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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. hang on...think I might be on to something here. Just recalled this was once going to be the intended theme for the predecessor project...
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    1. Meruem


      pretty good, way better than the original

  2. Yuuki The blow struck solidly, sending the chandelure forward through the air before it could stop it's own momentum. Something akin to a cross of a cacophony of children's whispers and a chorus of a thousand women screaming in pain emanated from the burning wraith as it turned to face the Psychic Type that had exploited it's moment of confusion, a deep scowl on it's face. Again the fires of it's ethereal form became wild, violent, whipping in the hot winds circulating all throughout what had become the hellish battlefield of the deck. Unlike the last time though... the flames faded from a deep violet to a soulless, pitch black the moment the Chandelure faced Janah. Again the fires coalesced before the spirit, darker than night and seeming to suck the very light out of the atmosphere... before they formed into a single, massive Kanji and launched themselves at the Gallade at full force (Shadow Ball+Fire Blast)... Felix A cross between the screech of an Eagle and the roar of a fire resonated throughout the area as the Hell Chicken emerged from it's hiding place directly behind the back of the machinist, feet outstretched and claws alit... as was it's entire body from the fury of the wall. The fire type hadn't hidden to try to surprise Pory... that much was clear. It was gunning to take the life of the AI's handler instead. What the bird did not account for however... was the fact that's it ninja tactics had left a small window opportunity for it's foeman to set a trap and lay in wait... and as a wave of pain passed through it's entire form the moment it drew close enough; Hit spot on by the Tri Attack prepared especially for it, with love, from Pory, the bird honestly regretted it's decision to not simply bypass stealth altogether and use it's speed to strike down the machinist earlier on... Regardless of what the fire type regretted though, the past could not be changed. What was done was done, and as the Blaziken slowly rose to it's feet, glowering at the two, it could feel it's muscles growing stiffer and stiffer by the minute... paralysis. It just stood there across the field of battle, glaring. The distance was to great for it to try physical attacks again, and it knew it would never be able to close it in time before being struck again... and the only attack it could use was liable to be cancelled out easily if the opponent had any intelligence, which, obvious to the bird now... They did. Lloyd The attack from silver passed right by as the Volcorona took note and quiver danced out of it's path, though the plan half worked for Llyod's side... it seemed the bug was not adept at evasive maneuvers and attack simultaneously. Most of the sound waves stopped at the source before they ever reached the absol... but their creator was even faster and stronger now. Without warning, the moth began flapping it's mammoth wings yet again. This time however, no sound began to resonate... instead it's form cloaked within the fires blazing all around them as it began to move erratically, sending burning scales and streaks of searing flames floating throughout the area in a suffocating, burning mass of embers that rode on the hot winds, descending towards Silver and her master at a frightening speed. Yuzuki The force slammed into the vixen and sent her flying backwards into the fires of the wall. She seemed more annoyed than in pain as she quickly got back to her feet though. This was obviously an opponent who was going to to try to play games, that much was clear in her mind as she began drawing up power...they thought they were so clever, didn't they? Well...Two could tango to the same song. Again she drew together her hands. Unlike the last time though, there was no period of waiting, and quick as lighting, the shadows had ceased their flickering and dancing amongst the flames and gathered within her palms, forming a sphere that glowed with an unnatural light. With a snarl, she sent the thing hurtling at Natsuki... There was something off about the ball however. The moment it got close enough to the Gardevoir, it suddenly burst apart without warning with explosive force. Dark, dancing waves of hell fire and darkness spread out and cloaked the area in front of them, threatening to consume both the Fairy and her master... The Beast The beast took the electric blast to it's side with a roar that would've shaken the courage of even a dragon. Isamu's attack moments later only added further insult to the injury, though the Samurai Duck had come dangerously close to being fried by the shock by moving in so soon...only lucked had saved it's hide as it slammed into the beast with the power of the sky itself behind it. The monster's eyes again gleamed their blood red... but there was no struggle this time, no war that seemed to go on in it's mind. Instead the creature lashed out wildly, uncoiling it's cannon like arms and beginning to to sweep the entire area before and around it's body with a combination of fire and super-heated steam... one would think the two combined would cancel the other out... And they would be wrong. In fact, the twin attacks seemed to only compliment one another's power, growing in their heat and intensity. Regardless of what one thought however, the area had become an even greater danger zone... there was no rhyme or reason to what was targeted; anything that moved and posed an active threat seemed to be destined for destruction as far as the beast was concerned.
  3. Doesn't matter who we're waiting on, fact of the matter is that this is most likely not going to be finished by tomorrow before chim leaves. That's simply something I foresaw from the beginning and and already had something in place to account for it. Anyways, I'll get the update out now. It's up. The Rage Level is now over 9000 EDIT: and if anyone has any ideas for theme songs for this, feel free to propose them. EDIT2: Think I found one, ironically left over from the days I was of Auroral Starfall's time. Tell me what you all think...
  4. Yeah, kinda what I was expecting. I knew not to get my hopes up about activity too much, and look ma, no disappointment now! Anyways, I'm sure we can get along with either one of those for now until you get back. Have a nice time at the festival, man.
  5. Amazon is generally what I stick to. Make sure you pay close attention to the reputation rating of the companies when you view the price listings for the product, only go with those who are within the top 90th percentile of positive rating (Which is easy cause most of the time they get filtered to the top of the list). And make sure you read things thoroughly so that you know what you're buying. And like Mde said, Ebay can work just as well, though that's considerably a bit more risky if you aren't cautious with who to trust when it comes to purchasing from. Same general rule applies there, check the reputation and reveiws of the seller and the product both. And to save a hassel, try to avoid any items that are being auctioned off and instead go after those that are listed with a set price, cause an auction requires far more of your time, an will likely be a higher price than a standard listed item.
  6. Sooooooo.... I just saw this:

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu



      gotta love our fucking politicians, eh?

    3. Sutoratosu


      I don't know why I was surprised at first though to be honest. I know from HS that my country has done quite a few... underhanded things during it's time, this would just be another potential bullet point on that list.

    4. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      The dickwads known as Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford. They made this country into the giant it is today, even though they were greedy or industrially-driven.

  7. Yeah... just had quite a few things occurring lately... which I'm sure I don't need to elaborate too much on for one to get the meaning of that. I'll try and get up a response for Faust up either tonight or tomorrow.
  8. Has anyone ever felt a hatred within them that burns as bright as a star and regardless of what you do, you know you can never extinguish it and so you settle for simply pushing it down into the depths of your soul and putting on a paper smile to hide the anger and violence you constantly want to inflict?

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    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      burn their way onto the page in whatever manner they so please and tell whatever story they so desire...

    3. Sutoratosu


      ((I'm expecting that a LOT of post apocalyptic and oppresive/ Atrocity ridden settings will result from it...))

    4. CURIE


      Not really... I'd get that checked out if I were you. Sounds like an awful way to live.

  9. The Gator war, The Nation's conflict, The Alliance Struggle, and now the Battle of 8/11.... yay truly, these events shall forever go down in the site's history.

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    1. Sutoratosu


      Two foreign forces have tried to destroy this community. And thus far, all have failed.

      Reborn stands strong.

  10. yes. Though it's mostly targeted at Aethor, Niki is close enough to the area to be in some serious danger from it as well, though not as much as Aethor is given he's far closer to the epicenter due to his last attack.
  11. Just recalled the fact that Sins of Avalon has no main theme... -_- unfuckingacceptable. I must resolve this sometime on the morrow...

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  12. Light a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Light him ON fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      You could just give him your mixtape.

    3. Shamitako


      Among other things you could give~

    4. Sutoratosu


      ehh...nah, think I'll just settle for giving him the sensation of being burned at the stake and call it a day there. XD

  13. Yeah like dobby said pretty much. certain moves that may be more useful in IRL competitive outlets, might be out-shined by the versatility of certain moves that are less well loved for it. This is an RP setting, so what one can actually do with the move through just some creativity is pretty well expanded on. Like Vacuum Wave for example. Pure shit in comp, but in an RP setting, I pretty much figured out an application for it that rendered one of my OC's scyther with a pretty damn good defense against fire moves. (Even though I technically only got to use it that way once and it was really freaking vague on my part... all the other times were pretty much hand-waved as off screen) And similiar things can be said for hidden power and the like. Just a bit of appropriate creativity can turn alot of things far more useful than they at first appear to be. Like the Blaziken using HP Electric to sheild against discharge? Well HP Electric has...other applications. If one can cloak their body in an electric field through one possible use of it, and then strike the opponent with a move... yeah... that's why Mr.Hell Chicken has it. can provide both ranged and close quarters coverage to water depending on what's needed. So yeah... certain characters are going to run some strange sets.
  14. 1: That ain't bullshit as you call it. All the moves of these mons were plotted out in advance before the attack on the site occurred and shit went down. I mean, if you want an uber moveset, I can go and create one just for you. 2. I'm trying to give you the opportunity to bring that thing down like you've been trying to do. given how it and it's allies have behaved, it;s pretty obvious that none of them are just going to up and run from the fight like a pansy. It's preparing to strike from where it's least expected. But while it's trying to be slick and take you by surprise, this is the perfect oppurtinity to set up a trap with discharge. It would be simple enough to just charge it up subtly now, take a step back, and unleash it right in it's face when it attempts to reappear and attack. And it can't do jack shit to prevent it or counter if it's preoccupied and not expecting a counter like that. The reason your two previous attacks failed my friend, was not because I'm being bullshit, here, it's because they were predictable to your opponent. it reacted the first time by sending it back, and when you used it again, it was even easier for the thing to react. Spamming the same attack without any variety or change in technique or how one uses it, isn't always going to be the answer. in fact, it will probably never be the answer. I'm not pulling bullshit here, my friend, I'm trying to get you to consider the alternate paths a bit more and adapt.
  15. Oh my god... soooooooo much fire... I think I enjoyed writing that Homicidal Camerupt a bit too much... that thing is just begging for a rematch at some point... It's easy enough to defeat the thing when it has to fight relying solely on it's own judgement... but when it has it's master is backing it up with orders and insight... And Hell Chicken is more of just a slight term of endearment rather than an insult. Cause i'm 90% certain the first starter I ever had was Blaziken... the name Hell Chicken came years later after I saw it on the web. EDIT: No, infact, this thing definitely deserves a rematch at some point later in time. It's relatively easy to take advantage of a lone pokemon's confusion/ surprise when there's no trainer to give it direction in battle... only question is, who... oh wait, I already knows...
  16. Nikita The Camerupt was surprised to see the black comet descending from the heavens like the hand of Arceus himself. Stunned, really... so the thunder had truly been just a ploy to distract him and set up for this. There was too little time to dodge, the ground type knew that... and with the power and speed the Electric ball had already managed to gain during it's fall, the damage would be horrible... But he was not done yet. Not by a long shot. Without a sound, the Camerupt took on a violet glow as his body expanded a little, muscles thickening and bones hardening as he faced the dark meteor head on... The moment Aethor made impact, there was a crash... a crash and a roar of pain from the camerupt. The beast was badly injured... it had survived the hit, but just barely. Which is precisely what it wanted...cause now it would kill them both. There was no escape. The Fire Type rose to it's feet, body again surging with the same power it had used to attempt to murder Aethor's master. It glared at the electric type, stepping forward, one hoove at a time, the wood of the deck seared in it's wake with perfect rings. There was hate in those eyes. Hate and fury. And then the lumbering beast stopped. The fires around it responded with violence. Almost as if they had life of their own, they jumped and leapt towards the camel, engulfing it's entire form in a torrent of hellishly brutal heat as it's eyes kept up their piercing look into the Electrodes Soul. Soon the metallic gold of it's body's glow had shifted to a deep, metallic crimson. The very air around it sizzled and burned with fire as the walls retreated back to their rightful places around the perimeter of the arena Exon had crafted. The Camerupt flashed one last, wicked grin at Aethor. And then the next second, the entire world disappeared in a swirl of magma and fire as the sound of a mountain crying in agony echoed throughout the area and a torrential storm of the stuff began to spiral around the Camerupt's form; the floor boards all around the goliath shook violently before finally, giving way to the raw power of the Earth itself that surged beneath them and erupted upwards, heading straight for Aethor along with the fire and raw, superheated liquid stone. Whatever the technique was... it obvious the fires had increased it's power somehow. And the speed of it's approach as well. Even as fast as the Electrode was, and the mobility granted by Magnet Rise, the chances of it managing to escape completely unscathed... was relatively non existent. This was the Fire type's final gambit. The Camerupt knew it. His strength was wavering as he struggled to maintain the raw force of it... but failure was not an option. If he was going to go down, they were all going to go with him. That much he was adamant about. Yuuki Exon was surprised when he spotted the shadows around him, flickering and dancing, begin to gyrate and shift... more so than the fire should've accounted for. The moment Janah's manifestation began to emerge though, he knew precisely what was happening. "Shit!" He cursed, instantly pushing back into a powerful leap through the flames. He landed on the opposite side of the wall, unscathed by the blaze, just as he had been before. "Too close... didn't expect one of them to be intelligent enough to actually try to attack me directly..." He took a breath, trying to calm himself from the close call. Then he examined the flaming walls he had erected. They should be enough to keep them from breaking through, but... "Better safe than sorry..." He reached out a single hand to the fires... and focused, centered himself. And pumped even more of his own willpower into the construct than there was already surging through it. His body may have been beginning to shake, and the sweat on his brow might've been intensifying, but he didn't care. Failure was not an option. He couldn't let anyone escape this soon. Meanwhile, within the blaze, the chandelure looked at Yuuki in puzzlement, even going so far as to rub one side of head with the flaming goblet of it's arm. The thing obviously wasn't too bright... or just too easily distracted. Either way, Janah would have the perfect opportunity to strike right about now... Felix The Hell Chicken made no attempt to dodge the electricity, nor to use mirror move. Instead it simply stood there... and waited. Waited as it's body began to take an a golden hue of it's own, the air beginning to snap and crack around it as it called forth the power hidden within it's soul, cloaking it's entire fiery being with the electric force as Pory's Discharge hit squarely, the two electric types cancelling one another out as they collided. (HP Electric) And then the Blaziken did something even less expected. Rather than charge forward and attack... it leapt backwards and vanished within the flames... vanished... but did not leave. Yuzuki The Hell Fire burst outward and swallowed the darkness of the sphere whole as it approached, only seeming to grow stronger from the kindness it's opponents had shown in feeding it more of it's source material... But the path soon became erratic as the other part of the girl's plan was put into place. The delphox had no choice but to drop her concentration on the hell fire and redirect it to pushing back the attempt to lull her into sleep. She went to work, ignoring her previous work completely and allowing the vortex to die as she began constructing mental walls so tough and resillent that the hypnotic suggestion did little more to tear them down than a pebble being tossed against a brick facade... But the Vixen had failed to see the point of her foe's sudden shift of strategy. Failed to see the fact that focusing on the mental assault was precisely what they wanted her to do... with no focus being spent on keeping up her pyromancy, the Fire type had left herself wide open... Joey and Jahanna The beast seemed to be only slightly shaken by the sea serpent before it. And even less so by the torrent of water that slapped it in the face moments later. It paid no attention to duck nearby as it glowered up at the sea serpent, eyes gleaming a disturbing, bloody hue as it shook it's head in confusion, as if it was processing one thing yet being commanded to do another. The moment did not last though. Soon something seemed to finally win it in it's psyche, and the hooped constructs on the monster's back unhooked themselves into two, split cannon like arms, aiming right for Isamu and Ismael both as a hot, roaring torrent of fire blasted forth...
  17. yeah yeah... well, seeing as everyone has at least gotten something up to get them into the fight now, I might be able to chuck out one more update for today... and I just love how he keeps trying to nail this hell chicken with lightning...gotta have coverage against water types, afterall...
  18. Thinking of putting up a birthday thread or something when time comes, but thinking it might be best to leave it to someone a bit more experienced in it...

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    1. Sutoratosu


      I mean, I got a pretty good title for him...and it would be easy enough to figure out what to say and lace the whole thing with some good natured sarcasm for humor.

  19. jesus so many mistakes... why am I missing these? and it was Mirror Move. Very similar in look and execution to mirror coat (hence the understandable confusion and my reason for including the link in the first place), but different in that it just reflects the attack back without any amplification, unlike mirror coat. (Both moves also have a cooldown period and heightened failure rate like protect here, but that's besides the point...) but yeah, he's right about that too.
  20. Huh... well damn, I'm stupid too in that case for not catching it in the sign up... ((SEriously, how the hell did i miss that for SO damn long?)) Well, that's a no on the download/ analytic thing because download only affects the offensive stats to take advantage of whether the foe has a lower defense or special defense, so yeah... guess you uh... you should get editing then. EDIT: *Now feels the need to check everyone's sign ups to ensure similar screw ups haven't occurred...*
  21. Yay...but also you guys so it defeats the purpose XD and theres alot more folks like them where these three came from. sacrificing yourselves to defeat them would... honestly be just a waste of life when one considers the small amount of overall impact it would leave... Also want to just say: Field Effects is an actual thing here. and it's more extensive than just moves like electric terrain or whatever (Think of like with Reborn's field effects. that's how much raw variety is possible)... like this big ass ring of fire encircling you guys right now... but oh, I'll just demonstrate tommorow when I'm hashing out Felix's section of the update...((Lols, like that shit is just ordinary fire...oh please, it was able to part before and close behind a man as he approached for heaven's sake XD))
  22. INB4 dobby's suggestion kills everyone. XD seriously... please, that thing is nasty if it gets genuinely pissed off...
  23. nah, I actually decided to be nice and stop at the fact that it had Water Absorb. It'a already a mythic and everything, and while I could do that luring tactic... I won't. That ah...beast is kinda the black sheep of the team. Which will become a bit clearer as you two fight it... and observe and compare it to the reactions of the other pokemon under Exon's command.
  24. you don;t have to worry much. That was honestly the last update I'm doing today anyway given most people still haven't gotten something up either. it's only day 1 of the 5 days before chim won;t be able to post till the 23, and it's starting off pretty good, so we have time.
  25. Damn it dobby... you and you're breaking my enemy AI implementation >:^( using your T-wave illusions and what not.... Also, the image of Camels firing solar-powered lasers from their freaking mouths just popped into my head... it's fucking hillarious and awesome at the same time
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