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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. "my job is not to prevent you from dying on this battlefield. My job is to ensure that IF you die, then at least that death will have meaning."

  2. Wait... that was never official for how all the things worked...? huh... guess I just sorta assumed it extended to all items and beings, took it a bit further than just the Succubi and Incubi for whom it was the explicit rule... wait a minute... if Sucubi and Incubi were never allowed to leave the confines of hell, on pain of legit death if they did so, how could their legend have spread in the outside- *Shot*
  3. Ah... the only sad thing here is: if he ever makes it out of hell, chances are there will be some type of twist that anything that originates in hell can not exist outside of it... kinda like the whole Succubus tragedy Phantom encountered by accident (you know, where he took his friend out of the second circle and failed to account for the fact that he was taking her into an alternate dimension in that while true, it was a near exact physical copy in layout, it was still technically outside of the boundaries of her home...) hence... I don't think it too unlikely for it to be very possible that he'll have to say Bye-bye to his souvenirs at some point...
  4. heh... interesting... using seperate sections to hold other shenanigans while keeping the main story events totally isolated to the main thread... sounds rather brilliant to be honest, though the only real issues I can is like you said, it would probably be ballls hard for Hukuna and Murdoc to set up in technical terms... that and the fact it would put far more work on the host because they have to monitor all those at a single time... though, for the latter issue, that is what co-host are arguably for in the first place... and, theoretically speaking, it may infact actually be the same amount of monitoring work, just spread over multiple threads instead of cramming everything into one... hmm...
  5. well well well... mista Accelerator seems to have a heart.

    1. Shamitako


      Does this mean you've met Chibi Railgun?

    2. Sutoratosu
    3. Sutoratosu


      Oh, last order... yeah. XD

  6. Dear God in heaven above, Murdoc has gone and actually voiced the very thing I've been thinking all this while... I'm just gonna be brutally honest and say I completely agree with all this... it's something I've seen quite a bit across many of the RPs I've been with in my time on here, even some of those that I myself have run are not innocent of this issue. Infact, it's quite hoenstly the biggest contributing factor to why I decided to stop trying to host things alltogether- the sheer effort and strain of having to always go so far out of the way to try to tailor things to have a path that is more straightforward or obvious just so that people wouldn't be scared to try things... that shit honestly got to be too much for me. Facotr in that I used to run multiple RPs at the same time too, and that stress was only going to get greater. And I knew it would. And I knew I couldn't deal with it anymore, let alone if it continued... but I was too afraid to speak up or say something because I figured I'd have fangs at my throat in no time with the amount of potential backlash I thought could've happened... and I wasn't really in the right state of mind to deal with that either. So I took the lower road. I didn't speak out. I just went and retired. As for the actual cause and solution: I feel it is most likely something akin to what Ark has suggested- people may come in with the misconception that thinking abit outside the box or trying things that are not considered normal- ie taking their own initiative, might result in consequences that they feel are so utterly severe, such as a public rebuke or mod action, that they feel it is not worth the perceived risk of initiative... Basically, a combination of a lack of confidence, and a fear of the consequences that misstepping carries. However, I also think that in these situations, there is a bit of issue on the side of the hosts as well- for enabling this type of misconception to continue throughout the interaction (And yes, I myself will raise my hand up high and admit that in hindsight, I'm just as guilty of enabling this as anyone else). In a way, by bending to the statement "I literally have nothing I can do" and changing things to give that player something explicitly designed for them, instead of just leaving the situation open ended like it was, and instead of altering it, trying to help the player figure out that they can infact do something, they simply didn't consider it themselves, we as host, in a way, only help to reinforce this apparent stigma against taking the first initiative. And then there is the issue of overall communication. In many RPs, the rules as to what one is explicitly allowed to do in the story- I mean the freaking case law by which you can even operate, not just standard, typical rules like "No Godmodding, No Sues, Etc.". In alot of cases, the rules are not clear in telling how creative one can get, and what is generally allowed in terms of a response. My case in point for this- My own Swansong: Sins of Avalon. Going into that RP, I thought I had made it clear what I expected on people being creative, however, I was wrong and the guidelines I had set forth for the types of tactics and degree of creative thinking that would be tolerated and encouraged were never explicitly expressed beforehand. Now, this is more the result of an honest mistake than an actual oversight- when I was scrambling to salvage whatever I could after Auroral Starfall was destroyed via Computer Glitch, I failed to remember to take the details about the creativity and tactics and impart them into the interest check and OOC of it's replacement, Sins of Avalon. Now... what did this result in? Someone at some point told me they had nothing to do. Now, that whole situation with me having to explain all the various tactics I myself could come up with off the top of my own head that was entirely possible and acceptable with the current moveset and species of pokemon they were using, could've been avoided entirely if I had just remembered that I never told anyone just what was the limit of things. I simply went in partially assuming they already knew, and that is where my personal sin lies, and where the sin of other hosts often lies aswell- Complacency, and Assumption. Of course, I immediately rectified this issue when it arose by making sure that people knew what the limit was, but still... the fact that this basic miscommunication between a host and his players was allowed to transpire in the first place is entirely unacceptable in my eyes, regardless of what the cause of it happened to be. That's all I have to say on the matter for now. quite honestly, I've spoken my piece and then-some. TLDR; There are no fingers that can be pointed here; Everyone, hosts and players alike, are to blame at the end of the day. Therefore, the only way this will be resolved is if EVERYONE, HOSTS AND PLAYERS ALIKE, makes the effort to change the status quote that has been allowed to take form here.
  7. Dear mother of god... Accelerator knows the Spirit Bomb Technique... they're all screwed XD

  8. Alright, so I've done my research and watched some of the anime and I think I have the ground work of the ability I'm thinking of down (After considering the character I'll be reusing from an old work and what his alias was and the things he did...) I'll pm you about it soon, Hiss.
  9. Holy fuck... lost his memories preserving hers... the Irony, is too damn high.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hiss13


      Yeah. No way to get them online legally though fan translations (which I think are better overall than the official translation) do exist but that's the 'legality be damned option'.

    3. Sutoratosu


      ((And it was the one you posted along with pretty much most of the ones hyperlinked off of that one... and then some things about magic.

      It was a long wiki walk, let me tell you... like nearly TV tropes level long.))

    4. Hiss13


      Ahh, wiki walking from there would be quite long. The wiki is incredibly comprehensive.

  10. Well, I must say... I'm honestly surprised how much I can respect this Touma Guy...

    1. Felicity


      Dude doesn't pull his punches

  11. Oh god... that's even better for me XD. Science-fiction is my JAM. EDIT: Oh dear god... just did some research and this verse seems far more complicated and confusing than Dobby made it sound... Eh, I'll still give this a shot though.
  12. *Thinks it's gonna be another magical Girl RP... restrains from looking. Eventually gets too curious and actually reads the damn thing.* Wait...so we're pretty much playing as hitmen then? Hell yeah, count me in! I don't even care that I know nothing about this verse... I've always got some type of research that needs doing for my writing anyway, might as well pile it on top. Hell, I got just the character to dust off and bring back...he'd be perfectly suited for the setting and the player mission... (Seeing as how he was kinda a hitman to begin with when I first made him anyway... and a Hitman who relied mostly on magic at that.) You have a yes from me, kiddo.
  13. It seems my Anatomy Teacher has a few skeletons in the closet...

  14. God Dayum! it's a hurricane!

  15. TFW you see it on the news... and things have gotten to the point where all you are emotionally inclined to say is: "Well, it don happened again... damn."

    1. Sutoratosu


      IT's a BAD feeling by the way... and a sad one.

    2. SnowGlaceon


      Don't watch the news expecting to see something good happen. It's usually all bad news

    3. Anvilicious


      I stopped watching the news a year ago. If something important happens, I'll find out another way. I advocate everyone else do the same. It makes you hate humanity a little less.

  16. Leader of RoG confirmed, calling it now. XD Inb4 everything about the guy really turns out to just be a very long ruse and the geodude is just for added effect, just like palpatine used his cane for. But no seriously... don't underestimate a janitor... They have near unrestricted access to any place, and they can pack some pretty dangerous shit in those cleaning carts... if they're combined with the right things.
  17. But, my friend, you forget about the papa Golems who wait atop the mountain's summit. What of them? XD and wow... this got kinda weird...
  18. Yeah, no worries, I know it's not intentional or anything XD I'll wait until tonight before I make another update. Figured I'll give it a few hours instead of doing one right now, encase anyone else gets something in... (That and the fact that I'll have to lose wifi soon anyway)
  19. To be quite honest I'm just trying to get this thing wrapped up so that some actual development and interaction outside of people trying to murder you guys for being in the right place at the wrong time can occur and we can get moving forward with things... Plus I kinda have to get the po-po VCPD mobilized at some point soon... it's kinda illegal to go firing high powered, dangerous moves like Hypa Beam around a population center without a damn good justification- counts as the criminal offense of Reckless Endangerment... and it would be beneficial if that boat gets out on the water sea beyond their technical jurisdiction by the time they get to the scene... Oh... and there's the fact at least one dead body onboard... ya'll really don't want to have to sit around and explain this shit, trust me...
  20. Hmmm... a place like Valhalla from norse myth, but instead of gods and fallen warriors, is instead filled with individuals from a variety of different times, places, and worlds, whom were all born for a purpose of their own... but never got to realize that purpose....

  21. Yeah, thats a point too... not like they're actually dying or anything from inactivity or the like, they're just not really being made too much... As for some suggestions on the question of classes, I think perhaps the best way to offer some structure but still allow a good deal of creativity is to try out a very basic Class System like I ran in Exodus. Perhaps establish all the different occupations on the battlefield, make it clear what their job is, how they function, but leave it up to the Players themselves to customize their own character with whatever skills are available for that class... kinda like you're typical MMO RPG or something- yeah, folks are gonna be in a similiar role, but even then, depending on how much work the developer puts in and how extensive the system is, no two characters are ever going to be alike in their exact strengths and capabilities. Kinda adds to the realism in my opinion. Of course, this requires a shit ton of time and work to devise all the basic class skeletons and the skills available for players to individually flesh them out... but I can say from experience that trying this might actually be worth it. Hell, if anything, the Class system was one of the things I had the least in-Hindsight design issues and regrets with during the course Exodus' run.
  22. Like dayum ya'll, I know it's been a while, but we did have one around here at one point... IT wasn't very big because I don't mess with anything administration wise larger than ten people, but still...it did exist... I just couldn't keep going on with it because of my own personal reasons. So, glad to see other people are finally gonna take a crack at the Sci-fi Genre for RPs here again. It is a good day, a good day indeed... seeing as I've got too old for this shit hung up the robes and everything, I kinda gave up on it's potential, figured that Sci-fi would always just be something that barely existed on the fringe here, never really take off or grow in popularity, just be that one awkward kid who always sits alone in the corner during lunch, unnoticed... (because seriously, around this place, Sci-fi is about as rare as a unicorn... which is ironic in a way XD) Anywho, enough of that. I think it's pretty obvious you've at least got my attention here.
  23. I've got so many Decommissioned Characters lying around nowadays...it makes me a bit sad to be honest. A few of them never even had their chance- like Seyt Carthage and the redone Version of Gilwyn...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      Fate works in mysterious ways, although any decommissioned character is a sad thing.

    3. Sutoratosu


      They all died from inactivity, Auth... all of em. The domains and worlds they were created for ceased to be, faded away... and they were left without homes.

      Indeed bro... it is a very sad thing.

    4. Sutoratosu


      Actually... it's so sad, it gives me an idea. I'ma make a place to keep em all until their second chance comes around... I'ma call it... the Hall of Characters

      *Goes off to start building*

  24. Sorry to hear it chim... Hope someone gets fired for that bullshit, cause quite honestly it's always unacceptable. By the way though, after reading up a bit on the true meaning of the word "DiZ" and learning it's actually an acronym for something that has little to nothing to do with anything I've planned for the spinda's persona, I've gone ahead changed the nickname to "Folie" Instead (A French word meaning Madness, Folly, Insanity, and Extravaganza). Just letting you guys know (well, mostly dobby since he's personally handling all the pc info and everything...).
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