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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Holy hell we've got shadow mons... Jan, my respect for what you have managed to do here just keeps increasing man. this is marvelous

  2. Eh, can someone tell meh where the move relearner in Rejuvanation is?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      k, thanks Azery

    3. Sutoratosu


      Is exploitable like the weather in Reborn is though (IE, changing the date forward a few days?)

    4. Azeria


      Eh the cooldown was added in V6 so I'm not that sure...

  3. I kinda derped... went and was complaining about something I myself had gone to the trouble of making a topic to dispel complaints for XD

    1. Sutoratosu


      Oh well, at least now I know for certain that my theory is solid...


  4. A guyt gets his ass tossed through a roof and onto the front lawn... and as he dies, ask for a pecha berry... dayum

    1. Azeria


      *Girl...and just wait it gets better XD

  5. Moody Pycel the Bidoof is doing some work... I'm surprised.

    1. Azeria


      Moody Bibarel is a monster....

    2. Sutoratosu


      Yeah, A monster who just earned his slot on a team meant only for the Steel Type Master Race.

      Go figure, eh?

    3. Nanami's-Egg


      Moody was banned form Smogon for a reason.

  6. emperor penguin FTW!

    1. Azeria


      Pridefull Emperor penguin who murders all that injure it's pride.....

  7. soooo... alt history... I find I like it now.

  8. Who here has played "Outside"?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      I hear that at level 21 though, the level restrictions are disabled and it's pretty much just whatever you can manage based on Race, Class, and whatever Skill Trees you're running.

    3. Sutoratosu


      I swear to god though... I will probably write an entire story on this.

    4. SnowGlaceon


      Oh "Outside"? Yeah I've started playing it. Still in the tutorial. Starting the "High school" tutorial. Currently a level 14 student. Thinking of joining the "Music" Faction.

  9. The MMO RPG "Outside", huh? I see what you did there man. XD Anyways, hope you get better soon bro. A shoulder injury that requires surgery probably hurts like a bitch...then again, so would any injury of that degree EDIT: Jory, I'm curious, what's your current character class and level?
  10. Well... lady luck is not on my side today. screw it, went with piplup. Steel-Type Master Race FTW!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Yes, sensei. It will slash a man's throat if the so much as insult it. And it's STEEEEEL!


    3. Sutoratosu


      Hell, in fact... might be an all time favorite.

    4. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      i'm steel here ;)

  11. "Legend has it that it might drop out a different pokemon..."

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Simon


      From what I and most people experienced, I would say hours. The chance of finding them are quite low in-fact.

    3. Simon


      Like 1 - 3 perhaps. I got mine within 30 minutes.

    4. foovy10


      ive heard ppl say 30-45

      I didnt know what we in these so call different mons so i just gave up after 10 minutes and took chesnaught

  12. Well, I must admit, that was definitely he most... intense opening segment to any pokemon game I've played

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zumi


      Of course beta testing and alpha testing was done with help of other people, but making the game was 99% jan.

    3. Azeria


      Zumi y u ninja :x

    4. Sutoratosu


      Still though, to do pretty much all the actual heavy lifting by oneself...

  13. just started up rejuvenation... I can see what all the hype has been about so far.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Omega_Ra1der


      Ok, good luck against venam.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Oh please... whatever challenges await me, I have to legendary art of the mothafuda PHOENIX SWEEP on my side!

    4. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Heh. Rejuv on Intense is just plain unfair when compared to Reborn. Venam will make that shit apparent.

  14. I think I'm gonna try to reboot the Exodus Universe sometime soon...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      What? I'm not talking about starting another RP, I mean reboot it with a series of short stories and the like...

      And Dobbs, I can focus on more than one project at once, TYVM.

      hell, I've actually been doing it for a very long while now, in fact...

    3. Sutoratosu


      Heck, even right now, I've got PAG:SoA, A Fantasy narrative centered around rebellion, revolution, and civil war, and the ground work for Exodus' reboot which has been in place for a short while but has just been on backburner...

    4. Sutoratosu


      Actually, if anything, the Pokemon-Ascendant Generations series are probably gonna be the last RPs I ever start at this point (And even that's only if Sins of Avalon actually succeeds to it's conclusion)

      I'm pretty much considering just retiring as a host ... I've found that I honestly kinda enjoy just being a player; another cog in the creative machine, alot more.

  15. Aha! I have altered the title to have more relevance!!!

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      I see what you did there Stratos. If your motives were what I percieve, you've flattered me.

    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      That and you totally ripping one from the Russian Sleep Experiment a few days ago.a

    3. Sutoratosu


      What? oh, no, it had nothing to do with Ascension... I just literally had a new plot development which warranted the name being changed to what it is now

  16. Well, I don't really have much to say... ironic for a writer, huh? except for this: Rose, you easily place among one of the best people I have ever met in this life, whether it be IRL, over the internet or any other means, and a damn good friend to boot. I mean, I have seen more than a few people who are closed minded, self-centered, ignorant, bigotoed, and so utterly malicious that I find myself honestly wanting to strangle them; but you, my dear friend, you are the absolute anti-thesis of those individuals. You're one of the ones who shines on the brighter end of the spectrum, one of the ones who, chances are, is probably gonna do something that's gonna make the world better than the way they found it, whether that be through something great and sudden, or through just a chain of many small yet equally noble acts of good. The world could honestly use more folks like you, the way things are going. So eh... don't ever stop being great, M'kay?
  17. Without a word, Arya made her way over to the bench and sat as instructed. She reached up a hand to her cheek, tried to get a feel for how bad things might be... but quickly pulled her hands away the moment she realized they felt as though she was holding five red hot branding irons against the side of her face. She honestly had no idea why the hell she thought it would've been a smart decision; if it stung just from being exposed to the air, why would one dare want to brush their fingers against it? "So... I guess this is a thing now. Wait, what is she...?" Her eyes drifted over as she spotted Rein walking with about a virtual mountain of medical supplies... and she meant a literal shit ton- as if the girl had just grabbed anything she'd seen laying out in the open. And, well, being the daughter of a doctor... she could tell that only a few things actually in the girl's hands would probably even be needed given the situation... but she honestly didn't much feel like opening her mouth to say anything at the moment. Best to just keep silent and avoid embarrassing her. Besides... there was still something about all this that needed an answer "What the hell was that light though?"
  18. a;right, well, seems legit. I'm a bit iffy since thats how the whole battle system is going to go (I'm honestly the type of guy who prefers it, if possible, that fights take place out in the open thread where everyone can see and call something out about it if needed, rather than veiled behind the inherent secrecy of a PM system, but eh... that's just me...) And the mention of 3 factions reminds me of another RP I was rather fond of, however short it's life on here ended up being... Anyways... like I said, everything looks alright. I think I wouldn't be too afraid to try it out.
  19. Hang on, I got myself I list of questions I compiled encase something like this were to ever occur again... *Rumages through months worth of written notes and crap...* Alright, here: 1. How many characters will be allowed per player? Will legendary and/or mythical or minor legendary pokemon be allowed as NPCs? Are we allowed to start out as fully evolved species, or would we have to choose basic/ no evolution forms? 2.What roles would players be filling? Would there be choices as to what one could start as (IE, a politician/representative, a soldier in the armed forces of Nalin, an average joe on the street, etc.)? Or would we all start out in the same metaphorical shoes and have to differentiate based on individual character paths over innate differences of occupation? 3. How will the battle system be conducted in this setting? How many moves can one have in their moveset, and how easy or hard is it to forget said moves and learn new ones? Will there be a leveling system in this setting, and if so, how will it function? In relation to this, what would be the relative starting power level of players on a global scale (IE, would we be complete newbs, or would we be able to handle ourselves at least pretty decently against an equally strong foe if we had to?)? Or would the starting strength depend more on individual experience and backstory elements? 4. What, if any, are some interesting or unique mechanics of this RP that we could expect to see if we applied and were accepted? 5. How large is the age range that a PC may be (EX. 20-30, etc...)? Will there be an age range at all, or will just about anything be acceptable chronologically so long as it isn't outlandish and/or sueish? I think I've got some more, but since some of these are like 3 questions wrapped into 1, I'll just leave you with these for the current moment and decide if I would want to get into this after... EDIT: Nope, nevermind, turns out that's all I have right now.
  20. Faust said nothing as he accepted the packet from the older man, giving the contents a quick scan before nodding. "Understood." just a moment later he was walking out of the office, ready to head out to the objective area... The past week or so hadn't been anything special much. He'd just gotten a more in-depth explanation about everything (and everyone, in some cases...) than the bit of comparatively poultry handwaving,and non-nonchalantly talking about it like it was absolutely nothing, that he'd been given back months ago after he'd first been found. Aside from that he had taken the time to try to go a bit further with his little experiment with recharging; the results so far had been about the same as the first trial with the derelict meter. It worked fine so long as he was able to draw enough, simply using the electricity to provide his cells with power rather than food; hell, could also come in handy if he got overly fatigued, though... he suspected that if he tried to do it for an extended period of time he'd start to develop deficiencies in whatever nutrients or substances the human body wasn't capable of producing itself and had to intake through ingestion, but eh... that was a problem for another time. Right now, he had work to be done. And he already knew what method he'd go for first, even as he was strolling out of that set of twin front doors: find a vantage point just outside of the range he could potentially be sensed... and then watch. Watch and wait.
    1. Sutoratosu


      Lately I've been thinking and regretting alot of things that I did and didn't do in the past... but for some reason, just listening to his words makes it all seem like it doesn't have to be as bad as it is.

  21. please, for the love of god... just don't bring that RP up again. That thing was in even more need of polish than a boot that had just spent the past three weeks trudging through the marsh lands of florida non-stop in the middle of summer. Though... this is exactly like that situation n a way, so I guess you're right on that front...
  22. fuck it, when in doubt, write a story about perseverance and people just trying to do what they feel is right in the end

  23. I'll try to get something up tomorrow... today has just been... no, I don't even... It'll be up later. I'll just leave it at that and stop talking
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