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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Found her face... think it fits rather well.

    1. Sutoratosu


      eyes are the wrong color, should be a glacier blue, but eh... everything else is fine.

  2. He's asking for what to do if the PCs involved all belong to the same player though (IE, if I were to have Brantyn fight Azauqyar... again.) Well so far, you just go on and do it, from what I can gather. Both the characters involved are yours, hence... no real need to come to an agreement with yourself. just decide how the fight is going to go and write it up. Basically like I did with the confrontation between Brantyn v Freya (Brantyn got his ass kicked via giga drain and fled) and then Brantyn v Sebastian (Brantyn got his ass kicked via Psychic, was crippled in one arm, and fled)
  3. It's going to be at least saturday or so till can actually get anything up. too much work IRL at the moment is kinda hindering me from most RPs right now
  4. Well then... Who stills needs a partner? Cuase I guess I'm free.
  5. -Senpai(The thing that no one should ever, EVER call Hukuna Sensei if they want to live.) There we go, figured I would toss that in there XD Anyways, I got a note on a minor appearance detail for Arya since with ANKL back up, I kinda need to further differentiate between the two versions. She has white hair, cut in a short and hastily done style (IE, like it was done via a knife or other such implement)
  6. Holy shit... I pass out for a few hours, and this is what happens... Well eh, Still here, I guess... kinda wierd though, cause now I have 2 Aryas, technically speaking XD Though... guess it should be ok given that the original is always better does not have that one teensy issue regarding... and... other stuff in their past (Since this version... legit has no backstory or personal history at all. She aint got no past, docta XD) so yeah...kinda sad though... I find I like the newer version I made better than the original... eh, go figure. moving on though, I kinda got no idea what the hell is going on with her partner situation though. Who was I talking to last IC about it? Think it was rusty, but...
  7. Alright, well... school started being a dick and whatnot and my workload got heavy, but after this week is over... I will be able to resume this (And finally make that god damn edit...) sorry about the pause there without any word. but yeah, next week, we can get locked and loaded once more Anyways, I need a head count, whose still with me in this? (don't feel bad if you answer no... I can always use this world for a CW and private works)
  8. well... been reading a while, and while I do enjoy me some Persona series... Yeah, pretty much everyone else above has already pointed out everything. The work load would be freaking massive, and like dobby said, it wouldn't be an easy task, but then again hosting in and of itself isn't an easy task either, but when you want to pile on a major, ambitious project like this here aws your first go at it... Yeah, I'm sorry, but nothing but tears and tension are gonna arise like it is, I gotta warn you bro... Quite honestly, in my opinion, this really isn't even something a single person should be attempting on their own, not when it comes to tangling with the beast of intricacies and mechanics and depth and such that is Persona; you'd need a group of very strong, very experienced writers and GMs just to get everything set up and worked out well enough to the point where it could have some actual quality, and that's just with dividing the overall workload among them all and having people focus on certain parts, and even then... it would still likely be tough going. Now, I'm not trying to be that dick who crushes dreams or anything, but... someone does need to warn you about what you would most likely be getting into here, as a few others already have. I would love to see a Persona RP on here, honestly, I would... but... I also don't want to see someone have to make the same mistake I did and get too ambitious though. I tried to soar too high once with one of my very early RPs and crashed hard because of it, and i kinda don't want to see that repeated on these forums if I can help others avoid the same early misteps. Trust me man... please, don't make an Icarus mistake here. ya Gotta take baby steps, not soaring leaps... soaring leaps come later.
  9. Think I'm pretty interested. Might play a cocky human ranger, perhaps a guy whose a bit of a joker. Maybe one of the conjurer archetypes That and I just want to see dobby play another serious character, lols XD The last one I saw was Darius, afterall...
  10. On Rules: Well, most of the major rules have already been suggested, so I just add something on for the whole "Vulgarities/ Swearing", like Acquie talked about above http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrecisionFStrike In general, post should follow the standard described in the article above. Using strategically placed curses in order to add weight to a sentence's impact or it's emotion should be fine, however swearing simply for the sake of swearing is a no go. Basically, it should be acceptable so long as people don't go slinging about vulgarities every other word. Also, since I didn't see it: -No Excessive Gore or Explicitly Sexual Content (IE, don't go overboard) On a Template: -A basic OOC thread should consist of a minimum of two original post, all made by the host in immediate succession. While yes, this constitute double posting, it has been done in the past and has at certain points proved far more effective than simply trying to cram everything into a single post (As many are unaware, there is infact a word limit to a post), as well as keep it far more organized. These two post should be organized as follows: Post 1: The actual topic post of the thread to which all else is anchored -in this post, the basics and the most crucial pieces of information on the RP; information on the world, the mechanics of the story and game, a prologue/ exposition or a general explanation, as well as character sign up templates relevant to said RP should all be included, generally with the crucial data coming first as priority, starting with an opening/ welcoming message/ explaination, followed by the exposition to give a glimpse of the plot, followed by information on the world itself such as maps, descriptions of nations, factions, major political forces, etc, followed by information pertaining to the mechanics and other relevant information, and finally closed by a character sign up template and description for sign up templates. Post 2: The secondary post- Characters -In general, the second post should be utilized for information pertaining to those accepted Player Characters in the RP, and, if te host has not done so in Post 1, information on host controlled characters also. It is highly advisable to copy Player Character Profiles into this post and hide them underneath spoilers with the Character's name, followed by the controlling player, bolded outside, as this will keep things organized and the information can be readily available to any onlookers. Host generated characters should be done in a similar fashion, however a very obvious and clear differentiation should be made between the sections detailing host characters and player characters This is just a very basic guideline however, as it only details the two most crucial aspects of an RP, the world and plot itself and the Characters, host and player made alike. Post 2, for the sake of uniformiality and ease of location, should be made immediately after Post 1 is made; relax, you do not have to put any information into Post 2 at the time of it's posting, you can simply enter the text [Reserved for Accepted Player Character sheets] or something to that effect If any additional post are needed, for additional information on mechanics, things not covered in the first post, etcetera, it is advisable for the host to, immediately after posting Post#1 &2 of the thread, to post these additional "Reserved" post as well. Examples of a multi tiered post OOC include: (Though they may not follow the exact template described, they still illustrate the basic concept very well) Pokemon Acadamey's OOC- Created by Chimchain Exodus: Beyond Eden(Defunct) and Exodus2: The Sons of Hope (Currently on stand by until the author's time frees up)- Created by Stratos
  11. Well, not quite as flowing or even "Good" as I had hoped, but eh, at this point I'm so far behind that it'll do decently enough to just get her in there for an intro.
  12. Packing had been no trouble at all for Arya. Her bag was light on her shoulder, All she had bothered to carry was the bare essentials and a few sentimentals effects she couldn't bring herself to just leave behind. Even though she had done it, here she was... but despite all it's glamour and it's magnificence, Arya wasn't as impressed by the Hope Complex as she had felt she would've been the night before. "Forget about her? But...how? After all of this, after...everything. How can I just...?" there was little time for thinking when the lanyards were handed out and the debreifing started, though Arya honestly was only half listening the entire time. And lo and behold, the moment it was over, it seemed like all the other girls had rushed off before she could even blink... at least they were excited about all this. Still... she might as well go get settled before anyone started claiming territory. "She couldn't have meant it... honestly, she couldn't. It must've been a joke or something..." "Oh, sorry..." She said, noticing there were already two other girls in the elevator as she stepped through the door, one with a head of blue hair and the other looking more like she was ready for a jog than starting a career... not that Arya would know anything about that, though. She couldn't help but notice how the athletic looking one didn't seem like she was too comfortable inside the small cabin for some reason... "Um...mind if I tag a ride up with you?"
  13. "No, I'm afraid I don't..." Faust answered the man, taking off his glasses in preparation. Already though, he could feel himself dreading how this would probably go down in the end. In a quick flash of violet and the crackle of a few sparks, his hair took on the same electric blue hue as had before, his pupils blazing like twin suns. "But my name is Johannes Faust, and I'm here due to an... urgent matter I felt would best be reported immediately. Not long ago, while conducting an investigation into the recent spike in suicide rates, I witnessed an... Anomaly in a certain beast that could prove to cause rather drastic implications somewhere down the road..." He kept his eyes fixed on the employee as he released the transformation, hair fading back to it's normal blonde hue, though all the optic luminescence did was dim a bit...
  14. Drop and give me twenty for that comparison, soldier. Lols, I've honestly never bothered to see digimon. But no... it won't be like that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_(James_Patterson_novel) The basic concept of what will occur in the story is a lot like that in the book whose wikipedia article I have linked above. Mons won't be able to talk or speak english (Except for a select few such as psychics, and even then it'll only be through telepathy), but nevertheless will have a way to communicate with one another and orchestrate themselves into an effort to pretty much wipe out the human race. Why this is happening, how to stop it, and basically everything else... well, you will have to figure that out on your own. And I'll be throwing in a few elements of survival and breaking up some of the Military unit theme throughout... Basically, you gonna start out as a unit... but then I'ma start fucking with you guys a little and things will take off in the story from that point of exposition And I won't actually be participating in it with you all... just controlling NPCs (Including deciding the outcomes of any orders given to PC owned mons through a system of mechanics) and enemies and events and various other things in the world around you. In addition, due to the circumstances of the plot and exposition, you will be restricted to a single, major partner who will be referred to as your "ace"... who must also accompany you everywhere until a certain point where Capsules are finally engineered.
  15. @Dobbs: I'm guessing you want me to respond for the nurse, right? Eh...guess It's time I find a name for her... seeing as how this probably isn't going to be the last time I'll use her anyway in this chapter (Considering the cripple and all...)
  16. Nothing. That was all Mareek could say once he put down the old scrap of paper on the table. Complete and absolute nothing. Here it was, all in black and white... literally everything he had ever wondered, everything no one had ever been able to tell him... all from the pen of a single man. Literally, painfully literally, the very thing he could've used back when the man had actually died. And only now was he even seeing it. "Dad... then that voice I heard out there...Don't give up, don't give in..." "Why?" He asked suddenly. Alexandra seemed to have been expecting the question. "I didn't hold this from you on purpose, Maari..." She said sincerely, shaking her head as she let out a sigh. "The man hid this along with a lot of other things, like that pokeball there, in a lock box under the floor boards... and never said a single thing about it to me. I don't know why, but... he just..." "To protect you..." Mareek whispered. "He didn't tell you for the same reason he told whatever lie he told Galen that made him leave and isolated himself from me..." "Are you ready to actually calm down and listen to me now?" Mareek thought about it for a moment. This was probably exactly what his father had been talking about. This is precisely what he had been warning mareek about; Life... he was trying to tell him that it was all one big series of dusks and dawns. Both in the skies and in people's hearts. There was nothing anyone could do about it to change that. Nothing at all... But people weren't supposed to just be helpless to the cycle. Not at all. "There is no night in this world that can last forever..." He nodded, looking into her eyes. He could feel something he hadn't in a while begin to surge through him again. "I... I am." "Then send out Nemo." Annnnnd... there it went. just as soon as the spark had been reignited, the flame had died and smoldered into nothing. "N-nemo?" Mareek shoke his head, placing a hand over the capsule as if trying to shield it... much to his own surprise. "After that?" "Yes, after that." Alexandra's eyes hardened... Mareek felt something different run through him. Something all too familiar. "Do it. There shouldn't be any issue right now- the moment has passed and Mars is standing right here." "But... if you're wrong, and mars has to-" "Look, damn it!" She suddenly lunched forward, slamming her hands on the glass surface as her eyes burned into Mareek's, so close he instinctively forced himself backwards into the cushions. Just as he knew would happen... the change to hard to miss. Alexandra seemed to calm herself though, pulling away as she took a steadying breath. "If you don't do this..." She managed, voice tense as she took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Then you'll be running from this forever... you'll be stuck in this one night for the rest of your life because you're running away from the dawn instead of towards it. And your father's words would've been absolutely wasted on you." She lowered her hand, still trying to steady as she turned her gaze back to him, cold dark blue pupils just like his own. "What did I try to teach you, Mareek? Ever since it happened? Every. Single. Day." There was silence again. Then Mareek looked up at her. "You don't run from your problems." And off came Nemo's ball, torn from his belt, sent into the air in a burst of white...
  17. The Surge...will rise again
  18. I'll see about getting an intro up tommorow... this kinda worked out well though since I'd rather have Arya arrive show up last anyway.
  19. Damn... been a while. Well, anyways...been busy with irl stuff, but haven't forgotten about this. This is the main theme for the spiritual succesor to Surge Story. To give a hint of the overall theme and atmosphere of the story... the opening parts of the song is meant to refer to GAOs and look what I found... a better explained theory of what this whole thing was based off of when I started it over a year ago... All and all, currently this is fixing up to be a straight Sci-fi Horror genre. Humans will be fighting GAOs who have somehow organized themselves into coherant fighting forces... basically it's going to be two sentient races vying for supremacy over the planet. And I might choose to implement an Ace system in which everyone is allowed one main partner who pretty much is permenant and life linked, all others would be substitutes or what not... I'll have to work on it, but just wanted to let you all know that this has not been forgotten. Also... this. I'ma be putting them to some actual use...
  20. Calm your fears, young padawan... for soon, the days of summer will come and the shit that has been heaped atop your Co-host plate will be gone... And then, then... oh sweet lordy... y'all got no idea. That and the fact that it's attracted attention mostly because... well, it's just different from anything else on here... which is the sole reason it's even survived past the first stages of it's operation (cause there were quite a few kinks, let me tell you...). And if it makes you feel better, another Mystery Dungeon RP was attempted... and it kinda fell flat and didn't get off the ground.
  21. Outside the Peace Keeper HQ "A beast that ran away..." Faust thought as he strode towards a particular building in the distance. He had let go of his transformation the moment he was far enough away to know no one was going to bother shooting him down, now once again clad in the mediocre attire he had accustomed himself to as a vagrant. The annoying draft of wind on his back as he walked served as a reminder that he still had a massive tear in the garment... but right now that was far from a priority. "Have to admit, it's the first I've heard of it...if I had known the damn thing was smart enough to use them to actually flee, I might've said something to those fools back there about it...oh well..." He sighed as he got closer to his faction's Head Quarters. God knows what type of response he would get when he brought this to the attention of higher ups... hopefully they wouldn't demand proof... because he had nada. But he knew damn well that how it would most likely play out would be that no one would be willing to believe such a thing without evidence. And even besides that, if those bunch of nutjobs in the Preservers got wind of this thing...which they probably would somehow... There was little use for hope. Without a single word, he made his way to the entrance... ((@Murdoc, I'm assuming you'll describe the building and interior and what not))
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