Well, I appreciate the feedback at least.
For the profanity bit, I can't really comment too much about as it's really more of a subjective thing- for some people it tends to simply fall into the style of their narrative for their own reasons to use a bit of it, such as for tone, while for others, it may seem like an unnecessary choice made solely to cover up something lacking on the authors part, when in fact it may not be the exact case. I'm generally not the type to go scattering nuclear F-bombs hither and tither, but I'm also not afraid to insert a few things here and there either if I feel it will help get the tone and general feeling about the scene I myself am experiencing and seeing it as across...which more than a few post I've made in various RPs will attest to from my narration of the character's POV. that's simply part of my style, be warned now. If it feels right to me when things are being drafted, then I won't be afraid to include it. That said though, the amount of it that is included will vary because of that. Some chapters may have a bit more usage, while some may have less. It's not really something I can explain very easily without a long rambling...all I can say that in this case, what it really comes down to is individual perception on whether or not Profanity is necessary at all in a story.
As for the bit about the trainer not putting a dent in Surge's team- this is not regular pokemon. I'd like to reiterate that single fact. I've drafted my own changes to the league system and standards when I originally made this world for Sins of Avalon, and Gym Leaders and Elite Four Members are far more powerful than they are in the games, and defeating them by simply relying on type matchups alone isn't enough in the world of Sins of Avalon- one must actually use strategy and be able to adapt to changing variables on the field of battle, something which the young man who challenged surge lacked the skills to do, hence his easy defeat. Being able to sweep a gym with one or two super-effective mons was something I never really was too fond of, so when I made the league system for this, I made sure to make it so that winning a badge took actual, genuine effort on part of the trainer.
As for the lack of certain details and the short nature of the chapter- do recall that this is my first actual attempt at a Single-Author story in five whole years and the fact that it's merely a prologue; It's meant to convey a basic glimpse into the world of SoA as well as Surge as a persona and establish a bit of who he will be. Prologues are by their very nature relatively short, and I'm not going to be pulling out all the stops just yet in terms of my descriptions and intricate attention to every little detail, because again, I've been out of the loop for half a decade- I need some time to get readjusted from the writing experience I have had in recent times and get my bearings again; it's like when you go out in the winter and start up an old car- you need to give the old motor it a minute to sit and warm up before you just go for a joy ride.
As for the present though, the prologue fitted the ends I personally wanted it to, and I felt more or less satisfied with it's length because to me, trying to tack on more to it felt abit artificial because all that I wanted out of it had been done... so I really so no point trying to make it longer and just went ahead and posted it.
All this said however, as things progress and the story develops and I obviously figure myself out once again (Not that I honestly hade myself figured out very well the first time as a 12 year old kid though...), there will be more attention to detail and the chapters will generally be longer... or some of them may be shorter, depending on what I have planned individually.
While we're on the subject though, I'd like to clarify- I'm largely doing this for myself, not for constructive criticism or anything. While I will have the respect to at least listen to what people say if they choose to take the time out of their day to make a comment, even if I don't necessarily agree with it, I'm not going to be scrambling out of the way to try to adhere or mold myself to every comment or opinion that pops up- only those that I feel have a valid point and are worth going to the length of observing. Most things will be taken with a grain of salt though.
This is largely a combination of an online stress ball, as well as a test of confidence and resolve for myself to see if I'm willing to commit to something and stick to my guns... so yeah, like I said in the OP, I really don't care if people actually comment on the story here- it's not explicitly intended for self improvement. Now, if I do so happen to improve myself over the course of it, then great, but if I don't, I'm not gonna shed any tears, because that wasn't the overall point to begin with. That point of this, more than anything else, is to finally prove something to my own self, not to anyone else; to prove something I've been psychologically struggling with for a long time now.
I'm fully aware that everyone's always improving and that you can never get to a point where you've "Mastered" it. But right now, I'm facing a wall that I feel will block the road to any further improvement in my many years to come if I don't either scale it, destroy it, or find a way around it now. So my objective here isn't to explicitly improve- it's to ensure that I will have the conviction needed to continue down this road I've chosen, and continue to improve despite whatever obstacles may come my way.
As I said before, it is a psychological test and stress ball more than anything. I am however, glad that someone is enjoying it though, or at least feels it has promise, So I must thank you for that.