The giant tugged his cloak a bit tighter around his shoulders as he he kept watch over the five hired hands tending to the ships needs, the Jackal standing erect at his side keeping an eye out as well. It was always strange to him why out of everyone in the operation, it was always him who got stuck with the task; what the hell was he supposed to do if one of the vagrants happened to slip up or pull something devious? Grunt? Look sternly at them until they noticed? Perhaps he was supposed to have Koba blast them away with an Aura Sphere and send them tumbling straight into a watery hell? Well... whatever. At least he wasn't the one having to do the lifting, and it gave him a way to get some fresh air from that damn red head's constant jabs...
"Hello there. I'm here for passage to Arcadia, My names Nikita Lucivia, most call me Nikki." The man whirled around with surprising speed as he heard the young woman's voice from behind, his eyes raising in pure perplexity as twin spheres of dark, chocalate brown scanned the trainer up and down. He easily towered over her, nearly 6'10 with a frame as big as a freight train and arms like pythons hidden behind nothing but the thin layer of leather cloak to protect against the elements. There were more than a few snow flakes that had decided to make their new home coating the silky surface of his short cropped, jet black hair, not to mention even more accumulated on his beard and shoulders... almost as if he had been standing there like an absolute statue...
"Yuzuki Kuroyoru. I'm here to take this ship to Arcadia."
Again, he whirled at this new voice, fixing the new arrival with an equally questioning stare. Neither one of them were the young woman he and the others had been told to expect, didn't even look a single bit like her, and he didn't see any dragons with them either... strange, why would they have any interest in the boat-
"You got room on this boat? I'm willing to negotiate if you do."
"Where the hell are all you people coming from?" He just stared at Felix as the younger man attempted to start up a session of haggle. "What's this about Arcadia, I thought we got reassigned-" He felt the jolt of his own pondering slamming on the mental brakes the moment he spotted the sign nearby... "Of fucking course...that loud mouth Ellis didn't get rid of the god damn advertising like Captain told him to..."
"I'm here for the same reason I presume they are."
“Yoo, is this partyline to Arcadia?”
"Good God, two more for the wood work and two more just standing off in the distance watching... this is getting ridiculous." The mountain of a man let out a sigh as he rubbed one of his temples. He brought out the other hand from under his cloak, soon firing off with a few quick flourishes of signs and gestures, trying to generate as much body heat as possible in the frigid weather while, all the while, his eyes burned with a subtle desire to kill the idiot who had caused this gangle of confusion in the first place...
It was a simple, if a bit rushed, message:
Who among this group was versed in sign language?