The Camerupt was surprised to see the black comet descending from the heavens like the hand of Arceus himself. Stunned, really... so the thunder had truly been just a ploy to distract him and set up for this. There was too little time to dodge, the ground type knew that... and with the power and speed the Electric ball had already managed to gain during it's fall, the damage would be horrible...
But he was not done yet. Not by a long shot. Without a sound, the Camerupt took on a violet glow as his body expanded a little, muscles thickening and bones hardening as he faced the dark meteor head on...
The moment Aethor made impact, there was a crash... a crash and a roar of pain from the camerupt. The beast was badly injured... it had survived the hit, but just barely. Which is precisely what it wanted...cause now it would kill them both. There was no escape.
The Fire Type rose to it's feet, body again surging with the same power it had used to attempt to murder Aethor's master. It glared at the electric type, stepping forward, one hoove at a time, the wood of the deck seared in it's wake with perfect rings. There was hate in those eyes. Hate and fury. And then the lumbering beast stopped.
The fires around it responded with violence. Almost as if they had life of their own, they jumped and leapt towards the camel, engulfing it's entire form in a torrent of hellishly brutal heat as it's eyes kept up their piercing look into the Electrodes Soul. Soon the metallic gold of it's body's glow had shifted to a deep, metallic crimson. The very air around it sizzled and burned with fire as the walls retreated back to their rightful places around the perimeter of the arena Exon had crafted.
The Camerupt flashed one last, wicked grin at Aethor. And then the next second, the entire world disappeared in a swirl of magma and fire as the sound of a mountain crying in agony echoed throughout the area and a torrential storm of the stuff began to spiral around the Camerupt's form; the floor boards all around the goliath shook violently before finally, giving way to the raw power of the Earth itself that surged beneath them and erupted upwards, heading straight for Aethor along with the fire and raw, superheated liquid stone.
Whatever the technique was... it obvious the fires had increased it's power somehow. And the speed of it's approach as well. Even as fast as the Electrode was, and the mobility granted by Magnet Rise, the chances of it managing to escape completely unscathed... was relatively non existent.
This was the Fire type's final gambit. The Camerupt knew it. His strength was wavering as he struggled to maintain the raw force of it... but failure was not an option. If he was going to go down, they were all going to go with him.
That much he was adamant about.
Exon was surprised when he spotted the shadows around him, flickering and dancing, begin to gyrate and shift... more so than the fire should've accounted for. The moment Janah's manifestation began to emerge though, he knew precisely what was happening.
"Shit!" He cursed, instantly pushing back into a powerful leap through the flames. He landed on the opposite side of the wall, unscathed by the blaze, just as he had been before. "Too close... didn't expect one of them to be intelligent enough to actually try to attack me directly..." He took a breath, trying to calm himself from the close call. Then he examined the flaming walls he had erected. They should be enough to keep them from breaking through, but...
"Better safe than sorry..." He reached out a single hand to the fires... and focused, centered himself. And pumped even more of his own willpower into the construct than there was already surging through it. His body may have been beginning to shake, and the sweat on his brow might've been intensifying, but he didn't care. Failure was not an option. He couldn't let anyone escape this soon.
Meanwhile, within the blaze, the chandelure looked at Yuuki in puzzlement, even going so far as to rub one side of head with the flaming goblet of it's arm.
The thing obviously wasn't too bright... or just too easily distracted. Either way, Janah would have the perfect opportunity to strike right about now...
The Hell Chicken made no attempt to dodge the electricity, nor to use mirror move. Instead it simply stood there... and waited. Waited as it's body began to take an a golden hue of it's own, the air beginning to snap and crack around it as it called forth the power hidden within it's soul, cloaking it's entire fiery being with the electric force as Pory's Discharge hit squarely, the two electric types cancelling one another out as they collided. (HP Electric)
And then the Blaziken did something even less expected. Rather than charge forward and attack...
it leapt backwards and vanished within the flames...
vanished... but did not leave.
The Hell Fire burst outward and swallowed the darkness of the sphere whole as it approached, only seeming to grow stronger from the kindness it's opponents had shown in feeding it more of it's source material...
But the path soon became erratic as the other part of the girl's plan was put into place. The delphox had no choice but to drop her concentration on the hell fire and redirect it to pushing back the attempt to lull her into sleep. She went to work, ignoring her previous work completely and allowing the vortex to die as she began constructing mental walls so tough and resillent that the hypnotic suggestion did little more to tear them down than a pebble being tossed against a brick facade...
But the Vixen had failed to see the point of her foe's sudden shift of strategy. Failed to see the fact that focusing on the mental assault was precisely what they wanted her to do...
with no focus being spent on keeping up her pyromancy, the Fire type had left herself wide open...
Joey and Jahanna
The beast seemed to be only slightly shaken by the sea serpent before it. And even less so by the torrent of water that slapped it in the face moments later. It paid no attention to duck nearby as it glowered up at the sea serpent, eyes gleaming a disturbing, bloody hue as it shook it's head in confusion, as if it was processing one thing yet being commanded to do another.
The moment did not last though. Soon something seemed to finally win it in it's psyche, and the hooped constructs on the monster's back unhooked themselves into two, split cannon like arms, aiming right for Isamu and Ismael both as a hot, roaring torrent of fire blasted forth...