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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Name: Elder Gandalf Team: Delphox, Talonflame, Mismagius, Bisharp, Dragonite, Snorlax Challenging Message: "You shall not pass!" (In battle) loss message: "You somehow passed!" (Back in overworld) After defeat: "...Fly, you fools." I leave what movesets the team has up to your own discretion, give them whatever moves you so please... and if you could fit the name for the snorlax in; "Shallnotpass", that would be great To this day, the world still wonders why we couldn't just climb over top the slumbering beasts' bellies...
  2. So... we no longer need wisdom teeth in the modern human form... so why the hell didn't evolution do away with them?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Why do we have an appendix if it's useless?

    3. Sutoratosu


      @Dobby I strongly disagree. The fact that the damn things won't fucking fit into the modern human jaw properly and need to be fucking removed to prevent complications, is in my eyes more than enough reason for them to be dropped from the human genome by this point. Yeah, we have junk parts like male nipples and pinky toes, but those junk parts are mostly harmless to the body...

      Fucking wisdom teeth, are definitely not so...

    4. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Literally appendixes either do nothing or fk you up hard.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      I could go on with this and take it further, but I think I'll stop here XD

      da fuck is "Legion" a reference to anyway? a ghost army or something?

    3. Sutoratosu


      nevermind- it's a demon...

      and also the chosen name anonymous occasionally uses to refer to themselves as...hmmmmmmmm....

    4. Felicity


      I am Lego-N. Fear me

  4. what many do not realize... is that if the internet were to someday convert to a virtual reality type of interface, so to would the deep web... and all the horrors lurking in the dark side of the force.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      yeah, I saw, when they went on the "Internet" and all that shizz...

      and while It probably would make for a kickass story, I'm actually quite reluctant to actually download and use Tor browser just to conduct research...

      perhaps just doing extensive note taking on the various stories I find on the surface web will be enough though... and finding people who have actually gone that deep into the pit of hell.

    3. SnowGlaceon


      I once told myself I would check out the deep net. I never got around to it, but I still want to sometime. I'm genuinely curious.

    4. Chevaleresse


      the tor browser is one of the safest things you can use. It's why the deep web uses it. There are plenty of places you can go without running into anything really horrific.

  5. story about a guy who took out a fucking hit... on his own self. The guy in the story is a fucking moron though, let me say... he never took into account the fact that the organization the hitman belonged to would probably want vengeance if one of their own got taken out in the field.
  6. TFW you're trying to randomize a fucking rom on your old windows system, and all of a sudden the little shit closes out of the program and decides to shut down on it's own...

  7. When the empire of your forefathers lies in ruins, your people are starving, and your entire homeland, once the fuel of nightmares and source of fear and awe in the hearts of her enemies, has now become the laughing stock of the entire continent, a prince will do anything to right to severe wrongs placed before him...

    1. Sutoratosu


      even if he must pursue things darker than midnight to reclaim old glory...

    2. Sutoratosu


      Can Addamus, Consul of the grand republic of Gensech, again tear out the lion's fangs?

      Or will the task be best left to a young face yet to be trialed?

      only the sands of time may tell...

    3. Sutoratosu


      but one thing is certain....

      Darkness gathers around the crown prince Edrus, ruler of the once mighty Empire of Highglade...

      Darkness that may yet swallow the whole world in it's wake.

  8. eh, no hurry... not like we're in a rush or anything at this point. the meat of the situation has already been exposed.
  9. Is it sad that the only enjoyment I can get out of pokemon anymore is either playing fan-games like Reborn and Rejuvenation and insurgence, or by personally writing some fan fiction?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I don't think Frontier should be in every gen personally ((though I understand it was kinda silly for it to not be in ORAS)).

    3. Commander


      Huk, I understand that, but their reasoning was because they want people to play other games. But yeah Gen V was a great step in the right direction. Platinum was another great games as Gym leaders had coverage moves (le gasp) and more than three Pokemon.

    4. Azeria


      Yeah that's really stupid of them to restrict gym leaders and Trainers to that.....like For the first 2 or maybe even 3 gym leaders, 3 mons are alright but have it proceed damnit. With the lucky egg and Exp share you're essentially making the game a cakewalk...though XY's actually kinda dificult without exp share....

  10. No... not really. either finish it off or leave mr.hellchicken be. That paralysis has pretty much turned what was once a hellishly fast ninja into nothing but a cripple...seeing as how Paralysis pretty much negates all effects of abilities like speed boost given how they work. So yeah... do what thou wilt. He's honestly given up at this point anyway and has resigned to giving the two of them the stank-eye.
  11. Annnnnnnnnnnd the after surgery period sucks...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      Here's hoping my wisdom teeth fit my mouth

    3. Sutoratosu


      Well, it only hurts the much if you have the misfortune of waking up from the sedative in the middle of the damn procedure, PBXS... aside from that one instance, I was out like a light for most of it, so the only pain was the aching that came after...

      but at least the pain meds and other stuff they gave me is doing a decent job so far...

    4. Sutoratosu


      Oh, and as you can all see... it wasn't anything prescribed that has fucked up my ability to type english... so yay for that too.

  12. Eh... why not? Lapras- Lochnas, was described as having a deep, vibrantly violet skin tone in place of Lapras's light blue, with dark grey spots replacing the dark blue ones lapras has, as well as a larger body and longer neck compared to it's previous stage. Lochnas's shell was a brighter, purer shade of grey, and noticeably larger and more jagged than Lapras's, and it's neck and fins were noted as possessing rows of dorsal, spike like protrusions the same tone as its shell. It's snout was longer and the curled, ear-like horn protrusions on the upper base of it's skull had grown larger as well. Moltres-Moltro, Turned into a legit phoenix. The fires that once engulfed the crest of Moltres's head and lower edges of it's wings had now spread to cover the entirety of it's body. It's wingspan had grown slightly larger compared to it's previous state, and it's tail had as well. The flames cloaking Moldro's body were a rich, hot white in place of the crimson they had once been. It was rumored that his ability shifted from pressure to Blaze upon evolving.
  13. Yes... I was serious about the whole retiring from hosting thing

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Well sometimes that's how the cookie crumbles. Sometimes you gotta give the new guys a chance.

    3. Flux


      I've thought about doing the same sort of thing actually... I feel like I don't have the attention span to keep with it, but at the same time I get all these ideas that I'd love to host.

    4. Commander


      Sometimes you just hit that point where you can't do it anymore. I'd love to RP again, but I just can't. I pray for smooth journey whether it be SoA or something entirely outside of RPing.

  14. Change of plans, boys. Old Stratos is retiring from the hosting scene, I'm afraid... and considering that I'm going to be revamping Exodus as a series strictly through short stories and the like... and the whole timeline and specifics is going to be drastically changed and the fact we barely have a handfull of players left... yeah, not really seeing the point to even pretending this is still gonna be a thing at this point. I'm sorry guys, but that's just the way it is. I'm hanging up my hosting laurels. Only thing I'm gonna be trying to run here is Avalon... and with my luck something will come up with that RP to give me motivation to say screw it and hang up my laurels with it too... so there you have it. We're done here, fin. It was an honor roleplaying with you all. I'll lock the old girl up now. Be seeing you fine folks.
  15. to be honest the odds were far fairer against you all then they would've been if you faced this man when he was actually giving any orders to his team. That Camerupt of his didn't even Mega Evolve. Just as he was ordered to do, all he's accomplishing is providing a diversion.
  16. Have I actually done it? Have I managed to write something that isn't the product of ambition? Don't know...feels like this might be the one though

  17. don't be surprised if you don't see me too much for the next week or so... getting my wisdom teeth removed on the 25 and I'll probably be abit too drugged up to write in coherent english for a time

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anvilicious


      Not that you'll probably be able to use a straw, but at least you can kinda squish it into your mouth.

    3. Sutoratosu


      you guys aren't making the anxiety of it any better with that last commentary... -_-

    4. Anvilicious


      Sorry. I figure it's better to be prepared so you have more to eat than just applesauce like I did.

  18. well... guess I'll get an update out sometime tomorrow for Hiss and Exlink...seeing as how literally nothing has happened yet on any of the other fronts. might as well go ahead and finish their individual sessions to catch them up with everyone else so far. and I have to get wisdom teeth removed this coming tuesday, so don't be surprised if there are very few/ no updates at all in about the week after the one I've mentioned above. Don't really know what type of pain meds or other medications might be prescribed, so I'm not even gonna bother counting on being able to focus enough to work on this or any RP for a while.
  19. So...conjured up a seagull... that's about as exciting as my day got.

  20. I don't usually allow myself to do this type of thing with my wizardry, but since it seemed no one else had responded yet... and I had nothing else to occupy myself with for a few moments... Check your PC, Box 1. This is a one time only deal for me since I'm feeling unusually nice. enjoy your seagull.
  21. There's sooooo much fire in this one fight scene... I've probably filled up the story's quota for "a battle amongst the flames" trope for a good four or five chapters...

    1. Hiss13


      As Beavis once said, "try setting it on fire."

    2. Sutoratosu


      but I've already done to that to the boat XD...

      ah, but sadly... I afraid the fire must end soon. We are approaching the conclusion of the battle as soon as those still fighting single engagements are finished...

  22. Yuuki The Fire type's eye's widened as it relaized it's mistake too late. Janah's blow sent it flying even higher into the air as the spectral being lost consciousness, the lethal vapor it was emanating only moments before seeming to be almost sentient as it followed it's source through the wide arc. It was hard to see through the smoke and fire, but if Yuuki listened close enough he might've heard a sudden crash and the pained rattle of a Camerupt off in the distance after the Chandelure disappeared from sight. The fiery ring was still raging around the deck. Despite his earlier fears though, it appeared as though the oxygen levels had been virtually untouched... aside from the air being significantly higher in temperature. Whatever the fires were, they weren't normal... The mysterious giant of a beast was continuing to rage in the distance, eye's still blazing as it rampaged and tried to destroy those standing around with an area attack of fire and steam... And all the while, it seemed as though with every motion the beast made, every ounce of it's anger that rose... the walls of flame flickered and wavered...
  23. Yuuki The chandelure was prepared this time, knowing what kind of games it's opponent was playing as it slid smoothly to the side before quickly boosting itself in the air, again hovering above the heads of it's foemen. The thing seemed to be badly injured... ironic given the fact that it was only now it was beginning to truly fight... but perhaps that had been the point all along. The Galade may have been using Ghost type tricks, but unlike it's opponent, it was no ghost type, and the Soul Snatcher knew it. They thought the shadows were their allies...but they had merely adopted the shadows. He, on the otherhand, had born in them, born from them, molded by them. Just as all ghost types were. He had heard the shadows ever since he was a Litwick, heard their cries, their whispers... the whispers of the lost and the condemned. And he heard their whispers now, heard them telling him the location of his foe in the darkness, sneaking about with such audacity, thinking they would exploit such a resource without impunity. And if there was something he had learned during his time in the mortal realm, it had been to always trust the shadows... For the shadows betrayed Janah now. Betrayed Janah because they belonged to his enemy and his enemies' own kind... not to the psychic race. A foul, pale fog began to emanate from the ghost. It's eyes fixed menacingly on Yuuki and Janah, burning with some otherwordly light as it sized up the two souls waiting down below. The fog grew heavier and heavier by the second. If either the galade or his trainer took a whiff, they would've likely recognized a scent similar to gasoline... This was the phantom's final gambit. It's last stand... it's murderous desperation. The ghost hadn't been too considerate about it's earlier dodging though... it may have been too high up to reach using shadow play, but it had failed to account for the fact... that Janah could most likely still reach with a different attack...and a bit of a jump... The fog was still relatively high in the air. There was still time before it would descend... still time before it would reach the barren floor, crawl like a demon, and touch the wall and kill everything caught within it... not much time, but still precious enough time. still precious time to save not only their own lives... but perhaps even that of all those present as well.
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