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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. If you chose a type which neither has a mythical being or a psuedo legend available to it, well... either you can go without or... you all do realize I'm not going to bother enforcing monotypes, right? If you want to make an excception for one or two members or make a charity case for them, I won't say anything... so long as none of my (Rather undisclosed at this point, lols) rules are violated in the process. And there is a minimum quality and effort expectation here by the way... so there's also that to consider while you go about it. (I'll let it slide though so long as it just makes sense/ is explained why it's happening and is actually a legit reason rather than a whim)
  2. It just now occured to me that I have not taken a vacation, whether during summer or otherwise, in the past 5 or so years...

    1. Sutoratosu


      But... maybe it's for the best. afterall, I can always just lie to myself everytime I write up a world... pretend like it's a vacation of sorts ;_;

  3. I'll likely do it the tuesday afterwards, July 21 Though I probably wouldn't accept the application of anyone who decided to just mosey on over and hand it in at the last possible minute, except for dobby due to the circumstance surrounding his current absence... (Well, technically he already handed in a rough draft, but he needs to finish it still)
  4. precisely... cause that's a rather dick move on the part of entei... And the glare thing with cobalion would only work on weaker, smaller pokemon... kinda like a child receiving a glare from their father. What you all need to stop and realize though is this: there is a shit ton (And I mean a grade A SHIT TON) of exaggeration in most of the lore for the mythic pokemon, and at this point, I'm fairly certain theres a lot of exaggeration in ALL the pokedex lore and that it is intentionally designed like that to mimic how information is passed on and eventually corrupted and twisted and altered over time with IRL Lore and folklore. People tend to bend and twist stories in new ways in order to make them either more entertaining in some way to the audience, or as a form of censoring certain crucial details/ giving the run around So really, most pokemon's abilities are over hyped and overstated than what they are actually likely to be. Like a Charizard being able to melt mountains and a T-tar being able to level mountains with a single stomp and a blastoise peircing solid steel... It just happen to be especially so for most mythical mons... since they're explicitly mytthical
  5. odd... when it comes to pokemon nowadays, I find my self acting a bit like the youtuber "Angry Joe"...

  6. I also forgot to mention that I have the good sense to have a process of systematically nerfing minor legends. There will be no power playing here, of that I can assure you all on pain of Character death. It's a one warning system, everybody gets one screw up in that area, and if it happens again, they're gonzo. so you can relax, Darvan, I've got this covered. Things like Darkrai will have their powers downplayed to the point of only being able to affect their immediate surroundings at a time and only being able to maintain it for a short while. A celebi will likely be relegated to a mere "time veiwer" type of deal where it can transport one back in time, but you're basically a ghost of sorts and can only watch because it's physically impossible for you to interact with or change anything so yeah... I'm no fool, I know what games some people will play if they're allowed. And I simply won't allow them. Which is also the exact reason I will veto anyone who dares ask for a ditto at any point in the story. Those things are my dues ex machinas for dealing with troublesome folks and are crazy powerful at the end of the day, just as dangerous as they were in Surge Story where I also reserved them exclusively for the host's use only EDIT: And by the way, the darkrai movie was pure, overhyped bullshit. there was no logical reason why a pokemon with only 600 bst would be able to take on not one, but all of the freaking gods of the official pokemon world at once. if it had been something like a salamence, would've been dead real quick, but nope, they choose to cheapen and defy their own logic and go and Godmod Darkrai to the point of Suishness. Yeah... that won't be happening here. the mission behind this is to AVOID the mistakes made in the anime and certain movies
  7. Oh there's alot of things there... especially fay... they're kinda needed, just encase.... XD anyway, I'll stop teasing you all now and wait for the sign up period to end. don't think I'll be getting very many more though.
  8. That's a very good guess, but you're thinking a bit too far ahead... and a little too much. Though to be honest, I wasn't intending to have anything much else in the story relate to the legend of Arthur other than the fact that the islands happen to share the same name due to their nature. think more conceptually rather than literally... still, impressive guess nonetheless. look at the new tags. this is where some knowledge of certain religions might come in handy... And I have decided to change my mind about the status of The Tao Trio...
  9. Tis a reason for that, friend... but the fact of the matter remains, I dropped some really obvious hints all throughout. from the prologue which directly states something in an implicative manner, to the very title, to the image, to the information given on the gods and on spectra, to everything. once you found the biggest clue, the name "Avalon", it was supposed to be very very easy to follow up with the others and get an idea of the location... And the cult tag up above was fully intentional. IT was meant to be something that didn't have to be outright stated, one was supposed to be able to piece it all together from the discrepancies and the clues. And there is still much to figure out. only the first clue has been decoded, thanks to Chimchain's/ Hukuna's background knowledge.
  10. no harm in trying, you might be surprised with the final product if you just put some effort into it. And I have added information into the OP under the "Available Pokemon" Tab in regards to Psuedo Legends, Mythical Mons, and Mega Stones. For those who feel that two pokemon and a mega stone on top of it is rather generous of me, don't. I've decided that I'm going to be giving the baddies in this some really nice teams, especially for the big bosses., who will most likely delelelelelee whooooop all your asses without mercy. so yeah, this is just to help even things out for the players to be able to survive.
  11. bingo! chim got it. that's really the biggest hint I've dropped. piece it together with the title, aspects of the world religion, the massive tree pictured in the op, the concepts of spectra... and yeah.
  12. Hmmm... no...nice guesses, but no. interesting, either no one has read any Authorian literature whatsoever... or no one has even paid any real attention to and dissected the title.
  13. just a quick qeustion for data purposes: Has anyone here managed to figure out what type of place the story will be set in? I've hidden quite a few clues all round the place, left and right...
  14. You'll really need to step out of those comfort zones at some point, I'm telling ya... it's actually kinda fun once you get past the initial shock factor of what awaits outside your own little bubble. I'm honestly glad Dobby convinced me to try it long ago. As for the gender ratio issue, I suppose that depending on how the next sign ups go and who I actually choose, I have no real qualms when it comes to the gender of a OC of mine, so I can always either just gender-bend my own character into a male to either even it out a little or just say "yolo" and keep her like she is to drive the nail right into the coffin. The other version can always be used for a different role in the story... a more sinister role...
  15. you will all be given as much freedom as I am shown I can trust you with. for the most part, I plan to run the story much like I planned with Exodus 2: give a basic objective for that arc of the story, then let you all proceed towards achieving said goal through your own methods and ways varying from PC to PC. Which is why I want a diverse cast of characters. Of course, if I am shown that I was wrong in using that style, I can always simply revert to the more dictatorial, linear story paths where the narrator's word is the virtual equivalent of divine law and deviation isn't tolerated... but I hope that won't be the case because that's honestly far more boring compared to watching each character grow in their own way as they strive to overcome challenges and are forced to work with one another whether they like it or not. So... yeah. I'm gonna try to be pretty liberal here unless I get concrete proof I need to start bringing down the hammer. Also, I would like to see some more males in terms of sign up sheets. At this point we might end up with a cast of almost all females... not that there's anything wrong with that, but again, diversity...
  16. it thouroughly surprises me that most characters submitted so far have been female...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      #WaitForIt Lemme finish my application on my phone. That'll be 3.

    3. AuthorReborn


      Was mine really that forgettable? Oh well then. Besides, I try to follow the "Jane Austen" school of thought on writing as different genders. Basically she never wrote a conversation between only men because she didn't know what that was like and similarly I don't feel confident in my abilities to faithfully replicate what I have not experienced.

    4. Chevaleresse


      I usually take no approach to writing female characters; by that I mean I write them the same way I write males. Though, it is kinda awkward when one of my female characters is meant to be unusually masculine.

  17. now now, i never said you couldn't have nice mega mons at all... just that you can't have them to start out the story with. Like I said, there will opportunities for everyone to find their goodies at some point And a lot of nasty things, but just focus on the goodies...
  18. I wonder if anyone can guess where the hell I'm sending the players... there's already quite a few hints hidden in plain sight.

  19. Yes. More ones than there would be in most other parts of the world, in fact, due to the nature of the [REDACTED] But everyone is limited to one... and I will need to discuss further details eventually for it because as some should already known from surge story, the actual process of Mega Evolution will function a little differently...
  20. Mega Stones and Key Stones are exceedingly rare in the world. Just like with the available mon speices though, the stronger the species the stone is for, the rarer said stone will be. they will be a bit more easier to locate in the story's setting, but still quite rare So a pc may plausibly start out with one so long as the Mega Evolved pokemon would have a BST of 535 or less. So I would tolerate, begrudgingly, things like a Sableye or Mawile that have mega stones, but not things like a altaria or a blaziken equip with one. There won't be much combat against each other, but this is to help make things a bit fairer for those who pick weaker partner species starting out. but if you choose to do so, don't expect to find another mega stone or to be allowed to find a pseudo legend or such until everyone else has been given at least one opportunity
  21. well, that's 3 complete submitted forms I've gotten so far...

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      And later this evening four.

    2. Shamitako


      Already bested F/R's masters QQ

    3. AuthorReborn


      I've sent one in now. The hype is real.

  22. "Thank you," Ayra said simply. "I think I'll be fine from here..." She started walking deeper into the stacks of the vast section without waiting for a response, eyes scanning over the various titles. She figured there wouldn't be many volumes about the subject by itself, so she might as well save a bit of time by just searching for works on Impulse Control Disorders from the Get-go...
  23. The league is an international entity which happens to divide itself into smaller units that are responsible for holding their own affairs in each region. so yes, it is divided by region to region basis, however they are all part of the same organization at the end of the day and all have to abide by the same basic standards And @ Murdoc, no need to reserve anything, sign ups are supposed to be via pm, like it says in the OP
  24. it works the same as the basic concept of becoming a trainer in the anime is portrayed as, except kids aren't allowed to go running around at age 12, so instead the age has to be 18 before they can leave home. The short and simple answer is: yes. A child can recieve their partner as a pet when their both young and start using them as a partner on their journey once they hit 18. which is what most trainers opt to do anyway.
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