Well... I don't much give a flying fuck at this point because, given how broke my ass is, I likely won't be able to play gen 6 or whatever happens to come after it in the future... or at least, won't be able to until it's like thirty years from now and I'm going through a mid life crisis trying to recapture the euphoria and nostalgia of my childhood.
That said though, I hope for only one thing in the next game... if there is one. ONE THING. Make the story darker. That's it, I know, I know, it's aimed towards a kid audience mostly and what not, but even still... I definitely want to see some darker elements thrown into the mix here and there, maybe be clever about and have it be things that the little kiddos will never figure out the implications of on their own, but us older fans of the series will instantly know that shit's just gotten real. I mean, they've already done it a few times in the past with things such as Gary's Raticate, Various refrences that point to the fact that yes, pokemon CAN and WILL die, etc... but I think they need to do it a hell of lot more in this next generation.
And going on top of this, make the enemy team much darker as well. If you're gonna have villains with plans that can seriously fuck up the entire world and cause massive consequences for everyone (EX: Magma, Galactic, Flare from what I've read on it, etc), then at the very least, give those guys an upgrade in the ruthessness department- make them blind with the vision of the future they wish to acheive, have them intend to freaking KILL the player if and when they dare to interfere with their affairs, like a REAL Organizations working towards apocalyptic and/or criminal goals likely would be more than willing to do.
Again, I know the aaudience for the games are mostly children, but I'm quite sure that at this point, I'm probably not the only fan boy who wishes that they would go the extra mile to make darker/ more mature versions of their game releases, alongside those targeted at the main audience of kiddos, but for the older fans exculsively and just rate it higher than E... I mean, c'mon, Nintendo, Gamefreak... you gotta remember where all this shit started, afterall.
But hey, that's just my two cents, take it with a grain of salt... I know damn well that these types of requests will never be listened to; after all, not like GF isn't missing out on any greater potential profit by trying to reconnect with the older fan base, nope, not at all, we certainly don't have far more cash than the average ten year old.... no siree, mista developers, nope...
but... guess that's where Fan games like Reborn and various other titles come in to fill that void...and luckily alot of them do a damn good job sticking to the dark side...but GF would also never be crafty enough to strike up any sort of partnership to try to market said games and turn them official, why no. heavens no... (Which is really for the better, the less things those soulless bastards put their hands on...)
EDIT: also, another pet peeve of mine- they need to take the time to sit down and fix some of the damn movesets on certain mons... enough with this damn "Gamefreak Logic", M'kay? I don't know how organisms with no arms manage to punch, or ones with no tails manage to somehow use Iron Tail and the like, but... yeah, probably wanna fix that, cause it's just lazy to be honest...
AND another thing: Either remove mega evolutions altogether, or start giving them solely to pokemon in dire need of a boost/ that actually deserve one, instead of simply slapping on another 100 BST on a thing like Garchomp or Salamance or Charizard, and essentially godmodding it to the point of literal Godliness (I do not take very kindly that anything outside of another legendary, even a mega evolved one, can potentially rival the stated god of your own series in terms of statistical power...again, feels lazy, like you just choose the ones that the most fan boys would gush over, and gave no thought whatsoever into going through each specie and analyzing who really should get one/ needs one)