The Conference Cabin
Among the rather... interesting bouts of confrontation between the travelers the sound of a door cracking broke the conversation, and with it the sound of heavy booted feet strolling across a hard wood floor. The slab of tempered, blast-proofed steel slammed shut of it's own accord the moment the Black Mutineer took his position at the head of the table. Something in the back of the room clicked several times as a numerous array of lights came to life on the panel next to the only exit, each one carrying a fearsome glow the color of fresh blood.
"Well, I see we've all made ourselves relatively comfortable, more or less." He laid his hand out flat on the polished, white surface of the broad table while looking over each of the assembled trainers in turn, taking it away after a few moments as a green light formed a perfect replica of the limbs outline before fading moments later. Another click, much like the sounds the locks had made, and up from the center of the table arose a small circle of it's surface, a small frapicino machine rising out of the cavity with seven cups already set into position beneath dispensing snouts. Each of them were already steaming with the liquid inside, some black as night, some a deep, rich milky brown.
"As promised," The man continued "Cofee and hot chocolate for any who desires it. Before I begin though... I would like to take a second to ask: Who here has studied the history of the world, as it was 10,000 years ago? Of course, they teach such things in the primary schools, but so much of the curriculum tends to either be distorted from the truth or just outright wrong entirely..."
Shadow Force 1
The morning snowfall had seized as the sky overhead had yielded to the sun, gray blankets of dejected cloud matter tearing down it's very center to reveal the blazing ball of light and heat light-years away. The winds had gotten the message as well, it seemed, receding from their previous frenzy and now only barely above a whisper in the ears of the figures who stood on the docks, eyeing the vessel with the giant sitting on it's boarding plank. Each of them wore a cloak darker than a winter's stroke of midnight, hoods pulled up high.
The ship was a large one, they had to give it that, capable of carrying at least 100 passengers, crew members included. It had no sails, had to be propeller driven; which meant it had to have a substantial power system given the heavy armoring of the hull. That was at least full foot thick steel plates, something that even vicious beasts like Sharpedos would have trouble with, even in a small pack...
"I wasn't expecting them to take on visitors." One of them said; a woman, given the pitch. Her accent made it clear she was Hoenn born.
"It doesn't matter." Another responded. "We still have work to be done. That hull could be an issue though- sinking the thing will likely be out of the question, even with the enhancement..."
"You act as though we didn't prepare for this possible avenue, brother." A third chimed, another woman, this one with a voice sweeter than combee's honey. The man shuddered just hearing it. "Visitors or no, if we can't sink it, we simply conquer it."
"Yes, yes... it as you say, sister Avelia... but what of the girl?" He said.
"Girl? You dare call her a girl, with the power she wields?"
"I am not one to... believe the hype, sister Avelia."
Avelia only sighed as she drew back her hood, letting the ashen blond curls fall from the place in it's confines. "Exon, it isn't hype if she has a trail of bodies to her name. It's called fear, and rightly so."
"Commander!" a voice crackled from Avelia's belt. She took up the comlink without hesitation, gazing back over her shoulder towards the city...
"What is it, report your situation."
"She-" The sound of crackling like Ice broke the sentence as static faded in. Avelia shouted into the mic, called for a response... but still nothing but static come through. She kept her eyes fixed on it, cursing beneath her breath.
"What are we waiting for then?" Exon said, That had been enough for him to reconsider the child's power, now heading off towards the ship... and the giant. He reached down to his belt and tore the capsule from it's magnetic binding, the casing burning with the colors of the sun as his hand made contact. The giant seemed to have no inkling of the presence closing in... "We need to finish this before she arrives- otherwise their diversion will have been for nothing."