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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. hmmm... to make him a psycho, or no...? on one hand, a tranquil fury that knows no mercy, on the other hand... a stereotypical "Good Guy"... eh screw it, psychosis traits it is then!

    1. Felicity


      Personally I find characters capable of patient fury are more interesting. They give off a far more intimidating feel in literature than psychos, who lose their impact due to the nature of writing.

    2. Sutoratosu


      Oh no no no... you misunderstand what I intend, this individual I speak of, I'm theorizing that he would be able to maintain such a state of tranquil fury that in certain situations, he could come across as quite cold and, to an extent, psychotic simply from how completely unphased he appears to be from various... actions he commits.

    3. Sutoratosu


      either way though, I know that the tranquil fury aspect will most certainly be apart of him. Whether he's a psycho or not though, I'll just leave that up to a reader's interpretation.

  2. wow...ok. So, you two damn characters are just intent on NOT fucking cooperating with me here? Alright, alright... I'm getting the big guns then.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Anvilicious


      Whatever the characters are for, I wish you luck in making them.

    3. Chim


      Probably those siblings with Dragons he's going to use in Avalon

    4. Sutoratosu


      ^This fellow knows whats going on.

      But they ain't so tough now, those bad mam-ajammas...not with Kenji Kawai backing me up now

  3. Hmmm... 6/10 The semi-surreal element is kinda nice, I guess, though the piece just seems to be a bit... empty to me.
  4. Eh, found my REAL new avi! XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joker


      I bet you're too chicken to change it.

  5. It means whatever I will so please for it to mean. anyways, I think I've settled on a suitable pick for a set of partners... now to just finish out the personalities and backstories...
  6. Oh, thank God then... I don't have to start prepping the house against looters if that's the case And, Kenny, it may not be wise to call him "San" either...
  7. Holy Hell's bells... a man dared to call Sensei the forbidden word... and actually lived. Surely, this must be a sign of the end.... Meanwhile- I'm still struggling to find two good Dragon type partners.... (well, lols, not necessarily a good one, per say; of the eight that are still available, none of them are too terrible... just have to find one I think actually suits...)
  8. Annnnnnnd the sign ups are over. no more will be accepted after this post is made. Now... I just have to stop dragging my damn feet and finish making the twins before I go and reveiw all the sheets and make the final decisions. And just a heads up- if you weren't chosen, it doesn't nessacarily mean you weren't skilled enough. There are quite a different number of things that I'll be looking for, such as a semi balanced gender ratio, whose characters would get along with and clash with whoms, the specifics of the past to make interesting possible conversations or reveals, trying to avoid too many repeats of the same partner pokemon showing up, etc. so yeah, just saying this so that no one is shocked. I'm gonna be judging on more than just raw skill alone, so right now who will be selected is pretty much just up there in the air with no real foreseeable outcome.
  9. brn by accident has nothing to do with any events in the story. it's simply because of the fact that this whole RP was born by a horrible, horrible crime my computer committed against me... as I said in the interest check for Auroral Starfall.
  10. well well, I go to drop my little sis off for her trip, and come back to find you guys have cracked a few more of the codes... cool beans, cool beans. Though I'm afraid we're in too deep now. Kinda like sensei says, don't want to give away too much more... cause then there would be no point in the story. so i will not confirm, nor deny, anything that may or may not have been found by your speculations in regards to the clues. so yeah, i'm afraid that's the end to our little Davinci's Code. I found it kinda fun. Anyways, the deadline for sign ups will come monday, or if chimchain gets his in before then, I'll just go ahead and call it right then and there since at this point, I'm fairly certain that everyone who expressed interested, except for him, has had the chance to sit down and get theirs in to me already.
  11. Hmm... we seem to be going in the wrongish direction with the clues, so, to get you all back on track... only question about this clue is...
  12. As well as religions such as Christianity and a few other faiths... don't forget those as well
  13. Don't get the wrong idea, sensei. And stop blamin' Hukuna you all no one individual triggered this, I'm just feeling a bit frustrated at the moment that folks were starting to get so fixated on one single thing that, compared to all the other work and thought and effort I have put into trying to make this something interesting that could live up to the mission that inspired it in the first place, is really pointless because it was more of just an added on extra than a main feature of the work. It's kinda like how I imagine a game developer team would feel if they put a crap ton of time into making a world and the lore and thinking up and programming gameplay, and then when it releases, what are people talking about? not the meat of the game, not the main things, but instead the focus is for some reason on something like the pallete choice on a certain random enemy or something incredibly minor such as that. But yeah. Let's all just drop the conversation here... leave it all in the past where it belongs. Now...I beleive we were right in the middle of decoding the many clues I left...
  14. No. I don't even know for certain who is going to be chosen yet because I'm still waiting for applications and haven't begun selection yet, so how can holding a phantom vote where probably about half or so of those involved will end up not in the thing it effects possibly be justified? That's like if a group of people were to board a boat, and the captain asked them to decide among themselves where they wanted to be taken, and then afterwards he told half of them to get off because there isn't enough room, meanwhile the other half still on board is still going to be affected and subjected to the outcome of a poll that affects only HALF OF THOSE WHO FREAKING CAST A VOTE. That is not how democracy is supposed to work. So no vote on this, it's just a judgement call. And again, this is exactly what I was talking about- it's obvious this is going to keep raising concerns and controversy and needless back and forth. I thought I had the system all in check to be able to allow it, but quite honestly I just don't want to keep hearing debates about this one single thing that really holds next to no importance at the end of the day given that if psuedos would've been allowed at all, they wouldn't have come up till late in the story and wouldn't have any real lasting impact on the plot or setting whatsoever. So yeah. Enough. I just dumping the idea altogether and taking a lesson from the playbook of Pokemon Reborn instead. I'm simply going to bump up the degree of Rarity to whole 'nother level and be done with this, and hopefully put this discussion to bed for good and for all.
  15. Eh screw it... this whole controversy on the policy with pseudos and mythic legends is obviously not going to lay down and die, so at this point I might as well just save the trouble and take Darvan's suggestion; get rid of it altogether so that it can stop detracting focus from things that actually matter in the RP. Guess I'll simply take a page from Reborn's methodology over the planned system.
  16. You could say that. but at the same time, that's honestly just taking one single statement out of a far larger conversation and interpreting it without any real context. I do not feel as though I was being self contradictory when one actually takes the full context of that entire convo me and hukuna had into consideration, the highlighted sectors of which especially so. Again, context. From what I can tell, the entire talk was started over a few concerns about variety concerning psuedo legends because of the rather limited number that count as such. The statement you're raising red flags about was not meant to contradict previous conceptions. The harsh restrictions are not because Pseudos are all of a sudden "Too Powerful" and they must be kept as far away from the player base for as long as possible, even though I clearly stated that they're overly hyped and a normal mon with a good super effective move could handle one. The restrictions; IE, only starting to give them out once 4 pokemon are already in all the players parties, choosing which Psuedo I feel would best suit the PC's personality, having it be set by default that the limit be 1 pseudo and 1 mythical mon, are more for the sake of ensuring variety and the fewest number of possible, if any, repeats so that people don't have a bunch of the same mon. Then there's also the matter of acknowledging the fact that yes, there is some kernal of truth, statistically, that they're a bit higher up on the ladder compared to other most of the common species, not nearly as much as most people choose to believe, but still a bit. Otherwise, I wouldn't be restricting them at all. And yes, one could continue to argue that I'm being contradictory in the logic here, that none of these restrictions are necessary because if I'm the one picking the players based on variables such as skill and experience that I should not need to worry about such things as this in the first place, so on and so forth. And perhaps such arguments have a point, but In my eyes, I'm just trying to be cautious with things here. And I would far rather be guilty of the crime of being just a little bit overcautious from time to time, than be guilty of making some massive oversight that could've easily been avoided with more careful steps and planning, but wasn't because I didn't care enough to take the time to sit down and use some proper foresight on the matter-That's just something which in my eyes is absolutely unacceptable of a host
  17. megas are completely seperate. Everyone will get the choose of one mega stone regardless of if they have mythics of not. and I might actually start giving them out before i do psuedos and mythics depending on how things go. otherwise I'll save them for some plot crucial moment.
  18. Well, to remedy it, I can always simply control the pseudo encounters by only providing the players encounters with pseudo species whom I think would fit that pc from data acquired over my observation in the story, but basically leave the mythic option up to their choosing. And then there are mons such as Arcanine, Kingdra, Gyarados, Togekiss, Volcorona, etc who aren't quite at the level of psuedos and mythics, but still stand out among normal mons with both lore and bst. Those can be options to be considered as well And the psuedo/ mythic encounters won't even start until everyone has around 4 party members anyway. And Pseudos and mythics won't be as almighty as they're often portrayed as. If you fight smart and know your types, you can easily take out one with a normal mon thats at the same level in terms of strength and experience.
  19. Quite honestly, the reason it's set up like described with the choice of 1 mythic and one psuedo or 2 psuedos is because that while mythics and psuedos might technically be right around the same power level, Mythics were still supposed to be pokemon considered as being "Above" Regular mons, but yet were still easily trumped by the gods. One could compare them to greek demigods in a way; half of either world, neither completely normal, but yet not awesomely powerful or godly enough to be declared anything to right home about without actually doing something notable. It should also be noted that the majority of mythics have special abilities none of the psuedos come close to possessing (They're mostly just famous for their raw destructive/ combat power and really not much else. hell, with a psuedo legend, if you just took off 70 points from their bst they really wouldn't have anything too too special to make them continue to stand out at that point) The idea was basically that the heirchy is supposed to be Normal Mons--> Psuedo Legends---> Mythical Pokemon---> The Gods And while yes, there are only 7 psuedo legends, there are only seven slots. And I was hoping that the people I will chose, in addition to having sufficient writting skill, will also have enough common sense to avoid Fanboy Syndrome and realize that Psuedo legends are not the end all and be all in battle and that every mon has it's own use and possibilities... so yeah... I'm really quite on the fence about allowing them to just be lumped together because of everything above. That and the fact that the existance of Mythical mons is actually something to be explained in the lore revealed throughout the story, so lumping them all together will very much cheapen my overall plan for their origin story
  20. It's no coincidence. The Druddigons are the planned partners of the Male/Female twin Characters I've set up to balance out the gender ratio. All the others are planned or potential pokemon they may use. whichever one ends up accompanying the party and which one ends up playing a different role in the story depends on who proves themselves with their signups And dragons... are rather important here... you could say... they are yet another clue.
  21. Nein, Sensei! I made the deadline and I will stick to it. There are 2 certain candidates who have special cases going on right now, so we all wait until this coming tuesday. Though to pass the time, I might be playing a few games with you all similiar to his little davinci code we got going on... infact, here: have a few pictures to get an idea of what mons will look like in this verse
  22. today, I discovered Anti-Nightcore

  23. just like to interject for everyone above: I am judging for more than just backstory alone. oh so you finally notice, eh? All I say is that it is indeed intentional. And that knowledge of religion is needed to decode that particular clue. perhaps knowing about a certain book would help...a book that speaks about the afterlife and various other concepts, despite the fact that it is not official scripture... ... ... this is starting to feel a bit like the Davinci Code to me... And I fucking love it
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