You could say that. but at the same time, that's honestly just taking one single statement out of a far larger conversation and interpreting it without any real context.
I do not feel as though I was being self contradictory when one actually takes the full context of that entire convo me and hukuna had into consideration, the highlighted sectors of which especially so.
Again, context.
From what I can tell, the entire talk was started over a few concerns about variety concerning psuedo legends because of the rather limited number that count as such. The statement you're raising red flags about was not meant to contradict previous conceptions.
The harsh restrictions are not because Pseudos are all of a sudden "Too Powerful" and they must be kept as far away from the player base for as long as possible, even though I clearly stated that they're overly hyped and a normal mon with a good super effective move could handle one.
The restrictions; IE, only starting to give them out once 4 pokemon are already in all the players parties, choosing which Psuedo I feel would best suit the PC's personality, having it be set by default that the limit be 1 pseudo and 1 mythical mon, are more for the sake of ensuring variety and the fewest number of possible, if any, repeats so that people don't have a bunch of the same mon.
Then there's also the matter of acknowledging the fact that yes, there is some kernal of truth, statistically, that they're a bit higher up on the ladder compared to other most of the common species, not nearly as much as most people choose to believe, but still a bit. Otherwise, I wouldn't be restricting them at all.
And yes, one could continue to argue that I'm being contradictory in the logic here, that none of these restrictions are necessary because if I'm the one picking the players based on variables such as skill and experience that I should not need to worry about such things as this in the first place, so on and so forth. And perhaps such arguments have a point, but In my eyes, I'm just trying to be cautious with things here.
And I would far rather be guilty of the crime of being just a little bit overcautious from time to time, than be guilty of making some massive oversight that could've easily been avoided with more careful steps and planning, but wasn't because I didn't care enough to take the time to sit down and use some proper foresight on the matter-That's just something which in my eyes is absolutely unacceptable of a host