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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Do not ever let any fool tell you that Honor is "Fun". Honor is never fun. It is only ever necessary.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Heeeeey... aren't you dead? I swear Vader killed you already.

    2. Maelstrom
  2. hell, the only way I can really see Maya's team going is centered around species with selfless tendencies like Ampharos and Lapras and D-nite, etc...
  3. I have reached my decision... I will give you the same chance others before you were given, but if you prove me wrong... I will not save you from whatever comes at that point.

  4. Generally speaking it's a bad idea to make other people's characters say or do anything that Player didn't explicitly state them doing or saying themselves. Just post you're own individual reply for a conversation and wait for the other person to post their reply, that pretty much gets a bit of back and forth going and avoids the issue of People getting hot and bothered over having basic etiquette ignored and their PCs bunnied. Anyways... so the work load has temporarily been broken down by my efforts this week to try to get everything important done on time and get them out of the way. There are still several matters both in school and out of it that needs taking care of, but I hopefully should be able to finally post for Ethic this weekend... I just have to catch up on the IC is all.
  5. Ah, Precisely. Chim gets the type I am XD But yeah, I probably would be the type of dad who would be overly protective of his young... at least until they were old enough to start learning how to defend themselves. Even then though, Papa Wolf would still be waiting and ready to tear out somebodies throat at the first sign of serious and/or mortal danger... Hell, that's one of the reasons why I liked Anver from the Awakened RP so much. And since well... I did kinda make them and all, alot of my PCs end up falling under this protection too in a way XD Though I don;t ever recall ever actually saying that phrase to someone, oddly...I don't think I ever had to however, I do know Dobby said it to me once, back with the whole joke about him being Zeph's mom or something, and Raiza and Mareek were starting to become friends (He went full mama bear on me XD) Ohhh...thems were the good ole times.
  6. Lols... after all this time, I've just learned to stop giving a damn about shipping altogether at this point. If it happens- and the development is actually well written and logically paced and you know... not just chalked up to something pitiful like Pure Infatuation or so rushed that it's obviously forced and planned from the get-go -then it happens... I basically don't care so long as there's quality to it. In RPs, I personally don't ever go in pre-planning Ships, but if a PC of mine somehow happens to get close enough to someone else to start developing legitimate feelings...well, what can ya do? If their characterization allows for it, then I just go with the natural flow and don't interfere. Of course though, none of my children have ever actually had this happen to them before anyway, so... this is all just hypothetical.
  7. Yeah, I kinda said the same thing to myself when I was drafting Diz. I didn't want to have to put something like Icy Wind in so early on, but with as few options as I had after I'd already chosen the other attacks, it was either a toss up between that move or Feint Attack... or the other alternative of simply choosing Tackle or maybe Flail, but having no choice but to just outright forfeit against anyone with a ghost type since there'd be no way to even touch em. Between It and Feint Attack, Icy Wind seemed like the lesser of the 2 evils... only slightly though.
  8. This Character sheet will be regularly updated and maintained throughout the RP. It will ALWAYS be up to date. Name: Mayanna ("My-Awn-Ah") Colbez Age: 15 Hometown: Shalour City, Kalos Program: Trainer Starting Side: Students Starter: Spinda, Male ("Folie") Appearance Personality Backstory Trainer Data: Personal Themes: Extra: -Maya has a Silver Pendant in the shape of a Crescent Moon, which she never takes off. Never. -She prefers being called Maya, however will still respond to "May" or "Anna" to a lesser degree. -There's a lot extra details here I'm voluntarily keeping out of the public light
  9. Well, I know you actually were completely wrong for at least one of them...(he's ironically quite fond of the one I'm talking about) And it seems like the work load has momentarily blown over for me, so I should hopefully have my sheet up by tonight at the latest.
  10. ... I just found a copy of the first story I ever wrote... nearly 5 years old, and the thing was sitting up on a shelf the whole time...

  11. "I was born in a land where Ordered Liberty reigns supreme, not the wills of dictators or aristocrats or the Regime. I have tasted the sweet ambrosia of freedom, ran through the fields that my fathers conquered, and have been raised with the strange yet exhilarating doctrine and values they fought and died for...Hence, in my eyes, I look at the world beyond the borders of my homeland, and I see no other acceptable system... all I see are the burning fires of Oppression and Tyranny."

  12. Hell yeah man! like Dobs and Taco and Hukuna already said; no one can stop you from reading things here. Heck, there really wouldnt be much of a point for anyone even working together to craft stories here if we were going to act like nazis and not let anyone read em, kinda defeats the entire purpose. Go right ahead, and read some other ones too if ya want. And welcome to the subforums, by the way. Hope you enjoy your time here, whether you eventually feel comfortable to join an RP or two, or you just stick to reading
  13. holy shit that's it. As... sad as it may be, it's the perfect backstory for them. lesdoit!

    1. Sutoratosu


      Well... for her at least. Her brother's gonna have to get the short end of the stick.

  14. *De jah vu intensifies* Doesn't matter. it would still be sue terrortory given the context of the story. You see anyone else submiting sheets with powers or unique/ highly rare abilities? Look, you really, don't need Pokespeak for any reason whatsoever, regardless of how you try to justify it bro. Take my old PC mareek for example, or hell, any of the old characters from the original. none of them had any type of ability to talk to mons, and yet, people still were able to communicate just fine regardless. Like commander already said, you don't have to understand each other PERFECTLY, hell, even most people who speak the same god damn language often only have a partial understanding of someone else is saying. That's just the nature of communication. In fact, Pokespeak honestly just cheapons the relationship between Pokemon and Trainer. Not having perfect communication only opens the door for laziness and not as much depth. It changes the dynamic of the PC having to work to develop a bond and mutual understanding with a team member in order to work together fluidly, to a dynamic of just shooting the breeze like it's some everyday conversation on the street. There's a lot more I could say, but I've got work that still needs to be done and a Character from a dead RP to refurbish and give them the justice they deserved but never got, so...
  15. Generally speaking, choosing a trait as rare as something like Pokemon speak when literally every other PC is more or less just an average human being... kinda going into Sue territory... EDIT: Ninja'd by the Elf. XD
  16. Well, I can see I'm a bit late to the party. I'll get something in later on today hopefully. I've come to the decision that it's best to simply leave Sisto in the past and start new though...
  17. Going to the length of actually getting a mod to lock the entire thing until Dobs gets around to it seems like a bit much... I'm sure a simple message at either the top or bottom of the post in bold red, big ass letters would more than suffice to let people know not to post until right away and to wait. I myself have done it a few times, and they always seemed to work out since they're pretty hard to just overlook given the contrast, hence there's no excuse for not knowing, so...
  18. *Is having trouble thinking of a monoteam. Realizes he made a shit ton of NPC trainer cards for an old project. Face palms*

  19. this right here. Now that i think about it though, losing the only primary male role model she had probaly wouldn't have affected her nearly as much in the end... or maybe it would've and she still would've ended up feeling betrayed and grow up to be even more distrustful of males than the previous version was. Yeah, that's likely what would've happened. Still aloof and withdrawn, still on guard around guys, still only really to open up around ('other' in this hypothetical) females or friends... probably not as obsessed with chasing terrorists down though. Basically a bit of an ice queen... but dayum, dat excuse to actually run ice types...perfect. it's already forming in my head. I don't know, Turbo... sorry, but I might on second thought have to look into this path a bit. ((But that doesn't mean you can't still redo Klai though )) EDIT: I'm doing it. I'll keep the revised male but start working on the female... I'll just have to choose which sheet to actually use when the time comes, I guess.
  20. Bone? What bone? Cubone? I don't need no cubone this time. get that mess outta here XD No, but in all seriousness though, I... briefly considered a gender bend... but doing it to the point where I'd feel satisfied to my own personal standards and depth ((IE, actually thinking about what would be affected and why, not just changing him to a girl and leaving the job at that)) would honestly take far more work and require me to change even more things and details than I already have had to for the male, not-fatherless version of him... so I just dropped the idea and stuck with the male. though... no, no... I've come too far, put in too much work into this version... EDIT: screw it. Maybe. But... that's a very big maybe.
  21. You could just use this opportunity to redo Klai and give him a personality right from the get-go if you wanted to, like you decided to try to do in the original towards the end... and I'm about 99% certain Chim was talking specifically to kenny about the No Riolu for starter, so... Hell, who knows, if you decide to keep the detail about him (Klai) almost being killed by a sableye in the past only to be saved by Robert jumping in front of the blow, it could even lead to something interesting... This right here. it quite simply is not humanly possible to sit down and think of every scenario that can occur and make a specific, codified guideline to govern it. Hence why the vast majority of all pokemon RPs that have ever been on here, including Old Ymora, Surge Story, the PMD RP that ran into the ground because I was stuck administrating without any help or active contribution from the creator at all , Sins of Avalon, etc, more or less just opted to use a looser, more free form general rule that creativity would be tolerated so long as it didn't become abuse.
  22. Oh lord no bro... I'm not going anywhere near Prankster. Running Keen Eye- it's got a far better connection to the backstory between the two than prankster ever could, and it fits far better with the type of character I intend Joker to be.
  23. I said this quite a bit in the original and all, but... you guys know that you don't have to nessacarily change your starter just because someone else has the same thing, right? All you'd have to do is put in a bit of work to make them stand out- can be done any number of ways, from making it the opposite gender (If applicable), to making sure it's personality is unique, or... the more cheap and lazy method if all else fails, making it shiny... So yeah... I usually go for the first two, but will occasionally choose the shiny if it's something I actually find quite nice... ((Like dem black charizards... sadly, none for mareek)) Hell, this time around Mareek's starting with a Sableye. And I know right here and right now that unless everyone and everyone's mother uses it, I'ma still stick with that choice even if there are one or two others. Joker's got enough personality and quirks and virtues to still stand out
  24. *Rubs temples in mild agitation* for the love of god, don't do it, Darvan. It won't end well for you, didn't end well with the last guy who thought like that either And like Hukuna said, he ain't gonna let something like that slide. Plus that's shitty writing to just give a character a trait like that and have no justifiable reason whatsoever behind it, and even if you did give one, it still would end badly for you.
  25. Alrighty then, looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll be ready with something by the time the sign ups come. And going back and examining mountains of information and details in order to write an entire, concrete alternate history for a Character's life story that's actually feasible ain't easy... don't do it unless you're freaking crazy and have time and energy to spend. And to make it even worse, I'm taking most of the details from memory cause I'm too lazy to search for the PMs in my inbox...
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