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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Yuzuki The two attacks collided with a blinding light and burst of sound as both fire and hollowed force bloomed outwards in a cascade of energy. Once the reaction died down, it became clear to the Delphox she wasn't dealing with common rabble... for someone to be able to counter her technique like that... The fiery vixen snarled, skirts still ablaze as she stowed her wand and brought together her hands as the fires again engulfed her entire form... with one major difference from the last gout.... These flames were darker than midnight, and seemed to suck in the very light around them as they spun and funneled and danced across the space...before again surging off towards the Gardevoir and her mistress, this time moving faster...far faster... and hotter. If one did not know any better... it could've been classified as Grade A Hell Fire. Felix The Blaziken was surprised that the computer entity could dodge it's strike... but it wasn't about to allow itself to be defeated in a battle of speed. Not at all. It leapt backwards through the air as Pory unleashed his counter, knowing full well the shock wave of electricity would hit it before it landed... precisely what it desired. For the moment it did, the Fire Type's entire Body became coated, gleaming liquid silver with power as the attack circulated throughout it's being... and then was reflected right back towards Pory, with just as much power and skill as the AI had used the move itself... it was so exactly the same in execution that it was almost as if pory was being targeted by an exact copy himself... Nikita The plan worked like a charm. The camerupt had no idea what the hell the child was doing, ordering an attack that would have no effect... it made no sense in the mind of the beast, nothing to be strategically gained by...by...Unless there was something somehow different about this electricity. It might have been a bluff... it have been nothing but a lie to try to distract him, but the fire type didn't want to risk failing his lord if it wasn't. The goliath turned it's head towards the heavens, body no longer glowing with the earth's power as the attack surging towards niki stopped in it's tracks. Again it opened it's mouth, the Solar Rays gathering there... and again it fired, this time aiming at the bolt of lightning falling like an anvil. There was something off though. that much was clear to the camel the minute the two techniques collided in the air... His solar beam...tore apart the lightning like it was nothing but a weak strike under the guise of being far more powerful... The Camerupt stood there for a minute... looking at the reaction as he closed his mouth and ended the beam. He was completely puzzled by what his foes were going for... And that puzzlement presented the perfect opportunity to strike.
  2. What? Nooooo I would never do such an underhanded to my players Hell yes that's exactly how I assembled Exon's Team. But wait, you figured out the beast already? How strange... afterall, it wasn't like I was being SUPER obvious about it's identity with the context clues and the move it starts off using...
  3. It's body is not wrought of the common technology, my friend... perhaps some of the internal systems, but not it's body.
  4. It's only one deck, but it's a very heavily fortified ship, hence why the trio of baddies decided it would be too difficult to damage from the outside. And it's very strong wood by the way... stronger than any of the common species. And there's still reinforcing underneath it. The fact that the camerupt's attack was able to damage it from the raw force, but not Aethor's maneuver of causing it to go face first to the floor of the deck, is supposed to show something.
  5. Nikita Anger. That was the only thing capable of describing the sound from the molten camel's mouth as it toppled over onto the planks. Anger and fury. The beast glowered at Nikita as it slowly rose, finding it difficult to re-establish balance over it's impressive girth. Steam blew from it's nostrils. The Goliath of a fire type reared up on it's hind legs, body blazing with the power of gaia herself as it let out a roar that seemed to shake the whole deck around it... and then it slammed both hooves down onto the planks, and in a flash, the floor all around it was being torn up as a shockwave of golden, unrelenting force surged out in all directions... And focused themselves on the girl, not the Electrode floating nearby. Whatever the Camerupt was... it was obvious it was smarter than most of it's kind... Aethor had two options, it seemed... try to play dirty again, and be damaged by the power emanating from the fire type's body- something that not even the blessing of magnet rise would save it from- or focus on his master... and the camel stared at the electric type, knowing the predicament it had just created... And the grin on it's face matched the same wickedness of it's lord and master Exon...
  6. Think I should mention before you screw over everyone that the attack paths of moves like Discharge and Lavaplume can be controlled if the user is skilled enough and has practiced them enough. The reason such moves are constantly classified as hitting everyone is because when most pokemon first learn the move, they aren't used to handling the raw amount of power being discharged and as such aren't able to control it as well as it would be for something like Flamethrower... and so the attack ends up going literally everywhere and hits everyone ((I shit you not, not even trainers are safe if they stand too close to the field.)) Basically, it's akin to the trope of dropping cluster F-bombs versus that of the Precision F-strike. When they first start, they'll be dropping destruction everywhere, but as they develop, they become more and more able to focus the force into it's designated target and purpose only.
  7. Yes, I mean the standard skill level and team strength of a standard E4 member from any of the common regions. So basically his team is between level 60-66. basically the same challenge someone would face if they made it past the finals of a League cup tourney.
  8. Stratos used Minor fix! Esta mucho effectivo! Foe Spelling Error Fainted!
  9. It's up. feast on your pain > You all are the masters of your own fate right now, meaning that how to resolve this situation is entirely up to your own actions, all I'll be effecting is the actions and reactions of the enemies. so yeah... find a way to end this, regardless of what it is. just know that every action has a logical (Even if unforseen) consequence, whether it be positive or negative. Some information on your opponent though: He is as skilled and powerful as an Elite Four MemberThat's about all I'm gonna give you guys...
  10. On the far deck Recci ground his teeth in the intense heat and stench of smoke from the fires before him. Even as strong as he was, there was little he could do against three opponents at once. Especially so with the woman who was obviously in command of the other two... There was something off about her Tyranitar, he could tell from the piercing obs of pure black edging closer to him and his partners through the blaze. That thing had to be on something, had to receiving the extra power from something other than a Mega Stone, jack just couldn't figure out what...or how. The other two, they would've been beaten already if not for her covering their asses. It was obvious she was the biggest threat. And it was obvious it was time to end this. "Quiet, Steel Wing!." He ordered to the emperor penguin beside him. "Bypass the tyranitar!" There was no hesitation. No questioning as to the implications of the command. Her blades took on a light of their own as the steel type charged forward through the flame, her body completely engulfing itself in a torrential spiral of water of she passed through, moving faster, faster. Within mere seconds, she had passed the Tyranitar completely, extinguishing the inferno in her wake... and flying right for the woman commanding it, body prepared to slash and hack. Avelia did nothing more than smile. The old soldier thought killing her would really be as simple as giving an order. It was amusing. And it was pitiful. He probably thought he was dealing with some ordinary operative... but fine, fine. If he wanted to go down this route, she would be more than happy to accommodate him. Her eyes shifted to the staircase in the distance. Looked like the travelers were intent on providing backup.... such a shame. They too could've lived just a few minutes longer down below. "Exon," She said, not taking her eyes off the approaching attack as the air around her hand swam with a dark aura "Occupy the guests for a moment while I take care of Jackson. Subduing them doesn't matter, just buy me a few moments." Exon said nothing, only nodded... and left her to finish the fight. The Travelers... The group could see only precious little of what was going on through the fire blazing at the other end of the deck. Shadows and shouting and roars... it seemed obvious that someone was engaged in all out combat. There was no way to reach or help them that could be seen though. Shades was nowhere to be found outhere... neither was the asshole of a Captain they'd had the pleasure of encountering earlier. But there was one figure ready to greet them... "And so the little mice have scattered from their humble hole," A voice called over the roaring of the inferno. Out of the hellishly hot fires emerged a hooded man, his entire body cloaked with a dark cloth that extended down to his ankles. The heat and destruction of the force behind him seemed to have no effect on him... they almost seemed to part for him, like some crowd allowing a higher authority through after a fiasco in the town square... and they closed shut again the moment he was through. "How good of you all to come out and be proactive." He flashed a smile beneath his hood. A wicked one. "Truly... you don't realize how much time searching you've just saved us." In a mere, blinding crimson flash, the man's entire team stood at the ready before him, each of the six beasts eyeing the travelers and their own partners. A Camerupt, a Chandelure, a Blaziken, a Volcarona, a Delphox... and something none of them had ever seen before, not even in old story books about legends... "Now please... allow me to reward you for the trouble!!" The fires intensified, taking on a life of their own as encircled the group, cutting off the way back down below, seeming to whisper and scream at them as the heat continued licking at the succulent wood of the floor they stood on. The beast standing at his beg and call came charging in complete synchronization. The Camerupt charged Nikita and Aethor like a freight train, the circles along it's hide burning with power as it opened it's mouth, condensing the rays of the sun itself into a deadly ball before launching the death ray right at the two of them, scorching the floor boards even further as it shot through the air... The Chandelure vanished before appearing high above the heads of Yuuki and Janah, the flames adorning it's being growing more and more violent before it finally unleashed a hellish blast of roaring flames, sending the tide of fire surging right for the Trainer and Gallade down below... The Blaziken shot off like a missle the moment it spotted Felix, vanishing from the man's sight like a phantom. IT emerged a second later, right in the face of the machinist and his creation, Hand burning with a blueish light as it reeled back it's arm, prepared to send the Porygon-Z up to the heavens to meet his lord Arceus... The Volcarona came for Llyod, Buzzing it's wings faster than his eyes could follow and sending out a plethora of crimson shock waves from it's body, aimed right at Silver... Meanwhile, the Delphox sprung for Yuzuki and her own partner, waving it's stick as a fire came to life at it's command, a vortex of insane fire blooming from it's very skirts and wrapping around the vixen... before surging right towards the Gardevoir and it's quiet trainer.... And the last beast... it did not join it's brethren in the charge... oh no no no... it simply fixated itself on Johanna and Joey... eyeing the two and their partner's with a primal hunger before launching itself forward, roaring with a great whistle that sounded as if a boiler was at full capacity... and releasing a blast of bright, luminescent steam at them both, so hot it had it's glow and boiled the very air around it's path...
  11. Shabooski! We are back in business down under folks... now to get us back in business in the IC...
  12. Oh that, yeah... I've been noticing that shit myself lately. they used to work fine for some reason, but now they're...well, pulling up the crap you see at the bottom. I'll see what I can do about it later. (Since it would be fucking nice to...oh, I don't know, actually have the damn IC thread linked directly at the bottom like it used to be...) EDIT: I don't really think we need a pokemon tag to be honest. it says that it's pokemon right in the title, so that's just a leftover from when the name was just Sins of Avalon
  13. got no idea what the hell you're going on about with the tags... but I'm getting to work on the thing right now, so I honestly don't have the time to look at it.
  14. I think I finally actually understand why I got so attached to Mareek out of all my characters... because out of them all, the little red head was and is the most like the hand that created him and his brethren. I grew to love him the most because I understood the boy's heart the best compared to my other children. I loved him because I saw my own self in his inner problems and conflicts... because many of them were much like my own

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Uh huh. Trust me I know. But it's a lot harder for me to forget that. Graterras was not born out of the desire to become famous or any of that kind of thing... it was born out of my own feeling and as an escape from my depression. But let me tell ya soemthing... being a writer is tough work man. It's not glamorous... and it certainly doesn't pay well. Only if ya make it big, and that's not an everyday occurance. So, enjoy what you do, because that's all many a writer sees...

    3. Felicity


      The best characters have a small shard of myself in them, who I want to be, who I can be and who I am. Claude, open and happy, Darius, serious and driven, Nikki, irritable and like to strike you as hard as she can, no holding back. Jerry, held back by himself but capable of so much. Of course knowing more and more of yourself makes it easier to use these parts of yourself.

      The best characters are like you, but also not you. A child bears the likeness of their parents but they are c...

    4. Felicity


      clearly not their parents.

  15. More like I'm stratos and will forever wrestle with the purely mental conflict being waged within his own mind over why his endeavors in the field of writting have failed thus far, and the fact that he knows damn well is because he gets too damn ambitious and too damn big for his breeches , and as a result tries too hard and puts in too much to compensate for his own insecurities about his work and his own identity and value as not just a amatuer writer, but also as a person who wants to try to help others- those who had it far worse than the life he was fortunate enough to have -yet cannot even help himself off of the scorched and burning warfeild that his own self criticisms and non stop, inssescant self-editing bitch who runs her mouth in his mind 24/7, 365, NO FUCKING LET UP... instead of just asking himself one thing: Fuck what other people thing about the story- at the end of the day, what matters is that HE likes it. That HE feels like he did his best and tried his hardest to make the story a product of Soul, Memories, Friends, and Spirit, not Ambition and Envy and Greed. Oh... oh my. that actually came out. Just ignore all this above. Really... don't waste the finger exertion typing up anything, most of you have already talked to me about this when I was voicing the same inner turmoil in the distant past, and I really don't care to hear it again. Moving on... You'll have your updates soon... but for right now, I'm going to bed. It's near midnight around this place.
  16. Yeah, yeah it would... but I know that likely won't be the case. Either way, I'm not planning this fight to be too incredibly intense given that... well, it's just an opening scene, not anywhere near the climax of things. So yeah... either way we should be mostly done by that date barring another data bombardment or something of that nature.
  17. Well then, we got a few days left... (No thanks to Hacker MacDicks...) I'll make sure to get this thing out of the door by tomorrow night. We should be able to finish the whole scene within five days or so... or at least, it would be ideal if that went on to be the case.
  18. I think I might be game, old friend. Would be nice to fix the many mistakes I made with Ethic... go back and take a look on my first serious character that I wrote on here. Plus, come on... What notus and you did with this thing was freaking awesome. This is still tied for my favorite Roleplay on here.
  19. Holy shit... are we stable? everything alright?

  20. so yeah, change of plans... as you all know, some black hack has decided to use his own ass as a hat and launched a DDoS attack from what I've heard... and since the forums are still under bombardment a bit from the constant 522 messages I'm getting, I'll hold off on the update till tomorrow... cause I will fucking find and KILL the asswipe responsible if I go to the trouble of typing up everything, only to have 522 page pop up the moment I hit "Post". And I don't feel like killing anyone tonight... so yeah. tomorrow (Or whenever things get more stable, whichever comes first.)
  21. All I'm dong is holding off the end. I've tried and tried, but I'm just a recurring delay...nothing more.

    1. Rosesong


      You ok Strat?

  22. look, let's all just sit down and have Real Talk for a minute. my endurance is running thin here, folks. It's just gotten to the point where things are starting to get real old real fast with how they're going for the past months, even for me. I've been doing what I can to try to keep this thing on life support as best I can and trying to remember about it through all the loads of shit that have been going on for literally months, but so far, it seems that no matter how I hard I try to recall or to revive it to what it once was, All I can ever do is keep it inching along on life support. It's like the effort to push things into their proper place and get shit out of the way so that I can attend to this really isn't yielding any improving results compared to where we were at when I started. Compound this with the fact that I've been seriously considering retiring from hosting RPs altogether as of late, and... yeah, this endeavor isn't exactly super-happy funtimes anymore from my end... It feels like what I'm doing it just delaying the inevitable rather than actually helping to improve things and help us get back from the sinking point, and when you're trying the best you can with the resources given to you and nothing seems to be working... it's not a good experience to think about all the work you've tried to put in. But anyways... I made a commitment, I suppose, and I can't just up and leave you all without a captain. It's just...it's getting to me guys, it truly is. This feeling like nothing I try is working out... and I know I haven't been able to keep up with my side of the bargain of remembering this and getting updates out like I promised you all I would, I really am... I've tried, but things just keep insisting on popping up... so trying is all I've been able to do, and trying isn't as good as DOING... and I'm sorry for that. I honestly just don't know what to do with this anymore. I have a plot laid out for me, I have characters and everything... but I'm honestly been having trouble finding motivation that's still strong enough to drive me forward here- cause my innitial one has worn thin since I took over things. I just don't... I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do here anymore, people. I can fight and fight all I want, persevere to the ends of the earth, but it seems like all it's been doing is treading water, not moving towards land... Again... I'm sorry you guys have to see my in this type of state, but... I just have to get it out there at this point. I'm running close to the end of the line here. I'll do what I can to get chapter one finished ad everything if there's still enough of you who are still actually around the forums and still interested (Cause at this point, we only have like...3 active people. If this were my own setting and RP, I would've just decided to shut it down already like I did with Exodus 2...). So...there you all have it. I'm burning out like a candle, but I'll try to truck us on ahead a little further if you guys want to continue this gravy train.
  23. holy hell, the site's actually back...

    1. Shamitako


      No, you're imagining it

    2. Sutoratosu



      Anyways, I've got a story I've been wanting to share on here all day, so... to the CW section I go.

      Stratos, Awaaaaaaaay!!!!

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