Alright, got anohter update... and god damn, feels like I've been mono-logging here for a good while...
But yeah. just to let it be known, development on this right now is going... slower than slow, it's creeping along, but just barely.
Moving on to the main point of this post though, recently, I've been paying a bit more attention to the anime than I usually do... I haven't been watching that peice of shit, mind you, just been thinking about it... and If you saw my latest status rant, you probably know how that turned out; I realized what I beleive the core of the reason why things have just gone... aweful in recent years for the anime (If it can honestly still even be called that compared to some other animes out nowadays... more like a cartoon honestly, seeing as the major defining trait of all animes is that they have an at least semi-coherrent, continuing story line in which events in one episode have some direct effect on the one directly following it and so on and so forth, without any breaks of fillers in between to break up the story line. So yes, It can't even be called an anime because of the shit it pulls, which I pointed out in my status.)
Now, then, when this rp started, we had one mission, right? Make things actually make sense- it was the reason why we fought so hard against using the magna or the anime as canon and pretty much only took any reference from the games and whatnot... and that mission kinda got muddled half way through with me both over thinking how the world works and under think how things outta be in this type of setting- but that's beside the point. That mission, even though this is getting a... well, no... I can't honestly say I'm even revamping this anymore... but either way, that mission doesn't just die because the attempt died.
So... I'm here to tell you Surge story isn't getting a direct redo. I'm quiting here and expanding the concepts and various other. I know what I said, and I'm sorry I had to drop this on you guys... but it's only because I think that there might be something that can do better justice than what we had going with the whole Kanto war theory.
Basically... this is what's gonna happen. Everything I've said so far about new systems, Cores, Power Points, Pokemon being weaponry used for an invasion... all of that, it's still gonna be used, but it's gonna be incorporated and merged together in such a way that it works seamlessly.
What I am going to do, what this has all inspired me to do... is ask the question: what if pokemon had a legitimate anime for itself? Not a cartoon, because if you fucking go and look at what it has now, it ain't an anime... it's a cartoon. the story is not coherrant, doesn't chain together from one generation to another... just... it's a fucking saturday morning cartoon.
An Anime however, from common traits observed over several modern ones, have some ultimate plot and ending that is constantly being worked towards, and every episode, though some may vary in degree, contributes to this effort in some way. Ash ketchum wants to be a pokemon master- fine, that's fine for an ultimate goal and a basis for an anime, but it doesn't work out. Why? because Ash is constently reset in his goal; he takes two steps forward, then at the beginning of each new journey, he is nerfed completely and set three steps back, losing not only his team, but also the strength of his team... and even all the fucking skill and experience he gained on the last set of travels.
So...what if? What if pokemon had a legitamate anime that had an overarching, ultimate plot and ending, where there were no filler episodes that could be removed completely and still would have no effect on the story line? Well... you don't have to ask, cause I've decided that's what I'm going to do. I am going to use the experiences and things learned from surge story to serve as a basis for an RP that will serve... as a legitimate script for a hypothetical anime for the pokemon franchise. And that's what is currently being worked on now with the assets salvaged from surge story- that is going to be surge story's legacy, the thing it gives rise to from it's ashes... because the mission isn't over, even with Surge gone.
There's a lot going on right now, but what I can give you is a basic time line for how everything fits together, it might change as it gets further developed, but this is the rough base of everything...
And... there you have it. like I said, all the mechanics will be in there, but I feel I've done a pretty damn good job so far of piecing things together in a way that still makes sense... what do ya'll think?
And another few things:
Like we had going already, In this setting, pokemon and people alike can and will die.
The whole Core Strength and power point system will still be used, but I have changed the move layout. Pokemon will now be allowed to only use any move from their complete moveset, however the limitations of the core strength system still exist. As a result, the clause which allows any pokemon to use any normal type move is now null and void
Some figures from various leagues may be desynched chronologically- for example: The current head of the Kanto League of japan is Lance, however, surge is no longer a gym leader, instead his place is filled by someone else due to the fact that Surge has been dead for literally decades, long before comp battles even began.
winning the league no longer gets you the position of champion. In fact, no one ever wins any league matches unless the league official lets them, which they constantly do. In other words- The strength of Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and the Champion is all highly downplayed by the fact that they all handicap themselves by intentionally using teams assembled from their least powerful partners. If they fought at full strength however... there would be no way in hell an average trainer would even come close to victory. ((Basically, these individuals are the cream of the crop, extremely powerful and extremely skilled, just like their partners.))
Winning leagues allows you to enter your name and credentials into the Hall of Fame still, though you don't become champion. The DDA actually uses the data in the Hall of Fame for... employment purposes and opportunities to be offered to those who make it there.
The minimum age to be registered as a Drone Trainer is 18, not fucking 10. You start traveling around on your own at age 10, and you get to visit Social Services for a few years and your mommy and daddy get to go to jail for child neglect. You CAN, however, receive probationary registration and begin a journey at age 16 so long as you are accompanied by a legal adult on your quest.
The story will be set in 2285, 60 years after the reforms. Players (You guys) will be starting out as newly registered Trainers at the age of 18...
I will probably make an interest check for this very soon... since most of the stuff is together with this.