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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. there is a great and inherent difference between crafting a world, and crafting a story. When you craft a story, you focus on a single line, a single thread being woven... but when you craft a world, you weave countless threads into something far greater than the sum of it's individual parts.

    1. Felicity


      I dunno. A world is more substantial, that's true nine times out of 10 but the best writers can weave stories together to make something similar, with enough skill.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Stories are much more than single thread their elements build them just like a world. Characters, etc etc... they just use much different building blocks than building a world. But the process is very much the same just on a different scale. A story is a web of characters, their relationships, the events that happen, the results of those events, the consquenes they have opn the world and others not directly involved in the plot, etc the list goes on and on. It the same process jsut on differe...

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      different scale and from a different scope. THis is my opinion of course, but It's one I've come to learn as I've been writing more and more. I never sit down to world build, the world falls into place around the stories I tell it's those storeis characters, the events etc.. that inform me what the world is, they are much more than simple single strands. They branch out in many many ways one doesn;t expect.

  2. No, I know... I was just legit frustrated over the volcanion thing. I wonder what the Volcarona is afraid of though... hmmmmmmm.... strange. regardless, we need to rap this up... and given that exlink is the last individual fight still going, I ain't got time to bait him. It honestly took too long to even mess with him right now to tell the truth
  3. No, I'm legit serious... you guys are supposed to wail on this thing to stop it from firing. It's abit akin to the Peace Walker Fight from one of the MGS games... if you don't interupt the loading procedure of the CBRN it in time, you get nuked.... ((Well, not you, but if you fail to stop it, bad shit goes down)) except in this case it's a friggin Hypa Beam. This is the big finish of the fight, the barrage of assaults that knocks the behemoth out like a light. so yeah... hit that thing hard, or else you guys will unfortunately be vaporized... and then keep hitting it until it stops struggling
  4. I'm just fucking with ya a little, don't worry... you won't kill it or anything... pokemon are by nature a bit harder to kill than humans... it wouldn't be as easy as stabbing one's little brother through the heart in a dark alley but yeah, I'm just messing with you there with overall how I decided to write up that section of the update and such. No need to worry... if any attack is going to be lethal, the context clues would be far more blatant about it. EDIT: and no, dangit... you can't reroute it by moving or trickery or any of that; the solution to the situation is so much simpler than what you're coming up with man. just attack the dang thing already....
  5. Look, I'm really gonna have to go ahead and VETO this both for the reasons I've already pointed out with it being needlessly complex and what dobby expanded upon about the coordination issue, which would honestly use up time and energy that could probably be used elsewhere given that again...the proposed plan is too complex in the context of the alternatives and specifics of the situation. And that particular youtube video honestly isn't a very strong compelling argument either.
  6. pieces of charred plank and the like. The deck is fairly messed up and all from the hellish fires and fighting and cases of attempted murder. that's about all there would likely be though.
  7. The overall materials comprising the frame and structure is. It's not indestructible, mind you, but it would take a lot of force to breach the hull and sink it... far more than a normal ship
  8. I'm getting it now... but I'm afraid it's still too convoluted. You could honestly cause just as much((Or rather, just as effective)) theoretical damage with far less need for perfect coordination ((which would honestly bog us down a bunch more than likely)) by simply having Pory act alone and charging up Discharge before charging up Tri Attack... channel the electricity, and fire... yeah. it's basically a normal/ elec type combo with a pretty high chance to paralyze... I still have no idea how the farfetch'd part would work without causing at least some heavy damage to the 'missile' itself, and the moonblast for fire substitute is too much of a stretch... and I still can't see how a normal type could really be subbed for ice... so yeah... dis just too convoluted bro.
  9. I honestly think it might be along the same lines as ol what is face... dark rift man, you know who I'm talking about. perhaps she's a clone of someone or something, kinda like in the movie "The Island". pretty much akin to a genetic copy made explicitly for one purpose, and devoid of emotions for the most part. Pretty much a tool meant for a job that's not supposed to have the same baggage regular or "Real" people do inorder to try to avoid perceived "complications" such as attachment (like we see happen with Jenner and his bargain to raise Melia). As for why this would be needed, we have yet to find out conclusively... Hell, one thing is for certain though... I don't think we have enough to know conclusively at this point without a whole lot of speculation being tossed about. Our Jan coming out and just blurting it, but I think that to be unlikely cause... spoilers. and as for her being our biological mother- Plot hole! what if one were to not choose the fair complexion, female protagonist, but instead something like the darker toned ones or the non binary pair? ((Seriously, the default female is the only one who bares any real resemblance...)) While yes, still technically possible, given certain real world cases, it does begin to get a bit more unlikely from a genetics point, one must admit... but eh, that's just my two cents
  10. You honestly lost me after the second half of that, so.... yeah... gonna need some better explanation of it before I can even decide if this would be plausible to allow... seems abit convoluted at the moment, to be honest The part about possibly combining thunder and tri attack I can understand... ((Cause I've done it before...)) but after that... you just lost me as to how it would make sense.
  11. I'm pretty liberal with my limits here. Basically, anything goes so long as it doesn't rely on BS physics and crap being pulled out of someone's ass, is so horribly broken to the point where it's obvious it's not being done to be creative, but rather to simply ensure that you win the fight, or it isn't used as a pure Deus Ex Machinima. Like I said, pretty liberal. I'm basically willing to allow alot of things so long as abuse does not occur with them. If anyone ever has any questions, well... OOCs exist for a reason. And they can always bring it by me in a PM if they don't want the idea out in the open for any reason. The point is, if in doubt, have no fear about talking it out. EDIT: Strange though... I thought I had talked about the limits in this earlier on when we were first starting... apparently I was mistaken and it was instead for Auroral starfall that I did... and when that died from computer failure, must've slipped my mind... oh well... EDIT2: A new tab will be added to the OP about this topic. EDIT 3: A new tab has been finished: problem in question= rectified
  12. another alternative to waiting is to get a bit creative... who says Aethor can't simply cloak his body with T-wave and fall like onto the thing's back or head or neck and roll away like a ball dropped from a high story? or hell, why not try the cannonball trick from the camerupt again, just combine it with T-wave? Volcanion is obviously preoccupied, and if the T-wave is localized instead of launched fully in some ray of electric discharge, yeah, it'll paralyze whatever part is struck, but will be unlikely to be extensive enough to conduct into ishmael unless it directly hit him too... and an electrode would definitely be fast enough to pull it off, seeing as... you've already done something akin to it before... so yeah, there are options here...
  13. Sorry if it worked out that you feel that way, but you don't always have to respond to an update immediately you know. Sometimes if you don't know what to do, waiting and seeing what a few of the other players involve do might open up something you didn't think of before. I've done it myself countless times over several RPs, it's actually more of a habit by now for me in fact. And this is meant to be a group attack session to interrupt the firing of hyper beam and finally KO the thing, afterall. Sometimes it's better to just take a second and see how things develop a bit than try to rush in immediately. For example, Aethor is in the air right? perfect opportunity to strike with a thunder... just not right at this very second in time. point is, you don't always have to rush in at the sound of the starting gun. being patient can have it's ample benefits just as much as being prompt can.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      you still have a massive explosion heading towards you...

    3. Hiss13
    4. Felicity


      I can only write "Nikki tried to scramble out of the way" so many times man.

  15. I destroyed the grind stone long ago. there are more effective ways to sharpen and axe nowadays. regardless, the update lives. And yes, to those wondering... this is indeed the endgame of the fight. The rage level is officially... over 9000
  16. Pyromancer "Tch...." Exon hissed. The wave that had been pounding through his skull only grew more excruciating as he stood outside the flames. A headache worse than anything he'd felt before... worse than any of the other times the thing had started to rebel against his control, like an ice pick slowly being driven through his eye, scrambling his very mind in preparation for a horribly outdated and misguided frontal lobotomy procedure. With every pulse of the resistance, he had to fight harder to stay lucid. "Damn it..." He cursed, finally giving up on standing erect and falling to his knees. "This has to be them... it has to be something they're doing..." He lifted his gaze, as painful as the movement was, eyes fixing on the dying flames before him. There was only so much he could do. Maintaining the walls and keeping a leash on that living steam engine had been hard enough, but trying to do it now- keeping control while also sustaining a greater intensity for the barrier, while the animal was constantly thrashing and trying to break free of it's chains? "Damn it, Avelia, hurry up and finish whatever game your playing..." The Battle for Supremacy There was no roar from the beast this time as it again felt the sharp impact of pain. The fury was too complete now, too perfect- too all consuming- for anything to breach the haze of red cloaking it's mind, not even the throbbing pain beginning to blaze across it's mammoth body. Without a single noise, It turned it's blazing eyes down to the source as it coiled it's arms, finally putting the attack from earlier to rest as the deck around it hissed with water vapor and flame, so much that it clouded the killing field. There was pure silence for a minute, the Myth's eyes transfixed on the seaserpent sinking it's fangs into it's leg. Then the beast opened it's own gaping maw, but rather than baring it's own fangs... it stayed it's head. Stayed it's head as a small, bright sphere of gold slowly began to form, the very particles from the air itself electrifying as the ions gathered within it's mouth, power and hatred coalescing into something that soon rivaled even the sun itself in the bleak skies as it swelled in size and intensity. Then something changed in it's eyes... like concentration was being released. And the sphere began to elongate...at point blank range. The beast was no longer playing. A ray of condensed power at such close range could only be meant as a lethal attack... and Ishmael wouldn't be the only victim of it, surely, for if it was fired, it surely would've been turned on all those others present as well afterwards. Seconds were ticking away. Time passing by. Lives about to come to brutal and sudden ends... Lives that could still save themselves though. Lives that still had a chance to intervene with their own fate. The sphere was growing ever more violent though... if anyone was going to live to see another day, they'd better get it in gear quickly... Yuzuki The idea had it's virtues... but it would've served better implemented sooner. The fires approaching attempted to swallow the spheres as they closed in, anticipating even more food from a foolish adversary... instead all it was served with was horrible indigestion as the entire construct collapsed in upon itself, the massive burst of power from the reaction scorching everything around it with light and darkness, both hell and sacred fire... Everything, including the Delphox who had been fighting for so long to try to annihilate the young woman and her partner. But Natsuki was no where close to being safe from the implosion either. Precious seconds had been lost with the shadow ball, enough seconds to have left the Gardevoir within the splash range for the final big bang when the flames finally were vanquished. Even now, the same raw power and force that had taken out the Delphox was hurtling for Natsuki, fast as a fright train, setting the very air itself on fire as the cloud of sparkling fire spread out from it's epicenter...there was no time to dodge... no time to attempt evasion. And the damage would likely not be light either. Murderer Lloyd The attack did as was needed. The storm of embers parted as the telekinetic blades sliced through, creating a space barely large enough for the two to survive with just a bit of charring. The Moth was not so lucky, unfortunately. With the brunt of it's mind being focused on controlling the inferno it was causing, there was no time for it to notice the barrage before the first one hit. The second made it through as well, but as weakened as it was with such poor physical defenses, it had wised up from the pain. It smoothly flew to the side as the third and final crescent kept soaring right on past it, into the skies and disappearing. And it's eyes turned back to Llyod... it's whole body in panic as it looked not at him, but at something behind the killer and his accomplice. something that terrified the moth... Even if he looked back, he wouldn't have been able to grasp what in the nine hells the demon wads scared of...the area was cold though. Too cold considering the heat and flames of the battle raging on... but that didn't matter. Right now he had opportunity and means... and he had motive. there it was, the Volcarona, hovering right there in front of him, too frightened to do much other than quiver... One good shot... that was all it would take.
  17. Dayum. This looks... Impressive. I'll be sure to give it a...try.
  18. God yes, please kill them all with hellfire for their crimes... Eh, you guys will run out of steam eventually. there's only so many puns about hell and geological land formations that one can make.
  19. "Even brave fools have to die sometimes."

    1. Maelstrom


      "The Fate of All Fools" is an exotic weapon.

  20. Hmmmmm..... this actually makes me wonder whether the Walking dead style group that was slowly beginning to form before may become a thing again, or everyone will just go yolo and it'll turn out as every man and woman for themselves, with a few scattered alliances here and there... eh, either way, I'm looking forward to it. can't wait till we get started :feelsgd:
  21. new avi :D

    1. Felicity


      All of my yes, he is literally the best character in the show.

  22. gives prison school a try, find himself laughing within a few frames from how over the top some of the guys act...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Lols... I love how the chairman always finishes sentences with dramatic pauses XD

    3. Simon


      it is amazing. the manga is even better ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    4. Sutoratosu


      am in the middle of the second episode...

      I'm definitely watching this shit to the finish.

  23. So...guess this just means we're waiting on Hukuna and Dobbs now. And to a lesser extent Murdoc
  24. We're jumping right to endgame then... alright... makes sense. Y'all already know I'm in this. I'm the type of extremist, semi-psychopathic, Dragon-Riding Heretic writer who doesn't particularly like it when things are left unfinished... especially things of a decent quality that deserve a worthy climax and conclusion
  25. quick folks! I'm looking for an anime with dark plot themes, lots of feels, good action and believable villains who aren't simply cardboard cutouts made to fill in a role. Have any of you seen one go by here?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Notus


      Psycho-Pass mate. Dark, violent, intelligent.

    3. laggless01


      FMA Brotherhood perhaps? I'm not sure how dark you want your coffee, so I don't know if what I offer is a bit too light...

    4. Felicity


      Psycho pass fits the bill too but that feels like the first pick and he'd have seen it

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