"Tch...." Exon hissed. The wave that had been pounding through his skull only grew more excruciating as he stood outside the flames. A headache worse than anything he'd felt before... worse than any of the other times the thing had started to rebel against his control, like an ice pick slowly being driven through his eye, scrambling his very mind in preparation for a horribly outdated and misguided frontal lobotomy procedure. With every pulse of the resistance, he had to fight harder to stay lucid.
"Damn it..." He cursed, finally giving up on standing erect and falling to his knees. "This has to be them... it has to be something they're doing..." He lifted his gaze, as painful as the movement was, eyes fixing on the dying flames before him. There was only so much he could do. Maintaining the walls and keeping a leash on that living steam engine had been hard enough, but trying to do it now- keeping control while also sustaining a greater intensity for the barrier, while the animal was constantly thrashing and trying to break free of it's chains? "Damn it, Avelia, hurry up and finish whatever game your playing..."
The Battle for Supremacy
There was no roar from the beast this time as it again felt the sharp impact of pain. The fury was too complete now, too perfect- too all consuming- for anything to breach the haze of red cloaking it's mind, not even the throbbing pain beginning to blaze across it's mammoth body. Without a single noise, It turned it's blazing eyes down to the source as it coiled it's arms, finally putting the attack from earlier to rest as the deck around it hissed with water vapor and flame, so much that it clouded the killing field.
There was pure silence for a minute, the Myth's eyes transfixed on the seaserpent sinking it's fangs into it's leg. Then the beast opened it's own gaping maw, but rather than baring it's own fangs... it stayed it's head.
Stayed it's head as a small, bright sphere of gold slowly began to form, the very particles from the air itself electrifying as the ions gathered within it's mouth, power and hatred coalescing into something that soon rivaled even the sun itself in the bleak skies as it swelled in size and intensity. Then something changed in it's eyes... like concentration was being released. And the sphere began to point blank range.
The beast was no longer playing. A ray of condensed power at such close range could only be meant as a lethal attack... and Ishmael wouldn't be the only victim of it, surely, for if it was fired, it surely would've been turned on all those others present as well afterwards.
Seconds were ticking away. Time passing by. Lives about to come to brutal and sudden ends... Lives that could still save themselves though. Lives that still had a chance to intervene with their own fate.
The sphere was growing ever more violent though... if anyone was going to live to see another day, they'd better get it in gear quickly...
The idea had it's virtues... but it would've served better implemented sooner. The fires approaching attempted to swallow the spheres as they closed in, anticipating even more food from a foolish adversary... instead all it was served with was horrible indigestion as the entire construct collapsed in upon itself, the massive burst of power from the reaction scorching everything around it with light and darkness, both hell and sacred fire...
Everything, including the Delphox who had been fighting for so long to try to annihilate the young woman and her partner. But Natsuki was no where close to being safe from the implosion either. Precious seconds had been lost with the shadow ball, enough seconds to have left the Gardevoir within the splash range for the final big bang when the flames finally were vanquished.
Even now, the same raw power and force that had taken out the Delphox was hurtling for Natsuki, fast as a fright train, setting the very air itself on fire as the cloud of sparkling fire spread out from it's epicenter...there was no time to dodge... no time to attempt evasion. And the damage would likely not be light either.
Murderer Lloyd
The attack did as was needed. The storm of embers parted as the telekinetic blades sliced through, creating a space barely large enough for the two to survive with just a bit of charring. The Moth was not so lucky, unfortunately. With the brunt of it's mind being focused on controlling the inferno it was causing, there was no time for it to notice the barrage before the first one hit. The second made it through as well, but as weakened as it was with such poor physical defenses, it had wised up from the pain. It smoothly flew to the side as the third and final crescent kept soaring right on past it, into the skies and disappearing.
And it's eyes turned back to Llyod... it's whole body in panic as it looked not at him, but at something behind the killer and his accomplice. something that terrified the moth...
Even if he looked back, he wouldn't have been able to grasp what in the nine hells the demon wads scared of...the area was cold though. Too cold considering the heat and flames of the battle raging on... but that didn't matter. Right now he had opportunity and means... and he had motive. there it was, the Volcarona, hovering right there in front of him, too frightened to do much other than quiver...
One good shot... that was all it would take.