then god forgive the sin I committed... and may humanity forgive the crime I committed.
My first character... was for my first serious short story- if anyone actually pays attention to the Author Index thread, you should know what that was. the year... was 2011- people had momentarily regained faith in Obama thanks to the slaying of Bin Laden 2 days prior, I have no idea what the price of a tank of gas was, and the starwars third trilogy was nothing but a dream in the minds of certain fanboys...
It was the seventh grade... I had no choice but to write something if I wanted that grade, and I had to operate under a page limit and a time crunch. And so, when I needed inspiration to get writing, what did I turn to? Starwars, folks. I turned to starwars, specifically, I turned to this video
And yes, it is important that I include that here, so don't bite me over it. It's important because in a way, I more or less took the basic premise of the video and more or less ripped it off. The product of this unholy union of mind and youtube video was none other than the Man I named "Steven Mountegry"
Steven was, for lack of a better word, a freaking jedi in the real world. Like I said... I ripped off the video's theme and went with it. The story started out with Steven working as an underappreicated, under paid special effects artist at lucas film in early 1983 working on the set of "The Return of the Jedi". To settle his grievances, Steven pulled together what little resources and cash he had, and somehow... I don't fucking even know how, he managed to construct a fully functional, legitimate lightsaber over the course of five whole years during his time employed in Lucas Film. And then once his labor was complete, what did steven do?
He marched into George's office and held the thing to his throat and demanded a change in his situation. Goerge though, I don't know whether it was because I imagined the guy having balls of steel or simply because I needed a reason for Steven to run away, refused to meet Steven's demands. Steven gets pissed off, runs out as George calls out for him to wait a minute ((Probably because he wants to figure out how the ever loving fuck steven made a god damn lightsaber)), and a set extra inadvertently gets in Steve's way as he flees... a swing upward, a scream, and lo and behold, turns out the lighthsaber actually works just like in the movies. And then, we have ourselves a cover up being preformed by Lucas Arts...Steven goes into hiding, his blue prints are hidden away, just like in the video's exposition...
fast forward twenty years, and some nutjob has bought the blue prints off ebay and plans to take out the us government ((I'm not shitting you, I fucking wrote this plot at age 12)). Steven finds him, confronts him, the guy manages to escape towards DC and steven peels out in pursuit of him. The story comes to it's climax when the two encounter each other at the washington monument where steven founds the nut has massacred a bunch of tourist and secruity guards as "Practice", steven gets pissed off, the two exchange words and wipe up their lightsabers- steven has blue and his opponent red -an then... they proceed to clash. Some shitty naration from 12 year old me later, and the fight has dragged on for a quite a bit and Steven ultimately manages to outlast Nick in terms of stamina and goes in for the kill.
But wait folks, Steven gets worse... what I do next with him in the story breaks all logic, and I even said as much in the narration- he's attacked by a black ops agent leading a unit that's presumably been dispatched to handle the chaos at the monument, and for a minute in the end, it looks like he's been captured... but what do I have steven do? He uses a mother fucking force maelstrom move straight out of Force Unleashed and blows all of them away with a shockwave... apparently he was a jedi both in abilities and weaponry... So the black ops leader is actually pretty chill about this... until Steven also pulls out the powers of Pyrokinesis ((Which is actually possible as a force ability)) as well as hyperspeed and rushes him and pretty much brands the guy's face. The guy gets pissed off, pushes steven away, and what do ya know? He's a fucking jedi too! He blasts steven with some force lightning, pretty much pushing him over the edge of his endurance, and steven falls to the ground unconscious just as the guy fires off another salvo of lightning at him...
and that's how I ended the story... on a god damn cliff hanger, as if my sins in it's creation weren't great enough- I actually intended for their to be a sequel... and until age 13, I actually did make a few attempts at writing one for it.
So there... that was my first. Steven Mountegry. A 40 something year old, scraggly haired retired FX artist who can somehow wield a lightsaber perfectly and use the Force with no explanations given... though for the lightsaber, I at least had the foresight to mention that experience and practice factored heavily into why he was able to kill his opponent, Nicholas Crone, with relative ease after the latter tired during the fight...
but simply telling you about this sin is not enough... it must be shown... a matter for a different place though, not here...