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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. ^Some deep stuff right there. I've added a few details to the leveling information on the front page and adjusted the listed power levels of Elite Four and champions, since... even though the league challenge will have pretty much no part of this, they're still an easy point to refer to just for a quick glance. And seeing as how the opponent about to be faced is technically as powerful as an Elite Four member in terms of his Team's development levels... kinda figured I should lower it just a bit.
  2. Damn it. He somehow already knows he's one part of the equation... oh well, I don't care. It's still gonna happen! XD
  3. Alright, so I've worked some things out with this coming scene and decided how it's all gonna be set up with how the party will be facing and the conditions of the battlefield... er, rather, the deck. And which two pcs I want to throw something a bit tougher at just to see where the development might lead... expect the update some time tomorrow.
  4. hey... has anyone ever stopped to consider just where the hell Heather got that FULLY GROWN Salamence from?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Azeria


      Corey's whole backstory makes a lot more sense if you read a certain book in the game which makes him a lot more redeemable as a character...now if only heather read it....

    3. Sutoratosu


      but here's an even bigger plot hole: Why can't the Player Character just CUT their way out of the cage?

      We needed CUT to even get into the jungle, and we're chopping down small trees with it; the cage doesn't look like it's bars are that thick, so...

    4. Azeria


      That scene's literally only there to make the player hate Fern more :v

  5. I think my protective nature might be flaring up... just dreamed that I was mercilessly beating the shit out of some other teen who actively and intentionally threatened myself and my family

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      @TRHS; Eh, guess you're kinda right. was probably some type of repressed anger that's been building up over the ages.

      Actually, now that

      I think about it... the antagonist of the dream was a guy I once knew during my time in a summer job who was annoying as fuck and all around just someone I kinda disliked.

    3. Maelstrom


      Sounds like fun to me, tbh.

    4. Maelstrom


      After the whole threat to the ones you care about has been taken care of, anyways. There are some things you should never let stand.

  6. It's in blatant violation of the US constitution and the supreme law of the land is what it is... And also a clear indication of a still ever present failure of the concept of church and state being separated, and just one of the many issues this country continues to be plagued by from within. I really hope someone with enough power to actually get something done calls this shit out in some type of outcry, cause really... this a great example of something that should NOT be fucking happening in the courts of american society. if it were a supreme court case (which don't even get me started on how it could ever be, just making the point), there'd be hellishly heated anger going all around about the sentencing by those who actually care about upholding the ideals their nation was founded on, but because it's just some comparatively small court in the middle of Podunk, east texas... There's really not much that can be done about the marriage since...well, they were technically already starting to plan one when this shit happened, but this guy needs to be removed from the fucking judge's bench immediately if he isn't going to carry out his job in a fucking legally correct fashion. It all starts right here with this one incident that he gets away with- now where will it end if nothing is done to fix the cause of the problem?
  7. MMMM... Gentleman Empoleon- soooo classy...

    1. Cepheus


      gentleman? I see nothing of a gentleman... where is the tophat, the monocle, and the walking cane? :P

  8. Well... so I see the message about separation of church and state still hasn't caught on after over a good 2 centuries passing or so... Eh, can't say I'm surprised given that...well, it's Texas. Still though...this is all highly fucking illegal. But yet, I doubt anyone's going to care enough to actually call it out and undo this ridiculousness, unfortunately...I just hope those two's married lives won't be too terribly affected by the fact that they were pretty much forced into an early ceremony by some old man who's clearly basing his sentencings more on the christian bible rather than the american legal code like he should. EDIT: and to those wondering- yes, apparently this bullshit is grade A Legitimate. Multiple news sites are actually running it http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/07/us/texas-judge-marriage-sentence/ http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/08/07/judge-orders-texas-man-get-married-part-probation-or-go-jail http://www.kltv.com/story/29721876/judge-sentences-east-texas-man-to-get-married-or-face-jail-time http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2015/08/07/3689375/jail-wedding-probation/
  9. so...decided to start a new play through of reborn using my newly-owned name. Think I'm gonna make it a flying monotype...only question is, what (Besides charizard, too mainstream for me) to use as a starter...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Azeria


      das my tang tho :]

      [terra is a doomsday device crafted by the maniacal ame, one day she shall end us all by terrafication]

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      She'd have to be actually be a good character first... Currently not the case. I mean what?

    4. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Could just forgo the starter for later on, since Charizard is the only flyer and it's made irrelevant.

  10. TFW you realize that for some odd rason, alot of your characters have some sort of fire motif going on...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamitako


      Mine tend to end up being all "black and white" themed

      There's Layla who's all about Darkness but doesn't really like it. Cassidy who's thing is "innocent" insanity. Alexus is about Hope and looking up but has a tendency to collapse into despair. Kindle's got a dying star motif (star is bright, black hole not so much) Whether they're a black character with white inside them. Or a white character who fades into blackness, it still tends to be...

    3. Shamitako
    4. Shamitako


      Also I just realized how that sounds...

  11. Actually, scratch that last status. I've done another update. This one I feel a connection to with my about me page

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      for everything on that page is the legitamate truth, as it has always been, and as I have always sought to deny certain parts of.

      That page describes my god damn persona.

    3. Felicity


      'Twas a joke good sire. As were my previous comments, all meant to be taken with humour :P

    4. Sutoratosu


      oh...well then

      I should probably add to the page that my sense of humor can be hit and miss at times XD

  12. well... just got done updating my about me page...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Meruem


      i now feel like making a decent about me page and copying dobby. can we all just copy dobby?

    3. Sutoratosu


      Geez... at least TRY to do something unique for youself, like I did, before you just go and rip it off... I mean, there are some out there who I'm sure can vouch that I took multiple shots at getting this damn thing presentable for a long while.

    4. Felicity


      It's a litter of copykittens...

  13. Eh, how long does the plot of rejuvanation actually last? I've started hearing some subtle hints and estimation of 3 years dropped by a few characters...(IE, Melia.. and Texen for some reason)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Meruem


      plus, i think it's been made pretty clear that characters such as crescent and nim have control over different dimensions, so it wouldnt be impossible for melia to train on said dimensions in order to become strong enough to the point where she can help crescent in dealing with madame x.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Ah. I was kinda suspecting it had something to do with Melia's perspective specfically, seeing as how from the PC poit of veiw it feels like it couldn't have been more than a few weeks, but when Texen said something similiar with the same time frame, kinda got me wondering. Well, guess that clears it up though

    4. Cepheus


      also, directly after the events at Carotus mountain, the Player and Aelita get teleported away by Crescent's Gothitelle... Aelita then mentioned that you were gone "a week or so" while it was only like 5 minutes for the PC

  14. Oh...nevermind then. don't know why the search function didn't pull anything up though Thanks
  15. not sure if someone already reported this, but since I didn't find anything via the search... When trying to access Teila Town from route 6 after finding Saki after the Scolipede scene and her and melia walking off to Teila, you get the following error message The game then proceeds to close itself the minute you hit OK. I'm currently using version 6.1, btw
  16. "I...don't really know..." Arya admitted. She'd spent most of the morning trying to piece together whatever she could recall, but... there simply wasn't enough there. To be honest, after a few hours she had just given up on it altogether...decided it was best to just get some sleep. "And It doesn't hurt too much right now I guess, not with the pills nurse exubrence gave me. Just feels kinda numb to be honest." She didn't need to take much time to think about the last question though, the one about people starring...Lillith had gone into a some type of weird mini-coma, afterall, and after some strange light show to boot... "Anyway, the only real reason I can think for people to stare is it has to do... with whatever happened...last night." ((There's probably a lot more I could've done for this response to make it better, but for the sake of just saving time and getting things back on track... so yeah, corners have been cut.))
  17. Well, I think those are both much better (and likely easier for someone to actually implement into the game) than the previous methods (Though I still think it might be better for Toxeon to evolve via holding black sludge over Toxic Orb, but eh, that's just me...XD). I didn't really see anything wrong with the dex entries, so I never bothered commenting on them.
  18. so.... anyone know where Rorim B is hiding out on route 3? cuase I can not locate the elusive dancing fool for some reason...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azeria


      ...did you go to Venam's house? IIRC you have to go there first.

    3. Sutoratosu



    4. Sutoratosu


      well... just wasted a few hours then. Thanks Azery...

  19. So... I heard you could get into the odd house if you inspected the statue the sorceres- I mean, narcissa was guarding in her gym... is there anyway to actually do it after the events of goldenleaf in the plot?

    1. Sutoratosu


      Tried looking at it, but all that happened was she told me it was "top secret"

    2. Simon


      You have to beat the current version to get her to move away from it.

    3. Sutoratosu


      oooohhhh.... k then.

  20. TFW you go back to the gate connecting Wispy Path and Goldenleaf forest at night... and find a bunch of spectres sitting around

  21. If only the games gave you a ""Kick" option whenever a mon fell asleep... cause god knows that I've wanted to do just that in certain situations... anyways, back on track-now I'm just waiting for Chimchain to get moving towards the upper deck before I open up the scene outside for everyone.
  22. Well... god damn. That's a...that's certainly one way to cure a sleep status Hukuna XD
  23. Just like to point out that there does exists a perfectly valid method to cancel evolution: http://prntscr.com/81rnts Same thing works by just hitting the "Cancel" key in any fan game during evolution. I've done it a bunch of times for my own purposes. so yeah... the option to evolve a pokemon when it's capable, or to stop it, is always in the players hands because of that, even if they don't know it. The game never does anything in anyway to take away that power of choice, it's simply up to the player to use it... So... to be honest. such evolutions as those described, if they occur on accident and carry through to completion, aren't the fault of the game, it's just player ignorance that's to blame. If they didn't want the eeveelution, they could've stopped at anytime in between the process began and ended. Of course, this whole argument could be made mute altogether by simply eliminating the real cause and adding a line of text telling players as the evolution is going on to hit cancel if they want to stop though... Edit: But I can still see where hukuna's coming from... Evolution is all about adapting afterall, and even the watered down, seriously misguided version of it used in pokemon still loosely adheres to this fact... most of the time (Alot more obvious for some species than others though...). So while technically it would make some type of sense to have a pokemon evolve when it levels up with a certain status move, like Toxeon or whatever it's called, that's still kinda meh... It makes logical sense given Eevee's biology, but there are honestly better ways of making an evolution method- shown by the fact that not a single mon in existence evolves by status effect, but instead something at least somewhat more reliable like time of day, friendship level, stones, level, etc... It's exactly like he said, using stat effects for evo methods degrades the process to little more than dumb luck and even more frustration than some evos already require to get, and it makes for bad game mechanics- in fact, I think it's right up there in needlessness with Trade Evolutions (Because logic dictates that if an evolution is not man made, the creature should be perfectly able to grow into it's mature adult form in the wild naturally somehow... this is possible even with evolution stones, in theory, but trades? Nah man...) ((And yes, I know they made trade evos to force you to be social with other little children to complete the pokedex, and to increase profit by selling more shit, but after hitting age 12 and years of having no friends to capable of carrying out the damn trade, i really started to not give a damn what their intentions for doing it were... I just hated it, still do.)) Would anyone really find it fun to have to wade through a sea of weedle infested grass, sending out eevee as their lead and doing nothing as the thing gets wailed on with poison sting, and if their luck sucks, has to do this for a while before it works- then actually go fight a real battle and level said eevee up without it fainting from either combat or the poison? Yeah... I don't think many would. except perhaps those that just like a challenge and are pretty much down for anything anyways. And while yes, one could technically just switch out, that is beside the point here. At the end of the day there are honestly just better ways to do it. You could easily make it so that Eevee evolves to Toxeon in a toxic environment such as the Bybyxia waste land, etc, or holding an item like black sludge and leveling up, and have a hell of a lot stronger logical backing than the current proposed method... Anyways... that's just my to sense on the matter. take what you will, or won't, from it. it's all free.
  24. so... just waiting for two more people to respond before I start this whole combat scene...

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