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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. TFW you try to describe yourself so many times on your About Me page, but there's just so much complex stuff that you just say "Fuck it" and throw up a quote and a picture

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    2. Sutoratosu


      I don't quite know which one.

    3. Felicity


      Humans are too complex for that really. You can't ever get it quite right imo unless you compromise

    4. Arkhi


      tfw my About Me page isn't about me.

  2. "Um, yes-" Arya paused for a moment when she reached the counter. She had about to have asked for the subject matter outright, but now that she took a moment to think about it... that may raise questions that she neither needed nor wanted. "Could you tell me where I might find books on psychiatry?" Hell, that request would probably raise questions too, but at least she'd have an easier time explaining it away...
  3. Well, been avoiding the RP forums for a few days... guess I should go and actually get some writing down there accomplished now...

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    1. Shamitako
    2. Felicity


      y u avoid us bb?

    3. Sutoratosu


      because I legit was beginning to think almost everyone was dead down there... and I'm no Rick Grimes XD

  4. I'll try to get something done in the next day or so. sorry bout the wait, it's just that I've kinda been staying away from this forum as a whole lately because it's been so damn quiet around here... and so I keep forgetting about this RP as a result of that... hell, I've even forgotten about my own RPs at this point XD. Oh...so damn quiet...far more than I expected to be possible during the summer months...
  5. Official Theme of Verdance City: Official Theme of Tempest Castle and the Snowfields of Tempest: Yeah... tempest castle gets it's own theme since the town under it's direct rule is honestly just a small hobble/ hamlet at the base of the mountain with only one store and very few facilities.
  6. Team Tempest Leader: Sparks, The Lightning Fennec-ian! Location: The Snow Fields of Mt. Tempest (Mt. Tempest Summit) All around them, the snow fall seemed to intensify the moment Sparks held up the emblem, winds howling and the drifts piling higher and the temperature dropping even further than it already was. It's once lovely golden face was still stained with the blood of the deserter, and with it, still stained with memories of a lost man. Flare turned her attention from Roy just long enough to spot the emblem in Sparks hands. Her eyes released their violet glow, though they still held that hard, icy glare as she looked the fox up and down, then the rest of his entourage. She seemed to have completely forgotten about literally blowing Roy away in a hail of Telekinetic force. "How was it that you acquired that?" she demanded. Roy showed no signs of consciousness nearby in the meanwhile... and the snow was beginning to pile. "Speak! You were never assigned a Leadership Role, boy, I know you were not; I handed out those badges myself! Where did you get it!?" Team Verdance Leader: Jack, The Big Boss! Location: Outskirts of Verdance City The Journey out of the dungeon had been an easy one for the Absol and his entourage after the last few floors. Soon they had trekked their way back through the wilds towards home. The Forest seemed to grow thicker and thicker as they traversed the terrain, cresting wooded hill after wooded hill until at long last they reached the mountains... and the lush valley beyond. It was night, tiny fires and various other lights could be seen in the distance as Volbeats acting as sentries flew through the air in brilliant displays. The air was fresh here, fresher than one would think possible... and as usual, the city seemed to be quiet as they drew nearer and nearer. The homes were carved into and built atop the ancient wood of the trees themselves, windows and doorways peeking out here and there, structures suspended in their branches, connected by bridges of rope and wood and in some areas even chains. Some sat on high, lofty perches for those who had proven their worth to be close to the heavens. Some low to the earth, hanging just above the grassy floor. The trunks were truly massive, able to accomodate several such structures and not give the slightest groan of stress from it. Yes, truly, it was a place of sacred majesty, a place of serene existance, the city of Verdance. And the denizens seemed to know this full well- the city was quiet, quiet like it always was. Swellows and various other avians flew through the air, back and forth from one building to the next, some carrying satchels and bundles, some carrying notes; all of them silent as wraths as they went about their business. In some huts people sat behind various counters, a variety of chests and wares on display across the walls. Though it was night, the bridges, vast as they were, were still sufficiently bright for one to find one's way; the crystals jutting out of various trunks at odd angles ensured that with every ray of their surreal light... Jack and his men stood on a high cliff, just in front of a vast bridge leading to the high rises of their homeland. Unbeknownst to them though, eyes were watching them. all around, from every tree, from every shadow- eyes that burned gold in the night air... but these eyes made no move to stop the group. For their owners knew these folk would bring no harm to the city. They knew they would not have to carry out their oaths in this case. And so one by one, they simply watched... Their journey home was almost over. They needed only get to the highest points of the tree top city and the castle gates...
  7. been a bit busy, sorry folks anyways...Fuck it, we're ending the chapter soon. things Right after I finish verdance and tempest, which shouldn't take much more than a few more updates.After that I'll try to see if I can get in contact with grass and get plans/ authorization to go ahead and start chapter two for this. I'l get an update up later on today
  8. Another one was the fact... that a certain lieutenant in Vermillion claimed to have fought in a (Presumably rather recent at the time) war you my friend, you get what I'm talking about here... like I said, doesn't need to be in-your face heavy shit nessacarily, but just alot more subtle things like those in the background. If you're too damn afraid to be straight forward because of kids, than just do that; HINT at the organised crime and the suffering it inflicts on it's victims, HINT at death being common, HINT at chauvinistic dicks running around being chauvinistic dicks... HINT at mental instability and insanity, and various other issues within society....hide messages everywhere and anywhere in the game's environment, things that make the clever player stop and think about and reflect upon...people already raise controversies about your games, it's not like you really have too much to lose by just embracing it and actually hiding more things- the conspiracy theories are already out there. be clever about it if you aren't going to be bold, from these things in the past, we know you can do just that if you choose to...
  9. Well... I don't much give a flying fuck at this point because, given how broke my ass is, I likely won't be able to play gen 6 or whatever happens to come after it in the future... or at least, won't be able to until it's like thirty years from now and I'm going through a mid life crisis trying to recapture the euphoria and nostalgia of my childhood. That said though, I hope for only one thing in the next game... if there is one. ONE THING. Make the story darker. That's it, I know, I know, it's aimed towards a kid audience mostly and what not, but even still... I definitely want to see some darker elements thrown into the mix here and there, maybe be clever about and have it be things that the little kiddos will never figure out the implications of on their own, but us older fans of the series will instantly know that shit's just gotten real. I mean, they've already done it a few times in the past with things such as Gary's Raticate, Various refrences that point to the fact that yes, pokemon CAN and WILL die, etc... but I think they need to do it a hell of lot more in this next generation. And going on top of this, make the enemy team much darker as well. If you're gonna have villains with plans that can seriously fuck up the entire world and cause massive consequences for everyone (EX: Magma, Galactic, Flare from what I've read on it, etc), then at the very least, give those guys an upgrade in the ruthessness department- make them blind with the vision of the future they wish to acheive, have them intend to freaking KILL the player if and when they dare to interfere with their affairs, like a REAL Organizations working towards apocalyptic and/or criminal goals likely would be more than willing to do. Again, I know the aaudience for the games are mostly children, but I'm quite sure that at this point, I'm probably not the only fan boy who wishes that they would go the extra mile to make darker/ more mature versions of their game releases, alongside those targeted at the main audience of kiddos, but for the older fans exculsively and just rate it higher than E... I mean, c'mon, Nintendo, Gamefreak... you gotta remember where all this shit started, afterall. But hey, that's just my two cents, take it with a grain of salt... I know damn well that these types of requests will never be listened to; after all, not like GF isn't missing out on any greater potential profit by trying to reconnect with the older fan base, nope, not at all, we certainly don't have far more cash than the average ten year old.... no siree, mista developers, nope... but... guess that's where Fan games like Reborn and various other titles come in to fill that void...and luckily alot of them do a damn good job sticking to the dark side...but GF would also never be crafty enough to strike up any sort of partnership to try to market said games and turn them official, why no. heavens no... (Which is really for the better, the less things those soulless bastards put their hands on...) EDIT: also, another pet peeve of mine- they need to take the time to sit down and fix some of the damn movesets on certain mons... enough with this damn "Gamefreak Logic", M'kay? I don't know how organisms with no arms manage to punch, or ones with no tails manage to somehow use Iron Tail and the like, but... yeah, probably wanna fix that, cause it's just lazy to be honest... AND another thing: Either remove mega evolutions altogether, or start giving them solely to pokemon in dire need of a boost/ that actually deserve one, instead of simply slapping on another 100 BST on a thing like Garchomp or Salamance or Charizard, and essentially godmodding it to the point of literal Godliness (I do not take very kindly that anything outside of another legendary, even a mega evolved one, can potentially rival the stated god of your own series in terms of statistical power...again, feels lazy, like you just choose the ones that the most fan boys would gush over, and gave no thought whatsoever into going through each specie and analyzing who really should get one/ needs one)
  10. When I first found out about the whole incest thing between Cersei and Jamie, I honestly assumed the Entire Lannister Clan simply had the same type of superiority complex the ancient pharaohs did...

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    2. Sutoratosu


      I know... just saying- at the time, it led me to think that that was simply the norm within the household- the family's dark secret as one could say, and that Cersei and Jamie were the products of incest as well and it was all part of some massive conspiracy to keep the Lannister Blood Line "Pure"...

    3. Sutoratosu


      Of course, once I saw Tywin's reaction and everything being a tad bit shamed about the nature of the relationship of his children and not all "Eh, es what the lions do", that theory kinda died on the vine. Just thought I would share it anyway though... much, much later XD

    4. Chevaleresse


      you're thinking of the Targaryens

  11. Been a long while since I've had reason to go to the CW forum, but I've finally got a story idea... a rather interesting one.

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    2. Sutoratosu


      I'm gonna try my hand at a fantasy tell yet again- gonna be a bit like the Dresden Files and Harry Potter. It won't function on the principle that magic can only be passed down via bloodlines/ lineage or legacy though. Gonna be operating things on the concept of a sixth, dormant sense...

    3. Sutoratosu


      It's also gonna opperate on the principle that there is no "True" religion or mythology, in other words, they all exist, just hidden from the sight of common people... so that they don't go psycho-bonkers crazy from all the shit they would see otherwise

    4. Felicity


      The mention of Dresden files has me incredibly intrigued

  12. So... then technically, it's both an Idol RP and a Magical Girl RP...? Whatever, I'm down with that, I guess...I've stopped caring to be honest, I have no more "Nooooopes" to nope with anymore anyways.
  13. A...battle scene? Why... exactly would that be needed in an Idol RP? I was kinda under the impression that I would have accept that fact that I couldn't have any nice combat if I wanted to participated in this one
  14. So basically the same basic concept as how Nobodies are born in Kingdom Hearts (Pretty much just replace "soul" with "heart"...)? Well... I must admit, its definitely not the craziest thing I've heard. And given some of the mysterious things that exist in reborn, that may or may not be easily explainable (IE, Anna's "Soul Vision", Shade's existence, Radomus and his awesomeness, How Adrienn is probably a time lord... etc.) , I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case in some way. Seems pretty plausible to me. Nice theory, guess we'll have to wait till more about Lin is revealed in the story to see if it holds any truth EDIT: Wait... Lin is younger than Julia ? How old is Julia then? And that brings to my mind the question of exactly how old Fern and Florina are...
  15. TFW you receive a shit ton of crystals for your birthday and weird shit begins to happen...

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    2. Sutoratosu


      No, no, not drugs... those come next year ... kidding, of course.

      It's actual crystals like Quartz and Jade and Tiger Eye and that siz... metaphysical stuff tied to the occult and whatnot.

    3. Busti


      "The cave is littered with crystals"

    4. NickCrash


      Did you just called his place a cave?

  16. So... don't really know what my supposed "thing" is exactly either, but I'll try to have something up tomorrow for Arya.
  17. Well, in this setting, the league will more or less be a world wide NGO complete with a head board, president, etc. Basically, how it works is- You beat the league in your sector, you make it into the hall of fame. The League Administration reveiws the HoF Database across all the sectors and screen individuals to become E4 and champions. That's one way to do it- beat the league. Another way is to become a gym leader and work your up and prove yourself. Gym Leaders either go through an application and examination process, or are approached with offers for the position like Elite Four are.They have to take a variety of exams either way, and if they pass, they get the job. Infact, there's one gym leader in the sector of the story who has been approached mulitple times over the decades and offered a position in the E4...
  18. Ah, dobby, old friend... you know me so well. But... you all are actually going to have to gain a bit of power before you can realistically stand a chance against the antagonistic forces of this story. The league is more or less going to serve as a crash course to try to get your strength up. That, and for once in a pokemon setting... the League Members are actually going to get involved when shady shit starts happening in their territory. Also, the league will be conducted in a format much like the anime rather than the games- collect 8 badges, and every year, the elite four competition is held at the sector headquarters. Those who have made it there fight their way past countless other trainers like them, until eventually, there is only one left. This lone trainer then must take on the Elite Four. should they manage to defeat the strongest, Siegfried, they earn the right to challenge Ricard and his Loyal Snow Dragon to a battle to the death. There's gonna be some crazy motherfuckers out there...really crazy Eh, you all will see.
  19. Nemo... And so the fireworks really were going to begin. Jacob and Kage... those two that Nemo had heard so much of lately; well, before he went insane and killed his own mentor, that is. So they were the ones who made it to the finals, they were the ones who were going to duke it out to the end. It was strange... there was this bitter taste in the back of his throat. If something, anything, had just gone differently over the last twenty-four hours, it might've been them up on that screen right now. How had this happened? The one thing he still couldn't comprehend- how he had done it, how he had just suddenly lost control when he had never had an issue with it before? And even more so, why did it happen? It had something to do with evolution, that little he had managed to gleen... but that still didn't explain why he had suddenly just...snapped and killed him. It still didn't explain why the duck he was both good friends and nemesis with was gone now. "I have no idea what to do with you, ya know?" The voice caught by surprise as he eyes wheeled away from the jumbotron. Mareek wasn't looking at him, eyes still fixed to the screen, but it had to have been him speaking. "Honestly... none at all... Part of me keeps shouting some type of justice should be deal here, something keeps shouting that you should be forgiven, another thing tells me I should just recall you, shatter the trigger on your capsule, and toss you away here and now; just wash my hands of the whole situation." Nemo scrambled backwards, only to stop. Why was he trying to run? He had no right to run, what he had done was wrong, and Mareek... he had every right to dish out some form of punishment, didn't he? Still though... the last alternative, that final solution, he couldn't help but feel a wave of something he hadn't in a long while creep over him at the mere thought... "But then there's something different entirely, louder than all of them put together..." Mareek finally turned his gaze onto the little killer."Something that keeps saying to handle this... like Java would've. To not sit here and cry over what's done, but to start doing damage control, start thinking of a way to put things back together and keep moving. That's all it keeps saying, doesn't tell me I have to either forgive you or condemn you...at least not right now." He trailed off, recalling the Riolu as he rose to his feet. His eyes still stayed fixed on Nemo as he towered over him. "I have no idea what the hell to do with you... and so that's the voice I'm going to listen to. It's what Java would've wanted, I know it is, for me to try to fix things instead of trying to get revenge or crying over things. He would've wanted me to keep working towards our goal, even with him gone. Just because he isn't here anymore, doesn't mean everything we worked for died too. And so... that's what I'm going to do." Nemo honestly didn't know what to think about the proclamation. On one hand, it meant he wouldn't be damned to being stuck within a tiny prison for the rest of eternity with no hopes of seeing the sun again... but on the other, how would he go on from here? Knowing what he had done? Either way though... he saw something in Mareek's eyes. Something he hadn't seen in a while, but was glad to see it alive again. The thing that had made him want to follow him in the first place... that same thing that made him want to keep following him, even now... "Mistakes were made, things were done that shouldn't have been..." Mareek continued. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is anymore, because in the end; we all contributed to this mess, you, me, and him... and we all suffered from it, obviously one of us far more than the other two. All that matters now is that we learn from it. That we don't forget the reason why we fight because of this, the reason why Java was willing to fight, the reason he died. If we remember, both of us... if we never let ourselves forget, then all of this will have had some actual meaning. I don't know for certain whether or not you meant to do what you did out there... I probably never will. Maybe you really didn't mean it; maybe you'll find redemption for it someday. Or maybe you did... but 'll give you the benefit of the doubt...unless you prove you don't deserve it" The Boy started off towards the main building on campus, hood pulled over his face as the cold of winter blew right by them. Nemo stood there for a few moments. So this was how it was going to be? He wasn't being forgiven, but he also wasn't being punished. He was just gonna be stuck in limbo... neither innocent or guilty apparently... "Come on. I never healed you after yesterday, did I?" without a single noise, the small dinosaur nodded his head, chasing after his master on stubby legs. He had no idea what the future would be like... but he was thankful that he was going to get the chance to prove he didn't mean to do it, to make up for everything... to Atone. That much, was certain... ((I'm like 90% certain the medical wing is apart of the main building on campus, so...let me know if I'm wrong or something))
  20. There was a crooked man... and he walked a crooked mile.

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    1. Arkhi


      Yeah, I don't get how this is a children's rhyme.

    2. Sutoratosu


      Well...most nursery rhymes have pretty dark lyrics if one simply pays attention to what's actually being said

    3. Felicity


      Let's sit him down

  21. Yes... yes, indeed it is. Took me a while of reworking before I got something I felt would be formidable enough to qualify for E4 level though. ((Just note however, the sprites used are all premade, and therefore aren't exactly indicative of what each indiivdual might actually look like, But for most of them, I feel pretty comfortable at least basing appearances off of them; not all though... like Sinclairs, hers won't do at all, but it was the closest I could find...)) But wait... theres more. I have the champion as well! Undefeated, folks... As you can see... Legendaries will be handled differently here than in most RPs, given that several figures in the league are shown to have minor ones... pretty much- I have no use plot wise for the majority of minor legends, only the major godly ones... Like the creation and life and death groups, they're the only ones I have any plan for. And since the majority of minor legends either have 600 or 580 base stats... I figured, why the hell not just make them as alternative choices for psuedo legendaries? ((I mean, it's the same potential, one would just have to wait a bit longer to find them and they'd be quite rare and hard to find, to the point where they only reveal themselves if they want to...)) There will be more on the subject once the OOC goes up though
  22. It's based on night and exploiting the cover of complete and total darkness in order to drag opponents into the eternal fires of the abyss of hell. And Lucretia's team functions on the antithesis. But good guess, author And that reminds me... I redid her team, btw... since Brena had a darkrai and all, just thought it would be fair... And I actually have the teams of the entire Minerva sector league done. All eight leaders, the elite four, and champion... #1 #2 #3 #4 They;re ranked in the tradional order one would face the E4 in the games, with each member increasing in skill and ability as you go further (Siegfried is the strongest)
  23. The Champion is done... and he is fucking epic.

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  24. Something will be up tommorrow... Dark and Zeph can both catch up later on, seeing as how at this point, both seacrest and mystique are both at ok stopping points seeing as how it's gonna be the end of the chapter soon. Verdance and Tempest are the only ones who really need to get wrapped up right now anyway.
  25. Alright, all 8 leaders are done, along with the elite four... only thing left is to make the champion...

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    2. Sutoratosu


      It is an RP. and thanks... but Stratos don't need luck XD.

      Ah...this champion though... he's gonna be a character, that's for sure...though for good or worse...

    3. zimvader42


      You remind me of Hukuna for some reason OvO

    4. Sutoratosu


      Hmmmm... I wonder why ever that could be...

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