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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I don't really care too much about which one of you responds regarding who knows sign language.so long as you have some believable reason for knowing it. you can make up something such as him having a deaf relative or some such for a reason, or just make it something that he once studied in his spare time out of pure interest in the mechanics of how a non-verbal, completely gesture based language can possibly function at all , seeing as he's the scholarly type anyway. It's first come, first serve
  2. The giant tugged his cloak a bit tighter around his shoulders as he he kept watch over the five hired hands tending to the ships needs, the Jackal standing erect at his side keeping an eye out as well. It was always strange to him why out of everyone in the operation, it was always him who got stuck with the task; what the hell was he supposed to do if one of the vagrants happened to slip up or pull something devious? Grunt? Look sternly at them until they noticed? Perhaps he was supposed to have Koba blast them away with an Aura Sphere and send them tumbling straight into a watery hell? Well... whatever. At least he wasn't the one having to do the lifting, and it gave him a way to get some fresh air from that damn red head's constant jabs... "Hello there. I'm here for passage to Arcadia, My names Nikita Lucivia, most call me Nikki." The man whirled around with surprising speed as he heard the young woman's voice from behind, his eyes raising in pure perplexity as twin spheres of dark, chocalate brown scanned the trainer up and down. He easily towered over her, nearly 6'10 with a frame as big as a freight train and arms like pythons hidden behind nothing but the thin layer of leather cloak to protect against the elements. There were more than a few snow flakes that had decided to make their new home coating the silky surface of his short cropped, jet black hair, not to mention even more accumulated on his beard and shoulders... almost as if he had been standing there like an absolute statue... "Yuzuki Kuroyoru. I'm here to take this ship to Arcadia." Again, he whirled at this new voice, fixing the new arrival with an equally questioning stare. Neither one of them were the young woman he and the others had been told to expect, didn't even look a single bit like her, and he didn't see any dragons with them either... strange, why would they have any interest in the boat- "You got room on this boat? I'm willing to negotiate if you do." "Where the hell are all you people coming from?" He just stared at Felix as the younger man attempted to start up a session of haggle. "What's this about Arcadia, I thought we got reassigned-" He felt the jolt of his own pondering slamming on the mental brakes the moment he spotted the sign nearby... "Of fucking course...that loud mouth Ellis didn't get rid of the god damn advertising like Captain told him to..." "I'm here for the same reason I presume they are." “Yoo, is this partyline to Arcadia?” "Good God, two more for the wood work and two more just standing off in the distance watching... this is getting ridiculous." The mountain of a man let out a sigh as he rubbed one of his temples. He brought out the other hand from under his cloak, soon firing off with a few quick flourishes of signs and gestures, trying to generate as much body heat as possible in the frigid weather while, all the while, his eyes burned with a subtle desire to kill the idiot who had caused this gangle of confusion in the first place... It was a simple, if a bit rushed, message: Who among this group was versed in sign language?
  3. This. I was just finalizing a few changes regarding the crew and their role while I was waiting for chim and Exlink to get an intro up. And I was actually waiting for you all to swarm into a group like you are now rather than doing individual updates anyway.
  4. Oh, good. I won't have to skip mystique in the chapter's ending then. Alright... we can get moving again as soon as Zeph gets something up for that last post I did for mystique. We can just assume for seacest that Artemis is following along silently at this point... cause I'm not too clear on what Darklight's situation is.
  5. Shabooski! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16386 done. And I've added some details regarding the matter into the "Leveling and strength" tab of the OP
  6. Cold. that was the one word that could accurately describe Vermilion, Kanto in the first few months of every year. Cold, nearly miserable. The pungent scent of salt hung seemed to hang heavier on the air than usual, the only thing breaking the silence of the Early morning hours being the occasional sloshing of the choppy waters against the bow of a moored vessel and the even less frequent hiss of sea spray against the docks themselves; coating the entire place in a low mist that seemed to swallow up the feet of all who passed through. And all the while, the blanket of grey, dejected clouds overhead gave physical manifestation to the chill of air, white, steady drifts of fluff constantly floating down from the heavens and taking up house wherever they so pleased to land, apathetic to the fact of how many of their fellow flakes had already descended to claim the space, or of how much ice slicked the stone walkways and the boardwalk of the city. Few people were out and about this morning. A strange sight, given that most men of the sea preferred to get an early start. On the docks one would be able to count barely six people working in the mist, all tending to the same vessel; loading cargo, undoing mooring... seemingly the only vessel out all it's neighbors that was intent on setting sail without a weather delay. And for good reason; the sign on the dock infront of the craft read like a billboard, the words "Passage to Arcadia, quickest run time in Vermilion- price negotiable if willing to work" sprawled across it's broad face in bold crimson lettering, like an angry blood spatter among the otherwise pure white and blue backdrop of fog and sea, shouting out it's significance to all the world like some child who had just conquered the hill...
  7. "Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best." -Karen, of the Indigo Elite Four yeah... its gonna be a good idea to leave any thoughts carried over from the meta or any elitist BS at the door here, just a general heads up. What I'm trying to go for with this RP here is the concept is that if two mons are at the same or similar levels of the strength scale and neither has an explicit type advantage over the other, then they should both stand at least some sort of chance against one another (and even then, type disadvantages can be overcome if one is smart enough)... seeing as how there are more than a few pieces of evidence in various outlets of the anime that kinda back this up, both in the main and side/ one-off series.
  8. hey now, kin slayer... let's not get too far ahead... you'll get your chance to slake that thirst for blood (Nah, you probably won't too much... but who knows...) Anyways, I'll fix up the character post to hold the sheets and after that I'll get us set up with the chapter 1 IC expect it sometime tonight or tomorrow morning EDIT: PC profiles are now in place on post #2
  9. but...attempting to stab leaves the possibility of a struggle occurring and him getting ahold of the weapon... plus, not like you're the one doing the actual electrocuting XD And it's harder to trace through forensics than a stabbing would be (Unless you're the only one with a mon that has an electric move, that is...) Ah...look at this. I haven't even started the IC yet, and I'm already talking about manners of killing without detection...
  10. well, if I didn't know any better, I'd say we seem to have ourselves the classic situation of the Rare candy/using an AR cheat for instant level ups versus actual honest training and grinding for EVs with these villains..(if this was like the games, that is. seems to be same basic concept though)
  11. Because Nikki strikes me more as the type to take the path of least resistance and effort by simply electrocuting his ass to get him out of her way. #Efficiency
  12. "Damn it..." Mareek heard himself curse under his breath without even realizing it. A Porygon... of all the things that could've been on the side of a the badguys, had to be a fucking porygon? "Enough... can't lose focus, that thing... isn't java" "Nemo, Detect out of there and hit that imposter from a range!" He looked over as nemo followed through on the order, body glowing blue and combat rolling from side to side as either attack arced past before reeling back with his arm and sending his club hurtling straight towards the Porygon before him with as much force as he could muster. The metang from earlier seemed to still be preoccupied sparring with the illusions... which would work just fine for his team... "Erce, back him up!" She was already leaping into action the minute he opened his mouth. The dopplegangers surrounding the metang vanished as the true, bonafide Erce appeared directly behind the Elgyem who had just attacked, claws again glowing a pale green as she closed in, again slashing and tearing away at the air viciously...
  13. Eh... es true. My little Valeria is gonna be more like fire though (Basically the opposite of Kuudere, pretty much warm and kind untill you give her a reason to start unleashing the raw and unbridled fury of hell fire upon thine soul), so I actually kinda needed someone who could be the ice... since Leon technically can't do it either since it'll be dependent on a completely situational trigger for him.
  14. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheQuietOne you seemed to fit this mold pretty damn well in regards to personality. Figured you might as well serve as the character who will be able to deliver the messages that will be hard to swallow/ force people to accept the weight of the situation when hell is going on and there's denial all around. See also: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheReasonYouSuckSpeech http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BewareTheQuietOnes To be honest, one of the major characters, Valeria, probably would've done just a fine job of it herself, especially the TRYS Speech... but never hurts to have back ups. That and the fact that coming from yours it would actually carry more weight because... well, that woman doesn't really qualify as being what one would think of as "quiet"
  15. I have the sneaking suspicion... that Drayden is going to become my next Surge...

    1. Sutoratosu


      For some reason, I feel as though he is the end product of what would occur if Chuck Norris and Colonel Sanders were to be mixed together, with a bit of pokemon sprinkled in for flavoring... XD

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      At least this one has amazing facial hair.

    3. Hiss13


      I could only wish that I could have facial hair like his.

  16. Actually, what it really came down to in that regard was the matter of thinking which character would be better suited to what I have planned to throw at everyone at certain points. Felix basically got in because I felt his skill sets and general nature would provide a bigger advantage to the player party as a whole in various situations... since I do intend to be keep the power levels of the antagonizing force the same as it was planned to be before the debacle (which we will not bring up or speak of, lols) and me getting a tad red in the face and yelling. Well, that and the fact that it's already been decided the antagonists will have a vast number of resoruces at their command, both technologically advanced and otherwise so yeah... the self made thing didn't really have much to do with it.
  17. Oh, and I should probably mention, if there are any repeats that occur, an easy solution to it is the fact that even if two mons are of the same species, none of them will (Or at least, should) have the same personality and personal traits. So yeah... there shouldn't be too much issue if the personalities are written well enough for each party member that they would be very easy to tell apart from another by how they behave. and that's where the whole 'Skill' thing I was partially looking for kinda comes in...
  18. Now that I've actually chosen, I can probably have the IC for the first chapter up by tomorrow night or so. There are still some loose ends and things that need to be built here and there since right now all that exists for later parts of the tale is a basic skeleton, but the exposition... well, I've pretty much already written up how the story starts in the prologue. Have fun in Vermillion Aside from the fact that you both wield cybernetic weapons of pure chaos and destruction (Porygon-z FTW!!), not much to be honest. Felix is a machinist who managed to outshine his oldman and cyalooms character is basically a kid from a wealthy family who was an assistant/ intern to a professor before heading off on a journey... though both gave me a Colress vibe to be honest...
  19. IT IS DONE!!!!!

    1. Sparky


      Somehow, i'm not surprised in the slightest by the choices.

  20. I have some news... I am done screwing around. I have consulted the magical hat of sorted, and these are the individuals whose names he spoke onto me- just a note though, to those who didn't make it in, this is really nothing to have any hard feelings over at the end of the day. It doesn't necessarily mean that you weren't good enough or whatever, because believe me, for the most part, all the applications I received were at the very least pretty decent. I was looking for a rather... indescribable mixture of skill, creativity, effort, and initiative when I was going through everything, alongside thinking about who would make the most interesting meetings with one another, and to an extent, which characters would be suited to face some of the challenges of the conflict that lies ahead... So if you weren't chosen, it's nothing to get down over. You all put forth some damn good effort in the end, and in writing, effort is really one of the things that matters most- seeing as so long as you try, you're already placing yourself in a higher achievement scale than those who like to sit and think all day about it, but never actually take action to try to mold their skills into something they can be proud of. So yeah... TL;DR- You are all very special snowflakes in the eyes of the Colonel. Now... without further ado... I will present those whom I have selected to embark on our tale.... Chimchain "The show off" Hukuna "The brienne of tarth" "The modern-day Dame" Dobby "Hell on wheels" Murdoc "The Scholar" Darvan "The Machinist" Exlink "The Killer" Hiss13 "The Quiet Chick" ... ... ... *Chuckling darkly to himself* And so our tale begins... I will go and prepare the Second reserve post to hold the character sheets and hopefully get up some information on other major characters (though to be honest, my own still don't have a backstory written down, lols... guess I'll just give it entirely through details scattered throughout the story)
  21. Alright... it's finally time. Time to take out the hat of sorting and start showing him some of these here profiles...

    1. Cyaloom


      *hype intensifies*

    2. Felicity
    3. Sparky


      This'll be interesting

  22. given that more or less half the forum seems to have gone a bit dead since summer started, I think it might just be the former. If there still isn't anything up soon from anyone else, I'll try to get a response in myself soon
  23. Lols... took another look at it for old times sakes, and apparently the acceted, "Official" Explaination for surges dialogue in the games is that the war he was referencing was actually the ancient war of unification in the Unova Region...now looking at the known history of unova, that war would've taken place... so long ago that it doesn't even have an exact date but is instead listed as taking place in the "Mythical" Era of the region...

    1. Sutoratosu


      Well, folks... get the man a tartarus, cuase he's obviously an immortal time lord XD

    2. Sutoratosu
    3. Sutoratosu


      there's another war mentioned as well, but again... it's in the fucking mythological era.

  24. "combusken in a bucket, combusken in the beans, combusken in a bucket, combusken in the beans, combusken in a bucket, combusken in the beans- And if I could, I'd put Combusken in the lemonade too"

    1. Sutoratosu


      Brought to you by "Kyurem Fried Combusken"

      It's finger freezin' good

  25. Alright, I'm currently doing driving school to get my license and what not for the next week, however I'll start officially going over the profiles sometime tomorrow and will hopefully have the announcement for the final cut up by either that evening or Wednesday.
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