaks all logic, and I even said as much in the narration- he's attacked by a black ops agent leading a unit that's presumably been dispatched to handle the chaos at the monument, and for a minute in the end, it looks like he's been captured... but what do I have steven do? He uses a mother fucking force maelstrom move straight out of Force Unleashed and blows all of them away with a shockwave... apparently he was a jedi both in abilities and weaponry... So the black ops leader is actually pretty chill about this... until Steven also pulls out the powers of Pyrokinesis ((Which is actually possible as a force ability)) as well as hyperspeed and rushes him and pretty much brands the guy's face. The guy gets pissed off, pushes steven away, and what do ya know? He's a fucking jedi too! He blasts steven with some force lightning, pretty much pushing him over the edge of his endurance, and steven falls to the ground unconscious just as the guy fires off another salvo of lightning at him... and that's how I ended the story... on a god damn cliff hanger, as if my sins in it's creation weren't great enough- I actually intended for their to be a sequel... and until age 13, I actually did make a few attempts at writing one for it. So there... that was my first. Steven Mountegry. A 40 something year old, scraggly haired retired FX artist who can somehow wield a lightsaber perfectly and use the Force with no explanations given... though for the lightsaber, I at least had the foresight to mention that experience and practice factored heavily into why he was able to kill his opponent, Nicholas Crone, with relative ease after the latter tired during the fight... but simply telling you about this sin is not enough... it must be shown... a matter for a different place though, not here...
  2. All this elaboration, and yet not even a single youtube link to any of em, bro? 0/10 would not read again. Anyways...in all seriousness, I've got probably too many favorite battle themes from pokemon to count; over the years, I've been steadily building them up... but here's a few off the top of my head- with videos, mind you... Zinnia's Theme: I never owned a 3ds, and I likely never will. So I have never played X&Y or AS/OR nor will I ever, but the moment I heard Zinnia's Theme, the first thing I said was "Hell fucking yes." IT...it's just got everything I love in a battle theme. A good orchestral/symphonic atmosphere, a sophisticated tone with copious amounts of violin and yet a subtle fierceness with that paced and constant drum beat... I don't care who the hell my opponent is, I could fight anyone if it was to this tune. In fact, if not for this very tune, I could say with a shadow of a doubt that the amount of damns I would have ever given about the gen six games would be none. It sounds that good to me. Plus, I think there may damn well be more remixes and versions of this than any other fight theme from the series... hell, maybe even more than the Lance/Red battle themes have had. Steven Stone's Theme What can I say? Steven Stone is my all time favorite Champion, managing to be a suave and overall magnificent bastard, without being totally useless in a time of crisis. And Ruby was the first pokemon game I ever owned... it's what got little 8 year old me started in the realm of pokerman. So... when I actually managed to get to the end of the elite four for the first time ever, what am I greeted by? This glorious, silver haired bloke with a smile that could melt polar glaciers and the hearts of even the coldest Tsundere, alongside a theme that fit him like a freaking glove. Now admitably, through a GBSPs shitty speakers, the song sounded like virtual crap; It sounded epic and grand don't get me wrong, but it just wasn't really done justice- luckily though, there have been a number of remixes in the past 10 years for it that have made up for that hardware limitation. The thing sounds amazing to be frank, that opening sequence, raw and powerful, yet followed by a smoother melody that rose and fell in intensity as if resounding with the heart beats of the trainer as the kid sat there scrambling what to do next, how to react to Steven's steel types. Fucking amazing folks, 10/10 from me. Probably my all time favorite. Plus the guy has a freaking awesome encounter theme to go around with it, just an added bonus... Theme of the Dark Lord, Giratina Call me a devil's advocate, but... can you really blame me when the tunes are so good on the dark side? There's just... such a sense of power and perverted authority permeating every note- when this thing first starts playing, you know right off the bat that the thing that stands before you is not to be trifled with, and some shit is most definitely about to go down- and the darker tone of the downward spiraling beat is entirely fitting for a Being forced into exile. But there's also something else in Giratina's theme... a sense of rebellion, which really comes out in full force when listening to a decent Heavy Metal or rock remix of it, I mean, it just feels like that massive ghost dragon is just biding his time, waiting for the moment that he can finally strike back against the one who imprisoned him... Hell, this is another theme that I could literally fight anyone with so long as it was playing the background. I'll probably put up a few more later for now though... feast you ears on this remix of the lake spirit battle themes:
  3. *Waves around the first story he ever wrote seriously...* Stay back! I have terrible literature, and I'm not afraid to read it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      Doubt your middle-school self could beat my high-school self in terms of the "awful writing" department.

    3. Sutoratosu


      oh no my friend... you would probably be wrong.

      BTW, I read that wrong for a minute and thought there was "your" instead of the "My"... was about to roll up my sleeves and challenge you to a literary duel XD

    4. Grizzlybrand


      I wrote gay fanfic about my friend when I was 12. I had a fanfiction account with 95 fanfics. Both were burned around my senior year of high school

  4. Oh god Dobby, you've done it again, going and reminding me of PSS... oh the horrors that were spawned by my own raw ambition and lack of genre/hosting experience... IS this for Roleplaying OCs solely, or can any character from any medium be used so long as they were technically the "First" a person ever wrote? Cause if it's exclusively for the former, this would honestly belong more in the RP forum than it would in creative writing. If it's the latter though... I must tell you, I have an example up my sleeve that could easily put the first draft of old Darius here to absolute shame... I shit you not. The being I speak of is so amateurish and god awful, that simply reading the short story I wrote about him five years ago damn near caused me to die of embarrassment...
  5. TFW you finally realize that the reasons everything in pokemon is priced like it is is because the pokedollar is based off the Yen...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Commander


      You just realized that now. What did you think Poke balls costed $300. Well...maybe in this day and age.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Yeah... the developers seemed to have put that one discrepancy there simply to piss people off and make em go WTF.

      I really see no reason why bikes can't just be bought and instead have to have some overly convoluted side quest in order to get

    4. Sutoratosu


      And @ Commander, I'm an american... as a kid when I first saw the prices, I just said "OK" and took the currency at face value assuming it was the same as a simple dollar.

      Basically, the only reason I just realized is because childhood ignorance was preventing me from thinking about it until now.

  6. Some bridges are simply destined to be burned, and some bridges are meant to be rebuilt in stone from their ashes... this bridge however... is not one of those bridges.

  7. You shall learn to fear the Normal Types in time... and their bulk.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Hmph... figures he would have no fear of us.

      Fine, unto someone different then!

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I fear nothing, for I am fear itself.

    4. ArmoredGuardian
  8. Democracy or Anarchy... which will Folie choose?

  9. Hmmmm... if only there were a way to make a randomizer for Reborn... but the amount of scripting and work that would be needed... simply monstrous.

    1. Cyaloom


      It would kind of make the game pointless too, as you could have powerful pokémon since the start, like legendaries.

    2. DerxwnaKapsyla


      They'd still be relatively hard to use - imagine trying to catch, let alone level up, a Level 2 Groudon

  10. "An Artificial Angel must not be allowed to exist... Kill him."

    1. Hiss13


      “She’s already been twisted into this form by the higher ups of Academy City. She’s already being forced to bloody her hands. She’s already being kept from asking for help or even shedding a single tear. And now you barge in and start treating her like a monster and saying you need to kill her? To hell with that. Is that any way to treat someone’s friend!?”-Kamijou Touma

      Yes, I know this isn't what you're thinking of, but the words...

    2. Sutoratosu


      ... I was honestly referring to Mewtwo's role in the history of SoA's world...

    3. Sutoratosu


      Seeing as how it's birth was more or less what spurred Kanto to actually mobilize and go to war against giovanni...

      but oopsss... spoilers. Ya'll gonna have to read the upcoming chapters of Anthologies to find out the rest.

  11. "..." Arya hadn't spoken another word. After seeing Alexus more or less nearly breakdown from a few simple, if admitably pointed, questions, well... it wasn't like she was trying to make anyone cry. Goddamn it though, she had to admit it was more than frustrating to just sit here after all this crap had gone down and have barely any context at all. But hell, she obviously wasn't making things much better, was she? Perhaps shutting up for now really would be for the best... But she was still listening to it all. And lo and behold, it looked like someone else was actually getting somewhere. Figures. She sighed under her breath as she walked over towards the bit of exposition being spouted, taking in whatever pieces she could get as she got closer. At least she'd learn something about all this.
  12. It's hard being a wizard.

  13. And yet somehow, I could still understand you perfectly... Eh, guess it's only natural I be able to read inbetween the lines at this point... I've certainly been at it long enough to have an excuse not to XD
  14. It's already been made clear it's not a spiritomb though... talk about stubborn opinion, bro. Hell, if it was though, the only thing needed to fully creep out the situation would be the old line "WE. ARE. LEGION!!" at the end of it's little speech XD
  15. You know... once you get past the horrifying prospect of the guy becoming president, Donald Trump is actually quite amusing with his antics in the race...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Hell, tell ya what, if the american people actually elect that fool to office...

      well, I guess then it would just be time for me to follow Trevo here and leave. Cause obviously all is lost for this country at that point...

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Nah. As soon as Kanye West gets elected, THEN it's all over.

    4. Anvilicious


      Kanye > Trump. Don't worry, though. If Trump gets elected, someone would probably snap and assassinate the guy.

  16. About that earlier status, just to make it clear for those who didn't understand: I meant using a Dual-Type Team consisting of Dragon Types and Steel Types... like a half-mono type for each, not freaking using dialga or something -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      In Se7en you'll be able to have a mon that is both! Also, if you don't name your character Gajeel when you do this run, I'll be disappointed.

    3. Omega_Ra1der


      Twintype challenge, I am declaring the new name.

    4. Omega_Ra1der


      I somewhat give birth to the challenge for being easy or hard depending on combo.

  17. so... according to my hypothesis, a team consisting of a Dragon and Steel typing at it's core should've worked wonders... how wrong was I proven...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pixl


      Dragmag core was consistently good in earlier metas. I'm sure it's still viable now but definitely not as prominent.

    3. Shamitako


      What Pixl said

    4. AuthorReborn


      Dragmag is fun and it works quite well even in the current meta as I had a M Altaria and Magnezone team I used for most of RCBA that worked quite nicely.

  18. well, fuck, nevermind... we're gonna have to go back to the drawing board...

  19. Finally... I have figured out a theoretical way to damage ground types with an electric attack...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Hiss13


      @Strat Don't watch Railgun. The anime sucks. Read the manga.

    3. Flux



      But without reading the manga you can still find the anime enjoyable, as I have. That's why I always insist on watching the anime before I go read LNs or manga, because then you see the LNs/manga as a more detailed source, rather than just seeing the anime as stupid and inaccurate.

    4. Hiss13



      It's not a problem of just being an adaptation. It fails as a part of ToAru. Look at the most recent post on the ToAru Majutsu no Index thread. I detail it there.

  20. I don't really care at this point. It looked better to me than stringing it together and whatnot... point is it got across the information I wanted so, eh... though hell, probably doesn't matter anyway There. indentations fix everything. most of the time...
  21. "Does this necessarily mean Charlemange's Gift resides in someone here or is it something else entirely?" "That... is a whole 'nother matter in and off itself." Khan answered. "It's...complicated. The story... it makes the gift out to be something that isn't passed on through blood and birth... it was more of something like an achievement. Like... transcendence from the realm of mere men and into something greater. Charlemagne was simply the first and apparently only person to have ever discovered the possibility, hence it became his legacy in a way." He stopped and looked out over the docls and towards the sprawling cityscape beyond, lights burning in the fog as bright reds and blues clashed against the white and grey backdrop of snow and concrete and mist. The dusknoir was back, seemingly materializing from the very air itself. The man whispered something to the ghost before taking two more capsules from his belt, tossing them high into the air. Out of the bursts of raw, black energy emerged a Rotom and Gengar, the latter of the duo bearing a gold arm bangle that shined in the early morning sun, a murky stone sitting in it's center with striations of black and violet and red. The wraith instantly gave a series of cackles to the weaker phantom hovering before it, the Dusknoir responding with a whispered tone of it's own. Both of them turned to Khan and nodded before vanishing from sight, leaving only the Tinkerer Spirit. "Get to the bridge." He ordered. The Rotom had given an indignant crackle of static before vanishing as well before Khan turned back to Yuzuki. "Though, knowing the church of Kalos at the time... no, nevermind- you have a point, girl, This is something that's better off being discussed later. The authorities would've been bad enough on their own, but Thanatos just gave me word that the strongest man in the city is en route to this location... and my associates in the after realm don't think he'll be holding back anything. God help us all if he uses that signature move of his..."
  22. Seeing as how general activity here has been slow as hell and barely anyone has really posted that much since the fight ended aside from Hiss... Yeah, I don't really think anyone here would have much of a right to tell you to scram or drop, given that the majority of your fellow players are in the same boat more or less... both literally and metaphorically. Even if someone's activity is limited, whatever the circumstance, so long as they still want to at least try to participate and be in the story, and put up the effort to do so, I won't force them to quit or allow others to pressure them into quitting. Things can be arranged if necessary, afterall. I entered with low expectations on the activity front specifically so I wouldn't be too dissapointed or shocked whenever things got monstrously slow- something which honestly was a direct contribution to why past things I've tried to run ultimately failed. Hell, at this point, I've decided to just go ahead and let the short stories for this thing do the heavy lifting in terms of giving extensive detail and backstory for various aspects of the world... gives me something else that's still related to focus on while I wait and builds up a base of outside knowledge for better understanding various things that go on, and with them, I can work on their lore at any time. So yes, it's entirely an option to still stick around and try to be active and a part of the story... The effort and willingness to keep going itself is really what I care about more than anything else. That, and you're not alone in your situation because I know Chimchain as well has been heavily occupied with some outside circumstances and trying to... conduct matters with Ymora as of late. I've got no idea what the hell's been going on with the 2 unaccounted for players though... just kinda disappeared and have been silent ((Well, actually, that's a bull-faced lie; I have my own theories as to what they've been doing...)) The basic rundown of the in-story situation is this: Someone finally responded and hit the damn Volcanion and successfully managed to avert everyone a horrible horrible death... which certainly took long enough considering just about anyone in that group could've intervened... regardless though- the Hyper Beam was knocked off course and fired off over the city. Dobby and Chim pulled off a bit of team work and finished off the beast, and it died Shadow of the Colossus style and left behind quite a few pretty gems that I've already left some heavy hinting in the narration regarding what they are. The cops are currently on the way in the company of the awesomeness that is the retired war vet known as Surge, and the NPCs will likely take action about that either in the next update or the one after it, whenever that may be. Yuzuki is currently playing 20 questions with Mr.Shades Khan, the creepy-ass black guy who I've outlined in the NPC profiles while I've been waiting, Yuuki is currently examining the stones (At least, I presume he is... murdoc never actually responded to my last update for him.), And Nikki is currently trying to do a head count/rollcall/sound off to see if anyone got killed during the Chaos. Meanwhile, Some strange woman is dragging one heavily injured Mr.Tatsuya onboard from the docks by herself, despite being at the very least a full foot and a half shorter and him having a good 200 pounds on her, the oddity of which again was commented on by narration, and... whatever happened to the captain or the two other operatives he was fighting against remains to be seen. The Sirens and lights of the emergency services are close enough at this point for people to be able to notice them in the distance... and the Popo are packing their own very special brand of heat which I've been working on the concept of lately... :feelsgd: That's pretty much a laymen's record of events thus far.
  23. well, I now know how Wizarding Hoodlums settle their disputes.
    1. Commander


      You're a gangster, Harry.

  24. So... I heard Walking Dead came back on recently...

    1. Sutoratosu


      and apparently, I've also been living under a rock because there have been 3 episodes of season 6 so far :/

    2. Jan


      This is correct.

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