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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Alright... finally got something up at last. Kept forgetting to go and do it, but eh, it works...
  2. Anver had had little to say throughout the entire meeting. He hadn't even bothered to introduce himself to the three extra men he'd learned would also be sticking their necks out to help him and his family; not that it had been intentional on his part. His mind had simply been on...other things for the morning. Things such as what, precisely, he might do to the individuals who had put his loved ones in this situation in the first place. Things such as at what temperature the human body starts to melt, at what temeperature the brain begins to die; Which, by the way, was 108 degrees or so; the answer seemed to have popped into his mind of it's own accord the moment he thought of it... as if it were instinct. And then there was the mystery of what temperature blood would freeze and the body would grow brittle. And at what temperature the air inside one's lungs would combust and burn a man from his chest outwards... and troubling enough, Anver kept getting the feeling, that all he would really have to do to get the answers... was test all of them. "As ready as one can be." The former CEO said soon after Lux. He gave one last check of his sleeves and blazer, ensuring his Glock was still in an easily drawn position and the clips were still hidden at the ready... it wouldn't be very wise to have to fumble about one's attire searching for more ammo during a fire fight, after all... "But then again... I could always make it a literal one..." He smiled at the thought, just for a moment, but at the same time tried to push the rather dark musing out of his mind...
  3. Making Gym Leaders... it's kinda fun. Especially thinking up of ways that they can completely pwn their challengers...

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Tell me about it. We dedicated something like two weeks to doing exactly that in Se7en...

  4. Long ago, there was a great shaking of the site known as "The Gator War"... many of the elders know of it, but pray tell... who among us can shed light on the time before that era? Of the era of the league, back during that time when Reborn was still a young fan game, not even 9 episodes old yet?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Hell... guess that works too

    3. Flux


      I believe I'm from the Episode 8 era. Does anyone have an exact date though? I may be wrong.

    4. Flux


      Nope. Never mind, I'm a niner just like the rest of that crew.

  5. This shit right here... it's kinda heavy... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/555181

    1. Solarance
    2. Shamitako


      I can't use the toilet, lame :/

    3. Arkhi


      Fuck, now I'm depressed...

  6. just popping in here breifly to give fair warning real quick so that it doesn't come as a surprise later: Nothing in the Original Post of this thread is set in stone. Things can and will (And already have) be changed as needed to better fit with the plot and other aspects of the world not mentioned. This includes any and all information regarding the league system, the world's government, etc... (Basically, the only thing safe from revision are the basic concepts of the mentioned game mechanics, and even those will be tweaked and altered slightly to provide more variety and challenge) The OOC will be up in a few more days. I will be conducting the sign ups... a bit differently than is usually done however. EDIT: Also, here... have a peek at the team of one of the gym leaders... And hell... have a peek at her sister's team too while you're at it.
  7. ooooooooooooohh.... shit. that's right... here I am, bored as shit... trying to think of something to do with all this time... and I forgot there's a shit ton of animes out there XD

    1. Sparky


      The wants of needing a wrestling anime lol

    2. Shamitako
    3. Sutoratosu


      Hell... I still want a fucking Anime for the Armored Core series... I think it would be awesome if done correctly.

  8. Yeah, might as well... And @Darklight, I made a post with Mac's input a long while ago... and I'm still waiting to see where the heck Zeph has disappeared to. I'll give this till Saturday or so. If nothing new in terms of information comes up about the current situation, I'll just go on and have to truck ahead with those players I have left... Which is a rather dismally low number...
  9. Well, screw it, I guess we probably aren't going to find many more than we already have to keep going, so I just got something up so Mareek could at least be... somewhere if anyone wants to look or whatever later on. And yay! Voices of the damned that may or may not actually exist...
  10. ((Screw it, I don't think we're gonna get many people coming back, so...)) Mareek hadn't bothered going into the Stadium after yesterday. Or anywhere even in the remote vicinity of it, actually, not even to the stalls or the grounds; doing so would only bring attention he didn't want nor need, that much he was sure of. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night... or any for that matter. And it showed on his face as he leaned back against the rather short oak he had settled under. Hell, he hadn't even seen shade; the entire time he had been in his room, door locked, pacing back and forth, thinking, he just couldn't stop thinking. It was like... there was almost something he had been missing, something he had failed to notice. And Nemo had joined him- If mareek wasn't going to get any sleep, he was going to make damn sure the little killer suffered from it right alongside him. The feeling had passed quickly though. Soon he was right back to where he had started. Right back to blaming himself. And eventually even that had passed. And he was just walking around for nothing at all. He could've sworn he had heard the pokedex say...something at multiple times throughout the early morning hours though... but Nemo and Erce, neither of them could apparently hear it. The Cripple though; the Riolu, she seemed to notice something, to hear what he had heard. It was the first time Mareek had ever seen her actually pay attention or interact with something over than stare at his face. "Forward." He muttered, rehearsing the phantasmal voice's message over and over. Nemo still had no idea what he was going on about, keeping his tiny, blood shot eyes fixed on the jumbo screen far off in the distance and it's fabulous display of lights and sound... not that any of that cheerfulness could lift his own spirits. besides himself, the fighting type they had rescued was the only other one with Mareek from as far as he could tell, there was only two capsules on the boy's belt... and the young jackal was curled in a ball in his lap, asleep as usual... "There can be no road but the road leading forward from disaster...forward is the only way through the fire. Sideways is impossible... backwards is unthinkable... only forward. Forward is the only option there is left. Forward is the only safe direction. Forward is the only direction." Nemo looked up at his train- his warden as the boy carried on, almost seeming as in some trance. If he didn't know any better, he might've thought sleep deprivation combined with the stress of recent happenings, had compounded to drive the boy to lose a bit of his grip on reality... "Forward... I know... know what I heard. Know what they kept whispering...even if none of you except her could've heard it, I know..."
  11. From what I can tell...we're still kicking. barely. I know for an absolute fact that Jory and Dobby, Exlink, Murdoc, and myself are still around, somewhere... Right now, I think we're honestly just stuck in that ethereal plain in-between life and death, limbo...we're like strudinger's cat. Fates unknown until the box is opened... Eh, either way, I'll give it a few more days to see if anyone else pops up from the woodwork to join our little party of survivors, if not, then I'll just say screw it and go ahead and get something up
  12. It feels like we're missing quite a few people though... like really, everytime I just go and read through this thread. Lately it seems like less than even half our old number has been active... looks like folks might've just uped and mysteriously dissapeared like it's a bad horror game or something. Not that there's something wrong, I guess, it can be expected and all with summer vacation starting in some places and...well, vacations and such. Still though... feels strangely off for some reason... Like something just ain't right around here.
  13. Fuck it. I'm back, kiddos.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fumble
    3. Maelstrom


      Do I know you??

    4. Vinny


      But you see, you call me kiddo, but am actually squiddo.

  14. well... I would, but... I think it's best I just wait a while at the moment and let some of those who haven't been around in the IC for a while to pop up again.
  15. OH... didn't see that somehow. must've had a bit of derp while I was reading XD Lols, sorry...
  16. Just out of curiosity: How far ahead is the day of the finals set? (As in actual number of days from where we were before the skip)
  17. would anyone be kind enough to spare 300 rupies? Many thanks in advance, friends.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, I already did it funnily enough XD>


    1. Sutoratosu


      Mother fuckers at direct tv took away mah game of thrones...

    2. Sutoratosu


      And DON'T tell me to just "Watch it online", cause it ain't that simple, and there's a greater principle that's involved here...

  19. Arya said nothing. Her mind was made up, and even despite the other girl's obvious disappointment, for once she couldn't let herself be swayed by a bleeding heart... though it was easier said than done. "I-" The elevator doors opened the moment she did decide to open up. Arya looked back and forth between the massive floor beyond and Lyre. "I'll see about it, alright?" And without anything else, she stepped out of the small cabin, and into the presumably vast reaches of the library's first floor...
  20. I still have no idea whatever happened to Supernovae...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      I know. He told me the exact same thing in my own RP which he was involved in.

      What's always kinda bothered me is the fact that days actually ended up extending into... a good five months or so...

      it just makes one wonder...

    3. Guzam


      He's got to be out there somewhere. Find him :3

    4. Sutoratosu


      eh...nah... I got my own shit to deal with so, so... I'ma have to pass.

      (Damn, Stratos... you a cold bastard.)

  21. oh... and before I forget... Let me just leave this up here for my fellow Grand Bishops.
  22. No, don't think so... I'll get to it tomorrow.... or today... however time works after the stroke of midnight's majesty.
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