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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Screw it. I need some sleep. Goodnight.

  2. I believed in you until the end. But he was right. I was a damn fool for trusting you so long.

  3. OK... so you think this is a game? How cute... oh so sickeningly cute...

  4. "I will do what I must."

    1. Arkhi
    2. AuthorReborn
    3. Hiss13



  5. Hmmm. alright. I got something in mind. I just need to tweak the coloration and make a few other alterations to the basic design I found... Plus, the Red Shirts always die first, so...
  6. Well, we've finally come to this... I knew we would eventually. But screw it. I've held on this long. I might as well be in for the long haul. Question though: How flashy are we required to get with our get-up? (Like are we free to make it as simplistic as we so please so long as it meets all the basic criterea, or would we have to match the skimpiness complexity of outfit that Kallisto's did?)
  7. This is it. The decisive point. If I cannot do it... then I must concede defeat... I will have done all I can.

  8. I'm rubbing my temples... and I can hear the screams of Younglings through the force...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Oh, I can think you're probably feeling the more or less the same thing right now...

    3. Shamitako


      ...Oh, sorry, that was my fault. Didn't mean to give you a headache, was just bored

    4. Sutoratosu


      I'm fairly certain it wasn't you this time, Lexi XD

  9. This, man, Honestly, this has been going back and forth for so long that at this point, it's best to either change it like Dobby says, for exactly the reasons he's citing, or to simply drop the aspect in question from the character entirely... And frankly, going off what I've seen of the situation, dropping is probably the option that's far less likely to lead to any further potential trouble.
  10. No, it;s fine. you go ahead and keep the Mono Fire for the NPC. I've decided I'm just gonna go with a sun theme over a straight fire mono... since I recalled that the sun was pretty much the origin point for my whole explanation and background lore back then... That, and I honestly want to see if I can control the pyromania I- apparently -have enough to keep it from seeping into yet another character... but that's a story for another time, in another thread.
  11. Huh... well then. On second thought, nevermind. There was one crucial part of her original story I never considered... something I can use now in place of fire. I know what I'll build her theme around.
  12. As she watches the goddesses she once idolized as a girl act like mere children in a school yard scrap- the cold and unforgiving Misanthropy locked deep within the reaches of her mortal heart only intensifies... and is it me... or does it seem like there's barely three or four of us even left active at this point?
  13. "Well, you certainly all act like goddesses..." Arya snidded under her breath. "Maybe religion really is a lost cause..." With that type of power and obvious resilience though, They were definitely some type of deities, she had to admit. Just the not the type she had been hoping for, not with that conduct; growing up and hearing all the old stories and legends and scriptures as a kid... well, she expected a little better then just exactly what Alexus had claimed- just humans with superpowers... but still humans who weren't that much above all the vices of mankind. She couldn't help but rub her temples a little, sighing. Just screw it... screw manners, I want some actual talk. "So, there's a point to all this, right?" She finally asked, as blunt as she could be. "Aside from losing it and going after each other, like rabid dogs locked in the same cage? You have to have wanted something, otherwise why would you single us out and give us..." She looked down at her palm. She couldn't notice any visible change... but the surge was still going, just beneath the skin... something was definitely there. "whatever powers you were talking about? So what is it? Why are we here? What do you want with us?" The slew of questions was directed at none of them in particular. She already knew Alexus hadn't had much to tell them, but at least one of them had to know something, right? Plus it was better to actually try to oh... maybe try to figure some of this shit out, rather than stand by and watch them attempt to tear each other's throats out like she had just been doing.
  14. Hmmm... semi mono. I think I can pull that off, yeah... perhaps a sun core, and I know just what would be symbolically perfect for it...
  15. For some odd reasons, it seems as though I'm the resident Pyromaniac of the RP forums... how strange.

    1. Hiss13


      You set a boat on fire. :P

      I don't see it as strange. XD

    2. Sutoratosu


      yeah... I did XD

      but seriously, if anyone goes back and examines all the characters I've ever done, I'm sure they'll see the recurring theme in some of them.

  16. Hmmm... to have an emphasis on fire types, or not to have an emphasis on fire types... on one hand, I would have a crap ton of justification for it as a nod to Mayanna's origins as a RP character... but on the other... I've either currently or at some point in the past had some type of fire trope going on with like... six other characters... and seven counting the original incarnation of Maya hmmm... decisions, decisions...
  17. Eh, it's fine. I got so much going on myself that between this and Ymora, I can't even get around to posting something for the Under the Hill reboot. So yeah, just get something up when you can. And I've decided to use the third OP post to start holding details on NPCs. The roster will grow as you encounter more people throughout the story, and details about them will be added as they are revealed. Eventually they will even start to be organized by their appropriate allegiances (Or lack thereof, whichever one best fits). Currently only Khan is up.
  18. just to clarify: No exlink, the moth isn't dead. Natsuki is burned and still took damage from the explosion, but nowhere near the amount she would've. And the fires and walls of flame are gone and the temperature rapidly dropping. And you're all being watched from afar.
  19. To those who defy the Seven "You really thought things would be better with them, didn't you?" Exon's gaze shot up, scanning the area around him as his hand moved for the knife stowed in his vest beneath the heavy cloak. There was no one there... no one but the trainers still fighting beyond the weakened flames and the beast that even now he could feel his control over slipping. But Exon knew the fact no one was there meant nothing... "Where are you?" He managed through clenched teeth. "Didn't you know I'd be here?" His special little visitor continued. "How long has it been boy, only a year? Two maybe? Why would you willingly allow them to send you here?" "I don't question my orders, I just follow them..." He closed his eyes... and let go of the tether he held over the wall and the beast. He was only going to have one chance when he appeared... if he wasted it.... "You couldn't follow them when it came to your sister. Why are you doing what you're told and acting like a good little soldier now?" The voice was coming closer. He could sense him now... just a bit more... "We told you what needed to be done Exon. We gave you the chance to let someone else do it. But you took it... and you lied to us... you knew going into this mess what the consequences would be." "She was my sister, you ass..." Exon snarled. "My sister... the only thing I had left... and you wanted me to just... destroy her like...like..." "She was a traitor." The voice shot back. "We had proof. We had witnesses. We trusted you because you volunteered... and then you both disappeared. And this is where I find you? Fighting for them... fighting for the extreme. You were supposed to help us bring balance, Exon. You were supposed to stop the cycle... break the wheel. Not become a part of it." Exon tightened his grip on the handle. Eyes flaring as he could feel the end edging closer "Just do it." All I need is one shot... There was no response. only the feeling of the temperature dropping all around him, cold so penetrating that it felt like his outer gear might as well have been bare skin in the dead of winter. Cold so penetrating... it could only be manifested by death itself. And there he was. In all his smug glory, right in front of him. Those pair of shades as cold and judging as ever as Khan glared down into his eyes, hands tucked into his pocket. He looked so casual... so non nonchalant... it only made Exon want to destroy him even more. Made him want to cut that smile right off of his face, and take those eyes while he was at it. Without a word he whirled the blade to the ready, metal glowing red hot in his hand as he lunged forwards and in an arc, sliced for the man's jugular... only to feel his face hit the rough deck as he hit thin air. "Avelia is... already dead, by the way." The black trainer mocked from behind as Exon rose. "It looks as though that big sister of yours couldn't handle old captain over there.. then again, no one really can... not when he gets crazy." He said nothing, only reached out with a single palm and with a surge of every ounce of will he could muster, sent a torrent of howling flame at the man. The fire licked and swirled in turbulence as the super-heated vortex ate the air, a blooming flower of death and rage that spiraled madly before it finally died. Only to reveal nothing in it's wake. "Tell me... who's idea was it for you two to turn to the Brotherhood for help?" He was enjoying this far too much, the bastard. Exon cringed as he felt the hot breath on his ear... "I bet it was Avelia, wasn't it? She was always lacking on the loyalty front. And the information you both had could've gotten a high price, one way or another." Exon again gathered his will, gathered his anger, his fury, his hatred... only to feel all of it slip away as fast as lightning, two grey, mammoth hands slipped around his neck, the strain getting worse and worse by the moment as he felt both feet leave the deck and he kicked and struggled, howling what little ancient slurs and curses he knew at the smug man. "Finish him." Khan ordered his Dusknoir, that same, infuriating grin still staring Exon right in the eyes. "This is the fate of all sons who defy the seven." There was nodd from the ghost. Then a scream. Then a crunch. Then a gurgle. Then a thump... And then there was silence. And then it was cold. All around the ship... the fires had died. The walls of heat and light had fallen. Llyod The moth went tumbling like a stone as Silver sliced into it, crashing into the planks of the ruined deck and rolling like a rag doll before finally coming to a stop. It's frenzied dancing may have raised it's mental defenses and forces, but there had been no changing the fact it was still physically fragile. The fire type's wings draped lazily around as it lay on the charred wood, Eyes glaring dimly at the ones who had struck it down in cold blood. It could feel itself fading... could feel the cold beginning to settle in as the fires died and the wall fell... Lovely, simply lovely... the walls were down. Then that could only mean... it would likely be joining master soon. Yuzuki The planned worked partially. The last minute detonations managed to create a decent enough filter for the more powerful wave of pressure and heat surging towards the two... but not large enough. Even dampened, the raw fury of the flames, both holy and unholy still managed to burn the Gardevoir to a degree as what was left after the last ditch effort to survive swelled forth before finally dying with the rest of it. But nevertheless... Natsuki had managed to survive for now, just barely... thanks to her human's quick thinking. That burn wasn't going to feel pleasant by any stretch of the imagination though... The fighting never ends, the enemies only change. The force of Ishamael surging forward with his maw and sinking his massive fangs into the Beast's own lower jaw was enough to send the things head jarring to the side as the Gyarados let loose with it's fearsome crunch. In that one moment, that one lapse of concentration, The hyper beam was fired into the early morning sky- a ray of gold and fire piercing the heavens like an arrow as yet another roar came and the beast flailed about, trying to knock the Sea Snake loose. It's rampaged shook the very planks as it tossed it's head side to side, up and down, stomping and firing off a few stray gouts of fire from it's mouth, missing the water type every time... And in it's rampaging... the Myth had been left wide open. A clever strike from above, a blast to it's side, perhaps even powerful blow to the legs... the opportunities flowed like quick silver as the fire type proceeded to absolutely loose itself. The chains of it's old master now gone from it's mind, and nothing but the raw pain and fury of it's body remaining... nothing but the raw feral mind of a beast that had been caged and abused. It was time to end it. The Docks The Fire. It was gone now... those flames she had followed all the way here from route 6. And now they were gone... but there was only one man alive who could've managed to have held them for as long as they had... and to control a beast like the one on the deck all the while. Only one who had ever been talented enough, ever been trained enough... The woman said nothing as she watched the ending stages of the battle, the wind barely staring her coat. She was too late here. There was no point in interfering at this point, no point in causing anymore destruction then there'd already been this morning. Even as the Volcanion rampaged like a child throwing a temper tantrum, she could tell it's fate was already sealed. The only thing to wonder though... was just who were these powerful strangers she saw?
  20. hmmm... so it does... but given it's dream world only and now completely impossible to do, I don't really think ever running the move on it here can really be justified... Besides, I got my own eventual plans for own tempo... that's something Spinda can still exploit with at least one move without having to do any complicated things in the game.
  21. Just checked Bulbapedia, Serebii, Pokemon Database, Veekun, and Smogon itself. Out of the five of all those databases, only Smogon itself lists Spinda as having any access to the move whatsoever... all the others don't though. I mean, really, theres no actual point continuing to discuss this. Even if Spinda does somehow magically get access Superpower someway, I've got four sources stating no and only one claiming yes. And it's not like I'm gonna change Diz's ability (Not like I would even be allowed to after the sheet's already been finalized and accepted, anyway)
  22. The hell you talking bout sensei? I looked like three times... I never once saw Superpower in Spinda's learnset. That's why I said "Screw it!" and went with own tempo... cause Diz follows the beat of his damn drum, no one elses. Actually, to be honest, Spinda is like the only pokemon with Contrary who has no real way to properly exploit it to the fullest. Snivy's line gets leaf storm and stuff, Malamar gets Superpower, etc... but Spinda is more of a joke for it. EDIT: Looked again. Yup, still don't see superpower. get's Drain and Focus Punch though, so... there's that I guess. It's pool isn't that good regardless, but that's partially the reason why it was given to her in the first place.
  23. After a bit of planning, I now have a little list of what I can potentially work with... All I know for sure though, is that one by one, someway, somehow, all the team members shall fall to the ingenious wrath of Dizzles (Diz), The Wise Spinda... and their fates shall be sealed...
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